On the second day of Li Yuan's marriage with Da Huangzi, Ying was the core staff around him. At the moment, he was sitting in Yingshi's study, and the atmosphere in the room was very depressed. Whether he was the winner or he ye, the chief think-tank who was sitting in front of him, Yuan's face was iron blue, while the faces of several generals sitting under him showed some signs of happiness and joy.

"Waste! It's a waste! " Win is a look of indignation at Yuan Po in front of him, "even a useless man can't see, and people have been running for so many days to get the news! What's the use of me in raising you With that, she seemed to have no way to get rid of her hatred. She immediately picked up a teacup from her side and threw it on Yuan Po's body. She did not dare to dodge. She could only watch the teacup smash on her forehead and was immediately smashed to pieces.

After Yuan Po was hit, he dared to move. He knelt down in front of Yingshi, and bowed his head and said, "the end will be incompetent. Please punish your highness!" To be able to win is such a treatment, but still no complaints, it can be seen that Yuan Po is really loyal to win. But yuan Po's loyalty was unable to get the understanding of Yingshi. Yingshi didn't seem to be relieved. He even thought of kicking him in the past.

However, he Ye stopped winning at once, and said, "Your Highness, please don't be angry! Now how to punish yuan Po is useless! It's better to think about how to remedy it He Ye's painstaking efforts, at last, played a certain role. The winner snorted heavily, then turned back to his seat and sat back angrily.

Finally won is to persuade to go down, sitting in he Ye side of a general is a little dissatisfied, said: "remedy? How to remedy it? Narayan is not an ordinary person, but a serious official of the imperial court! We imprisoned him for such a long time without permission. We not only tortured him, but also killed all his family in front of him! Now Luo Yan is running away. When Luo Yan's master comes to the emperor, the consequences will be great! "

The general's name was Qian Lu. He was a member of the early generals who took refuge in Yingshi. Although he was tactful, his skill was not as good as that of Yuan Po, and he was always oppressed by him. Now it's hard to see that Yuan Po has made a mistake. Where can I miss this opportunity? Of course, I would like to take the opportunity to suppress him. I wish yuan Po would fall out of favor. That's the best!

Hearing Qian Lu's words, he Ye couldn't help but stare at him. He managed to persuade him to win, but Qian Lu didn't make it clear that he was bad again? Seeing he Ye's eyes, Qian Lu immediately shut his mouth and didn't dare to speak. He also knew himself. If he said that Yuan Po was overthrown, he would still have hope. However, it would be totally impossible to overthrow he ye with his skill. He Ye is not only very intelligent, but also ruthless. He opposes him and is killed by him.

However, it's too late for him to shut up now. Qian Lu's words are to hook up the fire that has just been suppressed to win. Who is the master behind Luo Yan? Of course, it is very clear to win. It is with this third younger brother that his achievements accumulated in the past will be gradually forgotten by others. The real means to win are much better than winning. If Luo Yan really runs back to Yingzhen, he will be caught by Yingzhen, and then he will be in trouble!

Think of here, win is a belly of fire, coldly stare at Yuan Po who is still kneeling on the ground, and says: "get out of here! Get a hundred army staff by yourself! Not killed and come back! " The ruthless victory was directly punished by Yuan Po, but he didn't say anything about his feelings. How can you remember the hard work yuan Po made to him before? He really responded to the old saying: "the most merciless emperor's house!"

He ye knew that it was too late for him to persuade him. He could only watch yuan Po turn around and get the punishment. He Ye sighed. Even if yuan broke his body and bones again, he Ye sighed. Even if he had not died, he would have lost half his life. He could not get up for at least three or four months. Shaking his head, he Ye didn't care about yuan broken. He directly said to Ying: "Your Highness! Now it seems that things are not so bad! Naluo Yan has been missing for so many days, but so far, there is no response! According to my subordinates, this Luo Yan should not have gone to the third prince yet! "

Win is to listen to he Ye's statement, but in front of a bright, can't help nodding, if so, he can really be relieved. But then, Yingshi frowned again and asked, "but if Luo Yan doesn't go back to Yingzhen, where can he go? After all, he didn't come to Biancheng for a long time. As a dog, where can he go if he doesn't come back to his master? "

Dogs? He ye heard the description of "win is", but his face is a little ugly. Although winning is not talking about himself, but I'm afraid that in the heart of winning yes, there is no difference between them and dogs! He Ye couldn't help sighing to himself, but he continued: "Your Highness, according to my subordinates' view, Nala Yan has been forced to ask about the secret for the past year. I'm afraid that he is also worried about the third prince, so even if he escapes, he will not return to the third prince. But in Bian City, besides the third prince, he is not nowhere to goSeeing that win was intrigued by his own words, he ye did not wait for him to ask questions, and then continued: "Luo Yan is Luo Tianhan's confidant and has been following Luo Tianhan's side all the time. Up to now, most of the subordinates who followed Luo Tianhan in the first World War of Jingnan city have died. In addition to Luo Yan, there are two people, both of whom are in Biancheng at present! One of them is Wang Ye, the son of the Wang family. However, the Wang family has always been very loyal to the third prince. Luo Yan certainly does not dare to join Wang Ye! The other is Li Yuanhe, who is now in the limelight! I heard that it was Luo Yan who recommended Li Yuanhe from a white Ding. Luo Yan was very grateful to Li Yuanhe! And Li Yuanhe's time to join the third prince is also short, so his subordinates think that since Luo Yan has not returned to the third prince, he must have been there! "

"Li Yuanhe!" Win is to hear the name, then immediately hate the root itch. At the beginning, it was yuan Po who failed to ambush Wang. At first, he thought it was Wang who also did it. Later, he found out that it was Li Yuanhe and his army that broke his good deeds. Now listen to he ye say so, this Luo Yan also is very likely to run to Li Yuanhe there, that is to Li Yuanhe is more and more hate.

See win is the expression, he ye can't help but sigh to himself, this is the biggest shortcoming of winning, that is, the mind is too small, can not contain things! For a general like Li Yuanhe, who has risen rapidly, as a winner relying on military merits, he should first think about taking Li Yuanhe back to the account. But winning is to grasp that little friction, has been looking for Li Yuanhe trouble. Yesterday, Li Yuan and the big marriage, the other princes sent gifts, the third prince also personally became Li Yuanhe's matchmaker. However, instead of giving a gift, he asked yuan Po to bring people to Li Yuanhe to make trouble. Isn't this increasing the contradiction with Li Yuanhe?

It's a pity that he Ye couldn't persuade him to win at this point. He could only watch the win, which was to offend Li Yuan and such a general with arms and horses. However, as a subordinate, he Ye is not good at expressing his master's fault. He ye can only make up for the consequences caused by this and minimize the harm.

"Your Highness! It's just a possibility! " Seeing win, he seemed to turn his anger to Li Yuanhe. He was afraid that he would come up with some wrong ideas to cause trouble. He Ye was busy to shift the topic. "Luo Yan has been tortured by us, and he is very weak. Maybe he has died on the road before he returns to Biancheng. That's not necessarily true!"

He ye said that this possibility is already the best result. Of course, it can't make the winner feel at ease. He just kept muttering, but he didn't know what he was saying. At this time, another general sitting behind Qian Lu said, "Your Highness! Mr. He! I don't think it's time to investigate where Luo Yan went. What we should find out is how Luo Yan escaped! When my subordinates went to catch Luo Yan, they had already cut off Luo Yan's hands and tendons! Logically speaking, Luo Yan is simply unable to get rid of those ropes and escape from the secret village! However, his subordinates carefully checked those ropes, which were obviously broken by strong force. It can be seen that Luo Yan's escape this time is not an accident. Someone should help him escape! "

This general is Lu Jue, the son of wailang Luhe of Biancheng military department. Luhe can be said to be one of the few senior officials who have turned to win Shi. Lu Jue has learned a good martial arts since he was a child, and has only returned to Biancheng in recent years. As soon as he arrived in Biancheng, he was recommended by his father to win. In addition, the capture of Luo Yan a year ago was a great achievement. He stopped Luo Yan, who was about to commit suicide by raising his sword, with a flying knife. Therefore, he was given great importance.

However, Lu Jue's words made people all dumbfounded. He ye took a look at Lu Jue with a little deep meaning. It was not that Lu Jue's words were wrong, but Lu Jue's opinion was too correct. As a general, he not only has such a good skill, but also has such a careful mind. If this person wins in reverse, it is a very difficult enemy!