Immediately, he Ye left the idea behind, and he could not help laughing bitterly to himself. It seems that the recent events have made him too sensitive. Lu Jue is honest and honest in winning, and his father is also loyal to win. Where can he have any other ideas. When he even smiles at Lu Jue, he nods to win and says, "what general Lu said is very true! This time, Luo Yan escaped. Obviously, someone in the secret manor deliberately let him go. Otherwise, even if Luo Yan was not injured, he would not have escaped from the heavily guarded secret manor. "

Lu Jue said this before, but he didn't believe in winning. After all, Lu Jue has good martial arts, but when it comes to mind, he has not seen how to win. However, he Ye is his most trusted counsellor. He has said so, so we have to believe in winning. This secret manor is not an ordinary manor, but Ying is a base specially set up in the suburb of Bian city. It not only imprisons many prisoners who Ying is secretly detained, but also wins is a private army specially prepared.

As has been said before, in the post Qin state, private recruitment of armed forces is actually against the law of the post Qin state. And winning is the identity of being the prince, which is even more special. If the present emperor wins Yan to know that winning is not to say that he is going to ascend the throne, he will immediately put on a hat of conspiracy, and he will not even want to save his life.

But the reason why he still dare to know the law and violate the law in the past is that he holds that this secret village has done a good job in keeping secrets, and it is impossible for others to know. But if there were spies in the secret villa, it would have happened. So, no matter how careless it is to win, you know the importance of it. The face of the instant winner changed and asked, "Mr. He! How likely is it that there are spies in the secret villa? "

He Ye pondered for a moment, but said, "it's hard to say for the time being. However, according to the analysis just made by general Lu, there is a great possibility of spies in the village! However, when selecting the staff in the villa, his highness and general yuan selected them together. It should not be a problem! However, no matter what, the security of this secret villa is no longer guaranteed! I suggest that all personnel in the secret villa be transferred immediately! And check the personnel in the secret village one by one! "

Winning is already flustered. Listening to he Ye's suggestion, he immediately nodded in favor and said, "follow the way of your husband! Lu Jue! Just now that you can put forward this suggestion, you can see that you are careful, and this matter will be left to you! Remember! It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let go of one! I must find out the spies in the village! " When he said the last few words, Ying Shi's face was chilly and murderous. Listening to his voice, it seemed that even if he killed all the people in the secret villa, he didn't care.

After that, he got up from the chair and took his life. He Ye nodded with satisfaction when he saw that Lu Jue had just left. He knew that Lu Jue was going to be a bloody storm in the secret village. He ye even suspects that Lu Jue suddenly mentioned that there might be spies in the secret village just now, in order to receive this task. However, he Ye has no sympathy for the people who are going to be killed in the secret village. Instead, he Ye appreciates Lu Jue's way of doing things. It seems that he is not alone in winning. At least Lu Jue is a good helper!

After dealing with the affairs of the secret village for a while, he Ye bowed his head and thought about it, and then said, "Your Highness, we can't be sure that Luo Yan went to Li Yuanhe. If we rush to find Li Yuanhe's trouble, maybe we'll make a fuss! So my highness thinks, your highness is better to try him! If Li Yuanhe knows the whereabouts of Luo Yan, he will know it at a try! "

"Try? How to try it? " Win is to he Ye's suggestion, but can't feel his head, can only look at he ye with confusion, waiting for him to give himself a clear explanation.

Just as soon as his eyes turned, he Ye already had an idea in his heart. With a smile, he said, "I have already got the news before. Since Luo Yan was arrested by us, Li Yuanhe asked his men to inquire about Luo Yan's news. Even if he was preparing for a big wedding some time ago, this matter has never been put down, so this trial technique can be started from here! "

With that, he ye put his head close to Ying yes's ear and whispered a few words. Listening to Yingshi, he was constantly placing his head, and his eyes began to shine slowly. However, Qian Lu, who was sitting on the side, did not know what he Ye was saying. He could only sit there foolishly and make a smile at winning.

Ten days later, Li Yuanhe, who had just been married, finished his wedding leave and began to resume his peaceful life. But for Luo Yan's death, Li Yuanhe didn't show any flaws on the surface, although he had consulted Kong Ling afterwards. But Kong Ling couldn't give a good answer for this matter. After all, there are too few clues they can grasp now. Even though Kong Ling is clever, he can't figure out why. Therefore, Li Yuanhe can only pretend that nothing has happened. Kong Ling reminds Li Yuanhe that Qian Laojiu has not stopped his men from searching for Luo Yan. At least, he has to pretend that he has not found Luo Yan's whereabouts.Li Yuanhe used to be very comfortable during this period. During the day, he trained soldiers in the barracks. He learned a lot from Li Rui about handling military affairs that he had not learned from the old man before. And in the evening, they are at home and Gu lianniang are very affectionate and have a good time. This also let Li Yuanhe gradually put aside because of Luo Yan's death, brought about by the mood of anger.

However, the news that followed disrupted Li Yuanhe's peaceful life. On this day, Li Yuanhe had been dealing with military affairs in his own military account. With him are Li Rui and Cheng Hu. They are huddling together on the map to study the layout of the training. At this time, a crisp voice rings from outside the camp.

"General! Captain Qian, please see you What she said was Li Ping'er, who had been dressed up as a man. Since the end of Li Yuan's marriage with Li Ping'er, she had been asked to continue to return to Li yuan'er and serve as a family soldier. So up to now, Li Yuanhe's close personal soldiers are Li pinger and Yan Ze. However, the dress of Li Ping's children on that day was so different from their usual appearance that even Yan Ze didn't recognize that the beautiful woman beside Gu lianniang was Li Ping who hooked up with him every day! Yan Ze such a day and night to get along with people can not recognize, then other soldiers naturally more impossible to recognize.

Li pinger, who had not attended the wedding banquet many times, said that Li pinger had not attended the wedding banquet many times. But Li pinger, seeing Yan Ze's intoxicated appearance, couldn't help laughing to himself, but he didn't tell the truth. Instead, he pretended to be regretful.

Hearing Li pinger's report, Li Yuanhe raised his head and waved to Li Ping'er, indicating that she would let the other party in. Qian Xiaowei in Li Ping'er's mouth is Qian Laojiu, Li Yuanhe's confidant. When he came back from the last Southern expedition, all the officers and men in the vanguard army of the southern expedition were rewarded, including Cheng Hu and others. Cheng Hu has officially become a general, while others have also upgraded their ranks. Although Qian Laojiu is not good at fighting, he is experienced in dealing with affairs. Therefore, Li Yuanhe has hired a captain for him, which is second only to Cheng Hu.

Immediately, Qian Laojiu immediately walked into the army tent and said hello to Li Yuan and his hands. Li Yuanhe is also pondering over Li Rui's military training array. He doesn't pay much attention to Qian Laojiu. He just waves his hand to indicate that Qian Laojiu doesn't need to be polite, but his eyes are still firmly fixed on the map and reluctant to let go.

Although Qian Laojiu stood up, he still kept the posture of holding fists with both hands. He bowed his head to Li Yuanhe and said, "general! I have something important to report to the general! " With that, Qian Laojiu immediately closed his mouth, but he didn't go on.

Li Yuanhe didn't care much, but looked at the map with his chin in one hand, waiting for Qian Laojiu to continue. But after waiting for a long time, he did not wait for the following. He raised his head and looked at Qian Laojiu strangely. However, seeing Qian Laojiu's appearance, he looked at himself and Li Rui on one side, and then stopped talking. Li Yuanhe didn't know the meaning of Bai Qian Lao Jiu. Li Rui was not a fool. Without waiting for Li Yuanhe's orders, he took the initiative to stand up and say to Li Yuanhe, "general! At the end of the day, there are still some military affairs to deal with, so I'm going to leave first! "

"Good! Li Junxue, go to work! " During this period of time, Li Yuanhe was very satisfied with the talent recommended by Kong Ling. He was simply a talent of a general. To tell the truth, Li Yuanhe felt that he was inferior to himself, which was a bit of a talent. Therefore, Li Yuanhe always treats Li Rui with great respect, but for all that, Li Rui's time with him is too short to be called his confidant. Since Qian Laojiu has already said so, it shows that what Qian Laojiu wants to report is absolutely not an ordinary thing, which is not suitable for Li Rui to know.

After Li Rui left the army account and did not wait for Li Yuanhe to ask questions, Qian Laojiu said eagerly to Li Yuanhe: "general! Something strange happened! I'll tell you as soon as I get the news! "