"Strange thing?" Li Yuanhe could see from Qian Laojiu's face that this matter was absolutely unusual. He was immediately intrigued, tilted his head and motioned for Qian Laojiu to sit down. Then he turned around and walked to another seat, ready to sit down and listen carefully to Qian Laojiu.

Qian Laojiu did not wait for Li Yuanhe to sit down. He took a step and chased Li Yuanhe and said, "general! Previously, according to the general's last order, I called back the brother who was exploring Lord Luo's whereabouts, but one brother who came back yesterday brought back a message from Jingnan city! It was found in nanluo city that the whereabouts were found! "

"What!" Li Yuanhe, who was still calm, stopped immediately, turned directly to face Qian Laojiu and asked in shock. This can not blame Li Yuanhe's gaffe. After all, he just saw Luo Yan's body ten days ago, and now there is Luo Yan's whereabouts. If Li Yuanhe hadn't seen it with his own eyes, I'm afraid he would have doubted whether Luo Yan was really dead. Li Yuanhe couldn't help but confirm again: "are you sure you heard this news correctly? Did you really find the whereabouts of brother Luo? "

"It's absolutely right. The brother who brought this news back from Jingnan city followed Lord Luo and knew him very well. He is sure that the man he saw in Jingnan city is Lord Luo! " Qian Laojiu said with great certainty that he seemed to have great trust in the subordinate who sent back the news.

Li Yuanhe was very upset. Ten days ago, the corpse of Luo Yan would never be a fake. Qian Laojiu and Xu Liansheng had personally examined this. Since the corpse of Luo Yan is not fake, the one that appears in Jingnan city must be fake. Otherwise, there will be two absurd things about Luoyan? Moreover, it can deceive people who are very familiar with Luo Yan. It can be seen that the fake Luoyan is not just like that. Someone must have deliberately disguised as Luo Yan.

And the question is, who on earth, and for what purpose do they pretend to be Luo Yan at this time? First of all, Li Yuanhe thought that this must be the murderer who killed Luo Yan. But when I turned my head, I couldn't figure out why the murderer wanted to do such a thing? Just to lead myself to Jingnan city? Or do you want to explore your attitude?

Li Yuanhe suddenly flashed a flash of light in his head. He must have fallen in the eyes of many people who wanted to look for Luo Yan. Maybe it was the murderer who pretended to be Luo Yan to test himself in order to detect whether he knew Luo Yan was dead! The more Li Yuanhe thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very great. Ten days ago, his own order made those people who were searching for Luo Yan's news stop searching. Maybe he had already started to scare the snake!

Li Yuanhe could not help but blame himself for his carelessness. He had been looking for Luo Yan's whereabouts, and suddenly stopped searching. It was not obvious that he told the murderer that he already knew Luo Yan's whereabouts? Immediately, Li Yuanhe immediately raised his head and said to Qian Laojiu, "Lao Qian! You immediately order to go down, let those brothers below all go out again, start to search the whereabouts of brother Luo again, remember, never tell those brothers that we have found the body of brother Luo! also! Immediately send a team of people to the south of Beijing, pretending to search and let others see the flaw! "

Qian Laojiu is also confused. Isn't Luo Yan dead? Why are you looking for it again? However, doubts return to doubt, but for Li Yuanhe's orders, Qian Laojiu still unconditionally obeys. Even if it's Li Yuanhe, he turns to go. But Li Yuanhe looked at Qian Laojiu and turned around like this, but he didn't know why. He always felt uneasy in his heart, as if he had made a big mistake. Immediately, he called out: "Lao Qian, you wait first!"

Qian Laojiu was just about to get out of the camp. When Li Yuanhe called him, he had to turn around and turn back. He was even more confused. He had been following Li Yuanhe for some time, but he had never seen Li Yuanhe so hesitant. Li Yuanhe frowned, but he kept murmuring in his heart. According to his own analysis, the whole thing should be like this. Even if he guessed wrong, he would spend some manpower at most, and there was no loss to himself? But do not know why, in their own heart, always feel blocked flustered, as if they have missed something.

Seeing that Li Yuanhe was so hesitant, Qian Laojiu tried to clasp Li Yuanhe and say, "general! If it is difficult to make a decision on this matter, it is better to let his subordinates go down and ask Mr. Kong to come and give advice to the general? " Qian Laojiu said this but cautiously. After all, this sentence is a little disrespectful to Li Yuanhe. If Li Yuanhe is more sensitive, isn't it obvious that Li Yuanhe is not as clever as Kong Ling?

Fortunately, Li Yuanhe was not the kind of person who could not listen to the advice. After hearing Qian Laojiu's proposal, Li Yuanhe's eyes lit up, patted his forehead, and said, "yes! How can I forget him! Come on! Go to the official residence and ask him to come! Just say I have something important to discuss with him! "

Seeing that Li Yuanhe was not angry, Qian Laojiu secretly wiped a cold sweat. Even when he paid homage to Li Yuanhe, he said, "here Even if he turned around and drilled out of the camp, he went to the official residence in the city to look for Kong Ling!

Although Qian Laojiu is a big old man, he is still very quick in handling affairs. Before it is time for three incense sticks, Qian Laojiu invited Kong Ling to come here. This time, Li Yuanhe and Li pinger had already said hello to Li pinger. Qian Laojiu and Kong Ling went straight into the camp, and Li pinger left the gate of the camp with Yan Ze according to Li Yuan and his previous orders, and left for Li Yuanhe.After entering the camp, Kong Ling said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "big brother! What's the matter? I'm in such a hurry to find my younger brother! Explain it first! If you still want to arrange a blind date for my younger brother, I will leave with my sleeves! " After Li Yuan and his big marriage last time, Kong Ling's uncle Kong De was so excited that he wanted to arrange the marriage for him. However, Kong Ling disagreed with him, so he asked Li Yuanhe to persuade him.

However, Li Yuanhe failed to persuade him. Finally, Li Yuanhe gave Kong De a bad idea, that is to find a good target for Kong Ling first, and then invite a good matchmaker. When everything is ready, he will find an excuse to deceive Kong Ling to a certain place and ask her parents to marry her. If she agrees, she will propose again. Although the order of doing this is a bit disordered, it will be too late even for Kong Ling to regret. In ten days, Kong De and Li Yuan he arranged three or four blind dates for Kong Ling. However, Kong Ling was smart. Every time he saw something wrong, he didn't cooperate with Li Yuanhe and Kong De and went to see the woman's parents. In this way, Li Yuanhe's method would not work.

Hearing Kong Ling mention this matter, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I said second brother! You're old enough! It's time to find the right girl! As the saying goes, if you start a family and start a business, you can start a career only if you have a family! You look like this, don't say it's me. Even Lord Kong is looking at you anxiously! " Li Yuanhe was right in this sentence. Kong De had no children. He was a descendant of Kong Ling. He regarded Kong Ling as his own son. Kong De was old, so he was eager to have a grandson.

Kong Ling, however, looked like a sluggard. He picked up his eyebrows and said, "big brother! If you really come to me for this matter, I really want to go! I have a lot to do in my official residence! " Kong Ling then pretended to be very busy and got up to go out.

Busy? Busy fart! Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing and scolding himself. He didn't have anything to do at ordinary times in the Hubu department. At most, he calculated the accounts. Those important things could not be taken part in by his novice. With his exquisite heart, it was easy. Therefore, Kong Ling usually went to the official residence to report his arrival, and then he wandered around. In the daytime, he often went to drink flower wine in the firework willow lane. Even if he stayed in the official residence, he was still sleeping.

However, his mention reminded Li Yuanhe of his purpose of inviting Kong Ling to come. He immediately got up and grabbed Kong Ling and told the whole thing. He has already told Kong Ling about Luo Yan's death, so now he only tells him about the news from Jingnan city and his own judgment. Then Li Yuanhe was waiting to hear what Kong Ling said to see if he agreed with his view or if he had other suggestions.

After listening to Li Yuanhe's narration, Kong Ling also slowly put away his previous frivolous attitude, frowned, returned to his seat and began to bow his head to think. Li Yuanhe was not in a hurry. He told Qian Laojiu to sit in his seat and wait. Anyway, the matter was not in a hurry. At this moment and a half, it was the most important for Kong Ling to think clearly.

After a long time, Kong Ling's face finally relaxed. He gave a long sigh of relief, looked up at Li Yuanhe, and said with a smile, "brother! Fortunately you didn't do what you said! Otherwise, it must be the other party's plan! However, the person who made this plan is really powerful. Even if I didn't pay attention to it for a while, maybe I would be hit by the other party's move! "

Listening to Kong Ling's remark, Li Yuanhe didn't feel any displeasure because he was caught in a trap. Instead, he asked curiously, "second brother, do you think this is the plan made by others? What kind of strategy is that? I just thought there was something wrong with it, but I didn't want to understand the joints