At the moment, in a large forest about dozens of miles east of Bian City, there is a legend among the local population. That is, in this forest, it used to be used by the Nanman people to sacrifice to their ancestors, and there was a fixed item every year, that is, the living sacrifice.

According to legend, the living sacrifice of the southern barbarians is to prepare a pair of boy and girl and a pair of adult men and women. First, they put that pair of adult men and women on the sacrificial platform, and cut their skin with a knife to make their blood flow out continuously. According to the southern barbarians, this is to attract the souls of their ancestors with their blood. And this process takes seven days and seven nights. As long as the wounds on the adult men and women are healed, the guards will cut a new wound with a knife. Of course, the scale of the wound should be well controlled. It should not flow too fast or too much, so that the adult male and female can persist until seven days and seven nights.

On the eighth day, the sacrifice would cut their throats directly with a knife and release their souls for their ancestors to enjoy. Then the boy and girl will be ready to put on the altar in a big pot, set up a bonfire, directly cook the two boys and girls. After the sacrifice, the boy and girl were naturally roasted to death, and then the sacrificial staff and the leader of the southern barbarian tribe would share the meat of the two boys and girls, which is said to share the power of their ancestors in the body.

Of course, this is only a legend. As for whether it is true, it is impossible to verify. There was indeed a tribe of Southern barbarians living near the outskirts of Biancheng. However, when Ying Yan and Luo Tianhan occupied Bian city with their troops, they had already killed the tribe of the southern barbarians, and none of them survived.

However, this legend is widely spread among the villages around this forest, and the more it spreads, the more evil it becomes. Some people even say that when passing through this forest, you can hear the howling sound in the forest. And these wails are the painful cries of those adult men and women who were used for sacrifice when they were cut again and again with a knife, which has been handed down to this day. Some people, however, heard the cries of children from the woods, but it was the cry of the boys and girls who were sacrificed when they were cooked.

In short, these rumors can be said to be spread in this forest, and it is becoming more and more intense. As a result, the people around me dare not enter the forest, or even dare to pass by it. Of course, it's not that the bold and curious people want to sneak in to find out, but after they enter, no one has seen them come out again. In this way, the legend about this forest is even more terrifying. People are telling that the ghosts of the adult men and women, boys and girls who were killed by sacrifice were all left in the forest. They were sold out and killed by their own people. Therefore, they have resentment and hatred, and they have no mercy on strangers.

However, this legend is convenient for some people with ulterior motives. It is said that there is a courtyard in the middle of the forest that they don't need to protect. Even if some passers-by get lost and break into this place by chance, the open hillock and secret sentry around the house will take the first step to eliminate them.

Today, however, in this house, there is a continuous sound of shrill screams. These screams are faintly transmitted to the villages outside the woods through the woods, but they are scared to death. They all retreated into their own homes, worshipped their Bodhisattvas and gods, and begged those evil spirits not to seek revenge on them.

However, in the courtyard, it is really like a hell of a scene, everywhere are extremely miserable corpses, everyone is open eyes, full of fear, pain, we can imagine what kind of torture they suffered before they died. In addition to these dead people, there are also some people in black walking back and forth in the courtyard. They have big knives that have been dyed red by blood. Not only are the knives, but their faces, clothes and hands are all covered with blood. Even their eyes are dyed red by blood.

In addition to these people in black, there are also a number of people, they are all kneeling on the ground, everyone's hands, feet and neck are heavily shackled. And on their faces, they were all covered with bruises of whips, cuts by sharp weapons, and even pieces of marks that had been burned with iron. They are also suffering from all kinds of torture at the moment. Those people in black sometimes ask questions, then cut them with their knives, and finally cut their heads off with one knife.

In the innermost part of the house, in a room that looks like a study, a young man in black armour is sitting on a chair with a book in his hand and reading it carefully. At the moment, the screams from the door and the window did not affect the young man's interest in the books in his hand. What made the young man interested in such books was a very ordinary history book.

When the young man slowly saw more than half of the book, a man in black came quickly from the door. But the face of the man in black was not as fierce as he had just been outside. On the contrary, he walked into the study carefully. After seeing the young man, his face was even more nervous. He clasped his fist at the young man and called out, "general..."The man in black just said two words. He saw that the young man suddenly frowned. The man in black was shocked. He was about to explain what he was about to say. He just threw his other hand. Immediately, a silver light flew out of his hand and hit the man in black as fast as lightning. He could see that the man in black screamed miserably, but suddenly there was a small flying knife in his hand. The throwing knife is only a finger wide, and the whole blade is less than three inches. At the moment, two thirds of the blade has penetrated into the palm of the man in black, directly piercing his palm.

He was hurt so much, but the man in black just couldn't help but let out a short cry of pain. Then he bit his teeth and closed his mouth to prevent him from making any noise. Although his face turned pale because of pain, and there was still a cold sweat on his forehead, but he pinched his injured palm with his hand, trying to reduce the amount of blood from the wound, while he was half kneeling on the ground and did not dare to do any other actions.

After flying out of the flying knife, the young man did not speak, but continued to look at his own history book. After half a column of incense, he finally finished reading the book. When he finished the last page, the young man breathed a long sigh of relief, but his face was full of satisfaction. He said with a smile, "book is really a good thing! History books, in particular, can tell us the mistakes made by our predecessors, so that we will not make the same mistakes! "

After that, the young man turned his head and looked at the man in black who still didn't dare to make a sound. He said with a smile, "in my opinion, you need to have a good look at history books! I remember I once said, when I read a book, no one should disturb me! However, this is the first time you made a mistake, I will forgive you this time, you should remember, never make the same mistake again! Do you understand? "

"The villain knows the crime! The villain must bear in mind the general's instruction, and he will never do it again in the future! " Although he could open his mouth, the man in black still had to hold back the cry of pain in his throat and drank to the young man in a dull voice. Because the wound had shed too much blood, his face became extremely pale. It was almost the same as a piece of white paper. However, the young man did not let him get up, but he did not dare to get up, let alone bandage the wound.

But for the pain of the man in black, the young man seemed to turn a blind eye to it, and said slowly, "go ahead! What's the gain? "

The man in black tried to endure the pain and reported to the young man what led to his pain: "report back to the general! Except for some people who were not in the secret village during that time, the villains and a cadre have tortured the whole staff of the secret village. Others have not admitted that they are spies. Now many people have been unable to withstand the punishment and passed out many times! "

The young man couldn't help but snorted and laughed coldly, and said, "still no one admits it? Of course not! Who will voluntarily admit that he is a spy? You continue to torture, even if they are not spies, you can also get some clues from their mouths. As long as there are clues, it will be easier to identify the spies! Don't let go of the people you just mentioned who were not in the secret villa before. All of them will be punished to me! "

Hearing the young man's words, the man in black couldn't help shivering. Although he usually thought he was cruel and cruel, he was really in a small league with his boss. However, he did not dare to have any opinions, but forced to endure the pain in his hands and said: "villain, take orders!"

"All right The young man waved his hand at will and said to the man in Black: "let's just say that. You go down first. If there is any result, please inform me again."