With the words of the young man, the man in black quickly worshipped him and turned away. Of course, the first thing he had to do was not to carry out the orders of the young man, but to find someone to bandage his wound immediately. If the wound lasted for a long time, his hand might be disabled. For people like him, if the hand is disabled, it will lose its use, and can only face the end of being abandoned by the master.

However, the young man did not care whether the man in black had carried out his orders at once. Instead, after the man in black left, he turned and walked to the bookshelf. He slowly reached out a hand and glided slowly through the middle row of books on the shelf. Finally, he picked one of the books and pressed it on the spine of the book. Instead, he pressed it inside.

Then, there was a mechanical crash, but the whole bookshelf began to move slowly like the side, revealing a dark door that only one person could pass through. And the young man is a smile, straight into the door, and then, the bookshelf in the young man entered, and slowly moved back to its original position.

After the young man entered the door, there was a very narrow passage inside. The whole passage was spiral and continued to extend downward. It looked as if it was about ten feet high. Although the outside light can't shine in, there are many torches hanging on the wall. With these torches, the passage can still be bright as day.

The young man raised the hem of his robe and walked slowly down the passage. When he reached the other end of the passage, it was still a dark iron door. The young man stretched out his hand and beat the iron door regularly for five times. The iron door was immediately opened with a squeak. Inside the iron gate stood a bareheaded man with bare upper body and strong muscles. When the bald man saw the young man, the fierce expression on his face disappeared. Instead, he bowed to the young man with a bow.

The young man just nodded and walked directly into the iron gate. As he passed by the bald man, he asked slowly, "how about it? Did he do it? " However, the young man did not wait for the other party to answer the meaning, is still toward the front. In front of him, although it was also a passage, the two sides were not just the same walls, but cells. However, there were no prisoners in these cells. Except for the bloodstains and rust stains left on the railings in Shanghai, these cells were all empty.

The bald man quickly followed the young man and said respectfully, "general! That kid's mouth is too hard! The villain has run out of tools of torture, but this guy is not willing to speak! Villain, villain, there is no other way At the end of the day, the bald man hesitated, as if he was afraid of the young man half his size.

The young man snorted coldly: "rubbish!" On these two words, but let the bald man behind him can't help but beat a shiver. While the young man continued to walk forward, after passing through a passage, he turned to his right hand and lowered his head through a small door only half height. But after drilling through the small door, it is a big square room.

The room was the size of an ordinary conference hall, but the whole room was still very crowded because it was filled with all kinds of instruments of torture. These instruments of torture are so varied that they are beyond people's imagination. It is hard to imagine the consequences of these instruments if they are imposed on people. But on these instruments of torture, there is a unified feature, that is, all of them are dyed dark red by blood.

In the middle of the room, there was a big fork shaped stake, on which hung a tall man. But now none of the man's body is in good condition. There are even several long iron nails nailed to the stake. If he has any action, he can only feel the pain of his muscles being rubbed by iron nails.

The young man and the bald man entered the room. The young man walked to the stake with a smile and said to the man who was being tortured: "deacon Wang! What about? Can you think about the taste of this time? "

After hearing the words of the young man, the young man raised his head and said: "the young man looked down at the young man for a moment! I've said it many times! I have always been loyal to your highness. Why don't you believe me? I, I, I want to see general yuan! I want to see your highness

"Tut! Tut! Tut! Tut The young man shook his head and said, "deacon Wang, I don't think you understand it up to now. I came here under the orders of your highness! I'm not here to hear your explanation, I'm going to hear your confession! If deacon Wang is still so stubborn, don't blame Lu for his impoliteness! "

This young man is no one else. It is Lu Jue who came to this secret villa ten days ago to investigate the spy on the order of the eldest prince Yingshi! And everything is just like he Ye guessed that day. Although Lu Jue is young, his means are extremely bloody. The first thing he did when he went to the secret village was to arrest all the people in the secret village and torture them. In this short period of ten days, more than half of the people could not eat because of torture. They either died or were beaten to death.The man in front of Lu Jue, who is called deacon Wang, is the person in charge who was sent to the secret village before winning, and is called Wang Shun. Although his surname is Wang, he has no relationship with the Wang family of Bian Cheng. Otherwise, he would not have been entrusted with an important task? However, Lu Jue didn't think much about it. After obtaining confessions from many people, Lu Jue turned his attention to Wang Shun, who was locked up in the secret interrogation room and tortured him daily.

Wang Shun was also an orphan on the battlefield. He was rescued and raised by Yuan Po. He was loyal to Yingshi and Yuan Po. Now he was shut up by Lu Jue for no reason, and he suffered so many crimes. He was a spy of the Wang family of Bian city. How could Wang Shun admit that he was a spy of the Wang family in Bian city? As a result, after ten days, he became what he is now.

After listening to Lu Jue's words, Wang Shun knew that Lu Jue was determined to treat him as a spy. A trace of bitterness appeared in his eyes and said to Lu Jue, "general Lu! In the end, where did Wang Mou offend you? Do you want to frame Wang Mou like this? Wang Mou and your Father Lord Lu also had a lot of friendship at that time! Can't you hold your hand high and let Wang's life go? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lu Jue laughs, but he raises his hand towards his back. The bald man standing behind him immediately turns around and leaves the room, and closes the small door on his own initiative. In this way, only Wang Shun and he were left in the room. Lu Jue walked to Wang Shun with a smile and leaned down in Wang Shun's ear and said a few words.

After listening to Lu Jue's words, Wang Shun's face suddenly changed. His eyes were staring at Lu Jue. He looked at Lu Jue in horror and asked, "general Lu! This matter Wang Mou really does not know! General Lu, you must believe me! Even if you beat me to death, I can't tell what I don't know

Lu Jue's face did not change at all. He slowly stood up, narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Shun. He said with a smile, "deacon Wang, I don't ask for much. As long as you can tell me the whole story of this matter, I can guarantee you a way to live. Even if you can no longer serve under your highness, I will give you a sum of money to ensure that you can be a carefree rich man in other places! What about? Even if you've worked your life under your Highness's account, you won't have a better end than this! "

Wang Shun said with a bitter face: "general Lu, this is not really that I don't want to say, but about this matter. Only Mr. He and general yuan know about this matter. I'm just a small deacon. How can I be qualified to know such an important thing? General Lu! You must believe me

"Ah!" Lu Jue sighed a long sigh, turned around, but walked to a nearby brazier, picked up the asbestos gloves on the chair and put them on slowly. Then he picked up a long soldering iron in the brazier, turned around and walked to Wang Shun. He slowly placed the iron in front of Wang Shun. Wang Shun could even feel the high temperature coming from the iron, and his face changed again and again. This is not the first time that he has tasted the iron these days. The pain can make him faint immediately every time.

Lu Jue said with a smile, "deacon Wang, it's not that I don't want to believe you, but you can't treat me as an idiot, can you? If I'm not sure, how could I ask you about it? So, Deacon Wang, I advise you to be honest. At least you can be free from the pain of skin and flesh, right? " At the moment, although Lu Jue's face was full of smiles, it fell into Wang Shun's eyes. The smile was hidden in a series of murders, which made him shudder.

Lu Jue stretched his hand forward without any hesitation. All of a sudden, the hot iron was directly printed on Wang Shun's left eye. For a moment, the sound of screams mixed. The burnt smell filled the room for a long time.