Although Qi Huang suffered such a heavy blow, the angry Liang Yun did not intend to let go of Qi Huang. He took a big step forward, swung the golden gourd hammer and hit Qi Huang who fell on the ground. The momentum was that he would not give up until he was smashed into meat cakes. Fortunately, Qi Huang was still awake despite the pain in his arm. When he saw the hammer fall towards him, he immediately rolled on the spot and rolled over from the ground. This was the fatal blow he had to avoid.

Turning his head and looking at the big hole hit by the golden gourd hammer on the ground, Qi Huang's back burst out a layer of cold sweat. If he was hit, his life would be explained here! Qi Huang is also an ordinary man. He is afraid of death, not to mention the miserable way of being smashed into meat sauce. At present, Qi Huang did not care about the sharp pain in his arm. He quickly got up from the ground, holding the mace in one hand, ready to meet Liang Yun's next attack.

While Liang Yun, with a gloomy face, was ready to rush forward to solve Qi Huang. Suddenly, a clear sound of gold came from behind the army outside the city. This surprised Liang Yun. He had just focused on fighting Qi Huang, but he did not pay attention to the situation around him. When he heard the sound of Ming Jin, he thought something had happened, which made the Shu army retreat. He turned his head in a hurry and looked at both sides. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Huang also stepped back several steps and ran out of Liang Yun's attack range. Now he is not the opponent of Liang Yun in any case. He doesn't want to die in vain.

But Liang Yun looked at the war situation on the left and right, which was to put his heart down. It turned out that it was not that the Shu army was defeated, but that it had been attacking the city for too long. Unconsciously, the sky became a little dark. If we continue to fight, we will have to fight at night. However, the battle at the head of the city is still in a stalemate state. If it enters the night battle, it will be very unfavorable for the attacking side. Moreover, Yingbei didn't intend to take Danube in one day, so he ordered to withdraw in time.

Turning around and looking at Qi Huang who has already retreated, Liang Yun is really not reconciled. As long as he is given more time, he is sure to shoot Qi Huang to death. But now Qi Huang has already retired. Liang Yun can't win Qi Huang for a while if he wants to kill him. What's more, what he respected most in his life was his elder brother, Yingbei. Now Yingbei ordered to withdraw his troops, but he did not dare to disobey. Liang Yun could only reach out and wipe off the blood stains on his face and said to Qi Huang, "boy! Good luck to you

With that, Liang Yun swept away the garrison soldiers who were standing by the women's wall, and slid down the ladder with the soldiers of the Shu army who rushed to the head of the city. Liang Yun's ferocity has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the garrison officers and men. Seeing Liang Yun retreat, those soldiers are only relieved, but no one dares to pursue them.

The Shu army on and off the city wall retreated like the tide, leaving only bones and bones all over the ground. Liang Yun, who had already retreated to the wall, took the reins from his soldiers, turned his head and said to He Yi, who had been guarding him all the time! Why do you call us back at this time! If I wait for the first half of the incense, I will be able to kill him

He Yi was surprised to see the scar on Liang Yun's face. However, in order not to stimulate Liang Yun, He Yi held back and said with a smile: "it's getting dark. If we continue to fight like this, our army will lose too much! Elder brother should hope to reduce the loss of officers and soldiers? Second brother, you don't have to worry too much. There is still time

"Hum!" Xu Shujun retreated and looked at the city with a heavy look. And He Yi is also familiar with his second brother's temperament. He just smiles and follows Liang Yun's back to the camp.

At the end of the city, looking at the retreating army of Shu, Qi Huang leaned against the wall with a pale face. He was relieved. Not only he, but also the garrison soldiers at the head of the city, whether they were the defenders of the southern barbarian kingdom or those of the post Qin vanguard army brought by Qi Huang, all fell to the ground in disorder. This time, Qi Juan did not blame them for this. After all, they had just experienced a bitter battle. However, he did not think that the battle was over. On the contrary, the battle was just beginning. Thinking of this, chihuan could not help looking to the East, expecting the army to arrive earlier. Now he has no confidence to hold on to Danube.

At this time, as Qi Huang's hope to win his army, but also encountered trouble. According to the march route made by Yingqi before, Li Yuanhe led his troops to attack Danube city. From the watchtower to Danube City, however, he had to go through a vast forest. The reason why Li Yuanhe dared to cross this forest was because he got the map temporarily. Relying on the map to find a path, this is safe through the forest. Originally, according to Yingqi's plan, they were going to go to Danube city from this path, but now Yingqi and his army are wandering around the forest, afraid to enter.

The reason for this is that two days ago, when the army arrived at this forest, they found traces of Dachang army in this forest! Moreover, according to the scouts' report, the number of these Dachang troops is quite large, at least 120000. Although in terms of quantity, the post Qin army had the advantage, but now those Dachang troops were the first to occupy the entrance of the forest. With the protection of the forest, it brought many obstacles to the post Qin army.After seeing the posture of Dachang army, Li Yuanhe immediately admonished him that he could not attack by force. If we attack the Dachang army in this way, even if we can defeat the other side, the losses of the Qin army will be very huge. Winning Qi is not a fool. When Li Yuanhe reminds him of this, he immediately understands the mystery. Moreover, with the reminder of sun Shaoqing, his chief think-tank, he also understands that the purpose of Dachang army is to stop them from going to Danube city for rescue.

Although we have understood the other party's intention, we have no way to win it. These Dachang troops are just nestled in the forest. No matter how provocative the post Qin army was, they would not come out alive or dead. If they got close, they would have to eat the cold arrows they shot. Just for this point, the Qin army paid the price of two or three hundred people, which also annoyed him.

Looking at the forest in the distance, Li Yuan and Ning Mu pondered. Up to now, they have already delayed two days. If they delay further, Danube city will be really dangerous. Different from winning it, Li Yuanhe and the Yan family have a lot of friendship. Now Yan Ze, the successor of Yan family, is Li Yuanhe's close soldier! But this time Li Yuanhe didn't take Yanze with him and left him in Biancheng. Other than to say, in the face of Yan Ze, Li Yuanhe could not allow the Yan family to have an accident.

Although the tactics of Li Yuan and the villain army in the opposite side of the forest have been hit by some of the villains, they still have a headache. Besides, it is not far away from the territory of Dachang state. Half of the forest is within the territory of Dachang state. Li Yuanhe is sure that there is a transport team of Dachang state operating in the forest now!

What to do? Looking at the forest in front of him, Li Yuanhe began to worry. Now he missed Kong Ling very much. He believed that if Kong Ling was here at the moment, he would be able to come up with a wonderful plan with his wisdom. At this time, a soft voice sounded from behind him: "General Li is thinking about the strategy of breaking the enemy?"

"Eh?" When Li Yuanhe looked back, he saw sun Shaoqing, who had won his appointment as the leader of the army. However, sun Shaoqing was too thin to wear the heavy armor, so he still wore the black robe he had seen. He looked at Li Yuanhe with a smile on his face and said, "as far as I know, General Li used many brilliant strategies on his way to the south, I wonder if General Li has any way to defeat these Dachang troops this time? "

For this sun Shaoqing, I don't know why, Li Yuanhe always doesn't like him very much. Maybe it's because sun Shaoqing is too feminine. At his side, Li Yuanhe feels gloomy and uncomfortable. However, this is also the feeling of Li Yuanhe's heart. On the surface, Li Yuanhe certainly won't show it. He said to sun Shaoqing with a good laugh: "Mr. Sun is joking. Li is just a martial arts man. How can he come up with any strategies! The tactics of the last Southern expedition were all based on the collective wisdom of the subordinates! If it is said that Li may still have some skills, but to talk about this strategy, we need to rely on such a wise man as Mr. Sun! "

As for Li Yuanhe's praise, sun Shaoqing just smiles and slowly walks to Li Yuanhe's side. Looking at the forest in front of him, he sighs: "this move of Dachang army can be said to be very exquisite. As far as I know, Hu Xian, the general of Dachang army, is just a reckless man. He can't think of such a way! Does general Li have any idea about this? "

Listening to sun Shaoqing's question, Li Yuanhe couldn't help being stunned. During this period of time, Li Yuanhe just wanted to solve the deadlock, but he didn't think about it. Now, after careful consideration, Li Yuanhe once again sees the figure in gray armor in his heart. However, according to the previous information, Miao Fu is still in Sichuan city, and the general of Dachang is indeed Hu Xian! Is it possible that

Li Yuanhe suddenly had a flash of light in his head. He thought of a possibility. Could it be that the Dachang army arranged Hu Xian as a general of the army was a trap specially arranged by Miao Fu to make them take the Dachang army lightly?