At the thought that it might be a trap set by Miao Fu, Li Yuanhe could not help but shudder. Thinking about Miao Fu's means before, he could really make such a move. It suddenly dawned on Li Yuanhe that he wanted to attack Danube city this time. He was afraid that from the beginning, they were caught by Miao Fu's move, and they were led by Miao Fu by the nose step by step.

Seeing Li Yuanhe's face cloudy and sunny, sun Shaoqing still keeps smiling. In this regard, sun Shaoqing is very similar to Kong Ling, but I don't know if all the wise men are like this. Li Yuanhe is not in the mood to study this issue. He is just thinking about what to do if all this is the conspiracy of Miao Fu! But Sun Shaoqing said with a smile: "General Li, although I'm not talented, I have a little idea. I hope General Li can make a suggestion!"

Hearing sun Shaoqing's words, Li Yuanhe immediately turned his head and looked at Sun Shaoqing. Of course, he recognized the meaning of sun Shaoqing's words. Obviously, sun Shaoqing had come up with a way to deal with it. At this time, Li Yuanhe remembered that the man in front of him was the most trusted think tank to win it. If he had no skills, how could he win it?

Li Yuanhe didn't care that he didn't like sun Shaoqing any more. After all, it was a matter of life and death in Danube city. Li Yuanhe paid homage to sun Shaoqing and said, "Lord Sun! If you have a good plan, please make it clear! "

"No, no!" Sun Shaoqing stroked the beard on his chin, attached it to Li Yuanhe's ear with a smile and said a few words in a soft voice. After hearing this, Li Yuanhe's eyes lit up and his sad face was swept away with a trace of joy. After sun Shaoqing finished, Li Yuanhe turned his head and looked at Sun Shaoqing with surprise.

"Mr. Sun, this is a wonderful plan! Li, please After that, Li Yuanhe made a deep bow to sun Shaoqing with both hands clasping fists. However, sun Shaoqing quickly turned to his side and refused to accept Li Yuanhe's salutation. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and lifted Li Yuanhe to his feet with a smile. Looking at Sun Shaoqing's smiling face, Li Yuanhe thought in his heart that although sun Shaoqing is not very good-looking and his native place is unknown, judging from the strategy he has come up with, he is afraid that sun Shaoqing's wisdom will not be much worse than that of Zhou fan around Yingzhen. Such a character is actually serving at the side of Yingying. As generals under Yingzhen's account, sooner or later, both of them are enemies. Li Yuanhe has no confidence to win!

Sun Shaoqing just looked at Li Yuanhe with a smile, as if he had already guessed what Li Yuanhe was thinking. However, he said with deep meaning: "General Li! In the future, at least for now, we are all comrades in arms on the same front, aren't we? What's more, none of us can predict what will happen in the future. Why bother about the future? "

Li Yuanhe was shocked. Listening to sun Shaoqing's words, it seemed that there was something in his words, but Li Yuanhe couldn't see what he meant for a moment. Maybe sun Shaoqing's words are reasonable. Even if they will become enemies, it will be something in the future. At least now, they will fight side by side. After thinking it out, Li Yuanhe immediately laughed and clasped his fist at Sun Shaoqing and said, "what Mr. Sun said is reasonable! Go! Let's go to the fourth Prince's highness and report this plan to the palace! "

With that, Li Yuanhe simply grabbed sun Shaoqing's arm and walked towards the camp tent. Sun Shaoqing was a thin and weak scholar. He could not match Li Yuanhe's strength. Moreover, sun Shaoqing had a smile on his face, and he didn't seem to resist. He just let Li Yuanhe pull himself to the camp.

So another day passed. In the forest, Dachang army had set up a protective barrier on the most edge of the forest. Between the trees and the trees, they had specially built a baffle with iron chains and boards. The archers of Dachang army were all-weather behind the boards, ready to block the post Qin army close to the forest.

But behind this line of defense, the Dachang army cut down a large number of trees and built a simple camp. Originally, the Dachang army was ready to fight a protracted war with the latter Qin army. We can't live and sleep with the 120000 people every day, right? Although this simple camp looks a little crude, at least it can shelter from the wind and rain. It can also be regarded as a place for soldiers to rest.

In the middle of the camp, it was the largest camp. Needless to say, it was the one used by Hu Xian, commander-in-chief of the Dachang army. At the moment, Hu Xianzheng frowned, carefully pondering over the map placed in the middle of the army tent.

At first, everyone in the court thought that Miao Fu, the first general in Dachang, would be the commander in chief. However, Miao Fu took the initiative to let Hu Xian, a little-known general, take the responsibility. At a time when everyone thought that Miao Fu was crazy, Yu Wenqing, the head of the state of Dachang, went crazy with Miao Fu and directly agreed to Miao Fu's proposal. In this way, Hu Xian became the commander-in-chief of this important war from an ordinary general.

Hu Xian himself did not expect that it would be like this. He was under great pressure all the way. He couldn't sleep well all night. However, this time, Dachang kingdom was not preparing to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, as the outside world speculated. On the contrary, before the war, yuwenqing and Miao Fu both gave orders to take back Danube city!As a novice who has never directed a battle, this task can be said to be very huge. Although Miao Fu had already designed a strategy for Hu Xian before he set out, he only needed to follow his plan. But in Hu Xian's mind, he was still not at ease. Therefore, although everything is developing according to the process designed by Miao Fu in advance, Hu Xian still studies carefully to see if there are any loopholes.

"Newspaper --!" A quick cry was heard from outside the army tent, but it interrupted Hu Xian's thoughts, which made him angry. In the past, Hu Xian must have denounced the other party. However, he remembered that he was now the commander-in-chief of the first army. Moreover, Miao Fu had specially explained that he must keep calm at all times. Hu Xian was able to suppress his anger and let people outside the army's tent come in.

Hu Xian, the soldier who came in, recognized it. It was the scouts he arranged outside the defense line. Hu Xian frowned. It was midnight now. Why did the scouts come at this time? Is it possible that something happened in front of him? Thinking of this, Hu Xian can't help but burst out a cold sweat, the previous point of anger has not known where to go. "Why are you here?" Hu asked in a hurry? But what's going on ahead? "

The scoundrel was still calm. He knelt on his knees, clasped his fist at Hu Xian and said, "report back to general! The villain has just seen from the front that the rear Qin army outside the line of defense seems to be demolishing the camp, as if to retreat, so the villain dare not delay and rush to report to the general! "

"What?" Hu Xian looked at the scout in surprise. He couldn't believe his ears. Retreat? How is it possible to retreat? Didn't general Miao say that the enemy would never give up easily? It's only a few days. Why are the enemy retreating? Aren't they ready to rescue Danube? Immediately, Hu Xian was busy chasing the scouts and asked, "are you right? Is the enemy really going to retreat? "

Hu Xian asked this question, but the scouts hesitated about his own judgment and thought about it. Finally, he said, "well, villains are not sure, but it's true that the Qin army is demolishing the barracks. The villain can't be wrong if he sees it with his own eyes."

Hearing this, Hu Xian hesitated. After the Qin army demolished the camp, it meant that they would not stay here. If it is not for the retreat, will they be forced to attack? However, as long as the commander-in-chief of the Qin army is not a fool, he will never choose to do so. Although the number and combat ability of the post Qin Army soldiers are higher than those of the Dachang army, the position of the Dachang army now is too advantageous. Unless the post Qin army is prepared to fight against the Dachang army recklessly, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to break through the barrier set up by the Dachang army.

Since it is not a strong attack, it is the retreat analyzed by the scouts earlier? In this way, there are still some possibilities! Although Hu Xian didn't know what the future Qin army was like, since he couldn't make it, it would be better to abandon Danube city as a bachelor. After all, the daily supply of grain and grass for the Qin army after tens of thousands of years was also a problem.

This Hu first thought that the Qin army would retreat after all, and he could not help but be overjoyed. The big stone that had been pressed in his mind for so many days was finally relieved of a small mouth. If the latter Qin army retreats, then Hu Xian's task this time will be equal to more than half of the completion. Next, Hu Xian only needs to take the army to Danube city and take Danube city with the Shu army, and then the mission will be successfully completed. After completing this task, Hu Xian has made great contributions to Dachang. In the future, he will be promoted to the rank of Jue, which is just around the corner!

However, Hu Xian was not blindly credulous. He was appointed as the executor of this task by Miao Fu. The most important thing was that Hu Xian was careful. Immediately, Hu Xian said to the scout, "go ahead and continue to investigate. If the Qin army really retreats after that, don't withdraw the defense line, but send more people to check around. Make sure that the latter Qin army really retreats! After finding out, report back as soon as possible! " However, Hu Xian was worried that this was a trap set by the later Qin army. The purpose was to deceive Hu Xian to withdraw the defense line. Therefore, before everything was found out, he did not dare to take the army away easily.