Seeing that Ying Qi didn't mention the idea, sun Shaoqing continued to explain: "with this idea, I've been thinking about it. If the Dachang army knew that we were going to attack Zhangcheng, what would their reaction be? Therefore, I have a preliminary idea of this plan! "

"Er." Li Yuanhe couldn't help asking curiously, "Mr. Sun! So why do we have to make so many twists and turns in the middle? Why not make it clear that we are going to attack Zhangcheng, but pretend to withdraw our troops and return home, and then let the prisoner tell Hu Xian our plan to attack Zhangcheng? Isn't it unnecessary? " Li Yuanhe's question has just been said. The winner on one side also nods at the same time. Obviously, he has the same question.

As for Li Yuanhe's question, sun Shaoqing replied with a smile: "didn't you say that before? Nanman people are suspicious, and this Hu Xian is very cautious. He is ordered to stop us here. If a news is spread casually, how could he be easily deceived? The prisoner's attitude is too rigid. If we leave him, we can't get any useful information from him. We'd better let him make some contribution to the plan! I have heard before that Dachang has extremely strict requirements for leading generals. If it is not determined that they are loyal to Dachang, they will never be appointed generals! Therefore, Hu Xian may not believe what we have done, but if the prisoner tells him, he will not doubt it! "

Now Li Yuanhe also understood, nodded and said, "so Lord sun just came up with a plan. First, he made it look like he wanted to withdraw. Then Hu Xian would be puzzled by our behavior. Then the prisoner told Hu Xian that our army was going to attack Zhangcheng. In this way, Hu Xian would think that his judgment was correct, but he unconsciously stepped into the real trap of Lord Sun! "

Having said this, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but look up at Sun Shaoqing again. Although he looked thin and weak, Li Yuanhe had thought that his strategy was no inferior to Zhou fan's. Now it seems that he is as good as his righteous brother Kong Ling. As if aware of Li Yuanhe's eyes, sun Shaoqing also raised his head and looked at Li Yuanhe, but she didn't mind Li Yuanhe's staring at himself so directly, but she replied with a smile.

The winner didn't look back. Naturally, he didn't know the movements of the two people behind him. He just looked at the direction of Dachang army's departure before, and said hesitantly, "General Li! Shaoqing! Are we really going to let them go? This Dachang army looks like 20000 people at most. If we attack them from behind, we may be able to annihilate them all here! "

Sun Shaoqing turned his head and said with a smile, "Your Highness, don't forget the mission of our southern expedition. It's to help Danube city! Now we have been here for a long time, which is very unfavorable to our previous arrangement. If we attack the Dachang army again, I'm afraid it will delay more time. What's more, the Dachang army was cheated away by us this time. If we knew that we had been caught in a trap, and then we would fight hard against it, our army would have suffered some losses. "

Yingqi still trusts his own brain trust. Although he is still reluctant to hear sun Shaoqing's dissuasion, he doesn't say anything more. Immediately, to win is to turn the horse's head, follow the army into the forest, and start to march in the direction of Danube city. This road is not the first time that the Qin army marched forward, so it is far from being as careful as Li Yuanhe led the army last time, and the marching speed was also much faster. After Li Yuanhe and sun Shaoqing watched Yingqi go away, they looked at each other, and then Li Yuanhe made a gesture of invitation to sun Shaoqing, indicating that sun Shaoqing should go ahead.

Sun Shaoqing politely arched his hand at Li Yuanhe, and then drove his horse forward. Li Yuanhe looked at Sun Shaoqing's back, but the smile on his face slowly dissipated. Sun Shaoqing! Li Yuanhe couldn't help but read the name slowly in the bottom of his heart. Although they are still colleagues now, Li Yuanhe has a premonition that sooner or later, this person will become an enemy of his own!

Although sun Zhiyuan is not familiar with sun Zhiyuan, he will not win with him! Li Yuanhe has also experienced his personal charm. It is hard to imagine that sun Shaoqing would betray such a person in the future. But now the whole post Qin State knows that Li Yuanhe is a great general of the third prince Yingzhen. However, no matter whether you win the real or win the throne, they will be the powerful contenders in the future. I'm afraid that we will have to fight for the throne at that time.

"General!" After Li Yuan and the Wei brothers behind him, seeing Li Yuanhe suddenly standing here in a daze, he could not help but lean forward to shout. Li Yuanhe was called back to God by this sound, and then he began to laugh bitterly. Now Li Yuanhe thinks so much about the future. Sun Shaoqing is a counselor. At that time, it will not be a headache for him as a military general. There are many counsellors who win the real account.

Then Li Yuanhe shook his head vigorously, smiling at the Wei brothers who were looking after him and said, "OK! Let's go quickly! That is not far away from Zhangcheng. I believe that Hu Xian will soon find out that he has been caught in a trap, and he will surely catch up with him at that time! We must get to Danube before they catch up, and we must not be entangled by them After the command, Li Yuanhe swung his horse whip and drove his mount forward, while the Wei brothers followed closely. With Li Yuanhe's command, the Qin army accelerated its progress.Li Yuanhe's worry was not unreasonable, and it was quite prescient. It was less than four hours after the Qin army entered the forest. From the southern horizon, a black cloud rose. It was the Dachang army that had gone and returned.

That Hu Xian and Meng gang with the army have not arrived at Zhangcheng, they have realized that there is something wrong. This is because not all the places from the forest to Zhangcheng are barren. There are many small villages along the road. When Li Yuanhe first went south, he slaughtered the villagers in order to collect materials, which was the first village that Dachang army met.

When Hu Xian and Meng Gang arrived at Hu village with the army, Meng Gang couldn't help feeling. After the last Southern expedition of Li Yuanhe, this Hu Village made Li Yuanhe famous in Dachang. Of course, it's certainly not a good reputation. At first, Li Yuanhe slaughtered the Nanman people in Jiangcheng, which had little influence on the people of Dachang state. However, Hu village was the village of serious Nanman people. In one night, all the village except Hu Laoliu, who was released by Li pinger, was killed by Li Yuanhe. For a time, the title of Li Yuan and the butcher spread throughout the whole state of Dachang. As a general of Dachang, he hated and feared Li Yuanhe.

At that time, Meng gang had just taken refuge in Zhangcheng city. After being warned by Hu Laoliu, he was ordered to go to Hu village to see the bloody scene of the village. Therefore, Meng gang had a profound influence on Hu village. However, when he passed the entrance of Hu village with the army this time, he could not help but be surprised. He quickly stopped Hu Xian and let the army stop.

To Meng Gang's surprise, from the entrance of the village, there were many more people coming and going. Originally, this was not a strange thing. Since all the villagers in Hu village were killed, the cultivated land could not be abandoned. Therefore, Zhangcheng Chengshou quickly transferred a lot of people from other places and started the reconstruction work in Hu village. Therefore, it is not strange to see people in this Hu village. However, according to Meng Gang's previous information, the Qin army should have passed through this Hu Village and went to Zhangcheng! If the later Qin army passed by, Meng gang would not believe that these new villagers could still be so leisurely in the village!

Seeing this scene, after listening to Meng Gang's explanation, Hu Xian also felt that something was wrong. However, they did not dare to think about the worst situation. The new villagers in Nahu village had already seen so many army horses passing by, so they informed them to go up in the morning. In a short time, the new village head of Hu village came quickly with a group of villagers. How could they not recognize the army of Dachang state? They came to visit the general who led the army on behalf of Hu village.

Hu Xian and Meng Gang also happened to seize the village head and made a careful inquiry. As a result, the village head was confused and said that they had never seen any troops passing by Hu Village, let alone the army of the post Qin army. However, Hu Xian and Meng Gang asked this question, which made the villagers who moved here all pale. They know how the villagers of Hu Village died. Now the Qin army has come again. They are ready to go home and clean up. They'd better leave this dangerous place.

Hu Xian and Meng gang did not care what the villagers were thinking. They looked at each other with pale faces. At this time, they also understood that they were in a trap! Although this is not the only way to go to Zhangcheng, it is very unlikely that the post Qin army will attack Zhangcheng. Since the Qin army was going to attack Zhangcheng secretly, it would never abandon the nearest road. If there was no post Qin army on this road, there was only one possibility. After that, the Qin army never came to Zhangcheng! In other words, Hu Xianqian counted thousands of calculations, and finally he was defeated by the plan of the later Qin army to divert the tiger from the mountain. He abandoned the defense line and released the latter Qin army.