"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

The sound of gold sounded again outside the city. The soldiers in green armor retreated from the wall like the tide, leaving only one corpse. Qi Huang was relieved when he looked at the slowly retreating Shu army. However, he knew that today's battle was not over. It was only noon, and those Shu troops retreated just to have a meal and have a good rest. Looking at the situation this morning, it is estimated that the Shu army may want to attack again today and seize Danube city.

Looking around the city, Qi Huang can only express his feelings with helplessness. After these days of fighting, there are few defenders left in Danube city. Even the 5000 year old Qin vanguard army brought by him is also suffering heavy losses. Up to now, there are only less than 1000 defenders in the city. However, looking at the Shu army outside the city, the offensive of the Shu army in recent days is not tough. Therefore, the loss of the Shu army is not very serious. It is clear that it is to fight a war of attrition with the defenders. For this, Qi Huang couldn't think of it. Didn't he worry about the reinforcements of the Qin army coming?

Looking at the scream and howl at the head of the city, Qi Huang could only temporarily press down the incomprehension in his heart and begin to arrange the garrison at the head of the city to prepare for the next battle. At this time, only to hear the sound of "rubbing against" a group of people ran from the other end of the wall to the head of the city. Qi Huang turned his head, but his brow was not able to help wrinkling.

Qi Huang, of course, knew that it was Yan Duolun, the younger brother of Yan Duoqi, the current leader of Nanman kingdom. Yan Duoqi became the head of Nanman Kingdom, and Yan Duolun was also granted the title of Prince of Nanman state and took power. Since the first day Yan Duoqi was asked to leave the city by Qi Huang, from the next day on, Yan Duolun, as the representative of the southern barbarian Kingdom, coordinated with Qi Huang to command in the city. Originally, Yan Duoqi had a good intention. If he wanted Yan Duolun as the representative of Yan family to help improve the morale of the garrison at the head of the city, he could also help Qi Huang fight.

It's a pity that Yan Duolun didn't help Qi Huang when he arrived in the city. Instead, he was against Qi Huang everywhere. Yan Duolun has never taken soldiers to war before. Usually, he helps Yan duo manage his business. He doesn't know how to dispatch troops to fight. However, when Yan Duolun became the prince of the southern barbarian Kingdom, he was so arrogant that he insisted on showing his own ability. Therefore, Qi Huang is very disgusted with Yan Duolun. He just doesn't get angry because of Yan Duoqi's face. He usually sees him as if he doesn't exist.

Just now, the attack of the Shu army had already reached the head of the city. When Yan Duolun saw that the soldiers of the Shu army had been killed, he had run away for a long time. Now that the Shu army had withdrawn, he came back to the city again. He looked down upon such a man from the bottom of his heart, and naturally he would not have a good face to see him at the moment.

Yan Duolun went to the head of the city, but he put on the airs of a general. He swaggered across the city, and his nose almost rose to the sky. After walking around the city, he walked quickly to Qi Huang, frowned and said, "general Qi! Why did the soldiers of Nanman Kingdom suffer so much damage in this battle to repel the Shu army

Qi Huang glances at Yan Duolun, but ignores him at all. Most of the generals and soldiers in Nanman kingdom are new soldiers. How can their fighting quality be better than that of the generals and soldiers of the later Qin Dynasty in the south? Just after the Shu army had attacked the city head, there was a fierce white-edged war on the city head. The recruits of Nanman Kingdom suffered more natural damage than the soldiers of the Qin army. However, Qi Huang is also too lazy to explain with Yan Duolun. He knows that this is just an excuse for Yan Duolun's provocation. It is useless to say more.

Seeing that Qi Huang looked at him as if he had nothing to do with him, how could Yan Duolun, who thought highly of himself, could accept it? His face immediately became gloomy and said, "Qi Huang! You dog! How dare you despise this king? "

As soon as Yan Duolun's "Han dog" was said, Qi Huang suddenly turned around and looked at Yan Duolun. Not only Qi Huang, but all the soldiers of the post Qin Dynasty in the city were staring at Yan Duolun with cold eyes. Yan Duolun immediately felt cold all over his body. Although Qi Huang's left arm was broken by Liang Yun's golden gourd hammer in the battle with Liang Yun a few days ago. However, Qi Huang was just standing there with a mace in one hand, but his whole body exuded a strong murderous spirit. Yan Duolun could not bear such a strong murderous spirit. If he had not been supported by his own guards behind him, he would have been shocked by Qi Huang's murderous spirit.

Seeing Yan Duolun's embarrassed appearance, Qi Huang showed contempt on his face, slowly recovered his murderous spirit, and coldly hummed: "take care of your dog's mouth! Don't think that your prince's status is anything! To put it bluntly, it's just a dog of the post Qin state! The dog must do its duty well. Don't try to jump up and bite your master! "

It's not polite to say that Nang Lun can even be scolded by many people. This is also Qi Huang was infuriated by Yan Duolun's "Han dog". He also forgot the time and place for a while, so he swore out his mouth. Although he had just said this, Qi Huang himself had a little regret, but since he had already said it, and there was no regret for taking the medicine in the world, Qi Huang could not bear to admit that he had said it, so he turned his head directly and continued to set up the defense line at the head of the city.

Qi Huang does not want to pay attention to Yan Duolun, but Yan Duolun is angry at Qi Huang's words and turns blue. For a moment, he even forgot that he was scared by Qi Huang's murderous spirit and almost fell down. At that time, Yan Duolun pointed to Qi Huang and swore: "good, you Han dog! How dare you insult us Southern barbarians! Our city of Danube will suffer this kind of disaster, all because of you Han dogs! Today, I will avenge those Southern barbarians who died unjustly! Somebody! Catch all these dogs! Kill them and send them out of the city, and those Shu troops will naturally withdraw! "Yan Duolun's abacus was a thunderclap, but the problem was that no one followed his words. Qi Huang and the soldiers of the latter Qin Dynasty all looked at Yan Duolun with an idiot's eyes. The soldiers of the latter Qin Dynasty had always dominated the city. In addition, in recent days' fighting with the Shu army, the injuries of the officers and soldiers of Nanman kingdom were far more than those of the latter Qin army. Among the more than 1000 garrisons on the head of the city, only a few hundred were soldiers of the southern barbarian army, and all the rest were the post Qin army. Now Yan Duolun even wants to let these Nanman generals and men capture the rear Qin army. Isn't that a fool talking in his dream?

However, Yan Duolun's words completely angered Qi Huang. Qi Huang gave a cold smile and said, "I can't believe it! It turns out that you Southern barbarians still have such an idea! It seems that we really raised a white eyed wolf after Qin! Somebody! Arrest the prince of Nanman kingdom! After today's battle, I would like to take the prince to ask the king of Nanman! Is it that they really don't need the support of our post Qin State? "

At the command of Qi Huang, more than ten soldiers of the post Qin army suddenly went to Yan Duolun with bright single swords. Yan Duolun did not expect Qi Huang to be so bold. He was about to take down the prince of the southern barbarian kingdom. He immediately ran into the pro guards behind him. Those personal guards are also family soldiers of the Yan family, and they have always been loyal to the Yan family. Although they are at a disadvantage, they still firmly surround Yan Duolun to protect Yan Duolun from harm.

The most difficult thing is the officers and men of Nanman kingdom. According to the reason, they should go to protect Yan Duolun at this moment. After all, Yan Duolun is the prince of Nanman kingdom. However, around them, there are also those soldiers of the post Qin army who are looking at them covetously. As long as they dare to make any move, the weapons in the hands of the latter Qin army will surely fall on their heads at the first time.

These officers and men of Nanman Kingdom did not dare to move. The soldiers of the Qin army who went there to catch Yan Duolun were not polite. Yan Duolun's "Han dog" just now angered Qi Huang and them at the same time. I'm afraid if Yan Duolun falls into their hands, there will be no good fruit to eat. Although those Pro guards were selected by the Yan family, they were still inferior to those fierce soldiers of the Qin army. They were directly defeated by the soldiers of the latter Qin army.

After taking Yan Duolun, those soldiers of the Qin army didn't really treat him politely. The two soldiers directly grasped Yan Duolun's arm and twisted their backhands. Before Yan Duolun could cry out in pain, they lifted a foot at the same time and kicked him in the heart behind Yan Duolun's knee. Yan Duolun where can bear such a big force, plop down on the ground, pain straight bared teeth.

After the pain, Yan Duolun raised his head and glared at Qi Huang fiercely and cried out: "Qi Huang! You Han dog! How dare you treat me like this! I will tear you to pieces

Qi Huang looks at Yan Duolun as if he is an idiot. He doesn't understand why Yan Duolun is so confident in his identity as a prince. Does he not know that the present Nanman kingdom is only a puppet of the post Qin State? Don't say he is such a prince. Even Yan Duoqi is respectful in front of Qi Huang! At present, Qi Huang no longer paid attention to Yan Duolun's barking, waved his hand directly and said, "take this mad dog down!"

After several Qin soldiers had taken Yan Duolun, who was still roaring in disorder, Qi Huang continued to lay out the defense lines at the head of the city. However, Qi Huang didn't notice that after such a disturbance, both the officers and soldiers of the post Qin army and the soldiers of the southern barbarian army began to feel something wrong.