The knight's eyes were even more terrifying. The circles of his eyes were dark. It seemed that he had not slept for many days. His eyes were gray and the corners of his eyes were filthy. The knight walked unsteadily, but he always insisted on walking to the gate of Miao mansion. It can be seen that the knight was very tired in order to make his way. When people saw this, they would not be able to blame any more. However, they could not help but wonder in their hearts what the knight was doing. Was it the battle situation at the front line?

However, the knight did not see the people around him pointing at him. At the moment, his eyes were a little blurred. He could only vaguely see the big word "Miao Fu" in front of him, and then he insisted on going forward. When he finally got to the gate of the mansion, the Dachang soldier who stood guard at the gate of the mansion naturally refused to let such an unknown person enter the Miao mansion. He immediately blocked the knight in front of him with his long gun in his hand and said, "this is the Miao house! No trespassing! "

Perhaps it was because of the word "Miao Fu". When the knight heard the soldier's words, his eyes lit up. At last, he brightened up. Then he spoke at once, but when he opened his mouth, he could not make a sound. People around him immediately knew that this was because he had not drunk water for a long time, which made the knight's voice too dry. People were eager to know what the news was, and immediately someone untied the water bag from his body and sent it to the knight.

The knight looked at the crowd gratefully, took up the water bag and poured water into his mouth. This irrigation was enough for three bags, and the knight stopped. After licking his lips and coughing a few times, he began to say, "I am the leader of the scouting unit of the southern expedition army! On the order of General Hu Xian, commander of the southern expedition army, I come here to convey the military information! " Although he drank a lot of water to moisten his throat, his voice was still a little hoarse.

Listening to the knight's words, all the people around were in an uproar. It was the military information from the front line as expected! If it was not for fear that it was at the gate of the Miao mansion, they would soon surround the knight and inquire about the battle situation at the front line. Although the Dachang soldier guarding the Miao mansion had some facial movements, he still didn't mean to give way. He looked at the knight with a puzzled look. This Miao house is not an ordinary family. It is impossible for someone to open his mouth and enter at will.

When the knight saw that the other side didn't give way, he was still worried, but when he saw the soldier's expression, he suddenly realized. In a hurry, he reached into his arms and took it out for a long time. Finally, he took out a black sign and handed it to the soldiers, saying, "this is General Hu Xian's token! Please check and let me meet general Miao in the mansion! I have something important to report to general Miao! "

Naturally, it was not ordinary soldiers who could be the guards of the Miao mansion. They recognized the token as the military order of the southern expedition at a glance. However, they carefully checked it and confirmed that there was no mistake. Then they nodded to each other. Then a soldier said to the knight, "brother, please follow me! I'll take you to see the general

Finally, he was able to enter the Miao mansion, and the knight stumbled into the Miao mansion with the soldier, regardless of his weakness. Seeing this, the soldier sympathized that he was too weak, so he could not help slowing down. But who ever thought that the knight still kept urging: "brother! hurry up! hurry up! I'm really in a hurry! You, you can't be faster

The soldier was really crying and laughing, but for his own good, he even urged him. However, he could not blame the knight for the other party's hard work for official business. He could only follow the other party's words, quicken his pace and take him to the Council Hall of Miao mansion. At this time, Miao Fu was discussing with some important officials of Dachang army in the Council hall. The soldier did not dare to take the knight into the Council hall. He turned to the knight and said, "wait here! I'll tell you in advance

The knight knew the rules of the nobleman's house. Although he was worried, he didn't say much. He could only nod his head and stand there waiting. The soldier walked quickly to the door of the meeting hall. He did not dare to open the door rashly. He just clasped his fist at the door and called out, "general! Someone claimed to be a messenger sent by General Hu Xian of the southern expedition army and asked to see the general in person! "

"Ah From the chamber, however, there were several exclamations. One of them was Miao Fu. Miao Fu, who was sitting at the top of the chamber, was surprised. He was busy shouting to the soldiers outside the room: "bring him in quickly!"

"Here it is The soldier immediately turned around and walked to the knight behind him. The knight also heard the voice coming from the chamber. He nodded to the soldier to show that he knew. The soldier did not say much. He took the knight to the chamber, came to the door of the chamber, carefully pushed the door open, and then with the knight stepped into the chamber, bowed to the front, and said, "report back to the general! Here comes the messenger With that, the soldier stepped forward and handed over the token that the knight had given him.

Miao Fu, sitting at the head of the table, took the token and carefully looked at it. He made sure that it was Hu Xian who handed him the military order before he went out for the battle. Then he looked up at the knight. He looked very dusty. It seemed that he had been here after a long journey. Immediately, Miao Fu nodded and said, "you are sent by General Hu Xian. What do you want to tell me?"Naturally, the knight was the scouting sent by Hu Xian to seek help when he learned that the latter Qin army was going to attack Zhangcheng. Although he realized that this was a fraud, he forgot him because he was in a hurry to pursue the latter Qin army, and he did not send anyone to chase him back. In this way, the scouts with a false intelligence day and night, painstakingly arrived in Sichuan city. Now when he heard Miao Fu ask himself, he quickly told him that the Qin army was going to attack Zhangcheng secretly.

Miao Fu was also shocked after hearing the scouts' words. Of course, he knew the importance of Zhangcheng. If Zhangcheng was lost, Dachang's life would be in the hands of the later Qin state. At that moment, Miao Fu got up in a hurry and said, "it's such a thing! no way! I must go to the palace to see your majesty at once! Please send your majesty to help Zhangcheng immediately With that, Miao Fu raised his legs and went out.

"Wait a minute!" Just as Miao Fu was about to walk out of the council chamber, a cry came out of the military officers sitting there by the side of the Council hall. Among all the people present, the only middle-aged man in a civil official robe stood up. It was Xi Lianyu, the imperial historian of the state of Dachang, who supported the eldest prince Yu Wenqian. After calling out Miao Fu, Xi Lianyu quickly stepped out of the middle of a large number of military officials, bowed his hand at Miao Fu and said, "general Miao, don't be so anxious. First ask about the situation."

If ordinary people dared to stop him, Miao Fu would have knocked him to the ground with a knife. However, Xi Lianyu was not an ordinary person, but Yu Wenqian's most valued think tank. Moreover, Xi Lianyu's resourcefulness was also very good. Miao Fu had to admire him. Seeing that he was the one who stopped him, Miao Fu could only stop and ask, "Lord Xi! The military situation is urgent. What else can I ask! We should enter the palace quickly and ask your majesty to send reinforcements! If Zhangcheng is destroyed, Dachang will be in danger! " Miao Fu's words were also supported by other military officials. Everyone nodded and urged him to enter the palace.

"Hold on, general!" Xi Lianyu stopped Miao Fu again and said, "in my opinion, there is something strange about this matter."

"Strange?" This Miao Fu is not impulsive, but Zhangcheng is too important, so after hearing about it in the first day of junior high school, Miao Fu is so eager. Now, after hearing Xi Lianyu say this, Miao Fu forced himself to calm down and began to analyze the whole thing carefully. Only then did he realize that there were some problems, as Xi Lianyu said.

After a second thought, Miao Fu's face suddenly changed. His eyes widened and Xi Lianyu looked at him with a bitter smile, nodded and said, "general! If I have not guessed wrong, it is true! "

"Oh Miao Fu immediately hit his fist with a look of chagrin. He stepped on the ground with one foot, and said, "Hu was caught in the trap! It's a trick Meanwhile, the other military officials also closed their mouths and did not urge Miao Fu to go to the palace to meet him. Although Miao Fu and Xi Lianyu seemed to be playing a riddle and didn't say anything in essence, they both guessed something. It seems that the southern expedition led by Hu Xian had been schemed by the enemy.

In fact, everything was just as sun Shaoqing estimated. As early as the kingdom of Shu sent envoys to Dachang to discuss the siege of Danube City, Miao Fu had already come up with such a plan. That is, the Shu army attacked Danube city as the main attack on the surface, while Dachang was unwilling to consume its troops. When the latter Qin army sent reinforcements, it was the Dachang army who secretly blocked the latter Qin army's reinforcements, so that the reinforcements could not arrive at Danube city in time, so that the Shu army could capture Danube city. Once Danube city was lost, the Qin army would lose the significance of assistance, and it would naturally withdraw.

Under the arrangement of Miao Fu, the Dachang army deliberately missed the vanguard army of the post Qin Dynasty, so that the latter Qin army could create more troubles for the Shu army. After the Shu army fought in Danube City, Dachang army would take advantage of it! However, Ying Bei, the commander of the Shu army, saw through Miao Fu's plan at the beginning, but he attacked the city without delay, reducing the consumption of the Shu army to a minimum.