"What to do?" Miao Fu and Xi Lianyu looked at each other, but they couldn't come up with a substantive solution for a while. Now that they can see that this is a plot of the post Qin army, they don't have to worry about Zhangcheng being broken, but they can't be happy at all, because the Qin army's plan after their delay is a complete failure. According to the calculation of the days, the reinforcements of the post Qin army are afraid that they have already arrived at Danube city. With the support of the latter Qin reinforcements, it is impossible for the Shu army to capture Danube city!

What to do? This problem is a difficult problem for everyone in this chamber, and no one has come up with a proper solution. Finally, Xi Lianyu sighed and said, "general Miao, what we can do now is to save as much as possible. If I'm not wrong in my estimation, if General Hu Xian knew that he had been cheated, he would surely lead the army to chase Danube city! The general should immediately send someone to inform General Hu Xian and ask him to withdraw immediately! "

"Withdraw?" Several generals could not help but stand up and exclaim, "how can this be? Let the army retreat before the first World War. Is this not to make our Dachang army a laughing stock in the world? What's more, if the army retreats, what about Danube? Is it hard to see that the southern barbarian state established by Yan Ni gradually nibbles away our Dachang? "

What these generals said was also true. The Yan family had a very high position in the minds of the southern barbarians, which was not comparable to the Yuwen family who later usurped the throne. Before, the Yan Family turned to the Yuwen family, and the southern barbarians did not have much to say. But now the Yan family is self reliant and has established a new Nanman state. Those nostalgic Nanman people seem to see the rise of the southern barbarian Kingdom, which dominated the south in those years, and went to Danube city to depend on them. In the past six months alone, nearly 100000 Southern barbarians have moved to the Danube border, which is a very dangerous signal for Dachang.

Xi Lianyu could only explain to those generals with a bitter smile: "generals! It's not that I don't want to take back Danube. It's because we don't have the ability at present! Dachang's army is full of Southern barbarians. Can you guarantee how many of them will not be lured by the strict rebellion? If our Dachang army attacked the Qin state, we might still be able to give full play to its strength, but if we want to attack Danube City, we can't even exert half of our strength! What's more, now that there are reinforcements from the later Qin Dynasty, it is impossible for us to capture Danube city. Instead of losing troops in vain, we might as well give up the plan to attack Danube city temporarily and wait for the opportunity! "

Xi Lianyu's words are also reasonable. However, these generals are still reluctant to give up. After a moment's thinking, another general raised his head and said: "the Yan rebellion has the help of the post Qin army. Aren't we also assisted by the Shu army? This is the alliance that Shu and our army reached first. If the Shu army and our army unite together, they will not be much worse than the later Qin army! "

"Shu army?" This time, not only Xi Lianyu, but even Miao Fu also had a wry smile on his face. Before that, he was just impulsive. Now, after Xi Lianyu's reminding, Miao Fu has figured out everything. Now he just smiles bitterly and says, "I'm afraid the Shu army has begun to withdraw to Shu now."

"Ah?" As soon as Miao Fu's words were uttered, all the generals exclaimed in unison. All of them stood up and looked at him with wide eyes. Their faces were full of disbelief. After all, the alliance was put forward by the state of Shu on its own initiative. Moreover, due to the contradiction between the state of Shu and the state of post Qin, the state of Shu should hope more than Dachang to defeat the army of the latter Qin. How could it withdraw its troops on its own initiative?

However, Miao Fu did not explain this reason to the generals. He was the eldest son of the general of Dachang state and the uncle of the eldest prince. There was no reason for him to explain it to others like a storyteller. However, if Miao Fu could not explain, Xi Lianyu could not. Seeing that the generals could not get an answer from Miao Fu, they all turned their heads and looked at themselves. Xi Lianyu could only explain the reason for the withdrawal of the Shu army for the generals with a wry smile. In order to reduce the loss, although the state of Shu had a deep feud with the post Qin state, it did not have the leisure to spend all 50000 people on a city so far away from their territory. Knowing that the Shu army did not attack the city with all its strength, Miao Fu guessed the intention of Ying Bei, commander of the Shu army. Now that the reinforcements of the late Qin Dynasty have arrived, it is likely that Yingbei will withdraw.

After Xi Lianyu's explanation, the generals managed to understand the reason, but Miao Fu was a little anxious. He turned to Xi Lianyu and asked, "Lord Xi! In your opinion, how should we deal with the situation? "

When Xi Lianyu just explained to the generals, his head kept turning, thinking about how to deal with the current situation. But after thinking about it, I couldn't think of a safe way. At last, I could only reply helplessly: "general, I can only suggest that General Hu Xian withdraw the army temporarily. The rest can only wait for the new situation to appear. Er, just in case, the general should send an army to Zhangcheng city. "

Miao Fu nodded. He understood the meaning of Xi Lianyu's last words. After all, it was their own guess just now. In case the Qin army really attacked Zhangcheng, it could never be lost. Since Lian Xi Lianyu couldn't think of any good way out, Miao Fu could only sigh and turned to the generals and said, "this is the matter. We can't help by discussing it any more! You all go back first! I will also prepare to enter the palace and report the matter to your majesty! "All the generals had nothing to say, so they bowed to him and left. Xi Lianyu waited until the end, and all the people left. When only he and Miao Fu were left in the chamber, he came forward and whispered to Miao Fu, "general! Do you want to report this matter to your highness

Miao Fu frowned. He also understood the meaning of Xi Lianyu's words. This expedition was completely achieved by Miao Fu's advocacy. At present, a lot of food and grass have been wasted, but nothing has been achieved. After Miao Fu reported this matter to Yu Wenqing, the head of the state of Dachang, it is hard to guarantee that Miao Fu will not be punished for this. Because of the relationship between Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian, Yu Wenqian might be implicated. Xi Lianyu was originally a supporter of yuwenqian, so he had to consider everything for yuwenqian. Therefore, he planned to say hello to yuwenqian in advance so that yuwenqian could be prepared.

Xi Lianyu's idea was beyond reproach, and Miao Fu nodded his head in agreement. After Xi Lianyu's warning, Miao Fu also remembered that the defeat of the expedition might have made his political opponents seize the handle and attack him. The Miao family is the first family in Dachang state. Yang Bingde, the Prime Minister of Dachang state, can become the political enemy of Miao Fu! This time he made such a big mistake. I'm afraid Yang Bingde, the old fox, will never miss this opportunity to suppress himself. It seems that he should be well prepared! After seeing Xi Lianyu leave, Miao Fu is not in a hurry to get into the palace. Instead, he turns around and walks back to the courtyard. He looks in a hurry.

At the gate of the Miao mansion, those who stayed at the gate were waiting for news. The knight who claimed to be coming from the front line had been in for some time, but there was no movement. This also made people worried. Just as some of them could not bear to leave for a while, they only heard the gate of Miao mansion opened with a squeak. Then, more than ten generals in armor came out of the Miao mansion.

All of these generals were important figures in the army of Dachang state. The people who were waiting at the gate of the mansion were all looking at these military officers with surprise. Especially, their faces were covered with clouds, which made people wonder what happened. And among these people, a very ordinary looking man after careful observation, but there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and then took advantage of the time when all the people did not pay attention, quietly left the place. All the people around are watching the movement of the gate of Miao mansion. Where else would anyone pay attention to such an ordinary person.

After a while, I didn't know whether it was specially arranged in Yang's residence, which is half a Sichuan city away from Miao's residence. Yang's and Miao's houses are located on both sides of Sichuan city, and in the middle of them is the palace of Dachang. Compared with some simple Miao families, the Yang family can be described as magnificent. However, no one dares to say much about the mansion of prime minister Dachang, even if it is luxurious.

In the study in the backyard of Yang's residence, Yang Bingde, now the Prime Minister of Dachang state, is sitting in the master's seat of the study. In front of Yang Bingde, a man kneels down, but it is the man who has just retreated at the gate of Miao mansion. Yang Bingde does not interrupt and quietly listens to him. He just slaps the desk in front of him with his index finger, which has been wearing a jade ring.

In the study, it was not just Yang Bingde and the man. On the right side of Yang Bingde, there were two middle-aged men. One of them was wearing a suit of armor and his face was resolute. It was Li Yuanhe's old town of Taishan, who had retreated from Danube city. The other man is wearing a special suit of official uniform. If someone is familiar with the official system of Dachang, you can see at a glance that this suit of official uniform is the one worn by the internal servants of the palace of Dachang. Combined with this man's white face, thin and weak body, it is not difficult to guess that this man is just a servant in the palace of Dachang. However, the identity of this internal servant seems to be a little special. He even sat on the top of the old new town, as if his status was higher than that of the old new city.