Today, his majesty is very old, and his health has always been poor, especially the last death of Luo Tianhan, which hit him very hard. Since then, Ying Yan has never been a member of the court. Therefore, in order to deal with all the possible problems, Yingzhen must leave enough troops in Bian city to meet the unexpected needs. But this reason can not be casually said, Kong De understood, Li Yuanhe also understood, but they can only bury this reason in their hearts.

Since it is clear that we can't add more men and horses, that is to say, we can only rely on 16000 people to attack naocheng. However, the strength of Nao city is too strong. In addition, with the protection of natural danger, it is very difficult for Yingzhen to attack the city. Li Yuanhe even thought that this might be the result that the fifth Prince wanted to win the sheep. Because he was trapped, he could not attack the city as hard as he could. In the end, he could only fail.

Think of the previous victory, although it was a successful rescue mission, but the southern expedition was not a success. If not for sun Shaoqing's ingenious plan and Qi Huang's persistent adherence to Danube City, he would have been a failure. According to what Ying Zhen said just now at the third prince's house, winning the sheep's expedition is also a black hand behind the winning sheep. I'm afraid the intention of winning the sheep is to suppress Yingzhen and the prestige of the two?

After thinking about it, Li Yuanhe vaguely felt that the whole thing was not so simple, but he could not think of any clue, which made Li Yuanhe have some headache. At this time, Cheng Hu suddenly seemed to think of something and said to Li Yuanhe: "general! Are we going to take the general's troops on this expedition? "

"Er!" Li Yuanhe remembered that he still had 3000 troops. These 3000 people were different from the soldiers and horses that Li Yuan and his army had brought before. This is Li Yuanhe, as a guerrilla General of the city guarding army. His troops and horses are completely owned by Li Yuanhe. In addition to the emperor of the post Qin state, only Li Yuanhe has the power to command them. Li Yuanhe didn't take the 3000 men with him when he followed Yingqi to the south. One of the reasons was that Li Yuanhe wanted to keep Yingzhen's heart in mind and said to Yingzhen that he would never join in with him. The other reason was that at that time, the 3000 men were training the gun array, and Li Yuanhe didn't want to interrupt the training.

After Cheng Hu's warning, Li Yuanhe realized that Ying Zhen asked Wang and himself to lead the 6000 vanguard army. In fact, he and Wang also led their own troops! Wang also has the same rank as himself, with only 3000 men. In addition, it is just 6000 people! It seems that this is no longer a question of whether Li Yuanhe should take it or not, but that Yingzhen has decided to let Li Yuanhe and his staff immediately.

It's no wonder that since Ying Zhen wants to leave half of his men in Biancheng, all of them must be Ying Zhen's confidants. Li Yuanhe's time to join in and win is not long. Moreover, Li Yuanhe's headquarters only listen to Li Yuanhe's transfer. Even if Li Yuan and the three thousand men and horses under his account were left behind, it would be better to leave behind other soldiers and horses that could command him.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but smile bitterly, turned his head and nodded to Cheng Hu and said, "yes! This time we're going to fight with our own men and horses! If I remember correctly, the 3000 archers under brother Wang Ye will follow us, and then we will test the results of your training in this period of time. "

Before Cheng Hu had time to answer, Zhao Yong, one of the Zhao brothers, cheered, "general! You can rest assured! I'll show you the real strength of our bastards! It must surprise you Hearing that Zhao Yong was so confident, Li Yuanhe could not help looking forward to it. After all, the attack on naocheng was too difficult. If the strength of his troops was higher, the hope of success would be greater.

But at the moment, Kong Ling is still thinking hard, seems not to give up, hoping to come up with a clever plan to help Li Yuanhe conquer the city. Looking at Kong Ling, it seemed that Kong Ling was a bit fierce. Kong De just laughed, but he didn't stop him. He just turned to Li Yuanhe and said, "Yuanhe! If you want to attack naocheng this time, I have a suggestion. Maybe I can give you some help! "

In Li Yuanhe's heart, he was very worried about the attack. Even Kong Ling, who had always been resourceful, was at a loss. Li Yuanhe also felt uncertain about the future of his trip to the north. I didn't expect that Kong De suddenly put forward a proposal at this time, which surprised Li Yuanhe. In his impression, Kong De was the kind of scholar and scholar in the world. If he talked about planning, he would certainly not be able to compare with Kong Ling. Now that Kong De said this, Li Yuanhe was a little curious. He quickly nodded to hear what Konde had to do.

Conde said with a smile, "in fact, my method is the most troublesome one. You may not want to use it, but I think it is the most practical one at present."

Kong Ling didn't come up with any good ideas. Now he can only hope on his uncle. Now he can't wait. He asked anxiously, "uncle! Just tell me! What is the best way to do it? "

Kong De said with a smile: "in fact, the problem you are facing now is the lack of strength, so the solution to this problem is to supplement your strength! At present, we can't do this in Bian City, but it doesn't mean you can't do it outside Bian city! As far as I know, all the subordinates of Yuanhe in the last Southern expedition to Danube city served in various places of the post Qin state. In the northern part of the post Qin state alone, there were eight city forces! These cities may not have enough individual troops, but if they are gathered together, there should be nearly ten thousand people. ""Er!" Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling's eyes lit up, but immediately Kong Ling shook his head and said, "uncle, this method you said is not working! Although the forces in those cities can really be a great help, without your Majesty's instructions, even if the generals are the old subordinates of big brother, they can't mobilize those forces! "

Li Yuanhe also shook his head and said, "it's a death penalty to transfer troops privately. I don't want them to be punished for me!" According to the military law of the post Qin state, although the local army was led by the local uniformed generals, the scope of the deployment was only within the scope of the local army's activities. To mobilize the local army to other places, it must have the emperor's instruction, otherwise it should be punished according to conspiracy. Although the current situation is urgent, Li Yuanhe is not willing to die in order to help himself.

However, Kong De laughed and said, "silly boy! How can I not know this ban? I gave you this idea. Naturally, there is a way for you to legally mobilize the local army! Otherwise, it is not only the generals in those places who are responsible for mobilizing the troops without permission, but you are not punished as accomplices? "

What Kong De said really brightened the eyes of Li Yuanhe and others. If he really followed Kong De's words, then Li Yuanhe would have more than ten thousand troops. For Li Yuanhe's capture of naocheng, it was quite helpful, and Kong Ling would have more room to play. They all looked at Kong De with expectant eyes, waiting for him to say the way.

Fortunately, Kong De didn't have that kind of vicious taste of betraying the truth. After laughing, he said, "there are two ways to mobilize the local army! The first way, as you know, is to get your Majesty's hand written instructions, so that we can mobilize the troops of the whole country! However, your Majesty's instructions are not so easy to get, let alone other things, the fifth Prince's highness is close to his majesty almost every day, and will never sit by your Majesty's instructions! And the second way I'm talking about is to find another way! "

Speaking of this, Kong De pauses for a moment, looks at Li Rui on one side and says, "General Li Rui! Do you remember what happened when the state of Qin established its capital in Biancheng

Kong De suddenly asked himself about what happened more than ten years ago, which made Li Rui stunned. However, in Li Rui's mind, he immediately began to recall what happened at that time. More than ten years ago, Li Rui was just a small soldier, so he would not know about some official affairs. However, since Kong De asked him about it, it shows that this matter is absolutely a great event. Even a small soldier like Li Rui can know it! So Li Rui quickly filtered through his mind several major events that happened in Biancheng Lidu that year. After thinking for a moment, Li Rui's face suddenly changed. He looked up at Kong De and said, "Master Kong! Are you talking about the matter of escorting the 18th war generals? "

Escorted by the 18th war general? Most of the people here are young people. Even if they are older than Qian Laojiu, they were not in Biancheng at that time. They have never heard of Li Rui's story. They are all in a fog. Although Kong Ling was also well read, he knew nothing about what Li Rui said. People could only look at Li Rui and Kong De with doubts on their faces. Kong De smiles and nods. When Li Rui sees that everyone doesn't understand what he is talking about, he immediately suppresses his surprise and explains to them.

What Li Rui said about the escort of the eighteen war generals happened in the year when Biancheng was just confirmed as the capital of the post Qin state. In that year, the state of Qin, Shu, song and Yan formed an alliance of four countries to besiege the Nanman kingdom. It was because of the arrogance and contempt of the leader of the Nanman kingdom that he was defeated by the Allied forces of the four countries. Not only did he lose his own life, but also Danube city was defeated by the Allied forces of the four countries. After that, the four countries united forces were blocked by the newly established Dachang state relying on the natural barrier and could not march. Finally, the four countries' united forces could only return to their respective countries in vain.