At first, the four countries believed that the Nanman kingdom had become history. Even Yu Wenqing, who had established Dachang state, said that he would not investigate the matter of the four countries' joint attack on Nanman kingdom. Therefore, for a time, the seven countries in the South were in peace. After all, after several wars, all countries suffered losses, so they all focused on their own cultivation and health.

As the leading country in that battle, there was no exception in the post Qin state. In that year, Luo Tianhan, a general of the post Qin state, was appointed the city Lord of the south of Beijing. He was also the first and only city Lord of the post Qin state since the founding of the people's Republic of China. Ying Yan, the head of the state of the late Qin Dynasty, set the capital of the state in Biancheng, and organized the latter Qin army into two systems, namely, the city guarding army and the local army, and were respectively placed in Biancheng and other cities of the post Qin state, and began to focus on the management of the internal affairs of the state.

At the end of the year, most of the cities in the territory of the state of post Qin ushered in the harvest of this year. As the leader of the state of post Qin, Ying Yan was naturally very happy. After receiving this news, Ying Yan even ordered ancestor worship to thank the gods in heaven for their protection of the post Qin state. The site of ancestor worship was selected on a high mountain a hundred miles north of Bian city.

Originally, this was a happy thing. Because of the harvest of the late Qin state, the people were full of confidence in the new country. As the master of the country, Yingyan also won the support of the people. Therefore, when people in Bian city learned that Ying Yan was going to go out of the city to worship their ancestors, they all rushed to the gate of the city to watch.

Ying Yan was naturally very happy to be supported by the people, but this joy made him forget himself. In order to show that he was close to the people, Ying Yan let his guard let go and let some people come to his side to express his sympathy to them. Although Ying Yan's action made the guards nervous, they could not violate Ying Yan's orders. They could only watch carefully to prevent anyone who might endanger the safety of Yingyan.

But fortunately, from the palace to the north gate, there was no accident, which also let those guards have a relaxed heart. However, they never thought that what they had worried about before was that it happened not long after the winning team just walked out of the north gate. When the guards escorted Ying Yan to the north of the city to worship his ancestors, thousands of assassins dressed in black suddenly fell from the sky and surrounded Ying Yan's team directly.

Ying Yan took only a few hundred people with him when he left the city to worship his ancestors. Among them, there were only a few hundred guards. The rest were maids and servants who were responsible for serving Ying Yan, as well as some low-level civil servants who were responsible for assisting Ying Yan's ancestor worship. This kind of formation may be able to deal with dozens of assassins, but the thousands of assassins were really caught off guard.

Moreover, these assassins obviously had a premeditation. In the first place, they cut off Ying Yan's route back to the city and forced him to the countryside. Ying Yan also tried to send some people back to the city to report the news, but he was killed by these assassins, and none of them could break through the encirclement. Although all the guards under Ying Yan are good at it, the Assassins' skills are not low, and they occupy an advantage in number. If it was not for the desperate protection of those guards, and the maids, servants and civil servants under Ying Yan's command voluntarily or involuntarily sacrificed for Yingyan, I'm afraid that Ying Yan would have been assassinated by these assassins.

Rao is so, Yingyan can only take the team to fight and retreat. Since he can't return to the city, Ying Yan can only withdraw to the mountain where the ancestor worship was planned under the protection of his subordinates. However, Yingyan has no reinforcements, and the assassins are always chasing. If this goes on, it will be sooner or later for these assassins to succeed.

At this time, a team came from the north. The number of the team was not large, only 18. All of them were generals of the late Qin Dynasty in black armor. These generals had just passed by here. They saw that their emperor was being hunted down. They didn't care so much and all came to rescue them.

Although the number of these 18 men was too small, they were all very capable. They were able to protect them strictly. When the city guards came to wipe out these assassins. It was later learned that these assassins were the remaining evils of the perished Nanman kingdom. They were all guards in the palace of Nanman kingdom. Because they could not protect the life of the head of Nanman Kingdom, they determined to revenge and assassinate the heads of the four countries. Unfortunately, Yingyan became the first one they killed.

After the city guards killed all the assassins, all the 18 generals who saved Ying Yan's life at the most critical moment were all seriously injured. The most serious one even broke his hand and could not lift his weapon any more. For this reason, Ying Yan rewarded the 18 generals and gave them a gold medal. As long as they or their families did not commit the crime of plotting against the enemy, the gold medal could protect the lives of their families.

After Li Rui briefly described the incident, everyone could not help but take a deep breath, although Li Rui did not describe in detail the scene of the fighting at that time. But people can imagine that there were only 18 people, but they had to face thousands of skilled assassins. How fierce the battle was, I'm afraid Li Rui didn't describe it in detail. It was also because the fierce scene could not be expressed by words alone.

Li Rui took a look at the crowd, and then continued: "although this incident was very noisy at that time, it was Ying Yan who was assassinated in the process of ancestor worship, which had a great influence on Ying Yan's prestige. Therefore, Ying Yan decided to hide the matter. Therefore, almost no one knew about this matter except the official senior officials of the post Qin State and the soldiers of the city guarding army. I was a small soldier of the city guard at that time, and I also participated in the cleaning up work after the battle, so I knew about itAfter Li Rui's explanation, everyone realized how big it was that after thousands of assassins assassinated the head of the state of Qin, why they had never heard of it. However, although Li Rui told the whole thing, the people still didn't quite understand. What was the connection between this incident and what Kong De said was that the local army could be legally mobilized. Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Kong De again.

With a smile, Kong De stroked his beard and said, "the gold medals that your Majesty gave to the 18 generals at that time not only can exempt the whole family of the 18 generals from all the responsibilities except for plotting against the enemy, but also has a very important role! After his Majesty was assassinated in those years, he found that his military law was too rigid that no one but himself had the right to transfer troops without authorization. Like this time when he was assassinated, how did the thousands of assassins safely cross the border of the post Qin State and ambush in the outskirts of Bian city. After that, his majesty also conducted an investigation. It was found that when these assassins crossed the border, they also attracted the attention of the garrison in the border city. However, the speed of the assassins was too fast, and they soon crossed the range of garrison activities. Without instructions, these defenders dare not leave the prescribed range of activities to track down the assassins, and it is too slow to report up through other means, which caused the danger at that time. "

Kong De said a lot, and his mouth was a little thirsty. He took a cup of tea from the table beside him, moistened his throat, and then continued: "I feel that this military law is too rigid, but your majesty is not good at revising the military law that he has just promulgated, so he came up with a temporary solution, that is, to add another order. If the 18 rewarded generals gather their gold medals in one place, they can replace your Majesty's instructions and mobilize the whole country's troops and horses! "

"Ah Kong Ling couldn't help but exclaimed that this right was too great. To mobilize the army and horses of the whole country was tantamount to handing over the lifeblood of the post Qin state to the eighteen generals. If these 18 generals intend to rebel, then the whole post Qin State will be overthrown in an instant. Will your majesty never worry? This question is not only about Kong Ling, but also about Li Yuanhe and others. Although they have only seen one side of Ying Yan, they also know that Ying Yan is a generation of heroes. How could they make such a decision easily.

Seeing the puzzled expression of all the people, Conde said with a smile: "you have underestimated your Majesty's mind. If you are forward-looking and forward-looking, how can your majesty build such a great undertaking? It is always the purpose of your majesty to employ people without doubt! Those eighteen generals have always been loyal to his majesty, but how could they do anything against them. Moreover, there is another restriction on this power, that is, it is limited to the 18 generals themselves. If one of the 18 soldiers will die, this power will be automatically cancelled, and the gold medal will only have the function of protecting life. "

Kong De said that now, Li Yuanhe and others have already understood what Kong De meant. They were to find the 18 generals and let them promise to use this power and mobilize the local army for their own use. However, although they understood the meaning of Kong De, a new problem arose. Li Yuan and them did not even know who the 18 war generals were. How could they let them agree to help them?

Kong De was not worried at all. He looked at Li Yuanhe and said with a smile: "Yuanhe! In fact, you have seen and recognized these 18 generals before! Not only that, they are also very fond of you. If you ask for help, maybe they will promise to help you

Yes? Li Yuanhe is even more confused. He has only been in the army for more than two years. He has seen only a handful of senior generals of the post Qin army. How could he have met this mysterious eighteen war general? Konde shook his head and said, "Yuanhe, did you forget? When you escorted general Luo Tianhan's coffin to Biancheng, did you see the old headquarters of general Luo Da? "