Hearing Sun Jian's question, Zhou Yu hesitated. He didn't say anything about the commander-in-chief of Jianye new army. It's not that he couldn't say it. On the one hand, Zhou Yu felt a bit taboo. On the other hand, he had some great achievements. This time, leading the army to capture Jingzhou was an extraordinary feat for Dongwu. It was nothing for Sun Jian or that man Good thing.

Seeing that Zhou Yu was embarrassed and hesitant, Sun Jian understood that in fact, when discussing with Guo Jia and others, they did not say about the commander-in-chief of Jianye new army. However, Sun Jian was not a fool and could not guess. Now that Zhou Yu looks like this, Sun Jian is a little angry. Am I, sun Wentai, in your heart, the kind of person who envies the virtuous and envies the ability?

At the thought of this, Sun Jian's bull temper was offended. Now he has made up his mind. Today, he has to hear the name of the man from Zhou Yu's mouth! Sun Jian narrowed his eyes and said, "Gongjin, why don't you speak? You must remember that your father asked you to come to my account that day, but he asked you to help me wholeheartedly. If you had an idea, would you not tell me? "

Zhou Yu is really in a dilemma. Do you want to talk about it? Zhou Yu looked at the expression on Sun Jian's face, and a drop of sweat the size of beans fell from his forehead.

Although the atmosphere between Zhou Yu and Sun Jian is not as exaggerated as the confrontation between the two armies, the problem Zhou Yu is facing now is even more difficult than the ordinary fight between the two armies. Can we just say that we don't know? Or someone else? no way! All of a sudden, Zhou Yu remembered what Chen Ren said to himself two months ago when he was studying with Chen Ren: "before the battle of the two armies, it does not mean that we must use strategies and traps, which are called strategies. The real strategy pays attention to decisiveness. When we should meet the enemy head-on, we should not hesitate to rush towards the other side. Sometimes, we will get better results! "

Open and upright! Zhou Yu clenched his teeth and said to Sun Jian, "my Lord! My subordinates think that only Chen Ren, the commander of Jianye new army, can be qualified as commander-in-chief of Jianye new army! "

Sun Jian laughed. It seems that Zhou Yu has courage. Maybe this is the advantage of being young. Although Guo Jia, the youngest of the counsellors discussed with Sun Jian, was actually no more than five years older than Zhou Yu, Guo Jia entered the officialdom earlier than Zhou Yu, which was obviously much smoother. Although Zhou Yu's experience in officialdom is not enough, Zhou Yu has a lot of drive and calmness. He will definitely be a good helper for sun CE in the future!

Sun Jian clapped Zhou Yu on the shoulder with admiration and said, "good! pretty good! Gongjin, your opinion coincides with mine! This army was built by Chen Zici himself. Of course, only when Chen Zici personally commanded can the real power of the army be exerted! However, I promised Zici to give him a big holiday and let him have a good rest. It is unreasonable to ask him now. Well, it's early September. We'll wait until next month, when the autumn harvest comes, to attack Jingzhou. This month is used to adjust the specific details. You can go to Guo fengxiao and Xu Yuanzhi to discuss with them. "

Zhou Yu was overjoyed when he heard the speech. What Sun Jian meant by his words is that Zhou Yu has now officially entered the military core of the eastern Wu Kingdom? Although Zhou Yu may not be regarded as an important person in this core, he is the youngest one, that is, the one with the most development potential compared with other people in the core. This is undoubtedly Sun Jian's affirmation of Zhou Yu's talent.

Immediately, Zhou Yu immediately prostrated himself in front of Sun Jian, clasped his fist and said, "thank you for your help."

Sun Jian lifted up Zhou Yu with a smile and said, "well, don't be so polite! Let's go! Today, Guo fengxiao and others did not go to see the new army drill. They must have discussed the issue of sending troops in the government office. "

Zhou Yu suddenly realized his feelings. Even if sun CE didn't take the initiative to raise the matter with Sun Jian today, Sun Jian would send out news of his troops in a few days. Zhou Yu immediately said goodbye to Sun Jian. After Sun Jian nodded his head, he quickly turned around and left, which made Sun Jian laugh again.

After leaving Sun Jian's residence, Zhou Yu rode directly to the JunGuan mansion. Guo Jia and Xu Shu were both military officers, so their offices were also here. Fortunately, it was not far away from Sun Jian's residence. Zhou Yu rushed to the JunGuan mansion in half a minute. As soon as he got to the gate, Zhou Yu asked the sergeant who was guarding the gate, "is Guo joining the army and Lord Xu Bo Ke in the mansion?"

Naturally, the sergeant at the gate of the JunGuan mansion recognized Sun Jian's sworn brother and immediately replied with a clasp of fists: "Hui Zhou Xiaowei, the officer joining the army and Lord Bo are all in the Council Hall of the mansion!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yu immediately turned over and dismounted from his horse, threw the reins and whip in his hand at the sergeant, and ran to the mansion. After turning left and right, Zhou Yu finally arrived at the meeting hall. Outside the closed gate of the conference hall, Zhou Yu adjusted his clothes and armor. Then he knocked on the door gently.

"What's the matter?" Xu Shu's voice sounded in the door.

"Yuanzhi! I'm Zhou Yu! The Lord ordered me to come to see you and Guo Shenjun for something! " Zhou Yu replied in a loud voice that when he studied at Chen Ren, Zhou Yu had already mixed up with Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang.

After a while, the gate opened. It was Xu Shu who opened the door. Zhou Yu gave Xu Shu a fist and walked into the conference hall. However, as soon as he entered the conference hall, Zhou Yu was stunned. In this not very large conference hall, there were not only Guo Jia and Xu Shu. Xunzi, Zhuge Liang, and even Cheng Yu, who was mysterious all day, sat on several seats in the assembly hall, and everyone looked at themselves with a smile."Ha ha ha ha! Wen Ruo! What do you think? I knew Gong Jin would come today! Ha ha ha This smile has no bearing, naturally it is Guo Jia that prodigal son.

Xunzi wryly smiles and shakes his head. After all, he was born in a big family and cultivated from childhood, which makes him keep his manners no matter when he is young. Xunzi said: "I also know that with Gongjin's talent, I will be able to participate in this time, but I still underestimate the Lord's patience."

Although Zhou Yu was confused by the dialogues between Guo Jia and Xun Yu, he met several people in the audience separately, and then sat between Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang. As soon as PU sat down, Guo Jia asked, "Gongjin, did the Lord ask you about the war?"

Zhou Yu nodded subconsciously. Guo Jia then asked, "how do you answer that?" Hearing Guo Jia's question, Zhou Yu immediately repeated what he had just said in front of Sun Jian.

Except for Guo Jia, Xunzi and others all nodded. The answer was the same as the result of their discussion. However, Guo Jia continued to ask, "the Lord must have asked you who can be the commander in chief of the new army. How do you answer?" Guo Jia asked this time. The other four were all staring at themselves, but their expressions, including Guo Jia, were very strange. They wanted to laugh and had a trace of expectation.

Zhou Yu instinctively felt something was wrong. In terms of seniority, the questions Sun Jian asked himself should have been those of Sun Jian's former subordinates. But if Sun Jian had asked him, why did he ask him again? However, although Zhou Yu was full of doubts in his heart, he still gave his answer to Sun Jian.

As soon as Zhou Yu said Chen Ren's name, Guo Jia and other five people couldn't help laughing together. Even Cheng Yu, who was not smiling in public on weekdays, was extremely inconspicuous. Guo Jia was even more exaggerated, lying on the ground, laughing and kicking. Zhou Yu felt more and more uneasy in his heart, but he did not know where the problem was. He only looked at the five laughing people with a puzzled face.

After half a sound, the five people gradually stopped laughing. Xun Yu wiped off the tears from his eyes, and asked Zhou Yu, "Gongjin, have you ever talked to Chen Zici alone today?"

Before Zhou Yu could answer, Guo Jia cut in and said, "what else? He must have never talked to Zici. Otherwise, how could he have answered like that? "

"Well, Mr. Xun, I did not talk to the teacher about it. After today's drill, the master gave the teacher a big holiday on the spot. The teacher was in a hurry to go home. He didn't even eat lunch, so he went back to the city. " Zhou Yu knew that it was useless to ask Guo Jia, so he asked Xun Yu, who had always been very serious.

"Whoa ha ha ha! No wonder! No wonder! It turned out that for the sake of a lovely wife in the family, the poor son gave me a lot of thought, but in vain! Ha ha ha Guo Jia could not easily stop laughing. After listening to Zhou Yu, she began to laugh again.

Finally, Xunzi was more kind, holding Zhou Yu in a fog and saying, "in fact, a few days ago, Chen Zici talked to us alone. We all guessed that after the new army drill, the Lord must decide to go out for the expedition. So we have discussed the issue of this expedition. The result of the discussion is similar to that of you, that is, there are three groups of people going straight to Jingzhou. However, on the issue of the commander-in-chief of the Jianye new army, Chen Zici made a request that he should not be proposed to participate in the expedition, let alone be the commander-in-chief of the new army. "

As soon as Xun Yu finished saying this, Zhou Yu was as smart as he was. Of course, he immediately guessed the reason for Chen Ren's request. It was one aspect of him to worry about his great achievements. However, Zhou Yu, who has gradually become familiar with Chen Ren's character, knows that Chen Ren's request is mainly due to Chen Ren's laziness. However, it was precisely because he had figured out this point that Zhou Yu was so stupid that he completely destroyed Chen Ren's plan to be lazy.

At this time, Zhou Yu, who already knew Chen Ren's cautious character, was already sweating. He could imagine that when Chen Ren knew that he had destroyed his plan, he would have to face Chen Ren's anger directly. At that time, I'm afraid that no one in Jiangdong would dare to save himself.