Zhou Yu was in a cold sweat. Looking at the smiling Guo Jia and others, he suddenly seemed to think of something. He pointed to Guo Jia and others and asked, "do you really give up suggesting to the Lord that the teacher should be commander-in-chief? If the Lord really follows your advice, will it not ruin the Lord's affairs? "

Shaking his head, Zhuge Liang patted Zhou Yu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Gongjin, do you really think that the Lord is a person who completely depends on listening to others' advice? In fact, in the Lord's mind, I'm afraid that Mr. Chen will be the commander-in-chief of the new army. Even if we all oppose it, the Lord will appoint Mr. Chen as commander-in-chief in the end. However, Gongjin, what you said... " Although Zhuge Liang didn't go on, Zhou Yu didn't know what Zhuge Liang meant. If they all voted against it and Sun Jian still accepted Chen Ren, Chen Ren would not blame them. Unfortunately, it was Zhou Yu who proposed the name of Chen Ren to Sun Jian. In this way, Sun Jian appointed Chen Ren more justly, and Chen Ren was sure to cast all his anger on Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's face, which had just been greatly promoted by Sun Jian, has completely disappeared. Now he can fully understand the reason why Sun CE, who was always tyrannical, saw Chen Ren's cautious attitude. In fact, Chen Ren's level of rectification is too high, and no one will be afraid of it.

"Lord Guo! Lord Xun! You can't look at me. You're trying to save me Zhou Yu immediately grabbed Xun Yu and said that the whole Jiangdong River knew that except for Zhao Yun, who was the same as a stone, these two people had known Chen Ren for the longest time. Zhou Yu had no choice but to put down his stature and ask for them.

Guo Jia still looks like a good actor. However, Xun Yu is still a good man. He patted his shoulder and said to Zhou Yu, "Gongjin, it's not difficult. As long as you don't let Zici know that you proposed him to be the commander-in-chief, isn't that ok?"

"Yes Zhou Yu patted his thigh! I'll go to the Lord now After saying that, he would get up and go, and was pulled by Xun Yu with a smile.

"Don't worry! Since the Lord has given Zici a big holiday, he will not come out if he does not stay at home for four or five days according to his temper. The Lord ordered you to come and discuss with us the issue of the war. How can you go back so soon? "

Zhou Yu grinned, and then he sat back to his seat. Since Chen Ren became a teacher, he had more and more respect and fear for Chen Ren. Zhou Yu never thought that a person could have so many abilities. So instinctively, Zhou Yu was just like sun CE and was afraid of Chen Ren.

"All right Xun Yu was the highest official among all the people present. He immediately said, "let's continue with the issues just discussed. Fortunately, we are just at the beginning, and Gong Jin is here at the right time. Now, come to Jingzhou. "

Looking at Zhou Yu's puzzled face, Xu Shu whispered a few words in his ear. Zhou Yu immediately looked at Cheng Yu, who was sitting in the corner, in surprise. Zhou Yu could not have imagined that Cheng Yu would be the leader of the snake department, the most mysterious department in Jiangdong.

Cheng Yu gave Zhou Yu a very strange smile, and then said, "the military and political affairs of Jingzhou have been divided by CAI and Kuai. Although there are still some generals who are loyal to Liu Biao, Liu Biao has not appeared for many days. Cai Mao and Kuai brothers also brought out Liu Qi, the son of Liu Biao, so that these generals have nothing to say to the two families."

"Mr. Cheng, how's the operation of sneaking into Liu Biao's residence?" Zhuge Liang asked, in the face of this wise man that Chen Ren admired, Zhuge Liang also respected him.

Cheng Yu frowned, but he was not dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang: "well, the intelligence sent by the leader of Jingzhou branch yesterday has successfully sneaked into Liu Biao's residence, but due to the strict jurisdiction of Liu Biao's residence, the sneakers can't transmit the information at all."

Guo Jia is also rare to become a serious face, the same frown said: "this Liu Biao mansion has always been lax management, why it has become so strict? Liu Biao had always tried to limit the influence of CAI and Kuai, but now he has made them so big that there is no reaction at all. Combining the two things, is it possible that Liu Biao has already... " When Guo Jia said this, she stopped suddenly and looked up at the crowd. The implication was clear to everyone.

Suddenly everyone fell into silence. After all, Liu Biao is also a generation of outstanding people. If it is true, as Guo Jia guessed, although the two sides are hostile, it is also a pity.

"But there is one thing worth noticing Cheng Yu suddenly said, "the leader of the Jingzhou branch said that in Xiangyang City, a group of people suddenly appeared in Xiangyang City, and martial law was imposed in Xiangyang City. If the Jingzhou branch had not seen the opportunity quickly before and moved out of Xiangyang City, I am afraid the Jingzhou branch would have been exposed."

"Oh?" All of them were nervous at once. In a few days, they would start to go to Jingzhou. This inexplicable appearance of men and horses is very likely to be a very big variable. In combination with the change of Xuzhou a year ago, everyone wondered whether the family of Jingzhou also gave Jingzhou to others?"I don't think it's possible for Jingzhou to give it to others," he said, shaking his head. In Yizhou, to the west of Jingzhou, Liu Yanxi returned to the throne, and Liu Zhang had just ascended the throne. There were many factions in Yizhou, and there was no time to pay attention to Jingzhou. Although there was Jiaozhou to the south, Jiaozhou had always been partial and ignored the affairs of the Central Plains for a long time. Moreover, there was a wild land of Wuxi between the two cities, and Wuxi man's suffering was no better than that of Shanyue before Jiangdong. To the north of Jingzhou, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao were unable to take care of Jingzhou However, Dong Zhuo enjoys himself all day long. The Xiliang army and Bingzhou army under him are only more than successful, but they are not enterprising enough. "

Other people also nodded and agreed with Xun Yu's opinion. Guo Jia suddenly asked, "Zhongde! What about the Pompey that Tzu gave you special attention to? "

Cheng Yu shook his head and replied, "Pang Degong is in-depth and concise, and it is difficult to trace any valuable clues. However, I began to believe what Chen Zici said. Pang was not as simple as he appeared. He is a very deep-seated city official. He is definitely not an ordinary person, and his identity is not ordinary either. "

However, Zhou Yu couldn't help interrupting: "wait, what you call Pang Degang, but the Jingzhou hermit Pang Degong?"

Zhuge Liang suddenly snorted and said, "besides him, is there a second Pang De Gong in the world? When we were studying at the teacher's place, Yuanzhi and I felt that Pang Degong was not right. A hermit, however, had to keep in touch with those high-ranking officials all day long. During this period, there must be some problems. However, Yuanzhi and I have advised the teacher countless times, but the teacher is not listening. " Words, seems to be quite dissatisfied with the teacher Sima Hui.

Xu Shu said with a bitter smile: "in fact, it's no wonder that the teacher said that Pang Degong saved his life, so the teacher trusted Pang Degong very much. Besides, Pang De Gong's reputation is outside, you and I are just children. How can we let the teacher cut off the contact with Pang Degong because of your and my one-sided words?"

Seeing that Zhou Yu had no problem, Cheng Yu went on to say, "of course, it's not that there is no harvest at all. The Kuai brothers were falsely jailed by the Jingzhou branch for the death of CAI's daughter. Pang Degong went to see Liu Biao himself, and the next day the Kuai brothers were released. Moreover, before the Jingzhou change, Pang had visited the Kuai family and the Cai family several times. "

Xu Shu nodded and said, "it can be seen that Pang Degong played a very special role in this change of Jingzhou! There are two things to be sure of: first, Pang Degong attached great importance to the Kuai brothers, or else he would not come to Liu Biao for the sake of the Kuai brothers; second, Pang Degong's power in Jingzhou was absolutely strong, otherwise, Cai's daughter was Liu Biao's wife. Last time the body of CAI's daughter was found in Kuai's family, how could Liu Biao give up The Kuai brothers, however, were released immediately because of Pang Degong's visit. Moreover, this time the Cai family and the Kuai family join hands, it should also be Pang Degong who acts as a matchmaker in the middle! "

Xunzi took a deep breath and said, "no wonder Chen Zici once said that the water in Jingzhou is very mixed. The more I think about it, the more confused I feel. Forget it, although Jingzhou is chaotic, it is chaos in the officialdom. We should care about it and wait until we take Jingzhou in our hands! Zhongde, how about the military distribution of Jingzhou

Cheng Yu nodded and replied, "Jingzhou has 50000 Navy troops, which are respectively hoarded by the Yangtze River outside Jiangxia and Nanjun city. Huang Zu, the governor of Jiangxia, is irascible. He has Chen Zai, Deng long, and a son named Huang she. All three generals are of average ability, but they are also good at fighting water wars. There are three thousand garrisons in Jiangxia city and forty thousand water troops outside the city. Pang Ji, the prefect of Nanjun, was a Confucian scholar. He was not in charge of military affairs. Under his command were Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng, who were thieves in those years. He persuaded Pang Ji to surrender and took charge of the military affairs of Nanjun on behalf of Pang Ji. There were six thousand garrisons in the South County city and ten thousand water troops outside the city. Deng Xi, the prefect of Wuling, is also a Confucian scholar. He has two generals, Wang Wei and Lv Jie, who are proficient in military affairs. There are three thousand garrisons in Wuling city. "

Listening to Cheng Yu's fluent account of the garrison situation of the three counties, Zhou Yu was surprised that Cheng Yu's memory was amazing. With so much information, he could speak out without a pause. Secondly, I also feel that the snake department in this legend is so magical that even the most confidential military distribution can be mastered in such detail. With these materials, why can Jingzhou not win.

"Hum! Liu Biao emphasizes literature and despises martial arts. These three cities are important border towns of Jingzhou. Liu Biao even arranges literati to guard generals. It can be seen that his employment is unknown! " After all, he has been in Jingzhou for so many years, and Jingzhou is also his second hometown. Now the situation in Jingzhou is so turbid, Zhuge Liang has some unyielding ideas.