At the time when Bian Cheng was brewing a startling conspiracy, it was not easy at the moment in naocheng, the northern frontier of the post Qin Dynasty. As the expeditionary army of the later Qin Dynasty marched to the foot of the mountain, the atmosphere of the whole city became tense. Even the owl Wolf Gang, which has always dominated the city, began to shuttle up and down the city and set up a number of checkpoints on the mountain roads around the city.

The army of the latter Qin Dynasty is the best in the world! This sentence was not made up by the post Qin army itself, but was proved by many battles of the latter Qin army. In the face of such an enemy, since the owl Wolf Gang did not want to give up the control of the city, they should be prepared for this hard battle. As the big leader of the owl Wolf Gang, Kou Jiang has been busy in and out of the city day and night these days, arranging checkpoints, arranging scouts and organizing defense equipment. He must personally check before he can carry out every task.

Although Kou Jiang didn't pay much attention to when those mysterious men gave him a warning, when he was about to go to war, he would not underestimate the enemy and advance rashly. As for Li Yuanhe, commander-in-chief of the post Qin vanguard army, Kou Jiang knew Li Yuanhe's intelligence well even if he didn't read the military information sent by those mysterious men. Although Li Yuanhe is young and has little military experience, Kou Jiang doesn't think Li Yuanhe is a good enemy to deal with. At least, Ying Zhen, the Third Prince of the late Qin Dynasty, who had countless military exploits, dared to award the vanguard general such an important position to Li Yuanhe twice in a row, which is enough to show that this man is not simple. Therefore, Kou Jiang has played up the spirit of twelve points and is ready to meet Li Yuan and any possible attack.

Just after the fifth inspection of those checkpoints on the mountain road, Kou Jiang rushed to the gate of the city without stopping. He wanted to make sure again whether the city guarding equipment was ready. At the foot of the mountain, the black and oppressive army of the post Qin Dynasty has been staying here for two days. However, during these two days, the army has done nothing but set up camp at the foot of the mountain. However, the more the other side is like this, the more uneasy Kou Jiang is. He has a premonition that the other side is likely to be preparing a particularly powerful attack.

For Kou Jiang's premonition, those senior leaders of the Xiaolang Gang don't think so. If it wasn't for Kou Jiang's identity and prestige, they would have spat on Kou Jiang's face. In the eyes of these bandit leaders, the other side is only 6000 people. Naturally, they dare not attack the city easily. They must be waiting for the 10000 troops of Yingzhen to come.

Although these people's analysis is reasonable and reasonable, in Kou Jiang's view, it is vaguely felt that there are some problems. Li Yuanhe, commander-in-chief of the other side, is a man who dares to kill in Dachang state with 3000 people. Now he has 6000 men and faces only one city. How could he dare not even launch a decent attack? However, Kou Jiang couldn't see any problems. All he could do was to repeatedly check whether there were defensive loopholes in various places.

Kou Jiang thought hard, and ran his horse to the gate of the city. He had just arrived at the gate of the city. Several soldiers who were close behind him suddenly began to shout: "big leader! Look

When Kou Jiang, who was thinking of being lost, heard the warning from his men, he came back to his senses. He looked up and saw several horses coming from the inner side of the city gate. The leader was wearing a high-grade yellow armor, which was Ma Huan, the second leader of the Fenglin army.

See Ma Huan with a few wind forest troops face to face, Kou Jiang can not help but frown. As the three major forces in the city, only his Xiaolang gang and the Fenglin army participated in the defense of the expedition. As for the enriching chamber of Commerce, the purpose of these merchants was to earn money. They didn't care what kind of forces controlled the city. Naturally, they would not participate in it.

However, Kou Jiang didn't know much about the Fenglin army. Originally, he didn't want to let them participate in his defense plan. After all, the wind forest army and the owl Wolf Gang belong to two different systems. When they are under command, there will inevitably be problems like this and that, and there may be some mistakes. However, those mysterious people are clapping their chest to promise to Kou Jiang that these Fenglin troops have already received their benefits and can completely follow Kou Jiang's command.

With the assurance of those mysterious men, Kou Jiang just let go of the wind forest army to participate in his city defense plan. However, Kou Jiang himself was very disgusted with these soldiers. This kind of antipathy may be due to the fact that he is a bandit and the other is a regular army. I am a thief and you are soldiers. Both sides are born enemies. It may also be because the Fenglin army has been fighting against the Xiaolang gang in naocheng over the years. If it had not been for this gang of soldiers, the Xiaolang Gang might have unified the city.

However, in any case, both sides are united front, and it is not good for Kou Jiang to speak ill of each other. Immediately, Kou Jiang grabbed his horse and put on a smiling face. He bowed his hands to mahuan and others who were also in front of him and said, "horse head collar! Where are you going

Ma Huan's square face also showed a smile, but the smile appeared on his face, coupled with the startling scar, it was very frightening to see. Ma Huan also said with a smile, "I've seen Kou DA in charge! ha-ha! You see, brother Liao asked me to inspect the checkpoints! "Since the Fenglin army has been involved in the city defense plan, naturally, it is not just about talking about cooperation. Although they are disgusted with the Fenglin army, their fierce fighting power can not be abandoned. Therefore, Kou Jiang also let the Fenglin army divide up more than half of the people and put them in all the checkpoints. This arrangement also contains some selfish intentions. Although he had the advantage of good location, Kou Jiang didn't think that those checkpoints could completely resist the attack of the Qin army. It is sooner or later that the checkpoint is broken. The garrison arranged at the checkpoint is also destined to be used as cannon fodder for the consumed Qin army. It would not be cost-effective to use all the men and horses of the owl Wolf Gang. Therefore, in the original deployment, Kou Jiang replaced the subordinates of the Xiaolang gang with more than half of the Fenglin troops.

At first, Kou Jiang thought that such an arrangement would be opposed by Liao Dongyuan, the leader of the Fenglin army. Unexpectedly, the other side agreed to it simply. Since there are Fenglin army men and horses at the checkpoint, it is reasonable for Ma Huan, the second leader of the Fenglin army, to make an inspection. There is no doubt about Kou Jiang. Instead, he said to Ma Huan with a smile: "Oh! That's a real leader

Ma Huan, with a look of indifference, waved his hand and said with a frank smile: "what did the leader of Kou say! Since the two armies of Qin and Ma are fighting against each other! It's Kou Da who has been busy these days, but it's hard! Wait for the Qin army to beat back the gang. One day, I'm going to invite Kou Da to have a good drink! "

As Ma Huan was so polite, Kou Jiang naturally had to give face. He was busy and said with a smile: "that's it! That's it! I've heard that horsehead collar is a mass! When the war is over, Kou must have a good experience! That's the deal! When the time comes, we will call on Liao touling, and we will be drunk in Chunfeng building With that, Kou Jiang's big hand waved very hard in the air, which showed his atmosphere as the leader of the gang. They didn't mention what to do if the war failed. It seemed that it was doomed to fight back the Qin army.

After a few words of greeting, Kou Jiang didn't want to talk to mahuan any more. Even if they were going to leave with each other, Kou Jiang went to inspect the head of the city, and Ma Huan galloped down the mountain. Just now, what they said was all polite. When the war ended, there was no external threat. The relationship between the owl Wolf Gang and the Fenglin army was still the original hostile relationship, not to mention drinking, not to mention the knife.

Just set foot on the head of the city, Kou Jiang can also see Ma Huan and others gradually away from the back, can not help but show a trace of regret on his face. Apart from other factors, the Fenglin army is really a powerful fighting force. It's fierce and has outstanding ability. It's a pity that it can't be used by itself! If there was such an army in hand, Kou Jiang would not be afraid even if the latter Qin army came to fight many times.

However, Kou Jiang also knows that it is a dream to bring Fenglin army under his banner. From the bottom of their bones, Fenglin army despised the bandit origin of the owl Wolf Gang, which is almost an open secret of the city. Moreover, Liao Dongyuan, the leader of Fenglin army, is a martial arts man, but he has outstanding wisdom. In the past several conflicts with the major forces in naocheng, he has demonstrated his ability. If Liao Dongyuan had not been in command of the Fenglin army, it would not have been possible for the Fenglin army to develop from a deserter to the three major forces in naocheng.

In addition to Liao Dongyuan, Ma Huan, who just met with himself, is not a good type. His good martial arts skills are also rare rivals in naocheng. Ma Huan and Liao Dongyuan, both civil and military, cooperated very well. It was with them that the Fenglin army could play such a powerful fighting force. According to Kou Jiang's daily observation, he is also self-conscious. These two people are absolutely not the people he can subdue.

Seeing Ma Huan and others disappear in the woods outside the city, Kou Jiang finally sighs. As a hero of the generation, he also knows what to put down. Since we can't accept it, we must try our best to wipe out the Fenglin army! Kou Jiang believes that after the war, the Fenglin army will be greatly damaged. Then, he will use the means of thunder to completely eliminate the Fenglin army from the city of Huo!