At this time, Ma Huan, who had already run to the first level, naturally didn't know what kind of idea koujiang was making behind him. Looking at the gate of the checkpoint in front of him, Ma Huan turned his head and whispered to several of his subordinates behind him: "be smart! I'll do as planned later! " Those several subordinates all nodded to show that they knew, and then Ma Huan's legs were clamped and the horse moved forward.

It's a barrier. In fact, to put it bluntly, it's two high walls made of logs and boulders. However, the location of these two walls is appropriate. It is just located in the narrow part of the mountain road. Therefore, although the barrier is very simple, it blocks the only access to the city of Nao. As soon as mahuan and others arrived at the gate of the checkpoint, a secret whistle hiding behind a large rock beside the road had already seen Ma Huan and others, and immediately made a voice and asked, "who is it! Stop

Ma Huan narrowed his eyes and saw that the secret sentry was definitely not a member of the Fenglin army. There was no one in the Fenglin army who did not know himself. Since he was not a member of the Fenglin army, it was the bandits of the Xiaolang gang. Ma Huan saw a killing opportunity in his eyes, but the killing opportunity was fleeting. Ma Huan coughed slightly and called out to the direction where the secret post was located: "I am mahuan of the Fenglin army! I've been ordered to patrol! Open the door quickly

As soon as Ma Huan's voice fell, he saw that from the secret whistle, he immediately emerged from behind the rocks and saluted him respectfully. Fenglin army is as famous as the Xiaolang gang. He is just a pawn in the Xiaolang gang. Naturally, he does not dare to offend Ma Huan. Then, a secret signal was sent to the garrison personnel above the checkpoint, and the gate of the checkpoint was opened slowly.

After seeing the gate open, Ma Huan winked at his subordinates and ran into the checkpoint with his head raised. Only one of the men who followed Ma Huan left behind, and the others followed Ma Huan into the checkpoint. The only soldier of Fenglin army who stayed was a little tardy. It seemed that there was something wrong with his saddle. After bowing his head and fiddling with it, he raised his head and called out to the secret whistle: "Oh! This brother! Come and help! My saddle seems to be stuck

Originally, the duty of the secret sentry was to guard behind the rock, but when he saw the Fenglin soldier ask for help, he did not refuse to help. Since he can follow the second leader of the Fenglin army, he may also be a big figure in the Fenglin army. He is not a small pawn who can offend him. Anyway, it's just a helper. Maybe he can please the Fenglin army and get any promotion opportunities. In this way, the secret sentry ran over and said with a smile, "this officer, the villain is coming. What can I do for you?"

The wind forest Army soldier ha ha smile, pointing to his left stirrup said: "it seems that this stirrup is stuck, can not move at all! I can't get off the horse now. I can only ask my brother to help me look at it! "

"No trouble! No trouble The secret guard waved his hand and said to the wind forest soldier politely, "maybe the officer's boots are caught on the stirrup button! Come and help the officer untie the button! What's the trouble with this? " Having said that, the secret sentry immediately bent down towards the foot of the wind forest Army soldier, and reached out to help him untie the button on the stirrup.

At the moment when the secret guard just bent down, the smile on the soldier's face froze and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Then, a hand quickly extended to his waist, directly pulled out the single knife hanging in the waist, looked at the other side's back is a knife cut down. Pitifully, the sentry didn't know what was going on. He just felt a sudden chill on his back, and then the sharp pain came from his back. He didn't even have time to cry for pain, so he fell to the ground.

At the same time, in the checkpoint, there were also a few short screams, but these screams were very rapid. In addition to arousing a few birds on the surrounding trees, there was no more noise. The wind forest Army soldier pulled the single sword out of the corpse of the secret post, turned his head and looked at the checkpoint in front of him, sneered a few times, and then he rushed into the checkpoint with a bloody knife.

When he rushed into the checkpoint, the battle in the checkpoint was already over. Originally, under the arrangement of Kou Jiang, the number of Fenglin troops in these checkpoints was far more than that of the Xiaolang gang. Now, with the Fenglin army's deliberate calculation and unintentionalness, they have been prepared for a long time. How can those bandits of the Xiaolang Gang resist the attack of each other, they are all in a pool of blood.

Ma Huan wiped the splashed blood on his face and looked at his subordinates coming in from outside. He just nodded, but he didn't ask anything at all. It was just an ordinary bandit of the owl Wolf Gang, and his subordinate was a veteran who had been fighting with him for many years. There was no reason why he could not take it down. Immediately, Ma Huan turned his head and said to several Fenglin soldiers arranged in this checkpoint: "you keep guarding here. Don't let the bandits of the owl Wolf Gang realize anything! I'm going to open all the remaining checkpoints and welcome the Qin army to the mountain after that

"Here it is The soldiers of the Fenglin army had no doubt about it, but answered Ma Huan with fists. They are all qualified officers and men. It is not necessary to ask why Ma Huan did this. All they have to do is to obey and obey the orders of Ma Huan and Liao Dongyuan, which is enough.

Ma Huan had no doubt about the execution ability of his subordinates. Since the Fenglin army was stationed in Zhaocheng, although it has also accepted many local supplements to the Fenglin army, these new Fenglin troops can only be peripheral members. As the former part of the Fenglin army, it has always been the real strength of the Fenglin army without any weakening. Naturally, Liao Dongyuan and Ma Huan did not dare to use those peripheral members in this operation. The Fenglin troops distributed in these checkpoints were all the old units that followed Liao Dongyuan and Ma Huan in the city of Nao!Immediately, Ma Huan opened the gate to the foot of the mountain, and ran down to the next level with his subordinates from the city. As soon as Ma Huan and others left, the front and rear gates of the checkpoint were closed heavily, and the whole level was restored to its former calm, as if the killing had never happened.

From the foot of the mountain to the city of Nao, a total of five checkpoints have been set up. In these five checkpoints, Kou Jiang has arranged a lot of people, but most of them are from the Fenglin army. Ma Huan, relying on his own identity, made those few members of the owl Wolf Gang have no doubt about him. They put him into the level simply, and then cooperated with the Fenglin army officers and men in the checkpoint. All these levels were easily taken down by Ma Huan one after another.

In less than two hours, mahuan had already taken down the last barrier at the foot of the mountain. At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the clouds on the night sky were so thick that the moon was blocked up, and there was not even a trace of moonlight. Although it's not to reach the point where you can't see your fingers, it's dark around here, and it's not much better.

Ma Huan stood on the wall of the checkpoint and looked up at the sky. He estimated that the time was almost over. Even when he turned his head, he said, "prepare for the code!" A subordinate behind him listened and immediately lit the straw pile which had been prepared early in the morning with a torch inserted in the wall. All of a sudden, the bright light of fire lit up on the wall, especially in such a dark night, and the soldiers on the side also threw straw into the fire to boost the combustion.

Seeing that the fire had already started, Ma Huan also gave a long sigh of relief, and then looked anxiously at the distance of the checkpoint. Now all he has to do is finish. Next, he just needs to lead Li Yuanhe's post Qin army up the mountain. As for the city of Nao, there is no need for him to worry about it, because there is still a Liao Dongyuan in the city!

After waiting for about three sticks of incense, I heard a sudden sound of horse's hooves coming from outside the checkpoint. The soldiers of Fenglin army around Ma Huan were already in a bit of a hurry, and they quickly made a voice to remind them: "second leader! coming! Here we are

"What's the noise! I'm not deaf Ma Huan glared at the soldier, laughed and scolded, then waved his hand and said, "don't worry! When they get close, first confirm the identity of each other! Don't get the wrong person Although Ma Huan looks rude, he is careful! After all, what the Fenglin army wants to do this time is not like the business they used to do in naocheng. This operation is only allowed to succeed, not to fail, and not to make any mistakes!

Those soldiers also knew the importance of the operation, and immediately stopped clamoring, quietly waiting for the group outside the checkpoint to approach. Before long, as the sound of the horses' hooves approached, a cavalry team in black armor had rushed to the gate of the checkpoint. This cavalry troop is not large in number. It is only about a thousand people. All they wear are the armor of the unified system of the post Qin army, and they are holding all kinds of spears in their hands. The one who took the lead, not others, was Li Yuanhe, the vanguard General of the post Qin vanguard army!

By the light of the fire, Ma Huan recognized Li Yuanhe at a glance, and his heart was also a little surprised. I thought Li Yuanhe would let his subordinates come first. After all, this kind of sneak attack still carries certain risks. A general like Li Yuanhe should also consider his own safety. But I didn't expect Li Yuanhe to take the lead and rush over like this. This courage is enough for Ma Huan to admire. Now that Li Yuanhe has arrived, the identity of the other party is certain. Immediately, Ma Huan waves his hand and shouts to the soldiers behind him: "open the door!"