Seeing the gate open slowly, Li Yuanhe pointed to the spear in his hand, and rushed into the checkpoint with the cavalry behind him. As soon as he entered the checkpoint, he saw Ma Huan with a group of soldiers from the Fenglin army. Ma Huan bowed to Li Yuanhe and said with a smile, "General Li! We have been waiting for you for a long time! Let's go! Elder brother Liao is still waiting for us in naocheng

Li Yuanhe also nodded and said with a smile, "thanks to the two generals! by the way! My 1000 light cavalry is only the vanguard troops, and the rest will be brought by General Wang and general Cheng. Just don't know if we have enough troops now? "

"Enough! That's enough Ma Huan waved his hand, but there was a trace of pride on his face, "it's not my boast. I want to fight. Those bandits of the owl Wolf Gang are not the opponents of our Fenglin army! Now there are a thousand cavalry, General Li! Enough to take down the city! Just leave about ten people at the checkpoint to meet general Wang and elder brother Cheng, and General Li can rest assured to go up the mountain with us! "

Li Yuanhe also agreed with Ma Huan's opinion, and immediately the two teams merged and rushed to the mountain. Ma Huan had already taken down the barrier along the way. Naturally, the whole journey was unimpeded. It was much faster than the time it took for Ma Huan to go down the mountain. In less than half an hour, he had passed the last barrier.

Looking ahead, Li Yuanhe took a deep breath and turned to Ma Huan and said, "General Ma! Next, let's go according to the plan! I just don't know how general Liao in the city is getting ready? "

Ma Huan said carelessly, "General Li! You can rest assured! Brother Liao has many brothers of Fenglin army around him! If you fight hard with the bandits of the owl Wolf Gang, you may still have some problems, but if you steal a city gate, it is absolutely no problem! We just need to wait for brother Liao's signal! "

In fact, Li Yuanhe had nothing to worry about. Having been able to compete with the largest force in the city for so many years, the combat effectiveness of the Fenglin army would never be worse. When Li Yuanhe asked this question, he just said it. Listening to Ma Huan's reply, Li Yuanhe laughed and ordered all the people to march towards the city.

According to the previous information, the three sides of the city are full of cliffs. Only the southern wall is facing the mountain road leading to the foot of the mountain. Therefore, on this wall, the owl Wolf Gang has arranged a lot of people and horses, and even Kou Jiang guards there in person every day. It is very difficult to make flowers here. So a few days ago, people decided to target the northern city wall. Although the city wall is surrounded by cliffs, there is still a place outside the city where troops can be assembled. The most important thing is that this can avoid most of the forces of the Xiaolang Gang, so that Li Yuanhe's post Qin army can break into the city in time and engage in short combat with the enemy!

Immediately, under the guidance of Ma Huan, there were more than 1000 horsemen of the later Qin Dynasty and Fenglin troops originally arranged at various checkpoints. When the two groups gathered together, there were nearly 2000 people. In the night, the team of more than 2000 people circled around the city and moved to the north wall. Outside the north wall, there was a small forest, which could provide cover for Li Yuanhe's army. Immediately Li Yuanhe and his army drove into the woods, under the cover of the trees, staring at the reaction of the north city wall.

To the surprise of Li Yuanhe and Ma Huan, they waited in the woods for a long time, but they did not see the signal coming from the head of the city. Not only Li Yuanhe, but also Ma Huan, who had been full of confidence before, could not help worrying. Could Liao Dongyuan really have something wrong in the city? Ma Huan and Liao Dongyuan have been comrades in arms for decades. Although they know Liao Dongyuan's ability, they also understand Liao Dongyuan's character. Since they have made plans, they will never delay for no reason.

At the thought of this, Ma Huan was in a state of confusion. All sorts of bad ideas came out of his mind. When Ma Huan couldn't help but ask Li Yuanhe to attack the city gate, a soldier beside him suddenly said, "general! Chief! Look

Li Yuanhe and Ma Huan raised their heads and looked at the city wall. They saw a flash of fire suddenly appeared on the silent city head. Then, they were divided into three piles and began to swing left and right. Seeing the news, they immediately showed a glimmer of joy on their faces. This was the secret sign agreed before. Immediately, Li Yuanhe waved his hand and took the lead to rush to the gate of the city. Just when they could rush to the gate, they heard the gate creak and was opened, and a troop of people poured out from the gate. It was the Fenglin army led by Liao Dongyuan!

Seeing Liao Dongyuan coming face-to-face safely, Ma Huan finally put down the hanging stone in his heart and complained to Liao Dongyuan: "brother Liao! Why did you open the gate so late? Didn't Kou Jiang arrange many men and horses at the north gate? "

Liao Dongyuan naturally knew that his brother did not really blame himself, but out of his concern for himself, so he also said with a smile: "sorry! In fact, I could have come long ago, but there was an accident on the way, which delayed my time! But this accident is not bad! General Lee! I brought you a good gift! Bring it up Liao Dongyuan's last sentence was called out to the Fenglin army behind him.

As soon as Liao Dongyuan's voice was settled, several Fenglin troops pushed and shooed several men in black robes to walk out of the city gate. The men were in a mess. Their black robes were in a mess. There were scratches everywhere, and even several blood stains. All of them were gentle. At first glance, they were pale, but now they were more and more miserable. In their eyes, they showed a look of despair, as if they knew what their fate was.These men, Li Yuanhe, looked familiar, but could not remember where he had seen them. Moreover, he did not understand the purpose of Liao Dongyuan's sudden launch of such a few people. He could only turn his head and look at Liao Dongyuan with doubts on his face. Liao Dongyuan was laughing, pointing to these men and saying to Li Yuanhe, "General Li! These are the mysterious people who came from Bian city to buy our Fenglin army as I told you a few days ago! We had just started from the station, but we saw these guys sneaking on the street, and then they thought of taking them. I didn't expect that there were still some masters around them. After a fierce battle, we killed those masters. Fortunately, we brought a lot of people with us, otherwise they would have run away! "

From Biancheng! Li Yuanhe could not help but be surprised. Then he turned his head and narrowed his eyes to the men in black. If this was the case, it would make sense to see that they were familiar with each other. I think these people must be Bian Cheng officials. Now Li Yuanhe and Xiaoda are senior officials of the later Qin Dynasty. It's very common to meet these people. But Li Yuanhe never paid much attention to the people in the officialdom. Maybe when Wang came, he should be able to recognize these people!

Immediately, Li Yuanhe sneered at these people, then turned to Liao Dongyuan and said, "general Liao is hard! These people are really important! Leave it to me! I have my own way to deal with them! " The last word, although Li Yuanhe said to Liao Dongyuan, his eyes drifted to those people in black again. The chill in their eyes made the faces of those people in black more and more pale.

Li Yuanhe didn't recognize them, but they recognized him. It can be said that no one in Bian City knew Li Yuan and the new military star. The deeds of Li Yuan and his first Southern expedition alone set a fire to the 100000 Dachang army! Jiangcheng slaughtering city! These are enough to remind them that the general in front of them is definitely not a soft hearted person. Now that Li Yuanhe is in charge, their future can be imagined. Thinking of the fear, these weak civil servants couldn't even stand it. They rolled their eyes and fainted.

As for Li Yuanhe's request, Liao Dongyuan did not mean to refuse at all. With a wave of his hand, he handed over the fainted men in black to the post Qin army. Immediately, Liao Dongyuan said to Li Yuanhe, "General Li! Next, what do we do? Is it right to go to the south gate and take down Kou Jiang? " During this period, the two sides still had a lot of conflicts, so they couldn't get rid of it. Not only Liao Dongyuan, but also Ma Huan and other Fenglin troops also had the same idea. Listening to Liao Dongyuan's proposal, their eyes brightened.

Li Yuan and his eyes turned, but they shook their heads, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked. He remembered what he had done when he took down Danube city. It seems that this time, he will do the same thing again. Immediately, Li Yuanhe asked Liao Dongyuan, "general Liao! You have been in the city for so many years. Have you ever found out where the steward's residence is in the city? "

Seeing Li Yuanhe suddenly asked about the Tianfu chamber of Commerce, Liao Dongyuan was immediately confused. Had not it been determined whether the rich merchants would intervene? Why did Li Yuanhe go to the manager of Tianfu chamber of commerce at this time? Li Yuanhe immediately saw through Liao Dongyuan's doubts. Without Liao Dongyuan asking, he replied with a smile: "now that the main force led by General Wang and general Cheng has not arrived, the loss of attacking the south gate may be even greater at this time! We might as well visit Tianfu chamber of commerce at this time. If we can get the help of Tianfu chamber of Commerce, it will be more advantageous for us to win the city! "