Hearing Wang Ye's words, Li Yuanhe suddenly seemed to think of something. He was busy and said, "Oh! If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about it! " Immediately, Li Yuanhe turned his head to the cavalry behind him and said, "bring them up!"

Then, in the confused eyes of Wang Ye and Cheng xianjue, a cavalry led several men in black tied by ropes to Wang Ye and Cheng xianjue. Naturally, these men in black were the mysterious men who had been captured by Liao Dongyuan to bribe the owl Wolf Gang and the Fenglin army, but they were led around the city by cavalry. These men in black have become even more embarrassed than when they were just arrested.

At this time, Li Yuanhe also said what these men in black had done when they came to naocheng, especially mentioning that these men in black claimed to be from Bian city. Naturally, Wang Ye and Cheng xianjue knew the struggle between the princes in Bian City, and they also knew that this expedition was the result of the struggle between the princes. Now listening to Li Yuanhe's remarks, both of them realize that these men in black are probably instructed by other princes to win against the third prince.

Li Yuanhe pointed to the men in black and said, "I'm familiar with these people, but I can't remember who they are for a while, but I'm sure they are Bian Cheng officials! Elder brother Wang is more familiar with the officials in Bian city than I am, so please come and recognize it. Maybe it will be helpful to your Highness the third prince! "

Wang also nodded, but now it is late, even by the light of the fire, it is not clear that the faces of those people in black are full of dust. At that time, the king also turned over and dismounted. He walked quickly to one of the men in black. He didn't care about the filth on the man in black. He reached out and grabbed the other's head directly and checked with force.

When the men in black saw Wang Ye, their faces were already changing. Especially after listening to Li Yuanhe's words, they could not help rubbing their faces on the ground twice more. In particular, the man in black, who was caught by Wang Ye, tried his best to shrink his head. However, he was just a weak scholar. If he wanted to compare strength, how could he be the opponent of Wang Ye, a fat man. Wang Ye's big hands stuck his head to death and couldn't move at all.

Wang also carefully looked at the face of the man in black, probably because the dust and sweat on his face were mixed together. It was dark everywhere. When Wang started, he really couldn't recognize it. But when Wang also simply tore a piece of black cloth from the man in black, and did not care whether the other side was uncomfortable, he wiped it hard on his face, revealing the true face of the man in black. Wang also took a look at the firelight and couldn't help being stunned. Then his face showed a surprise expression.

Seeing Wang Ye's expression, Li Yuanhe knew that he had caught a big fish this time. Sure enough, Wang also laughed, pushed the man in black to the ground, and said with a smile: "I can't believe it! What a surprise! The head of the Department of public works! Unexpectedly, he ran to the poor place of naocheng and dealt with bandits! I don't know if Lord Wan came here at the order of Lord Wan Han or Lord Sun Lang? Or is it the order of his Highness the fifth prince? "

Wang also called broken identity, the man in black suddenly shivered and looked at Wang with horror. Li Yuanhe, on the other side, also kept a close eye on the man in black. The names of Wan Han and sun Lang had been mentioned by Wang when he was in Jingnan city. At that time, he had some conflicts with the children of Wanjia and Sunjia. Listen to Wang also introduced, these two are the five Prince win sheep's iron supporter, listen to Wang Ye's words, it seems that this man in black named Wanyao must be the son of Wanjia!

The other people in black broke the identity of Wan Tiao when they saw Wang Ye, and their heads were all sinking into their chest. They wanted to bury their faces in their chest. However, what they did was in vain. Then, Wang also called the remaining men in black to be broken. As expected, all of them were regular guests of the fifth Prince's family. Obviously, they told the Xiaolang Gang the military information of the vanguard army according to the order of the fifth Prince Yingyang!

This is an iron proof! Wang, who has always wanted to help win Zhen and overthrow other princes, has already been overjoyed. His whole face is full of laughter. Immediately, Wang also ordered the rear Qin army to detain these important witness cards, so that they could play an important role when they returned to Biancheng!

As for this matter, Cheng xianjue was not so enthusiastic from the beginning. Seeing Wang deal with these affairs, Cheng xianjue said to Li Yuanhe: "General Li! At present, there may still be some things that need to be dealt with in the city, which may not be accomplished by the Fenglin army alone. At the end of the day, he went to assist Liao Dongyuan and Ma Huan! "

Li Yuanhe also knew that Cheng xianjue was not interested in the intrigue between several princes. Even though he nodded, he agreed to Cheng xianjue's proposal. Looking at Cheng xianjue leaving, Wang at one side finally returned to calm down a little and said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "brother Li! In my opinion, you are the lucky General of the third prince! Since you came to your Highness's account, all these good things have happened because of you! This time you can see through the conspiracy of the fifth prince, brother Li, you have made great contributions

For Wang Ye's praise, Li Yuanhe just laughed, but he didn't care much about it. Then he looked at the chaotic city and said thoughtfully, "brother! Now that the city of Nao has been broken, your Majesty's mission to your Highness has been completed! In my opinion, we should send messengers as soon as possible to pass the news to your highness! So that your highness can take the army back to Biancheng as soon as possible"Er!" Although Li Yuanhe was reasonable, Wang seemed to hear something wrong from Li Yuanhe's words. He was busy asking, "brother Li! Why are you in a hurry to let your highness lead troops back to Biancheng? According to the law, even if the city of NAO is broken, your Highness's army should come to the city first and deal with the follow-up affairs of the city before returning to Biancheng! "

Li Yuanhe frowned and said, "no way! It's too late! Your Highness's army should return to Biancheng as soon as possible! I'm worried that something important may happen in Bian Cheng! "

Wang was shocked by Li Yuanhe's words. He subconsciously looked to the left and right to make sure that no one else noticed their conversation. Then he whispered, "brother Li! You should pay attention to your words! Bian Cheng is the capital of the state of Qin. How can something important happen? If you say this lightly, it is called alarmism. If it falls into the ears of those who have a heart, you can be accused of luring the masses and harboring evil intentions! This is no joke

Li Yuanhe was not frightened by Wang Ye's words, but said with a serious look: "brother Wang! I'm not joking! Think about it! The five princes first spoke in front of his majesty, so that his highness had to lead his army to attack the city! After that, he secretly sent the intelligence of the general to the owl Wolf Gang, which clearly meant that his highness and his Highness's general would all be left in the city by the help of the Xiaolang Gang! If the fifth prince does this, will his plan stop here? "

Listening to Li Yuanhe's serious remarks, Wang also began to think carefully about Li Yuanhe's words. His face became more and more dignified. However, his expression was still somewhat unbelievable, and he hesitated to say to Li Yuanhe: "brother Li! Do you mean that the fifth prince will take advantage of his royal highness to lead the troops to go out to war, and what great things will happen in Bian city? "

"I also hope that this is just my personal worry!" Li Yuanhe sighed for a long time and said, "but brother, do you think that the fifth Prince did so many things just to murder his highness? You know, among the several princes now, even if there is no royal highness, the fifth prince will absolutely not have the advantage. On the contrary, it may make the fight between him and the remaining princes fall behind! If I am the fifth prince, I will not move. If I want to move, I must do a clean job and solve all the dangers at one go! " When Li Yuanhe said the last word, he suddenly raised his hand and made a move of cutting down with a knife.

Seeing Li Yuanhe's action, Wang was subconsciously surprised. It was as if a sharp butcher's knife had fallen on his neck. He could not help reaching out and touching his back neck. After Li Yuanhe's analysis, the more wang thought about it, the more anxious he was. He said, "in this case, it's really necessary to send someone to inform your highness immediately."

Wang is really afraid. Now in Bian City, he has his own family and the whole Wang family. The Wangs have always been loyal to the third prince, which is no secret in Bian city. If the fifth Prince really wants to make a big move as Li Yuanhe has analyzed, the Wang family in Biancheng is doomed. No matter in public or private, the king can't watch this happen.

At present, Wang also immediately beckoned a confidant. The news was too important. Wang could not rest assured to give it to an ordinary messenger. This trusted person was a close friend cultivated by the Wang family, and he was most relieved to give the task to him. After telling the whole thing over, Wang also thought about it. In order to be on the safe side, he simply handed his jade pendant to the confidant. This jade pendant represents his identity in the Wang family. Other people can't fake it. This time, he followed Ying Zhen and his cousin Wang Lei. With him, he will be able to recognize his jade pendant.

After finishing all this, Wang was finally relieved. Li Yuanhe laughed, patted Wang Ye on the shoulder and said, "brother! It's no use being so anxious. All we can do now is to wait for the news from Bian Cheng! "