Biancheng, as usual, although it is late at night, there are still many pedestrians wandering in the street. Therefore, in some of the main streets of Bian City, the lights are still bright and people are coming and going, which is not much worse than that in the daytime. Of course, not all the streets are so busy. In the corner of Bian City, there will be some dark places that cannot be illuminated by light. When it comes to these dark places, there are people who live in a different way and get busy.

Today, a person born in the bottom of Bian city has never had a bad life. Even if the leaders of the post Qin state can make wise decisions, there will still be people with strong aberrations who will live in poverty and hardship. During the day, Chai Qiang sells coolies on the street, helping businesses carry goods and making some loose money, but the money is only enough for poor Qiang to barely fill his stomach. Because of this, poor Qiang is still alone, even can not find a wife, and this kind of work is not every day, sometimes can not find a boss, poor Qiang can not earn money, there is no food. No way, in order to survive, poor strong will think of some other ways to make money at night, such as stealing.

Poor strong also know that the thief is not a glorious name, but also accompanied by great risk, but in order to survive, poor strong is no way in the way. Relying on the good body that is trained by selling coolies, it is not difficult to climb over the wall for the poor, so we can successfully turn into other people's homes every time.

But poor Qiang is not a fool. He has several principles for stealing. First, even if you steal, you won't steal too much. Most of them are petty thieves, as long as you have enough to eat. In this way, there are less stolen things, and people are too lazy to report to the official. Second, they will never steal from the poor, and never steal from the rich who seem to be very rich. Even if a needle and thread are missing from a poor family, they will be very fussy. However, if there are too many servants in a rich family, they will even have a few watchdog dogs. It is too dangerous. So poor strong will only go to those ordinary families who are still rich in life, so that even if they are stolen, as long as the loss is not too great, the other party will not care about it. Third, it is absolutely not always in the same place to start, poor Qiang steal once to change a place, anyway, Bian city is so big, coupled with poor Qiang is not often started, so far, has not been in the same place twice.

Today, Chai Qiang was very unlucky during the day. After walking for a day, he didn't meet anyone who was willing to hire him. So up to now, he hasn't eaten anything. He can only drink some cold water to satisfy his hunger. Can't help, at night, poor strong only began to find the right target, if not, I'm afraid that poor strong will only cover his stomach and sleep today.

After turning around several small streets and alleys in Bian City, Chai Qiang finally got a target. It was a small house in the east of Bian city. From the outside, it seems that there are only two or three rooms in the house. The facade is a little shabby, but it is well washed. According to the poor judgment, the family should be in line with the standard of their own hands.

After a few more turns around, he finally decided to start. First of all, Chai Qiang knocks twice on the gate of the house. The knock is not big or small, but only to make sure whether the family has gone to sleep. If not asleep, this level of knocking on the door will inevitably lead to the other party shouting, then the poor strong scattered open foot Ya son to run.

However, today's poor luck seems to be good, even knock a few times, but there is no reaction in the door. Poor strong's mouth slightly tilted, it seems that the family has been sleeping, and sleep very well, so that they can not even hear the knock on the door. Immediately, Chai Qiang wiped it from his waist, but he took out a thin piece of iron. This is a tool for poor Qiang to make a living, but it's a treasure!

The poor strong cat lowered his waist and carefully inserted the iron sheet into the crack of the gate. First, he swung it left and right to determine the thickness of the gate, and then slowly pulled the iron plate upward. In general, the gate of this kind of house is tied horizontally behind the door, so as long as the bolt is gently lifted with iron, the gate can be opened.

However, the poor strong seems to have met with an accident, although the iron piece successfully hooked the door bolt, but poor strong connected with several times of force, the door bolt is not hook down. After several attempts, Chai Qiang finally determined that the family must have locked the door with another lock. It seems that the other party must have been robbed, otherwise he would not have done such a special act.

Poor strong can't help but scold himself, no way, this gate can't walk, that only over the wall. At that time, poor strong slowly took back the iron sheet, and hung it back to his waist. He looked around again, sure that no one would find out. Then, poor strong again around the fence to check, and finally determined the location of the wall, is in the right corner of the house. There is an Indus tree that can provide a place for the poor, and the branches of the Indus tree extend to the house. If you climb the tree, you can jump into the house directly.

And climbing trees is not a difficult task for the poor who has been regarded as a habitual thief. At that time, the poor first turned around under the tree, and finally spit out a few spittle on their palms, rubbing them vigorously, heading for the Indus tree, and the whole person skillfully leaped onto the trunk of the Indus tree. Then, poor strong hands and feet together, like a wild cat general, quickly climbed up the branches.After climbing the tree, poor Qiang didn't jump into the house, but calmed down his short breath a little, and then looked at the house from the height. As expected, there were only three bungalows in the courtyard, which were connected with the door and surrounded the city directly. The doors and windows of the three rooms were dark, and it was clear that all the people inside had fallen asleep, while the courtyard surrounded by the rooms was empty and had nothing.

Poor Qiang couldn't help but curl his mouth. The family didn't even raise a chicken or duck. It seems that later, he can only touch each other's kitchen and have a look. As for going to the wing room, he would never do it until he had to. It was too dangerous. He would rather sleep with hunger than be caught by mistake. The prison of Bian Chengfu was notoriously bad. At the beginning, when poor Qiang just started his career, he was caught by mistake once, and almost didn't die in prison.

Once again, he carefully determined that there was no watchdog in the house, and poor Qiang took a deep breath and climbed up a branch extending to the courtyard with his hands and feet twisting. Years of hunger, let poor strong skinny, body light as if a gust of wind can blow down, so poor strong do not have to worry about whether the branches can bear their weight.

Carefully jumped to the top of the wall, poor strong did not choose to jump down like this, mainly for fear of landing sound too loud, wake up the master's house. So Chai Qiang slowly climbed down from the wall. After landing, Chai Qiang immediately got down from his waist at the first time. By moonlight, he looked at the whole courtyard carefully. After confirming that there was no other danger, he began to move towards the three bungalows.

According to years of experience, poor Qiang immediately determined that the cottage on the far right should be the kitchen of this family. While shouting amitabha in the bottom of my heart, I reached for the door of the room and prayed that the door of the kitchen would not be locked like the gate. I don't know if it's really the God who opened his eyes and pushed the poor strong hand a little harder, and the kitchen door was immediately pushed open. Overjoyed difference strong eyes quickly pulled the door, so as not to open the door, hit the things behind the door, make a sound.

Only the kitchen door opened a gap, the difference is a flash, and then through the gap in the past, around the area, the door will be closed. But when he turned to look into the room, he was immediately stupefied. Isn't this the kitchen? What about the stove? Is there anything else the kitchen should have? Why is the whole room empty?

Looking at the empty kitchen, poor strong head suddenly a burst of tight, from the door of those traces, this room is indeed a kitchen, yes! But how can a normal family's kitchen look like this?

Although poor Qiang's life was poor, he was superstitious about ghosts and gods. He immediately remembered those strange stories he had heard in the street before, and suddenly his whole heart was raised in his voice. Oh, my God! This is not a ghost house, is it! Thinking of this, poor Qiang would like to slap himself in the face immediately. How could he steal this kind of evil place!

Don't think much about it. Chai Qiang immediately turned around and was ready to run out. But when he reached back to pull the door, the door that he had just pushed open was like a cast iron, and it couldn't be pulled open. This strange situation even more let poor strong determine his previous judgment, for a time, a chill from the tailbone has been climbing up the back.

Just at this time, I heard a slight noise from the back of poor Qiang, who finally couldn't help but shiver. Subconsciously, he turned around. However, what came into his eyes was a dazzling silver light. Then, poor Qiang felt his whole body's strength suddenly seemed to be drained. After a while, he could only fall heavily on the ground. His eyes were staring at him, and he seemed to want to see the real face of the silver light. Unfortunately, he never had this chance again. In the last period of consciousness of poor Qiang, he could only think with fear and regret. He should not have come to this ghost place!