At the same time that poor thief fell to the ground and died, a candle light suddenly lit up in the bungalow next door. Then a dark shadow, like a ghost, darted into the bungalow. It was so fast that even when the door was opened and closed, it was almost like a ghost.

After entering the room, under the light of the only candle, you could barely see that the whole room was now filled with figures in black armor. Only sitting on a chair beside the candle light was a man with black armour. In the flickering candlelight, a ferocious face full of scars was revealed. It was the eldest prince who won and Yuan Po, the chief bodyguard around him!

On that day, Yuan Po was severely punished for Luo Yan's escape. However, Yuan Po was loyal to win and knew better than anyone else. So the punishment has been passed. When Yuan Po's injury is good, you should continue to use yuan Po as the winner. Yuan Po did not change his loyalty to win because of heavy punishment, and continued to do his best to win.

Seeing the figure who had just come in, Yuan asked in a deep voice, "what's going on?"

The figure immediately bowed to yuan, looked respectful, and replied in a low voice, "what do you want to say! A little man has come in, and he's got rid of it

"Stealing?" Yuan Po's face immediately became iron green, staring at his eyes and whispering: "a group of rubbish! How can a sneak come in? The people at the door eat shit! Write down this account for me first! After finishing your Royal Highness's great event, I'll calculate with you one by one! Hum

Yuan Po's cold hum made everyone shiver. It seems that if there is no good performance in the action later, when the action is over, Yuan Po will surely have to repair them! However, they only dare to be afraid at the bottom of their hearts, but they dare not speak out to argue for themselves. What kind of temper is yuan Po? How can they know that the more they argue, they will only make yuan Po more angry, or let him have a good time.

Sure enough, seeing that his subordinates didn't refute himself, Yuan Po's face was better. Then he turned his head, glanced at the crowd, and asked, "Your Highness has decided to take action this evening. Have you made all the arrangements according to the plan?" With that, Yuan Po's eyes were still on one of them.

The man saw yuan staring at himself. Although he didn't ask, he knew that Yuan Po wanted to answer first. He immediately bowed down and said, "go back to your adult! Some generals from the west gate in charge of villains have already been contacted! They are all the old members of his highness. They all agree with his highness and are willing to give full support to them! "

Although it was good news, the result was also expected by Yuan Po. The city guards of xichengmen were originally in charge of winning, and almost all the generals and generals in the army were confidants of win yes. To win is that since they want to do something important, they will naturally do their best to support them, and there will be no accidents. It can be said that they are the most powerful weapon to win. Immediately, Yuan Po turned his eyes to another figure, who immediately fell to the ground and said, "go back to the adults! Since the fourth prince took more than half of the people to the south of Xinjiang, only Qi Huang was left to lead the army. These days, they have been hiding in the barracks and have never appeared! "

"Chijuan? Hum Yuan broke his brow, frowned and hummed coldly. Over the years, Qi Huang's name has become more and more famous. Some people in Bian city have spread it. Qi Huang and Li Yuanhe are the two most powerful military generals in Bian city. Yuan Po, who always boasted of his military bravery, would not be convinced. Li Yuanhe is now far away in naocheng, but Qi Huang stays in Bian city. Yuan Po can't help but clench his fist. This time, he must fight with Qi Huang to see who is the real first military man!

After a short period of distraction, Yuan Po immediately focused his attention. Now the most important thing is to implement the plan of winning the throne. The struggle is far less important than helping win to ascend the throne. Immediately, Yuan Po again turned his eyes to another person, who had already prepared the answer and immediately replied, "go back to your adult! The situation of the north gate is similar to that of the east gate. Now it is Wang Yu, Wang Yang's second son, who is in charge of the overall situation! But most of the troops left by the north gate are the direct troops of the third prince, and the number is much more than that of the east gate! "

Yuan Po also nodded again. Most of the information was within the scope of this plan, and there was no accident. This time, the most important thing to win is that the troops of the North Department won the second time! What's more, Wang Yu, the second son of the Wang family, was in charge of the garrison of the north gate. Although Wang Yu was young, there was an old fox named Wang Yang behind him, so this became one of the aspects that Yuan Po was most worried about.

However, although the garrison of the north gate worried yuan Po the most, compared with another place, the north gate was not so critical. Yuan Po's eyes moved to the black armor figure shrinking on one side. Seeing yuan Po's eyes finally moved to himself, he couldn't help shaking his whole body. Finally, he stammered: "back, back to the adults! That, that, the south gate, the situation of the south gate, villain, villain did not inquire clearly! Also, please forgive meYuan broke just a little better face, suddenly gloomy down, cold hum: "waste!" After that, he waved his hand, and immediately after the figure, three soldiers in black armor appeared. Two of them quickly grasped the arms of the figure and restrained it. The other one wrapped his hand around the figure's mouth from behind, and covered his mouth hard to make him unable to speak. Then, I saw that the black armor soldier suddenly showed a dagger, without any muddle. It was at the throat of the black armor figure that a blood arrow shot out from the wound. The black armor figure only trembled several times, but under the strong suppression of the left and right black armor soldiers, the final struggle also became futile, only in the frightened eyes of his left and right colleagues, gradually softened.

Seeing that the black armour figure had been disposed of, Yuan Po waved his hand impatiently, indicating that the black armor soldiers would drag the corpse out. The south gate was also the most important part of the battle. It was not under the control of any prince, but an old part of the army that followed the Qin emperor Ying Yan and the former general Luo Tianhan. These people have never participated in the struggle between the prince and the prince. They are very low-key in their daily life. Even if they win, they can't figure out how these generals plan in the end.

According to the previous plan of winning, these old units are the key to this victory. Winning is not to expect these old departments to help themselves. He only hopes that these people can not help each other as before. In this way, the victory will occupy an overwhelming advantage in the next battle. Even if it is the imperial guards stationed in the palace, there is no need to worry about winning.

However, up to now, Yuan Po has not been able to find out any information about the south gate, which makes him do not know how to go to win is to report, so he will be angry with the subordinates. Those subordinates around him killed one of his colleagues simply when they saw yuan Po, for fear that Yuan Po's anger would be implicated in him. Seeing that Yuan Po didn't speak any more, everyone did not dare to make a sound. The whole room fell into a very dull silence.

After a long time, Yuan Po finally took a long sigh of relief and said, "forget it! At that time, we have to spend more troops in the south of the city! It's too late now! We're ready to go! Remember! This operation is of great importance. You must be careful and careful. There must be no mistakes! Do you know? "

"Here it is After Yuan Po asked, all the people in the room knelt down to Yuan Po at the same time, shouting in unison, but for the sake of concealment, all their voices were deliberately lowered. But even so, it did not affect their determination expressed in their voices. Tonight's battle is a dragon or a worm, and it will decide whether it is right or wrong tonight!

At the same time, in the prince's house, although there was no change from the outside, it had already turned upside down in the mansion at the moment. Yingshi and other generals who supported him were all dressed in military uniform. Even he ye, who was thin and weak, was wearing light armor at this time. And the bodyguards in the prince's mansion were surrounded by three floors inside and three outside. Even the domestic servants and maids were honestly hiding in a courtyard of the inner courtyard, under the strict care of a group of bodyguards.

These are all the ideas of he Ye. Although he doesn't agree that winning is a plan to start a rebellion, he ye can't persuade him to change his mind since he has made up his mind to win. Therefore, he has to make every effort to ensure the success of the plan. This is also the final expression of his loyalty to win.

Although she was very dissatisfied with he Ye's obstruction, she also knew that he Ye was just thinking for himself. After he Ye decided to continue planning for himself, Ying restored his trust in he ye and gave him the command of the whole plan. He ye did not live up to Yingye's high expectations. Instead, he did not stop Yingshi's plan. Instead, he arranged the whole plan in a reasonable way, so that Yingshi's confidence in this incident was doubled.