He ye said solemnly to the winner: "Your Highness! Now that all the generals have arrived, you can start to move at any time, just wait for the news from general yuan! "

It's obviously exciting to win. After all, what you've wanted for so many years can be realized tonight. This is the opportunity that has been waiting for many years to win. Now winning is nodding and saying to he ye: "good! Let's leave everything to Mr. Zhang! Ben Wang believes in your means

To win is the trust, he Ye's face more or less reveals a trace of moving, but soon the emotion to cover up. Since winning has completely handed over the command to himself, then any command issued next is related to the success or failure of the operation tonight. He Ye dare not be careless. Even if it was a bow to win, he turned to the generals and officials sitting on both sides of the hall and said, "gentlemen! Today, we are planning a big deal together! Yes! Then the future will be clear! Defeat! Then the family will be destroyed and everyone will die! I hope you will be careful and not be careless

Obviously, he ye still lacks confidence in this action. However, he ye can't do it now. Fortunately, all the people present were the staunch supporters of win Yeh. Although he ye said something sinister, it did not make them lose their fighting spirit. He Ye sighed to himself. He had to fight hard and start to issue an order: "General Qian! You should take 8000 troops to the North City barracks. Don't go to war with the North City garrison until the last critical moment! All you have to do is stop the North City garrison and don't let them go into the city to support

Even if Qian Ludang made a fist at he ye, he immediately went forward to take the tiger amulet thrown by he Ye. He paid homage to Yingshi and he ye, and turned to carry out he Ye's orders. There are more than 14000 troops in Beicheng barracks. Although the number of troops is dominant, as long as Qian Lu is careful and good at defense, there should be no problem in blocking the other party's attack for one night.

Then, he Ye drew out a tiger amulet from the table top, glanced at the audience, and suddenly raised his eyebrows. He yelled: "where is Lu Jue?"

When he ye asked, people looked around and found that Lu Jue, who had been advocating winning as the starting point, was not among the people at the moment. People can't help but wonder. Judging from the way Lu Jue advocated winning at the beginning, they all think that Lu Jue may be the one who most supports winning. Why is Lu Jue missing now when he is about to start.

However, Lu Jue was not there, but Lu Jue's father, Luhe, was there. Seeing he Ye frowning and inquiring about Lu Jue's whereabouts, Luhe stepped out of the line in a state of uneasiness and said, "sir! Lu Jue he, he is not well, in order not to affect his Highness's plan, so he did not come and rest at home! Please forgive me, sir Since Lu Jue criticized he ye at the last meeting, Luhe has been afraid of he Ye. He is afraid that he ye will suddenly find an excuse to find trouble with his father and son.

After listening to Luhe's explanation, he Ye frowned more and more tightly. When did he not get sick, he chose to be ill at this time? However, he Ye seems to understand Lu he's shaking face in front of him at the moment. It's probably because Lu Jue offended him last time and was afraid that he would take advantage of the opportunity to retaliate when the incident happened today, so he didn't dare to show up? Thinking of this, he Ye couldn't help sneering at him. He Ye was just a yellow mouth girl. If he wanted to deal with him, why should he retaliate at such an important time?

At present, he Ye didn't think much about it. Anyway, Luhe was here. The yellow boy would not abandon his father and make any tricks. He Ye originally wanted Lu Jue to carry out the next plan. Now that Lu Jue is not here, he Ye simply puts the job on Luhe and says, "Lord Lu! I give you 5000 men to block the east city barracks. Just keep the defense line and try not to fight with each other! It's a great achievement if you only delay for one night! "

Lu Hechang was relieved. He was worried that he ye would spread his anger on him. Now it seems that he Ye has no intention of revenge for his own interests. This task is more relaxed than Qian Lu's. What Qian Lu had to face was more than 14000 elite soldiers, all of whom were the legitimate troops trained by the third prince. What he had to face was only a thousand miscellaneous soldiers led by Qi Huang. The elite troops of the fourth prince had already followed him to the south. If Qi Huang had not been injured in the last battle with Liang Yun, he would have followed him.

After Lu he was ordered to go down, he Ye divided into three teams of 1000 people, led by Yingshi's trusted generals. He ye asked them to go to the second prince's house, the fifth Prince's house and the minister's residence supporting the two princes, with the aim of taking down the two Prince cliques thoroughly! As for the third prince's house and the fourth Prince's house, he ye did not intend to start at this time, because both princes are not in Bian City, and they still hold military power. If the family members of the two princes are rashly attacked, it will only break their mind to return to Biancheng. After that time, the state of Qin is likely to fall into a deadlock of division. It is necessary to win. It is a unified powerful country after Qin Dynasty, rather than a divided and lost chaotic country.

Then, he ye turned to win and said, "Your Highness, next, you have to ask your highness to come out in person and lead 4000 people to the Nancheng military camp! Although there are tens of thousands of troops in Nancheng barracks, your highness doesn't need to worry at all. Those neutral generals do not dare to move at will without the emperor's will. In addition, with his royal highness guarding them, those generals dare not be presumptuous! Even if there are other eyes of the other kings who are making trouble, there are more than sufficient four thousand men around him.After listening to he Ye's analysis, he also nodded. He had been fighting in the battlefield since he was a child. He was a fierce general, and naturally he would not be afraid of fighting. What's more, he Ye gave him a thorough analysis. There was almost no danger in this trip. How could he stay still. Even when he patted his thigh, he said with a smile, "OK! This is what I'm going to do! You can rest assured, sir! With Ben Wang there, I'd like to see how those Muggles who can't make a fart out of three sticks dare to take Ben Wang! "

To win is to call those neutral generals Muggles, and that's also because in recent years, winning has never given up to win over these neutral generals. However, none of these generals would like to join in. If they were angry and win, they would scold them, but they would be silent. They would not hear anything. As a result, as soon as the neutral generals were mentioned, they would be directly scolded as "Muggles".

He Ye smiles, and finally gives a long sigh of relief. He looks at the others and says, "the rest of the princes will follow me to the palace. We must make sure that those royal guards can't interfere." He Ye has been unable to let go of the problem of the Imperial Guards for a long time. Although Lu Jue made a reasonable analysis last time, in order to protect the safety of the Imperial Palace, as long as they do not take the initiative to attack the Imperial Palace, they dare not come out. However, this kind of solution always makes he Ye feel that he Ye is not so secure. He is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Therefore, he Ye is prepared to suppress the Imperial Army in the palace with the strongest strength to ensure the victory. Yes, the plan is infallible.

After all the tasks have been assigned, he Ye turns to win again, but says that his task has been completed, and waiting to win is the final decision. Although winning has already said that he Ye is in charge of this action, his trust does not mean that he Ye dare to overstep his authority. When we should respect him, we should try our best to show respect for Yingshi, which is the real way to be a minister.

Sure enough, seeing he ye so, Yingshi's face immediately filled with satisfaction, nodded, and said with a smile: "Sir's plan is very good! It's a great blessing in my life that I can get help from my husband! "

Hearing the praise of Yingye, he ye also immediately made a few modest remarks. Then he turned his head and looked at the crowd and said, "gentlemen! Fight tonight! It's when we achieve hegemony! I am the eldest son! The throne of the post Qin State should have been inherited by this king! But in the court, the evil and the evil were in charge, and the saints were blinded. They even wanted his majesty to do such immoral acts as abolishing the elders and setting up the young! As a post Qin Emperor's chamber, how can I sit and watch such a ridiculous thing happen in our country? All of you are loyal and righteous people. You should clear away the evils and evils together with the king, and return the great power of the late Qin Dynasty to make the world clear! "

To be fair, to win is to be able, and this impassioned Manifesto is also well said. Although people all know that what they are doing now is really plotting against the enemy. But with such a good excuse, they will be able to make more efforts to fight at that time. This is also the reason why, since ancient times, as long as a soldier has to find a high sounding excuse.

Seeing that winning is such an excellent performance, he Ye is also rare and a little excited. Even if it is a step forward, he Ye shouts at the public: "the great prince is incomparable in benevolence and righteousness! We should fight for your royal highness! Long live your royal highness

"Long live your royal highness!" Everyone's mood at the moment has been completely won, and he Ye has been mobilized. They are all shouting in unison after he Ye. This cry will immediately break the silence of night in Bian City, and reverberate constantly in the night sky.

Win is obviously also very satisfied with his performance just now, a little color on his face. Immediately, to win is to pull out the sword from his waist and shout to the generals: "gentlemen! Dare to fight

"War! War! War Those generals also pulled out their own swords, followed by the win is the same raised, shouting in unison. And the civil servants like he ye also waved their arms vigorously. Everyone's eyes were red, and they wanted to fight with the enemy immediately.