On the other side of Bian City, the fifth Prince's house was full of laughter, not aware of the impending disaster. A group of government officials who have been supporting the fifth prince to win the goat are gathering at the fifth Prince's mansion for a banquet hosted by Ying Yang. Of course, there is no lack of Minister Wan Han and Minister Sun Lang of the Ministry of labor, who has been a staunch supporter of winning sheep over the years.

These officials gathered in the fifth Prince's mansion for no reason. Now the third prince Yingzhen and the fourth Prince Yingying, who are in charge of military power in Bian City, have all been forced to leave Bian City, and the remaining eldest prince Yingshi, who has been out of power for a long time. This can be said to be a very favorable situation for Yingyang, who has always attached great importance to culture and despised martial arts. Now, Yingyang only needs to wait for the news from naocheng that Yingzhen is defeated. No matter whether Yingzhen can come back alive or not, the advantage of Yingzhen in fighting for the throne will be gone by then!

As long as the news of Yingzhen's defeat comes, Yingyang will take over the military power of Yingzhen left in Biancheng. In addition, with the support of literati he has always possessed, it is equivalent to having a more obvious advantage than others. When the time comes, Yingyang will ask for an order to invade the city. According to the relationship between Yingyang and the Xiaolang Gang, it is easy to win a battle. In this way, both in the official field and in the military, Yingyang can gain considerable prestige. At that time, the throne of the heir to the throne must be his own!

It is because of the smooth progress of this plan that in recent days, winning sheep has been entertaining his supporters every day, which is also a kind of reward for them. As for those civil servants, naturally, they praised Yingyang. In their mouth, Yingyang was as wise as the founding emperor of the Qin Empire.

Listening to the praises of those civil servants, Ying Yang's face, which is obviously too young, is full of complacency. No matter how precocious Yingyang is, he is still a teenager. This kind of happy time will inevitably show a child's normal reaction. Even Wan Han and sun Lang on the side did not remind Yingyang to pay attention to manners.

"Your Highness!" It is said that the literati are frivolous, especially at the present time when they drink too much alcohol, and all the officials have forgotten the red tape. A middle-aged official walked slowly to the table of Yingyang with shaking feet. He held up a bottle of wine in his hand and saluted Yingyang. He said with a smile: "the Royal Highness is the confidant of our scholars in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty! This cup of wine, the lower official on behalf of the world's literati, to your highness! I wish your highness to ascend the treasure early, so that the literati like me can be proud of themselves

Although the middle-aged official was not considerate in etiquette, what he said was what Yingyang liked to hear most. Naturally, he did not blame him for his impoliteness. On the contrary, Ying Yang raised his wine bottle with a smile and said to the middle-aged official, "you are welcome! Although our country was founded by Qin Dynasty! How can we ignore the teachings of the sages? It's the worst way to fight, kill and kill. It's up to all the sages and sages to make our country secure! As for who ascends the great treasure, this is the second. As long as he can put the sage's children in great importance and let the people live a stable life, what is the difficulty for the king to assist him? "

With that, Yingyang and the middle-aged official toast a cup at the same time and drink it out in one gulp. But the middle-aged official laughed and said, "happy! Happy! Just what your highness said just now is wrong! Looking at your Majesty's sons, how many of you, apart from your highness, really pay attention to the children of sages and sages? In their eyes, only those swordsmen with swords and guns! If the state of Qin was handed over to them, I was afraid that it would be militaristic and become a tyrant in the future! At that time, only the people of the post Qin State will suffer! "

"Well said!" The middle-aged official's remarks immediately won the approval of the surrounding people, and they all clapped and applauded at the same time. Several officials simply stood up and yelled: "only the fifth Prince is the most suitable heir to the throne! If your majesty refuses to establish your highness as a prince! Wait for your highness to be an admonition This proposal has won the support of the public, and everyone is clapping their hands.

Sitting on the side of the Minister Wan Han looked at the crowd's enthusiasm, but just drinking there, without any intention of getting involved. Although he was close to these literati, he looked down upon these poverty in the heart of Wan Han. These literati know how to write and write all day long, but they can't do practical things. If it wasn't for Yingyang now, these literati need to publicize his reputation for him. I'm afraid Wan Han would not stay with these poor people for a long time.

Although Wan Han is also a sage disciple, he never thinks that he is a scholar. In his own understanding, he is more like a politician. What a politician has to do is to play with the regime in the officialdom, which is much better than that of the literati who idle around all day! At least politicians are more realistic than these literati. What they pursue is the most practical interests.

However, even if he looks down upon these literati in his heart, Wan Han will not expose his idea. After all, he and Yingyang still have a lot of places to get the help of these literati. However, Wan Han has made up his mind to help Yingyang ascend the throne of the post Qin state, and the first one to do the operation at that time will be the poor! After this, the power of Qin state can't be handed over to these rubbish who can only talk about nothing!I don't know that the other party has defined himself and others as waste. Those civil servants still come to wanhan to toast from time to time. How can we say that Wan Han is now the official Minister of the Ministry of civil servants. Frankly speaking, he is the first of these civil servants. Besides, Wan Han is also the highest ranking person under the five Prince's account. As a person who joins in with the fifth Prince's account, he should follow the example of Wan Han.

After the uproar of these civil servants, the banquet atmosphere of the fifth Prince's house became more and more lively. Even Yingyang himself was presented with dozens of glasses of wine. Yingyang is also a child. His drinking capacity is limited after all. At the moment, his head is a little dizzy. His face is flushed, just like rouge on his cheek. With Yingyang's pink and jade face, it seems very lovely. No one can see that it is such a lovely child, but not long ago, he made plans to murder his own brother.

While the crowd was drinking and having fun, the atmosphere became more and more lively. Suddenly, there were bursts of noise from outside the hall, which was also mixed with some shouting and fighting voices. At first, Yingyang didn't care much about it. He thought it was the servant who had a dispute. It was not impossible that such a thing would happen. Ying Yang didn't want to put his mind on it. He waved his hand and motioned to a soldier nearby to deal with the matter. He didn't care who was right or wrong. As long as he dragged down those quarreling slaves, he didn't disturb the interest of the people.

However, after waiting for a long time, the noise from outside the hall did not stop. On the contrary, it became louder and louder. Almost all the people in the hall heard it. They stopped drinking and turned to look out of the hall. This time wins the sheep but really angry, this is not obviously against oneself! At once, the winning sheep's heart started to kill, and immediately his face turned blue. He threw the wine bottle on the table and snorted coldly. For a moment, the whole hall suddenly became very quiet, no one dared to speak, as if afraid to anger the master.

On one side, the old God saw wanhan in the field, and he knew that the master was really angry. However, in front of the officials, how could Yingyang maintain his image in front of these literati. Immediately, Wan Han immediately opened his mouth and comforted him: "Your Highness, don't be annoyed! And let subordinates to deal with it! Lord Sun! You come to drink with your highness! I'll come when I go! "

However, sun Lang, the Minister of the Ministry of labor, was sitting beside him. Although both of them were followers of Yingyang's account. However, no matter the official position of the two, or the relationship between the Wanjia and the sun's, sun Lang could only be willing to live under Wan Han. When he was in the south of Beijing, Wang once said that the sun family was a running dog of the Wanjia family. Of course, he did not slander the sun family. Now that Wan Han has spoken, sun Lang can't afford to continue drinking and having fun. He quickly worships Wan Han and goes to Yingyang to pour wine for Yingyang.

When he saw that Wan Han offered to deal with the matter, Ying Yang's face was a little better. Wan Han had been with him for many years. He also understood the purpose of Wan Han's doing so. He immediately restrained his temper and waved to Wan han to deal with it. However, when he waved to Wan Han, Ying Yang winked at Wan Han very covertly. The cold light in his eyes only made Wan Han stunned for a moment and understood the meaning. Then Wan Han nodded his chin slightly, indicating that he had understood. He turned and walked out of the hall towards the direction of the noise.

Out of the hall, Wan Han heard the noise getting louder and louder, and even faintly there were some shouts of killing. Wan Han's brow could not help wrinkling, and his heart was also extremely dissatisfied. How could the servants of the five Prince's family not understand the rules! It's very rude to know that Ying Yang is entertaining guests now. It's really rude to dare to be so noisy! It seems that the meaning of winning sheep is not wrong, it is to have a hard hand to frighten these slaves who don't understand the rules!

When Wan Han was secretly angry, he suddenly heard a disorderly sound of footsteps coming from the front. He subconsciously raised his head and looked, but he recognized that it was the housekeeper of the third prince's house. But the housekeeper also knew Wan Han. Even if he quickened his pace, and had not yet waited for WAN han to open his mouth to question, the housekeeper was crying and shouting, "Lord Wan! Lord Wan! The big thing is bad! Not good