The development of the whole thing was beyond Tianluo's expectation. He gathered all the people under him, but he failed to break the deadlock at the gate of the prince's mansion in time. Although the number of those bodyguards has become less and less, but under the leadership of Wan Han, these guards are still nailed to the door, blocking the rebels outside. So far, more than 500 rebels have been killed at the gate, and the number of guards has been reduced to dozens again. However, this time, these guards did not have any more timidity. At the moment, they have already killed their eyes. Even if Wan Han ordered them to retreat, they would not listen.

Now it's Tianluo's turn to worry. He Ye has already lost half of his thousand men team, but now he hasn't even broken the gate. If such a war situation spreads to the eldest prince, Tian Luo will not be able to bear it. But the more he was afraid of something, the more he came. Before Tianluo opened his mouth to urge the soldiers to step up their attack, a cry came from behind him: "I said Laotian! Why are you still at the door? "

This cry seems to be very surprised at first, but Tianluo can clearly hear the schadenfreude contained in it. Tian Luo's body couldn't help shaking. Even if he didn't look back, he could also recognize the identity of the other party from the voice of the evil Yang. Immediately Tian Luo's face was gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "my business is not in your charge."

A middle-aged general wearing black armor of the same standard as Tianluo came to Tianluo's side. He ye had arranged for Feng Jiangquan, a general to clear away the supporters of the second prince and the fifth prince. Although Feng Jiangquan and Tianluo were both generals under the prince's tent, there was a deep contradiction between them. If there was no ye to reconcile them, they would fight as soon as they met. This time Tian Luo didn't capture the fifth Prince's mansion in time. The last person he wanted to see was Feng Jiangquan. Sure enough, as soon as this guy saw the war situation here, his mouth couldn't speak good words. He was so angry that Tianluo was gnashing his teeth and would like to kill him with a knife!

Feng Jiangquan did not care at all about Tian Luo's murderous eyes. He said with a faint smile, "Laotian! What's the matter with you? Isn't it a prince's mansion? You have a whole team of thousands! Tut tut! Laotian, Laotian! I think you are really old! It's no use! " Feng Jiangquan said it was a pity, but his face was full of proud smile.

"Hum!" Tian Luo almost didn't vomit blood. Feng Jiangquan is two years older than him. Now he is old in front of his face? I've never seen such a shameless person! However, they had been warned by he Ye many times before. Tian Luo didn't dare to disobey he Ye's orders and Feng Jiangquan to come to the whole martial arts field. At once, he suppressed his anger and said coldly, "these five Prince's houses are the targets assigned to me by Mr. He! You don't have to worry about how to fight here and what it looks like here. "

However, Feng Jiangquan shook his head and said, "Laotian, don't say that! I don't have the leisure to help you! I come here, but for Mr. He assigned me the goal here! ha-ha! I've seen the target! Laotian! Let your soldiers make way for my soldiers! Don't delay my mission Feng Jiangquan said as he reached out to a figure in front of the gate of the fifth Prince's mansion.

Tian Luo looked up subconsciously, but he saw Wan Han, who was commanding with his voice. He immediately understood the meaning of Feng Jiangquan's words. He Ye assigned him the task of eliminating those supporters of the second prince and the fifth prince. Wan Han is the highest ranking supporter under the fifth prince. In he Ye's plan, this person must be killed! I think Feng Jiangquan must have gone to Wanfu. Knowing that Wan Han is here, he hastens to come here.

Originally, both of them were comrades in arms in the same trench. If they were other people, Tianluo would give each other a face at the moment. However, this man is Feng Jiangquan. Tian Luo is not willing to help him even though he is fighting for punishment. Even if he doesn't pay any attention to Feng Jiangquan, he grits his teeth and lets his soldiers continue to attack.

Feng Jiangquan seemed to have known that Tianluo would do this. With a cold smile, he suddenly stretched out his hand behind him. At the moment, a team of hundreds of people had gathered behind him, but Feng Jiangquan did not give orders, so they all stayed in the same place quietly. Seeing Feng Jiangquan stretch out his hand, a soldier closely following Feng Jiangquan immediately understood what Feng Jiangquan meant. He immediately took a set of bows and arrows from his saddle and respectfully delivered them to Feng Jiangquan's hand.

At the moment, Tian Luo was concentrating on directing the battle, and he did not notice Feng Jiangquan's action at all. Feng Jiangquan just looked at Tian Luo coldly, and bent his bow and arrow neatly. His goal was to point to Wan Han, who was constantly encouraging the guards of the prince's house. After a little aiming, Feng Jiangquan's mouth aroused a cruel smile, and the finger holding the bow string suddenly released after pulling the bow string to the full string. I heard the sharp sound of breaking the sky, and the arrows were shooting at the gate of the prince's mansion like a meteor.

In the side of Tian Luo heard the sound of breaking the sky, subconsciously turned his head and saw the arrow flying by, and his face suddenly changed. Then he remembered that although the guy who had repeatedly opposed himself was not his opponent in martial arts, he had an accurate arrow technique. Sure enough, in a flash, a scream was heard from inside the prince's mansion. The arrow hit Wan Han's forehead accurately. Wan Han didn't even respond. He just screamed and fell in the face. In this way, as the head of all officials, the Minister of the Ministry of officials died under the arrow.Seeing Feng Jiangquan's success, Tian Luo's face became more and more ugly. He turned his head coldly and glared at Feng Jiangquan. However, Feng Jiangquan held his head high, facing Tianluo's eyes, but Feng Jiangquan was very proud. It was as if he was saying what you could do with me, throw the long bow directly behind, and then his soldiers would catch him, and then he would say to his soldiers, "everyone, listen! Take the prince's house

At the gate of the prince's mansion, the bodyguards had already killed their eyes, but if Wan Han hadn't been there to encourage them, I'm afraid they would not have been able to support them for such a long time. Now Feng Jiangquan's amazing arrow has solved the net profit of Wan Han Gan, which can be said to be a huge blow to them. Under the joint attack of Tianluo's rebels and Feng Jiangquan's fresh troops, they had no more fighting power. They were completely defeated by three or two times. At the same time, the two rebel forces also converged and rushed towards the prince's mansion.

"Damn it!" He fought hard for a long time and sacrificed so many troops. However, he was robbed by Feng Jiangquan's arrow. Tianluo didn't give up, glared at his red eyes and cursed: "Feng Jiangquan! How dare you do such a thing! Why don't you give me an explanation! Even if it's your highness, I won't give up with you! "

Feng Jiangquan also knew that he had done too much, but he had to do it. According to the task assigned to him by he ye, it was to wipe out those supporters of the second and fifth princes. But he took his men around Biancheng for half a circle. All the targets that had been registered before had gone home, but things were so strange. Among the five Prince's supporters' houses, only the family members were absent. It was not easy to learn from one of the families that they were invited to the banquet by the fifth prince. As for the supporters of the second prince, Feng Jiangquan even ran to seven families and could not even see a ghost. Therefore, until he arrived at the fifth Prince's house, Feng Jiangquan's goal and task had not been completed. One of the targets that he could not easily find would be snatched away by Tian Luo. Feng Jiangquan naturally refused to give it to Tian Luo. He simply ended Wan Han's life with one arrow and took the credit directly.

But regarding Tian Luo's accusation, Feng Jiangquan actually does not care at all, makes trouble as soon as possible, these years, between them two people's quarrel also can be less? How did Feng Jiangquan ever fear him! At that time, Feng Jiangquan stopped talking nonsense with Tian Luo. He waved his hand directly to the back and took the lead to rush into the prince's house. According to the previous information, all the targets under the five Prince's account are hiding in the mansion! He has to clear all those targets before he gets under Tianluo!

Seeing Feng Jiangquan, he rushed in. Tianluo knew that it was not the time to fight with Feng Jiangquan. The key was to fight for credit with Feng Jiangquan. At once, all the remaining soldiers under his command rushed into the palace under his leadership. For a moment, the whole house of the fifth prince screamed incessantly. All the guards who had been stationed in the mansion had just died in the battle. How could the remaining domestic servants be the enemies of these fierce rebels? They were simply slaughtered on the ground!

Soon, the two armies rushed directly to the backyard. Officials and literati such as Ying Yang and sun Lang saw these vicious rebel soldiers rush in, all of them trembling with fear. Now even a fool knows that Wan Han must have failed. How can they be the opponents of these rebels. Sun Lang was a bit brave. He swallowed hard and drank at the rebel soldiers with a pale face: "you, you are so brave! How dare you be rude to your Highness the fifth prince! Don't you know it's a big crime to punish the nine clans? "

After sun Lang said this, Yingyang finally remembered his own identity. Now he was strong and courageous. He hid behind Sun Lang and other officials and yelled: "no, that's right! My king, I am the fifth prince! You, if you dare, if you dare to move a hair of this king! My father will cut off your heads