The threat of Yingyang really played a role. Although these rebels were loyal to Yingshi, they were still the army of the post Qin state. The post Qin Emperor's status in the minds of these generals and soldiers was not so easy to cancel. For a moment, all the officers and men stopped and looked at each other. No one dared to go up to Yingyang and others.

Yingyang himself didn't expect such a good effect. Suddenly he found that there was no response from the opposite side. Then he cautiously leaned out of sun Lang's back. Seeing that all the officers and men were hesitant, he suddenly became bold. Immediately, Ying Yang pulled out sun Lang and other officials in front of him. His face was arrogant, but his frightened appearance just disappeared. He pointed to those generals and said, "you are all the generals and soldiers of the state of Qin! Why help tyrants? Surrender now! Clear up the rebellion! I guarantee you innocence! If we can win the first prize! Official worship general! A thousand taels of reward

The empty promise of winning sheep hit the hearts of these rebels. How ever did these generals and men ever want to rebel? The treatment of the Qin army has always been generous, and it is not bad to be a big head soldier honestly. However, their superiors are all the people who win. Winning is ordering rebellion. How dare they not obey? What's more, even if they don't want to join the army with their superiors, these generals have already rebelled. As their subordinates, how can they get rid of the relationship easily!

But now winning sheep has already moved these rebel soldiers. If they really don't have to worry about being implicated in the rebellion, they naturally want to jump out of this quagmire to avoid causing trouble! I saw that these officers and men were all dignified, and their weapons were slowly falling down. They were about to leave their weapons and so they surrendered.

This kind of result was never expected by Ying Yang and others. Naturally, Ying Yang convinced these rebels with one mouth, which was called a pride in Ying Yang's heart! Sun Lang and others were already in despair, but they were desperate. Their eyes widened one by one and their mouths were too wide to believe their own eyes.

"Whew! Whew Just when Yingyang and others were overjoyed, two sharp voices burst out of the air. Two black shadows suddenly flew out from behind the rebels and shot directly at Yingyang, who was holding up his head and chest, and accurately hit Yingyang's chest and throat!

Once again, the situation changed in surprise. Everyone's eyes were focused on Ying Yang's body. The tail plumes of the two arrows were still shaking, while the arrows had penetrated into the chest and throat of the winning sheep. Yingyang's eyes are straight ahead. The complacency just hanging on his face has not yet completely subsided. However, his eyes are full of fear and despair. With the blood pouring out from the arrow, it is very difficult for Yingyang to open his mouth and want to take another breath, but it is very difficult. He can only fall down on his back.

Looking at Yingyang's death, all of them couldn't help but take a breath. Sun Lang and others slowly turned their heads and looked at the direction of the arrow. However, they were two black armour generals holding long bows and holding archery posture. These two were Tian Luo and Feng Jiangquan who had just arrived! Although they were a step slower than those rebel soldiers, they also heard what Ying Yang just said. It is undeniable that the promise of Ying Yang is very attractive to these rebel soldiers. But for such rebel generals as Tianluo and Feng Jiangquan, it is a deadly poison!

In their bodies, has long been marked with the brand of the big prince faction, if the big prince failed this time, perhaps those ordinary officers and men can be forgiven, but they these generals will surely die! Seeing that the officers and soldiers under their hands were about to be moved by the winning sheep, they immediately said nothing. When they were about to arrive, they shot their bows and arrows directly at the winning sheep to prevent the winning sheep from further encouraging the rebels.

As soon as Yingyang dies, those rebels will die completely. The five princes will die in front of them. No matter whether they have the intention to participate in the rebellion or not, the guilt can not be left clean. Without the orders of Tianluo and Feng Jiangquan, the rebel soldiers raised their weapons and killed the officials who were still in a daze. In a flash, these high-ranking and powerful officials were chopped into meat and mud by the big soldiers they despised before. At this point, the five princes group was completely eliminated.

Although the task has been completed, Tian Luo glanced at the body of Ying Yang, who fell on the ground, and frowned at Feng Jiangquan. Among the two arrows just now, the one shot at the chest of the winning sheep was his own shot, and the one that won the throat of the sheep was naturally the credit of Feng Jiangquan. Although he didn't have a good impression on Feng Jiangquan, he had to admit that the archery skills of the other side were really better than his own. The arrow shot at the chest did not necessarily kill the winning sheep. If he did not kill the winning sheep, it would be very likely that the winning sheep would persuade the rebel soldiers to switch, which would be very bad.

Feng Jiangquan seemed to notice Tian Luo's eyes, his mouth slightly tilted, and said with a smile: "Laotian! The fifth Prince is your mission goal. In this way, I'll treat it as a favor. I'll give you the credit for shooting the fifth prince! " Naturally, Feng Jiangquan was not so kind-hearted. Although he said so, his tone was scornful of Tianluo. He was like a beggar.

Tian Luo was not willing to accept this anger, and his admiration for Feng Jiangquan just rose in his heart. Even though he roared, "don't provoke me! Although I don't have any skills, I still have this backbone! You're lucky! You are the one who shot the fifth prince! But next time I won't lose to you! You remember it for me With that, Tian Luo turned around and left angrily.Feng Jiangquan looked at Tian Luo's angry back and a bright smile on his face. After so many years of confrontation with Tian Luo, he could not understand Tian Luo's character. If it is clear that he and Tian Luo fight for merit, Tian Luo is afraid that even if he is defeated, he will not give up easily. But now Feng Jiangquan to a retreat to advance, easily let Tianluo give up this credit, how can not let Feng Jiangquan happy ah!

Not to mention the conflict between Tianluo and Feng Jiangquan, Qi Huang, who had to stay in Biancheng because of his injury, was standing at the gate of the barracks, frowning at the rebel troops not far from the front, and laying a heavy line of defense in the street. Beside Qi Huang, there are several generals who are left behind for other reasons. They are also the subordinates of the fourth prince who wins. However, in terms of the importance of winning his account, they are not as important as Qi Huang, so now they are all following Qi Huang's lead.

"Hum!" Qi Huang snorted coldly and glared at the rebels. In fact, sun Shaoqing, the think-tank who won the war, reminded Qi Huang before he won the south. Since the fifth Prince conspired to transfer Yingzhen and Yingzhen, who held the military power separately, there must be some conspiracy. Qi Huang must be more careful. However, it never occurred to me that it was the prince who won that was the first to win. Moreover, it was such a big move to rebel directly.

At present, there are only a thousand odd soldiers in Chengdong barracks. Most of them are new recruits. To be exact, they have not been officially included in the garrison. Apart from these recruits, the rest are wounded soldiers. Such a team can not form any combat effectiveness at all. Even if Zijuan wanted to attack the rebels, it was a weak and impractical thing. Thinking of this, Qi Huang could only turn around and walk towards the barracks.

The generals behind him thought that Qi Huang would order to attack the rebels, but they did not expect that Qi Huang would react like this. They were all stunned. One of them was busy shouting, "general Qi! We, are we going to do nothing? "

Qi Juan stopped, looked at the general who called himself strangely, and said angrily, "do? What can we do? There are thousands of people on the other side, and they are the regular army of the same garrison! We have more than 1000 miscellaneous soldiers on hand. How can we fight them? It would be fine if they took the initiative to attack the barracks, but if you look at their actions, it is clear that they want to block our way into the city and guard the intersection! I'm afraid we'll be finished before we rush to them! "

Although Qi Huang is a strong general, he is not foolhardy. He can still do it by judging the situation, otherwise he will not be as important as winning him. Seeing what Qi Huang said was reasonable, the generals did not persuade them any more. Only one general hesitated and said, "general Qi! You're right! But now it is obvious that it is the rebellion of the great prince. The duty of our city guards is to protect the safety of Bian city. If we just wait and wait, we are afraid that there will be some trouble in the future? "

The general said it was also true. Although the big prince rebelled, they did not think that the plot of the prince could succeed. When the rebellion is settled down in the future, if the defeated adversary finds out that they are resisting the rebellion, they will certainly be charged with dereliction of duty, or, more seriously, they may be directly labeled as conspirators of rebellion!

The general was right, and Qi Huang hesitated. But looking back at the rebels guarding the street, Qi Huang couldn't get rid of the ruthlessness and let his soldiers die. Whether this is a fight or not, however, makes Qi Huang unable to make up his mind when he walks back and forth in front of the camp. And those generals around him are all the same trouble as Qi Huang. There is no way to give a good suggestion. They can only watch Qi Huang worry.