Different from Qi Huang's distress, Lu He, who was responsible for blocking the barracks in the east of the city, was in a good mood. This task can be said to be very easy and simple. Luhe only needs to take 5000 men and horses to guard here, and there are only 1000 odd soldiers in the opposite barracks. Luhe doesn't have to worry about breaking through. What's more, it is his son Lu Jue who offers advice for the eldest prince this time. As long as the prince succeeds, the Lu family will be one of the hottest families in the post Qin Dynasty.

Although Luhe is still at a distance from the barracks in the east of the city, the general's distress and headache in the barracks can be clearly seen. One of them was Qi Huang, who he ye had told him to be careful before he left. Lu he was no stranger to Qi Huang, because there was a similar general yuan Po under the prince's account.

In Biancheng military, Yuan Po always regarded himself as the first expert. However, the first master has become a joke in Bian Cheng army. The reason is that Qi Huang appears in the air. So Luhe can hear yuan Po clamoring to defeat Qi Huang every day, but Qi Huang is not as high-profile as Yuan Po, and has not responded to Yuan Po's challenge. With the care of the fourth prince, Yuan Po did not dare to provoke too much, even though he was bold and reckless. Therefore, he could only be addicted to his mouth.

Now, Qi Huang, who had been a headache for yuan Po, was helpless in front of him. Lu He, who had always been unable to raise his head in front of those soldiers in the military department, was also complacent. Immediately Luhe was smiling at the rebel soldiers around him and said, "all hold your chest up and look at it! Don't leave an enemy behind

Luhe was showing his prestige to these officers and men. Suddenly, there was a burst of rapid sound of horse's hooves from the street behind him. Luhe was frightened by the sudden sound of horse's hooves, and turned his head in a hurry to look at the street behind him. By the torches on both sides of the street, we could barely see that a group of cavalry in black armour was coming towards this side, only because the night was too dark to see each other's faces clearly.

This was a great shock to Luhe. Although he had just put his weight in front of the officers and soldiers, Luhe was famous for his timidity in Bian Cheng officialdom. Now the city of Bian is so chaotic that the cavalry in black armor doesn't know which immortal it is. Lu he orders the soldiers to protect the rear. He hides behind the soldiers and carefully looks at the cavalry that gradually shows up.

The cavalry quickly arrived at the front of the line of defense arranged by the land and river. The horse in the front suddenly pulled the reins with a sudden force. The horse was pulled and its two front hooves were raised high. And the cavalry who followed him stopped at the same time. Even so, the cavalry kept a neat formation without any confusion. At the same time, the cavalry in the front also showed his face full of scars under the light of torch. It was the general yuan Po who won!

Lu he was relieved to see that the visitor was yuan Po. He quickly stepped out of the rebel soldiers and saluted yuan Po with compliments on his face. Because of Lu Jue's relationship, the Lu family is able to stand up in front of the winner. But compared with Yuan Po, who is the most popular person in front of him, Lu he has no courage to offend yuan Po.

However, Yuan Po didn't give Luhe any good face. He just raised his hands to deal with the matter. He didn't even get off the horse, so he sat on the horse's back and said to Luhe, "Lord Lu! Is chijuan in the barracks opposite? " Of course, Lu he was known for his timid reputation. What's more, he saw Lu he's performance just now. For such a person, Yuan Po, who always boasted of his bravery, naturally looked down on him.

Lu he didn't care about yuan Po. He said respectfully to Yuan Po with a smile: "general yuan, please don't worry! If you have a humble position here, even if you have three heads and six arms, you don't want to rush out. Now he is staying in the barracks honestly As far as the official position is concerned, Lu He, as a foreign minister of the Ministry of war, is much higher than yuan Chuang, who is only the chief bodyguard of the prince's mansion. However, Luhe calls himself humble to Yuan Po. It can be seen that Lu he has lowered his stature enough.

As for Lu he's humility, Yuan Fu turned a blind eye to Lu he's humility. He just looked up at the barracks ahead, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit. At that time, he did not care how to flatter Luhe. With his legs clipped, he ran forward and yelled at the rebel soldiers in front of him: "all get out of my way!"

When Yuan Po won, the prestige of these generals and men was still very high. When they heard yuan Po's order, they would not care whether yuan Po's tone was good or not, so they obediently made way for him. Yuan Po, with a group of cavalry, rushed directly from this passage to the east of the city barracks. Luhe was stunned, but he didn't even have a chance to stop him. So he watched yuan break rush past.

In the East camp of the city, Qi Huang and others also found the sudden appearance of the cavalry. Qi Huang narrowed his eyes and recognized yuan Po, who was at the front of the cavalry. Just looking at Yuan Po's appearance at the moment, Qi Huang immediately guessed yuan Po's idea. He cocked his mouth slightly and said to the soldiers around him, "hurry up! Go and get my mace and horse

Other generals did not understand why Qi Huang suddenly asked for his own weapons and mounts. As soon as he wanted to ask, he heard outside the camp that Yuan Po cried out, "Qi Huang! Do you dare to fight with me? " When they heard this, they all looked out of the camp in surprise. They saw that Yuan Po had stopped at the gate of the camp with his cavalry troops, holding his weapon Yanyue sword, and looking into the camp with pride.Soon, the soldiers came with Qihuang's mace and his horse. The mace, which had to be carried by three soldiers, was easily picked up with one hand. Then the other hand led the war horse, one turned over and got on the horse. Looking at the figure of Yuan Po outside the camp gate, his face also showed a fiery sense of war.

A general next to him saw him and hastened to persuade him, "general Qi! Never! The general's wound has not recovered. How can he fight with others? What's more, it's not a conspiracy of the rebels. It's not good for the general to cheat the general out of the camp! Please think twice, general

Qi Huang, however, turned his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "you are suspicious! This yuan Po desire and I have been higher and lower for a long time. This is not his trick! Besides, have you forgotten what we have just considered? Now that Yuan Po delivered this to our door, it is just the credit given to us! As long as this guy is killed, we will have an excuse even if someone wants to make it difficult for us in the future! As for my injury... " Qi Huang also showed strong self-confidence on his face. He waved his mace in his hand and said proudly: "although he has not recovered, it is enough to deal with Yuan Po."

After that, Qi Huang didn't pay attention to the people's dissuasion. With his legs clamped and the reins thrown up in his hands, Qi Huang rushed out of the barracks and yelled to Yuan Po outside the camp: "yuan, break up and be bold! Let me defeat you

When the generals saw Zijuan, they rushed out and knew that they could not persuade him back. One of them immediately said to the dozens of soldiers behind him: "what are you doing! Hurry up and escort general Qi Although there is some dissatisfaction with Qihuang's impulsive behavior, his safety is of vital importance. Now the Chengdong military camp is already in a weak position. Without him, he will not be able to resist the attack of the rebels.

At the other end, Lu he walked up to the front of the rebels with an ugly face, staring at Yuan Po, who stood between the rebels and the barracks, filled with anger. Yingshi and he ye have given him the command of the east of the city barracks, and Luhe should be in full charge here. However, Yuan Po even attacked Qi Huang without authorization. Isn't this a complete disruption of Luhe's plan? However, Luhe didn't dare to be angry with Yuan Po, so he had to sulk behind his back.

I don't know what people think behind them. Now yuan Po and Qi Huang rush towards each other. Qi Huang and Liang Yun had a fierce battle last time, and their left arm was injured, but they have not recovered yet. With the left hand, it's not a problem to use the left hand. At present, the right hand is holding the mace upside down, and the tip of the stick rubs the ground, bringing up countless sparks. Seeing that he was about to rush to Yuan Po's front, he suddenly raised the wolf's tooth stick and swept it towards yuan Po's waist from bottom to top.

Naturally, Yuan Po was not willing to be outdone. Although his title as the No.1 Military expert in Bian city has a lot of moisture, he is indeed a first-class master himself. Seeing Qi Huang's mace flying, Yuan Po danced with the Yanyue knife in his hand and directly smashed it down towards the mace. With a "Dang" sound, the Yanyue sword was bounced high, and Qi Huang's mace was also chopped away from the direction and flew to the other side.

Qi Huang was a bit surprised. Originally, he didn't care much about yuan Po, who is known as the first military expert. Although his left hand was injured, which affected his strength, he didn't expect that Yuan Po could block his move. It seems that Yuan Po is not in vain! Qi Huang immediately put away his previous contempt for yuan Po and began to treat yuan Po as an opponent worthy of his serious treatment.

However, Yuan Po knew that Qi Huang was not easy to deal with, so he used all his strength just now. He didn't expect that he would just beat the mace to the wrong side. It can be seen that at least in terms of strength, he is far inferior to Qi Huang. Yuan Po, who had experienced many battles, immediately decided not to compete with Qi Huang, but to use dexterity to deal with Qi Huang.