"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Arrogant laughter spread from the army led by winis. Winning was pointing to the barracks ahead and laughing at the soldiers on the left and right: "you see! Look! What did those Muggles look like when they saw this king! Interesting! How interesting it is On the other hand, the generals and soldiers on the left and right are also laughing, or they are praising the victory, so that the victory is more and more proud.

Just now, when winning arrived at the south of the city barracks with 4000 troops, the soldiers and soldiers in the south of the city were in chaos. Although in recent years, the post Qin state almost did not stop the war against neighboring countries, but the fire of the war burned into Bian City, which has not happened for a long time. It is no wonder that these generals and soldiers are flustered. However, most of the generals in the barracks in the south of the city took a neutral attitude towards the fight for the crown prince. Although they knew that the fight between several princes would eventually become more intense, they did not expect to win in such an extreme way.

So when the victory was to set up a line of defense at the street outside the barracks, the officers and soldiers were relieved. However, they had already set up a defense line at the street entrance to win. Although there are more than twice as many soldiers and horses in Chengnan Barracks as those in their hands to win, most of them do not agree that sending out troops and winning is a frontal battle. After all, winning is that there is no order to attack the barracks now, and the situation in other parts of Bian city is not clear. If it is so hard to win, is it not to participate in the struggle between several princes and deviate from their original neutral position? Although there are still a few generals still propose to send troops, but they have too few troops in hand, and it is impossible to break through the defense line of winning.

Seeing the hesitant appearance of the generals, the victory was to give out all the breath that had been suffered by them before, but I was very happy. So there was the scene above. Winning was standing in front of the line of defense with a group of deputy generals and constantly laughing at the generals in the barracks. Although the generals heard that Ying was making fun of, they were afraid to be angry and dare not speak. They could only bite their teeth and bear it.

Just as Ying was enjoying himself with laughter and abuse, a cry came from the rear of the army, and a rebel soldier was coming from the street behind him in sweat. A look of joy appeared on his face when he saw Ying Shi. However, he couldn't have rushed to the front of the winner. Dozens of soldiers had already blocked him and stopped him. The rebel soldier also knew that his identity could not be close to win. Yes, even when he turned over and dismounted, he knelt down to win through his relatives.

Winning was interrupted. Of course, he was a little upset, but he also knew that business matters now, so he frowned and said, "who sent you? What can I do for you?" Winning is of course impossible to recognize the rebel soldier. It can only be confirmed that he is a member of his side only from the marks made by the rebels on the armor earlier. If not, I am afraid that the soldier will be shot and killed by the generals and soldiers around him as soon as he appears.

The rebel soldier was busy clasping his fist and saying, "reply to your highness! Yes, Lord Lu, to the East camp! Lord Lu sent a villain to tell his highness something important! "

"Land and river?" The timid foreign soldier of the military department immediately appeared in his mind, especially before he set out from the prince's mansion. Lu he's face was pale with fear, and his mouth was slightly cocked up. He said with a smile, "didn't he go to Chengdong barracks to intercept the fourth old's army according to he Ye's instructions? There are only a thousand odd soldiers there. What can I do for you? "

The rebel soldier began to sweat on his forehead. He could imagine how angry he would be to win after he said this. However, he did not dare not to say that. At the moment, he had no choice but to fight yuan Po against Qi Huang. After being captured by life, he said, "Lord Lu is afraid of general yuan's safety and dare not attack the city at will East barracks, special villains come to ask your Highness for instructions

Sure enough, after hearing the news, Ying Shi's face was so gloomy that he could drop ink. Even though he snorted coldly, he said, "rubbish! It's all rubbish! That damned yuan Po! If you don't have that skill, you even have to compete with others. Now you are not only defeated, but also captured alive by others! It's a disgrace to the king! And the river! It's a waste, too! He was given five thousand men and horses, which was not as good as the thousand odd soldiers! I think he's the end of the war! "

Winning has always been known for his short temper. Now, in his anger, he was so angry that no one around him dared to comfort him. Under the account of winning, a few can persuade him, and now they are not around to win. All the officers and men can only bow their heads and suffer from the disaster of the fish pond. He was scolded by win for more than half an hour. Winning was just a little calming down. Finally, he said coldly, "Luhe will not only send you to ask the king! Did he send someone to ask him? "

Although he is irascible, it does not mean that he is really stupid. After the fire is over, winning is immediately guessing the prudence of yiluhe. It is impossible for him to send a message to him. The rebel soldier did not dare to conceal it. He nodded and said, "Your Highness is wise! Lord Lu really sent another brother to the gate of the palace to ask Mr. Ji He! "

Win is a cold hum. Although he is not very happy in his heart, he can not come up with any good solution. He waved his hand impatiently and said, "since he has asked he ye, he ye will handle it! You go back and tell Lu he! Everything is decided by he Ye! But I want him to do one thing! That is to save yuan Po without any injury! Otherwise, let him bring his head up to see you Although he has just scolded yuan Po, he is still one of the few powerful generals under him, and he is loyal to himself. To Yuan Po, you can fight and scold if you win, but you can't bear to sacrifice him like this.The rebel soldier listened to Ying Yeh's command, and immediately bowed to win. He said, "the villain will tell Lord Lu what his highness said! Farewell, villain After that, he got up, turned his horse again, turned his horse's head, and was ready to go in the direction of his coming. There was still waiting for his reply on the other side of the river. He didn't dare to delay.

But just as the rebel soldier had just swung his whip and drove forward, suddenly, a dark shadow accompanied by a howling sound flew from the other end of the dark street and hit the rebel soldier's throat. The rebel soldier had no preparation at all. His throat was pierced by the black shadow. With a blood arrow splashing out of his throat, the rebel soldier fell down from his horse on his back. However, his other foot was still stuck in the stirrup, and the horse ran forward no matter what his master had become, so he dragged the corpse of the rebel soldiers into the darkness of the street.

The sudden arrow shocked everyone, including Yingshi, but soon they slowed down. Those soldiers who stood behind him yelled, "escort!" This time, it was not just the dozens of soldiers, but hundreds of officers and soldiers who stood in front of Yingshi at the first time, pulled out their swords one after another, and nervously looked at the darkness at the other end of the street, as if a monster would be saved from the darkness at any time.

In the eyes of Yingshi and the rebel soldiers, there began to be a rush of stepping sound in the dark, which was mixed with a little sound of horse's hooves. Moreover, as these voices became louder and louder, everyone knew that the shooter of the cold arrow was getting closer and closer. Finally, a figure of black armor gradually emerged from the darkness, but this did not end. Then there were the second and the third, more and more. After a while, the number of people pouring out of the darkness far exceeded the number of soldiers who won.

Winning is blue and white on his face. At this time, there are so many men and horses suddenly. It is certainly not his side. Obviously, the situation on his side is very bad. However, from the moment when winning was determined to rebel, he had already made plans to face the situation. Moreover, he had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, which could not frighten him. All the soldiers will pull out their swords! Set up again

In the face of such a situation, winning is determined to concentrate the defense direction on the suddenly emerging army. As for the neutral generals in the barracks in the south of the city behind, winning is a bet that they will not send troops to intervene! At this time, the brave general who had won in the battlefield seemed to be revived again.

The rebel officers and men quickly set up a defensive formation facing the mysterious army in the shortest possible time, according to the order of winyes. Seeing more and more enemy troops pouring out of the darkness, these well-trained city guards are still holding the blade in their hands and are ready to fight at any time.

Finally, the mysterious army on the other side of the street burst out of the shadow of the other side of the street. However, it was not easy to win. The number of the other side was nearly 10000, but he had only 4000 men under him. Although we don't know which army the other side is, we can see from the uniform armor of the rear Qin army on the other side's soldiers. This army is also a regular post Qin army just like his own! Winning is getting worse and worse. How can there be so many troops in Bian city now? Is it that Qian Lu didn't hold the barracks in the north of the city and let the third half of the soldiers rush out?

However, winning at once dispelled this speculation, because several horses came out of the mysterious army, and one of them showed its true colors under the torches in the hands of the officers and soldiers of both armies. See clearly this person's appearance, win is can't help but bite tight jaw, ferocious drink way: "it's you! Win