It was Ying Nai who came from the second prince's mansion and the army he had been hiding before. When the nearly 10000 troops appeared in front of Yingshi, Ying Shi's face became a little pale. He understood that he had underestimated his normally low-key younger brother. Needless to say, the team sent before had been won, but he had no bones left. To win is to bite one's teeth and nod and say, "win is! You are so amazing! Thank you for hiding so many people to this day

Of course, yingnai can tell that winning is the irony in the words. But now that his side has gained the upper hand, he doesn't care. He just smiles and says, "big brother, this is not right! If I'm not careful, I'm afraid I've been skinned and cramped by big brother and other good brothers. Where can I live to this day? "

"Hum!" To win is to be a general, and to fight is not one's strong point. Naturally, he is not the opponent to win. Even though he snorted coldly, he no longer talked with yingnai. He turned to the rebel soldiers on the left and right and said, "gentlemen, now that you and I are in the same boat, there is no turning back! As long as the enemy is eliminated, we can continue to live! Do you dare to fight to death

If the rebel soldiers said they were not afraid when they saw such enemies appearing in front of them, they would be lying. However, winning is a matter of principle. Now, even fear is useless. They have already followed the victory and started a rebellion. This is a fact that can never be changed. If they lose the war, they will all die. In any case, they are all going to die. It is better to fight for it. At that moment, all the rebel soldiers raised their swords together and began to shout and drink. Their faces were flushed, and their veins burst from their foreheads, and even their eyes turned red. It was almost like a trapped animal.

On the other side, he saw the victory, but he didn't care at all. He said to the soldiers around with a smile: "you see, my eldest brother seems to want to fight for trapped animals! It seems that Ben Wang should let him sober up and face the reality as soon as possible! " As soon as yingnai's words were said, the generals around him laughed and flattered him. Only Lu Jue, who had been hiding in the crowd behind yingnai, raised his head slightly, looked at yingnai with ease, and raised his mouth slightly.

Now, although the victory is due to the superiority of the troops, the rebels are now putting all their eggs in one basket and are in full swing. It is not clear who will win or who will lose if they fight like this. However, Lu Jue only laughed, but did not remind yingnai of the meaning. Instead, he lowered his head again, and even continued to take a few steps back. In a flash, he plunged into the crowd.

Winning is self-conscious. At the moment, he has already occupied an absolute advantage. In his opinion, it is impossible for him to lose in any case against 4000 people. To win immediately was to wave his hand and say, "ladies and gentlemen! Come on! Wipe out all these treacheries! My promise to you will be fulfilled! The rest, whether you can get a reward or not, depends on your own! " When Ying Nai said this, those officers and men behind him immediately remembered the reward promise that Ying Nai had made at the second prince's house. For a moment, their eyes were red. In their hearts, the rebels on the opposite side all turned into golden gold, and the winner standing in the middle became a huge official seal, waiting for them to get it. Immediately, all the officers and men all cried out excitedly, hoping to win. They would give the order now, so that they could rush forward to win the first prize.

"Attack!" The two words were uttered almost at the same time from the mouth of "Yingshi" and "yingnai". With the issuance of these two orders, the officers and soldiers of both sides rushed to each other's formation with full strength. The two sides were not far away from each other. In a flash, the front-line officers and men of the two armies collided with each other. Because the impact force was too strong, the front-line officers and soldiers almost collided with their own bodies, and the strength from the other side immediately knocked them all upside down. But even so, it did not stop the officers and men behind them from continuing to attack. For a time, the narrow street became a battlefield for the two armies to fight.

The scream was heard continuously from the juncture of the two armies, but it would soon be covered up by a greater roar. On the border of the handover, blood was constantly splashing in the air, and the bodies of the soldiers and soldiers fighting on the boundary were dyed bright red. All the officers and men, whether the army of yingnai or the rebels of Yingshi, were all fighting to kill each other. The soldiers standing in front of them were originally comrades in arms of the city guards, and some of them even knew each other well. But no matter what kind of relationship they used to have, tonight, their relationship can only be hostile. In front of them, there is only the enemy!

Every general and soldier uses the most basic skills of cutting and stabbing. These skills are necessary for the soldiers of the Qin army after they join the army, and these moves are also the most practical ones on the battlefield. Every knife cut, every spear out, can let the soldiers in the most physical saving premise, bring the greatest damage to the enemy. But in the fighting scene like this, no one will choose to dodge. They are all fighting for their own strength, physical strength and even their own vitality!

Under this kind of fighting, the rebels who have the upper hand in the two armies are actually the rebels who have occupied the inferior position before! This is precisely because the rebel soldiers have already made a desperate effort to fight against the enemy. In terms of conspiracy and strategy, maybe winning is the opponent of winning, but in terms of war, winning is the experience of more than ten years of fighting, but it is much better than winning!In a war, not only the number of soldiers, but also the combat effectiveness, equipment and commander-in-chief of soldiers are important factors that restrict the victory or defeat of a battle. And there is another point, can be said to be the key to the victory of the battle, that is morale! At present, although the rebel army and the yingnai army are almost equal in combat effectiveness and equipment, but they are absolutely inferior in number, but in terms of morale, it is the rebels who have the advantage! Winning is what we said to the rebel soldiers before the war, and it has already begun to play a role. All the rebel soldiers know that if they lose this battle, they will not only be killed in the war, but also be implicated in their families. For these soldiers, the reason why they joined the army is to use their lives to exchange for a better life for their families. In order not to let their families get involved, they have played 12% of their strength in this war and regard this battle as their last battle.

On the contrary, before the war, the generals and soldiers had already regarded the rebels as the things they wanted. It seemed that as long as one of them rushed to kill them, the rebels would easily be defeated by them. With such an idea, they began to fight with the rebels. But when they contacted the rebels, they immediately knew that they were wrong, and they were wrong. Because of the narrow streets, yingnai's army could not give full play to their superiority in number for a time, so they had to fight with the rebels. And the tenacious and crazy fighting capacity of the rebels can be said to have severely slapped these arrogant officers and men and completely knocked them out.

The gap between the previous ideas and the present reality makes them feel at a loss for a while. Looking at the crazy rebel soldiers and soldiers who are fighting in the opposite direction, they even have a trace of fear in their heart, and the pace of rushing to kill also begins to have hesitation. It was because of this hesitation that the whole situation began to tilt in a direction they had never expected.

Yingnai couldn't believe his eyes. Now his army of 10000 soldiers and soldiers of the post Qin army is being killed by the 4000 rebels. This situation was impossible to think of before. Ying Nai's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief looked at the retreating army in front of him, and murmured: "how can it be? How is that possible? How could it be? "

Although there are many generals leading the army, they are only middle-level officers. Perhaps they once or twice led the army to wipe out some bandits outside the city. In such a situation like this, they all have no relevant experience to help them. They all have the same appearance as winning. They can't understand why 10000 people can't beat 4000 people! The only way to win is to wave his sword eagerly, yell at the soldiers and kill them, and even start to chop down several retreating soldiers to frighten those who have lost their morale.

Although it is a flustered one, it is not very happy to win on the other side. At present, although the rebels have the upper hand, they know that they will win. This is only a temporary phenomenon. The post Qin army is a strong force in the seven countries in the south. Since yingnai's 10000 troops are all regular post Qin troops, they will never be attacked passively all the time. As long as they get better, the fundamental advantage in number will gradually be realized. This is what he has learned from his experience in the battlefield over the years. What we need to do now is to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out as many forces as possible of the other side, and to shorten the gap between the two armies as far as possible before the other side gets better, so that the battle can continue.

At the moment, I can't help but feel lucky to win. Fortunately, there are no decent generals around us. Otherwise, we would have found that there was something wrong with the morale of the two armies. If we won, we would have no chance to win! Immediately, to win is to bite his teeth, and he is still urging the soldiers to fight in front of him. If it was not for the soldiers around him who were holding him alive and dead, he would not be able to help himself to rush forward.