With the passage of time, winning is the most worrying thing finally happened. Under yingnai's scolding, those generals and soldiers seemed to wake up from a dream and gradually recovered. After standing firm, they began to fight back against the rebels! Just now, the rebel soldiers were too fierce. Now it is time for them to be exhausted. Even if they have the intention to continue to kill the enemy, their physical strength is limited after all.

At the moment, the difference in the number of the two sides finally shows its effect. The rebel soldiers may be able to kill one enemy or two enemies, but then three, four or even more enemies will rush to them. This kind of numerical advantage is no longer the concept of one plus one equals two. For the rebel soldiers, it is a great blow when they finally kill an enemy but another enemy appears in front of them.

In this way, the victory that the rebel officers and men have just made is slowly lost under the encroachment of the other side step by step. Seeing the rebels being beaten back and forth, winning is a worry in my heart! However, he did not have any available generals under him. He wanted to fight in person, but he was stopped by his relatives and soldiers. He could only watch the number of his subordinates become less and less. In this way, the rebel officers and men could only hold on for more than half an hour at most.

"Your Highness! Your highness At the moment, an aide general beside him was pale and said to win: "now the situation is so urgent, it's better to withdraw for the time being! Back to Mr. He, we still have a chance to fight back! " I'm afraid the real worry is not the safety of winning, but whether his life can be saved.

But now it shows the difference between winning sheep and winning sheep. Before winning sheep was blocked by the rebels in the prince's house, he chose to retreat. However, after hearing the deputy general's suggestion, he just stared at each other and said: "nonsense! How can I retreat easily! You're talking nonsense and messing with my morale! It's time to kill! " To win immediately is to wave the sword in your hand and cut off the head of the vice general with one sword.

Winning is an iron and blood method. For a time, the rebel generals were shocked to see the victory. I saw that winning was also full of ferocity, holding the sword high, letting the blood flow down from the sword and dropping on his helmet. Win is shouting: "at this moment, we have no way back! Only kill the enemy! If there is a retreat! This is the example! Kill After saying that, winning is no matter how close to the soldiers to block, directly vertical horse is forward.

Those close soldiers can't stop winning. They have no choice but to kill the enemy after winning. Even win is rushed up, other generals naturally dare not stay still, helpless, also only bite teeth, hard scalp rushed up. In this way, the rebels can be said to have exerted all their final strength and finally resisted the advance of the other side for a while.

However, this situation is only temporary. Winning is waiting for the effect of a group of rebel generals, and it is only a temporary delay in the impact of the other side. After all, those who win are not the first-class generals, or even the second-class generals. They are just relying on the horses they sit on and have an advantage over the infantry.

What's more, the army in yingnai's hand belongs to the regular army of Biancheng garrison. If the army of the later Qin state lost its combat effectiveness when it was attacked by several generals, it could not be called a strong force in the south. Although there was no commander-in-chief, the fighting quality of the officers and men of the post Qin army was reflected at the moment. When the general rushed there, the officers and soldiers there immediately separated out a team of people and surrounded Yingshi and others, while others continued to surround and kill the remaining rebels.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer rebel officers and men, in a flash, there are only less than a thousand left. Winning is but the eyes are red with anxiety. And his side of those soldiers and generals are also a lot less, only less than 20 people in the protection of win is around. They also know that even if they die, they should protect the winning. If they win, they can survive. Even if they die in the war, their families can at least have a way to live. If win is dead, then this start is a complete failure, they and their families have no good end.

But even so, if the situation goes on, I'm afraid it won't last long. To win is to kill a soldier who is trying to kill him with a sword. He raises his head and stares at yingnai and others in the distance. At the moment, yingnai is finally relieved. The situation in front of him has begun to develop in the direction he wants. Seeing the win, he smiles and even raises his hand and waves at him.

As for yingnai's action, winning is just holding back one's stomach. However, he can't vent his anger towards yingnai. At last, he can only vent his anger on the soldiers around him. To win is to see that winning is such a move, can't help laughing, that look relaxed, where you can see a little bit of panic. To win is to say to the generals on the left and right: "look, he is now in the final battle of trapped animals! I bet they can't support the three incense sticks

Where the generals on the left and right still dare to say that winning is wrong, they all nodded in agreement. No one said no. naturally, they could not gamble. However, they were not very unhappy about winning. Instead, they watched with great interest that they were struggling to win. After Ying Nai's death, Lu Jue, who had just retreated behind, once again poked his head out and carefully observed the situation ahead. Finally, he frowned and opened his mouth to say something to yingnai. However, when he saw yingnai's elated appearance, Lu Jue finally refrained from speaking. He just shook his head, looked back at the street behind him, and finally retreated.In the twinkling of an eye, nearly one incense stick passed, and the rebel soldiers and soldiers were reduced by nearly half again. The victory was that they rushed out of the encirclement with the remaining relatives and generals, and joined up with the remaining rebel officers and soldiers. But the other side immediately made a change, unexpectedly is to simply give them all surrounded, this win is to want to escape also can't escape.

Seeing that he was in the end, winning was also a bit of a doomsday hero. Under the protection of his subordinates, he glared at those red eyes and slowly swept around. Finally, he looked up to the sky and laughed. When he saw that he was in a desperate situation, he could still laugh. He felt uncomfortable when he won. Even if he ordered the officers and men to stop attacking, the rebels were surrounded to death. After that, yingnai took a cadre and slowly walked to the front. He was protected by his own bodyguards and soldiers. Yingnai didn't have to worry about his own safety. Besides, looking at the rebel soldiers, he was exhausted. He didn't believe that the other side could hurt himself.

When he saw win, he was still laughing. His face was getting colder and colder. Originally, in his imagination, he should kneel down in front of him in despair, crying or begging for mercy. But now the way to win is not to win but to hope to see it. For so many years, he has been holding his breath for this moment. He immediately said coldly, "what are you laughing at?"

Win is slowly stopped laughing, looked down at yingnai, his face was covered with blood, but showed a grim smile, slowly said: "winnai, I admit it! I lost this time! But don't think you win! Even without me and five! You still have three, four to deal with! They hold the military power. You can't deal with them! Ha ha ha ha! I'll wait underground! I'm waiting for you to accompany me At the end of the day, winning is a face that has become so terrifying that it's no different from the devil that comes out of hell.

He knew that winning was right. He was different from winning. He had enough troops to control the third prince's house and the fourth Prince's house. If Lu Jue was not in charge, he would have made a bad idea to divide the forces. There is no way to win because of the ten thousand troops hidden in winning.

Now even if it is able to win for the success of killing, and by winning the hand to kill the winning sheep, but in the local win really, win it is not he can deal with. In particular, Yingzhen didn't know the plan of Yingyang. Naturally, she didn't know that Yingyang combined with the local forces of naocheng to set a trap for Yingzhen. Therefore, from yingnai's point of view, Yingzhen's prestige in the army was so high that he should be his biggest opponent.

Although there are some worries in my heart, on the surface, winning is not shown at all. Instead, he said coldly, "I don't want you to worry about this point! My king naturally has a solution! You can go down in peace When it comes to the end, winning is just holding up a hand and pointing to win, with a strong sense of killing on his face. At the same time, the generals on both sides understood the meaning of yingnai and ordered them to continue to attack the rebels.

Just when those soldiers were ready to launch another attack, they suddenly gave a big drink: "no one can kill me! I'm going to die! Can only be dead in their own hands! You can't kill me! Never, ever! " With that, the sword with some curling edges in his hand suddenly turned and made a sharp stroke towards his throat. The blood splashed out and fell into a bloody rain in the night sky. Then, to win is to look into the night sky with his eyes, and finally he can only fall off his horse slowly. If he finally fails to achieve his wish, he can only die miserably.