"Damn it!" Seeing that Li Yuanhe took the Qin army further and further away, those generals were also more and more anxious. But what stopped them were their own soldiers. No matter how anxious they were in their hearts, they could not attack their subordinates. They could only be anxious. One of the generals couldn't help but roar. He drew the end of his spear towards a soldier in front of him to vent his resentment.

The other generals couldn't help it. One of them woke up quickly. Since Li Ke sent them to battle, he would never give them an impossible task. Immediately, he looked to the left and right, and suddenly his eyes lit up, pointing to his left, he said to his colleagues, "gentlemen! Let's go around by the side! The enemy is going to kill us. It must not be as fast as us! It must be in time

After hearing this general's words, other generals realized that they immediately turned their horses and went around the barracks directly. As expected, this method worked. All the soldiers of the Zhou army killed Li Yuanhe. On the contrary, there were no people around the camp. It was easy for these generals to rush to the fence on the left side of the barracks. One of the generals with a big axe gave a strong drink. The big axe in his hand was directly aimed at the fence, and immediately the wooden fence was chopped to pieces. Without these fences, even if the generals ran out of the barracks, they would have gone straight to Li Yuanhe's direction after the soldiers of the Zhou army stopped them.

Li Yuanhe and his first group of Qin Army soldiers had already killed a bloody road in the encirclement of the Zhou army. They took Li Yuanhe as the arrow and cut through the big Zhou army. There were more than 1000 soldiers in front of them. However, the Qin army also paid a lot of money for this. The number of soldiers, which was originally only 5600, has been reduced to more than 400. Moreover, all the remaining officers and soldiers are injured. But even so, there was no timid expression on the faces of the soldiers of the Qin army. They followed Li Yuanhe closely and continued to fight with the soldiers of the Zhou army around him.

Li Yuanhe, as the arrow of this team, naturally had a lot of wounds on his body. However, Li Yuanhe seemed to have no pain at the moment. He just raised his gun, stabbed it out, collected it and stabbed it again. In Li Yuanhe's eyes, there is only a way forward, and he has only one goal, that is to take the soldiers under him back to the pass. It's hard to be afraid that there is only one soldier left, and Li Yuanhe will not give up!

As more and more soldiers of the Zhou army fell under Li Yuanhe's gun, those soldiers also gradually felt Li Yuanhe's terror, and the fear also slowly rose from their hearts. Looking at Li Yuan and his whole body being dyed into a bloody man by the blood of himself and those soldiers who died under his gun, but Li Yuan and the cold light from the hole in his mask eye made them feel timid. This timid life, the Zhou Army soldiers blocked Li Yuanhe's strength also can't help but reduce a lot, let Li Yuanhe's breakthrough speed is also accelerated a lot.

"Come on! The enemy will look at the sword Just as Li Yuanhe was about to break out of the encirclement with the soldiers of the Qin army, a thunderclap like thunder burst out. However, the generals of the Zhou army killed them at this critical moment, just in front of Li Yuanhe's attack. One of the soldiers, armed with a long handled sword, drank furiously and raised his sword to kill Li Yuanhe.

This suddenly killed the general, let Li Yuanhe also can't help but be stunned, just with instinct raised Zhangba long gun in front of him. A flash of sparks flashed, and Li Yuanhe's arms trembled, but he finally blocked the sword. But at the moment, Li Yuanhe couldn't stand to be dazed any more. As soon as Li Yuanhe turned his wrist and picked up the tip of his gun, he picked up the enemy general's broadsword, and then the spear directly stabbed the enemy general like a dragon. The general with whiskers had no idea that Li Yuanhe's counterattack was so fast that he had no time to react. He was stabbed in the throat by a long gun. With a dull sound, he fell down from his horse.

Behind the general with whiskers, the generals of the Zhou Dynasty saw that their fellow soldiers had been cut off by Li Yuanhe with only one move. They all drank furiously. They all picked up their weapons and ran towards Li Yuanhe. After killing the enemy general, Li Yuanhe also came back to his senses. Seeing that other enemies were coming, Li Yuanhe also held a spear in front of his chest to prepare for the attack.

The first one who rushed to Li Yuanhe was the one who had just cut open the fence with an axe. He rushed to Li Yuanhe in front of him. His big axe in his hand crossed an arc in the air, but he chopped Li Yuanhe's head from top to bottom.

In the face of this powerful axe, Li Yuanhe flashed several flashes of light in his eyes. The spear in his hand stabbed again, but aimed at the junction of the ax blade and the long handle. The axe was stopped from chopping down by the spear. Seeing that his axe was blocked by Li Yuanhe, the general's face also showed a trace of consternation. He had no idea that Li Yuanhe's strength was even greater than himself.

However, Li Yuanhe's attack was just at the beginning. His right hand, holding the tail of the gun, suddenly shook, and with the tip of the gun quickly swung, but he bounced the axe away, and then stabbed it straight at the enemy general's chest. Seeing that the enemy general was going to die under Li Yuanhe's spear again, two spears flashed from left to right, just in front of Zhangba's spear. However, several other enemy generals arrived at this critical moment and stopped Li Yuanhe's attack.Li Yuanhe's original intention of quick combat and quick decision can't be realized now. Looking at six generals in front of him, Li Yuanhe's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly cried out: "you wait for the enemy to be killed quickly! Withdraw to the customs! " Li Yuanhe's words are to those soldiers of the Qin army behind him. In the past, with Li Yuanhe's tendency to stop moving forward, those post Qin soldiers also stopped. Li Yuanhe knew that these enemies and generals were all aiming at themselves. There was no need to let the soldiers behind him take risks with him. Therefore, Li Yuanhe made a voice to let the soldiers break through the encirclement first.

Hearing Li Yuanhe's order, the soldiers of the Qin army were stunned, but they soon understood Li Yuanhe's intention. Immediately, the eyes of these soldiers were red, and one of them was fighting with his spear, while shouting: "general, don't go! We're not going! We will follow the general to the death This speech, however, won the unanimous approval of other Qin army officers and men. They were all shouting and drinking, and their fighting strength also increased a lot.

"Asshole!" Li Yuanhe was also busy fighting with those enemy generals. He didn't even have time to turn back. He could only fight and yell: "this is the general's order! Can't you disobey the military order! Don't break through! You'll only drag general Ben down if you stay here! Go away

Although Li Yuanhe's words were like this, the officers and men did not understand Li Yuanhe's real intention and did not say anything more. But their feet were like a root. They refused to step back. They stood behind Li Yuanhe and fought with the soldiers of the Zhou army in a muffled voice. Although Li Yuanhe didn't look back, he was clear about the movement behind him. Although he was very anxious, he couldn't help but let out a warm current in his heart. Li Yuanhe also understood that he could not persuade these generals to leave no matter what he said. He could only press his mind and concentrate on dealing with the enemy generals in front of him.

Although Li Yuanhe had one victory over seven generals when he was in Danube City, the seven Dachang generals he faced at that time were obviously inferior to the six generals in front of him. What's more, before this, Li Yuanhe and the soldiers of the Qin army all the way to kill here, which cost a lot of physical strength, not to mention, there are also many injuries on his body. Just before this, the blood shed by Li Yuanhe was too much to eat. Therefore, this time, Li Yuanhe and the six Zhou generals were defeated slightly. Many times, they saved their lives by relying on the advantage of eight long spears in their hands. However, Li Yuanhe also understood that if he went on like this, he would be defeated sooner or later.

"Drink it "Hoo!" "Ha

A roar of anger broke out from Li Yuanhe and the six generals of the Zhou army. Although the six generals of the Zhou army had the upper hand now, they could not help but be surprised. Originally, they were a little bit ashamed to fight more or less, but they still couldn't win Li Yuanhe after fighting for so long. Besides, judging from Li Yuanhe's current situation, there are no less than 20 wounds on his arm, thigh and back. In addition, he had been killed for so long before. If he had been killed for so long, he would have been unable to support him. Seeing that Li Yuanhe could still continue to support them in their siege, the six of them admired him.

However, they are not just young boys. In the battlefield, there are only comrades in arms and enemies. Li Yuanhe is the enemy in front of them. They will never show mercy to Li Yuanhe. What's more, only by defeating the opponent with his strongest strength can he be regarded as expressing his respect for such a strong general.

After more than ten rounds of fighting, Li Yuanhe had 56 more wounds, one of which was in front of his chest and only a short punch away from his neck. However, the six generals of the Zhou army did not get any benefits. Each of them was wounded. The general with a big axe was stabbed in the right shoulder socket by Li Yuanhe's Zhangba long gun, and the blood was constantly flowing out.