Hearing Chen Ren's words, Huang Zhong and Liu Pan's faces suddenly flashed a burst of embarrassment, but it was wenpin who helped the two old colleagues to solve the problem: "governor, I'm here to bring the news of Yuzhou."

Chen Ren's attention was immediately attracted and looked at Wen pin with wide eyes: "general Wen, what you said is true? Come on! Come on! Bring it to me After that, Chen Ren quickly reached out to wenpin.

As for Chen Ren's urgency, Wen pin quickly pulls out the military information made of silk cloth from his arms with a wry smile, and hands it to Chen Ren. Chen Ren immediately stands in his place and looks at it. As expected, Yuan Shu had no resistance to the army led by Cheng Pu and Han Dang, and was directly made dumplings. At present, the Yangzhou army has been stationed in the capital of Henan Province, and Yuan Shu committed suicide on his throne in the Council hall when the city broke down. Yuan Shu was completely eliminated from the game of vassal competition.

After reading the military information, Chen Ren was suddenly filled with emotion. In the history of later generations, the two outstanding members of the yuan family left a strong mark in this era. Yuan Shu was not only a super giant in the south, but also the first marquis to become an emperor on his own in the three Kingdoms period. Yuan Shao was once the overlord of the north, and even Cao Cao wanted to stay away from his power.

Now, Yuan Shu has not won a battle since the first World War in Yangzhou. Now he is forced to commit suicide. And Yuan Shao is now forced to cringe between the two cities. Is this the so-called butterfly effect?

"That, governor?" Seeing Chen Ren suddenly froze, Huang Zhong took a look at the training of Shandao camp on the other side and said, "governor?"

"Ah?" Chen Ren came back to his senses. Seeing that it was Huang Zhong, he said with a smile: "General Huang, you'd better call me Zici. I, the governor, have never done what I should do with this identity." Chen Ren's honest words are rare. It seems that all the military affairs, large and small, have been handed over to others. The only time he worked hard was to train this new army a few years ago.

Huang Zhong hesitated for a moment, and finally said with a red face: "that, son, son! Are you going to march towards Hangu pass now? "

Chen Ren nodded and said, "in fact, it should have started long ago, but I think it's better to be more prudent. So I stayed in Nanyang these days just for this letter." Said, also raised the silk cloth in the hand.

This time, Gu Zhong said, "let's take Huang Han." Huang Zhong finally got up his courage and said why he came to Nanyang this time.

Chen Ren looked at Huang Zhong in surprise and Liu Pan behind him. He couldn't help but feel funny. It turned out that these two men came to fight specially. No wonder they couldn't say anything at first. They must have left their military affairs to fight as soon as they heard that Chen Ren was going to fight. Fortunately, Chen Ren came from the waterway this time. Otherwise, when he passed Xiangyang, he would be entangled by Huang Zhong and Liu Pan?

In fact, it's no wonder that Huang Zhong is impatient. In terms of martial arts, Huang Zhong can be the first person in Jingxiang. However, because of his frank temper, he has not been favored by the governors of Jingzhou, so his reputation has been spread only in Jingxiang. Liu Biao finally came to see his martial arts. Unfortunately, Liu Biao had no ambition. He missed several opportunities to send troops, and Huang Zhong lost the chance to become famous. As a general, who doesn't want to be a famous general in the world? Especially when he sees a general as young as Chen Ren who has been praised by people all over the world, Huang Zhong will be somewhat reluctant.

Now Huang Zhong is nearly 50 years old. Although Huang Zhong has been in good health, he is obviously on the decline. He heard that Sun Jian was going to fight the world-famous Xiliang army and Bingzhou army this time. Huang Zhong realized that this might be his last chance, and he had to firmly grasp it, so as to have this thousand mile battle. As for Liu Pan, a militant like him has a negative example like Huang Zhong. Of course, we should seize every opportunity. In Xiangyang, there is a future general Wei Yan. Although he is also full of expectation for the war, he is helpless to be the substitute of the two because of his seniority and seniority.

In fact, Chen Ren really wanted to promise Huang Zhong. After all, when he saw Huang Zhong as an old man hanging down, he had to go to the battlefield to dance swords and guns. He worked hard to make a little fame. However, he was humiliated by Guan Yu for several times, so he felt worthless for Huang Zhong. Now Huang Zhong is still in his prime when he is still in his prime. It would be a beautiful thing if he could fulfill the wish of the veteran general. However, before Sun Jian's general arrived, Chen Ren Dao did not dare to make his own opinions.

When Chen Ren was in trouble, suddenly a shout came from the camp door: "Zici! Is it Zici? "

Chen Ren turned his head and looked at him. He saw that he was wearing silver armour, riding a white horse and holding a silver gun. Looking from a distance, he looked like Zhao Yun. However, Zhao Yun was trained in the thunderstorm Riding Camp in the military camp. In Jiangdong, he dressed like Zhao Yun and would directly call Chen Ren. There was only one person there.

"But the prince of history?" Chen Ren yelled at the distant horse. After a while, the man galloped to the gate of the barracks, not Tai Shici or someone else. It seems that Tai Shici still knows the rules of the new army. These new army soldiers still don't know their identity, so it's better to follow the rules. As soon as Tai Shici turned and dismounted, he walked towards Chen Ren and others. When he saw Huang Zhong and Liu Pan around Chen Ren, he burst into laughter.Chen Ren and others were confused by Tai Shici's sudden laughter. Chen Ren immediately asked, "Ziyi, how did you suddenly come from Jiangdong?" Since taishici was appointed governor by sun Jianfeng, taishici has been staying in Jianye. After all, Sun Jian's generals are very trustworthy, and Tai Shici has become an official with more leisure than Chen Ren under Sun Jian's account, and he is still free and upright.

Tai Shici takes out a military order from his arms and looks at Huang Zhong and Liu Pan, who are embarrassed. Of course, Huang Zhong and Liu Pan are absent without permission. They are under the charge of taishici. However, Tai Shici obviously did not come for the two people to leave their duties without permission. Xiangzhong and Liu Taiyang called on him

When they saw that it was the military order issued by Sun Jian. Huang Zhong and Liu Panli half knelt and bowed their heads and clasped their fists at the military order in Tai Shici's hand and said, "I will listen to the order!"

Tai Shici said in a positive tone: "adjust the Xiangyang garrison general Huang Zhong and Liu Pan to the new army, and belong to the commander Chen Ren deployment!"

"Here it is They thought they were going to be punished for leaving their posts without permission, but they did not expect to be punished. Now they can go to Hangu pass with justice.

Chen Ren was a little surprised. He didn't see him these days. Did Sun Jian become an immortal? be able to foresee? When Chen Ren was confused, Tai Shici quickly solved Chen Ren's mystery. Tai Shici said with a smile to Huang Zhong, Liu Pan and others: "I went to Xiangyang first, but I didn't expect it was a blank. The little general who guarded the city told me that you had arrived in Nanyang, so I came here with a whip."

It turned out that Sun Jian had already planned to transfer Huang Zhong and Liu Pan into the new army. After all, they were the top generals in Jingzhou. Although Sun Jian always showed his trust in Jingzhou's generals, he still had some problems in his heart. Therefore, he put the two Jingzhou generals into Chen Ren's new army and let Chen Ren take care of the two men instead of Sun Jian. The old Jingzhou army, without qualified generals, could not do much harm to Sun Jian even though he had the power.

For Sun Jian's calculation, Chen Ren finally figured it out, but Chen Ren of course will not tell this matter out. In his opinion, Sun Jian's worries are completely unnecessary. Not to mention other civil and military officials in Jingzhou, only Huang Zhong, once he has recognized the Lord, he will not betray. This time, he surrendered with the old army of Jingzhou. It was because Liu Biao and Liu Qi were all dead. Huang Zhong was already a general without a master. If Liu Biao or Liu Qi is still alive, or if Liu Biao was killed by Sun Jian, I'm afraid Huang Zhong will not surrender to Sun Jian even if he dies.

However, now that Sun Jian's military order is in place, Chen Ren can agree to Huang Zhong's and Liu Pan's requests, and immediately says with a smile: "since there is a military order from the Lord, the two generals can naturally join the new army and go to Hangu pass together! I don't know which unit of the new army the two generals want? "

As soon as Huang Zhong and Liu Pan heard that they could participate in the first battle of Hanguguan, they were overjoyed. When Chen Ren asked which one they were going to join, Huang Zhong and Liu Pan pointed to the Shandao camp that had just finished training and asked, "which one is that?"

Chen Ren took a look and directly replied, "Shandao camp!"

"Good!" Huang Zhong clapped his hands and said, "I'll join the Shandao camp!" On one side, Liu Pan nodded his head.

Chen Ren was speechless. Obviously, they decided to join Shandao camp because they saw the strength of Shandao camp. However, they didn't expect that the other three battalions were no inferior to Shandao camp. According to Chen Ren's idea, it's good for Liu Pan to join the Shandao camp, while Huang Zhong should go to Feixing camp just because of his unique skills!

"The strength of the other side of the Taiping army, Liu Taijun, has already seen the strength of the other side! Think about it! Don't be too late for your time

Looking at the two men's face full of question marks, Chen Ren said with a smile to Tai Shici: "Ziyi has been working hard this time. It's hard to work in Jingxiang this time. It's a pity that I'm going to start my army soon. I can't take Ziyi to play in Nanyang city. But general Youwen is here. Ziyi wants to have a good rest in Nanyang City for some time! "

But Tai Shici waved his hand carelessly and said, "I don't have time to play. Since all of you have come, I've decided to go out this time!"