This is the last chance for Li Yuanhe to make a choice. Li Yuanhe can still choose to leave here now. As long as he gallops, he believes he can catch up with the post Qin army. However, Li Yuanhe looked at Yelv Guanghao's back and bit his teeth, but he made up his mind to stay. Although there is no chance to do it now, it does not mean there will be no chance later. For the future of Han people, Yelu Guanghao must die!

Immediately, after Li Yuanhe made up his mind, he followed the team honestly and quickly to the north. From time to time, some people in the team looked behind. The place where the chaos happened was just south of the camp, so the road was peaceful. Several teams of people came to question Yelv Guanghao when they saw them. However, Yelu Guanghao and Xiao zhe stood in front of them. Naturally, the Liao soldiers did not dare to do anything, so they had to let them go.

Soon, Yelv Guanghao's men left the camp and continued to march toward the north. Xiao zhe looked back carelessly, but he could not help exclaiming, "no! Three princes! Look! It's like a granary in that direction! The barn is on fire

Yelv Guanghao and Li Yuanhe immediately turned their heads and looked at it. Yelv Guanghao naturally looked shocked, but Li Yuanhe was laughing. He didn't expect that Cheng xianjue had burned the granary of the Liao army. The army of more than 300000 troops of the Liao army is very powerful, but it is not invulnerable. This problem of grain and forage is one of the weaknesses of the Liao army. More than 300, 000 troops, the daily consumption of grain and grass is amazing, so we can see how important the supply of grain and grass is for the Liao army.

If Cheng xianjue really burned the Liao army's grain and grass, even if only half of it was burned, it would be doomed to let the Liao army's plan for the southern expedition come to nothing. Now Li Yuanhe is full of hope that Yelu Guanghao will immediately turn back to the military camp after hearing the news, so that Li Yuanhe will have a chance to join hands with the Qin army to assassinate this man.

However, Yelv Guanghao's face became more gloomy after hearing the news, but he turned around and ordered the team to evacuate more quickly to the north. What Li Yuanhe thought, Yelu Guanghao also understood that if there was a problem with the grain and grass, the Liao army would certainly have failed in the southern expedition, and naturally he would not continue to stay here to take responsibility.

Seeing Yelv Guanghao go like this, Li Yuanhe's heart can only be dark hate, but helpless. Although he was itchy and wanted to see the fiery situation in the Liao army barracks behind him and whether the soldiers of the Qin army could escape safely, Li Yuanhe did not dare to do any more actions, and now he had to go with Yelv Guanghao.

However, Li Ke was preparing to take a rest at the checkpoint outside the city of Nao. The siege of the city in recent days had exhausted him. Because of the gap between the two armies, Li Ke could only try to make up for the deficiency of the Zhou army with his own wisdom. But Rao is Li Ke's ability is good, these days also let him a little powerless, also don't know the other side can support how long will be unable to calm down.

Just after sleeping, Li Ke heard a sudden noise outside the tent. Li Ke immediately jumped out of the bed and rushed out of the tent. However, she found that all the soldiers of the Zhou army were swarming towards the pass. Li Ke was shocked. She thought it was the Liao army's night attack. Even if she caught a general of the Zhou army who passed by her, she drank and asked, "what happened? Is it the Liao army coming? "

The general was suddenly caught and was about to get angry, but when he turned his head, he turned to see that he was his own general. When he got to the mouth, he took it back. He immediately saluted Li Ke and said, "reply to general! Listen to the brothers in front of me, it seems that there is a fire in the Liao army barracks at the foot of the mountain! I don't know exactly what it is. I'm going to have a look at it! "

"Fire?" Li Ke almost didn't jump up. How could the Liao army camp catch fire? Is it what the Liao army is playing? Li Ke obviously didn't believe that there would be any accident in the Liao army with more than 300000 people, and immediately suspected that this might be a trick played by the master of the Liao army. Li Ke was also worried that the generals guarding in front would not resist the temptation and sneak out of the pass to attack the Liao army, and immediately ran to the front.

When Li Ke arrived at the front, she saw Liu Duoxian, who was in charge of guarding the pass tonight. At the moment, Liu Duoxian, like the generals and soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty around him, was shocked. Li Ke rushed to Liu Duoxian, but did not have time to ask Liu Duoxian. Instead, she followed Liu Duoxian's eyes and looked out of the pass. At the foot of the mountain outside the pass, it was supposed to be a dark plain under the night, but now it is full of fire. It is the Liao army barracks!

"Well, what's going on?" Originally, I thought it was the Liao army who made a little fire to lure the Zhou army out of the pass. But judging from this posture, it doesn't look like a fake. Is it really something wrong with the Liao army?

At this time, Liu Duoxian realized that Li Ke was already standing by his side. He quickly clasped hands and saluted Li Ke. Then he replied, "the last general doesn't know what's going on. After listening to the soldiers' rewards, the last general came here. It's just that up to now, the general has not understood why the Liao army's barracks would catch fire, so he ordered the officers and men to stay still! "

Li Ke nodded with satisfaction. Liu Duoxian's decision was correct. No matter whether the fire in the Liao army barracks was a conspiracy or an accident, he could not go out at will. At present, the Zhou army is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength. The only thing that can be relied on is the geographical location of the checkpoint. If it leaves the pass rashly, it will not have any advantages in the face of the Liao army.For a while, Li Ke didn't know what to do, but Liu Duoxian and other Zhou soldiers stood at the gate and watched the fire at the foot of the mountain. Looking at the momentum of the fire, Li Ke felt that it was not the Liao army who would cheat again, but the problem was that Li Ke did not dare to take the risk. If Li Ke could have tens of thousands more in his hand, he would have to fight for anything he said. However, after several days of hard work, the original 40000 strong Zhou army had already removed more than 10000 people. Li Ke did not dare to gamble, nor could he afford it.

"General! Look! Someone's coming up! " All of a sudden, a soldier standing behind Li Ke pointed to the foot of the mountain and cried out. Li Ke looked at him in the direction of his fingers. Sure enough, there were many more torches on the mountain road, and they were running fast towards the mountain.

Li Ke frowned and even ordered: "archer in position! Swordsman, raise your shield! The catapult and the catapult are ready After issuing a series of orders, Li Ke looked at the fire dragon winding up the mountain along the mountain road, but her heart was uncertain. Is it really a conspiracy set up by the Liao army? But the sacrifice is too big! This fire has burned at least half of the barracks. Is the other party so sure that he will be cheated?

Obviously, the speed of the team was very fast. Before long, the team had arrived at the checkpoint where Li Ke was stationed. Seeing that there was a high level of security, the team immediately stopped moving forward. Li Ke, who was at the checkpoint, obviously heard a voice of surprise coming from the team outside the pass: "no, can't we still stick here?"

Li Ke can't understand the meaning of Li Ke's troops, but he can't see the speed of his troops. According to the number of torches, Li Ke estimated that there were about 5000 or 6000 people. If all of them were cavalry, they would be a tremendous force. But the problem is, this cavalry is powerful in the field, but if it is put in the siege, it is useless at all. Should the Liao army not be stupid enough to use this cavalry to attack the level?

Liu Duoxian was younger than Li Ke, and his eyesight was much better. He immediately saw clearly that the army outside the pass was all dressed up in the Liao army. Even if it was a cold hum, he said, "there is a trick indeed! Soldiers! Ready to attack! Let these Liao dogs come and go Under the command of Liu Duoxian, the archers bent their bows and built their arrows, pointing straight out of the pass in the cold light.

"Wait a minute!" Just as Liu Duoxian was about to order an attack, a cry came from the cavalry outside. Li Ke immediately reached out to stop the archers. At this time, I saw several horses suddenly come out of the team. I'm afraid it is to avoid misunderstanding. The speed of these horses is very slow, and they don't have any weapons in their hands. One of the riders called out to the door: "close it and do it slowly! We are not the Liao army! "

Not the Liao army? Li Ke and Liu Duoxian looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. Immediately, Liu Duoxian immediately yelled: "you are not the Liao army, who are you? Why do you wear the armor of the Liao army

"We are the post Qin army! It's the post Qin army that was defeated by your army a few days ago and fled to Xiancheng! " The other side immediately showed his identity, but he was embarrassed when talking about the war a few days ago, but the other side continued: "we heard that the Liao army went south and besieged the city of Nao. Because we are all Han people's children, we specially came to help!"

Post Qin army? Now Li Ke and Liu Duoxian were in a daze, not only they, but also the other officers and men of the Zhou army who had been shut up. Although Li Ke also mentioned before that the six southern countries had an alliance. If the Liao army went south, other countries would certainly come to rescue them if they got news, but they never thought that they would come so soon. What's more, it's the post Qin army that was defeated by the Zhou army not long ago. Just a few days ago, the two armies were still enemies! However, Li Ke could not be tolerated outside the pass. They were stunned and continued to shout: "we have just made a big scene in the Liao army camp. Please open the door and let us enter the pass!"