Although the people outside the pass said it eagerly, Li Ke and others did not intend to open the door. Li Ke frowned and said, "don't lie to me! There are no less than 300000 troops in the Liao army barracks! With thousands of you, how can you create chaos in each other's barracks and escape safely? What's more, as far as I know, it's the post Qin army in Xiancheng. Even if it's the whole post Qin state, it's not likely to be able to afford so many cavalry! You are the real Liao army, but you want to cheat me to open the door! How can I be deceived! "

Listening to Li Ke's words, Liu Duoxian on the side of the scene was suddenly enlightened, and the generals and soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty on both sides were almost the same. According to Li Ke's analysis, there are indeed many loopholes in the other party's words. As expected, the general is very observant. If it were not for the general, I'm afraid they would all be cheated! At that time, Liu Duoxian and others looked at the area with angry faces. They were obviously indignant that they had been cheated by the other party. Even if Liu Duoxian wanted to order the left and right archers to launch an attack.

"Ha ha ha ha! Li Ke! Do you remember me Just as the officers and men of the Zhou army were about to launch an attack, a hearty laugh came out of the cavalry outside the pass. Li Ke was stunned when she heard the laughter. Then, she found that a cavalry team outside the pass suddenly stepped out of the cavalry. She laughed and walked towards the checkpoint.

"You wait a minute!" Li Ke heard the laughter, but she was familiar with it. She quickly stopped her men's attack. She fixed her eyes on the horse outside the pass. Unfortunately, she couldn't see the other party's face by the light of the torch. Immediately, Li Ke asked, "who are you? Do you know me? "

The rider laughed again and said, "when has Li Ke, a general of the state of Zhou, become so timid? Take a closer look. Don't you recognize your old friend? In other words, did General Li forget the treaty by the Tianhe river With that, the rider's legs were clamped, but he drove the horse forward a few steps. He completely ignored that the arrows which braved the cold light were aiming at his vital point.

"You, you are..." Li Ke saw the other side's face clearly, but Li Ke was more and more familiar with her eyes. At last, the horse mentioned the covenant. Li Ke's eyes suddenly widened, and she pointed to the horse with a surprised face, but her mouth was wide open, but she couldn't speak.

"General, are you?" Liu Duoxian, on the other side, finally knows that these people outside the pass may not really be the Liao army, because it is obvious that Li Ke knows the man outside the pass. Since Li Ke recognized it, it was definitely not the Liao people, so he immediately ordered the soldiers on the left and right to put down their bows and arrows for the time being, so as to avoid a mistake that might hurt the other party, but he did not relax his vigilance.

When Liu Duoxian looked at Li Ke with some doubts and worries, suddenly Li Ke's surprise turned into a smile, and a faint smile turned into a laugh. Pointing to the man outside the pass, he laughed and yelled: "ha ha ha ha! It's you! It's you! I can't believe you're still alive! "

"How can I die! At that time, I once said that even if I was going to die, I would at least drag you into the underworld with me The man also laughed, but it was so harsh in Liu Duoxian's ears that he couldn't hear any good intentions. Liu Duoxian almost didn't order the archers to attack.

"More obvious!" Just when Liu Duoxian was nervous, Li Ke finally stopped smiling and turned to Liu Duoxian and said, "quickly lead the officers and men to remove the stone blocking the door, and welcome the other party to enter the customs."

Seeing the smile on Li Ke's face, Liu Duoxian couldn't help being stunned. These days, however, he had not seen such a relaxed smile on Li Ke's face for a long time. But after listening to Li Ke's order clearly, Liu Duoxian was in a hurry and said, "general! It's not clear whether the people outside the pass are enemies or friends, so open the door. What if the other side is the Liao army? " It's normal for Liu Duoxian to be anxious. However, he has never seen Li Ke, who has always been steady, issue such an order rashly. Although he doesn't know who is outside the pass, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Who knows Li Ke, after listening to Liu Duoxian's persuasion, shakes her head and says, "don't worry! If others come, maybe I dare not believe it. However, with him in the other army, I can be sure that the troops outside the pass and the Liao army can only be enemies! As for the relationship between them and our Zhou army, it's hard to say now, but at least, we have common enemies, which is worthy of our trust. "

Li Ke said for a long time, but Liu Duoxian still didn't know who the other party was. He could let Li Ke trust him so much. Although his heart was still full of doubts, Liu Duoxian still decided to believe Li Ke. After giving li ke a fist, he directly turned around and went to command the soldiers of the Zhou army to carry the stones that had been blocked before closing the gate.

But outside the pass, the rider seemed to have heard Li Ke's command to Liu Duoxian. He didn't show any anxiety. Instead, he pointed to Li Ke and said with a smile: "Hello, Li Ke! You must have played the game of blocking the city gate again! You can't change this bad habit! No wonder the marshal said at that time, you are such a man, you are so stubbornLi Ke was not angry when she was criticized like this by the other party. Only when the other party mentioned the word "commander-in-chief", she showed a trace of sadness on her face. However, even though she recovered her smile, she yelled: "don't just talk about me! In my opinion, you haven't made much progress in these years! Still like the sword as before! How dare some people rush into the army! I don't understand how you crossed Tianhe alive in those days

"Hum! I want you to mind your own business! No matter how bad it is, it's better than you. You'll know how to curl up in the city! That is to say, in the state of Da Zhou, if you were in the state of post Qin, you could not even be a five grade military officer! " In the face of Li Ke's sarcasm, the rider seemed to be a little bit annoyed and turned into anger.

Li Ke and the other two people, one in the closing, the other in the closing, back and forth scolding and exposing the short. At the beginning, the officers and men of the Zhou Dynasty were still angry because the other side belittled Li Ke. However, at the end of the day, they understood that this was their friendship. Li Ke was not angry. What's the point of asking for trouble.

Finally, the team led by Liu Duoxian was very efficient, and soon removed the stones blocking the inside of the door, and the door was opened with a squeak. Seeing that the door was opened, the man no longer scolded Li Ke. With a wave of his hand, he entered the gate with a handful of cavalry. After entering the pass, Liu Duoxian was not completely relieved. No matter whether it was the Liao army or the post Qin army, he was not a trustworthy person for the Zhou army. Therefore, Liu Duoxian still took a group of officers and men of the Zhou army to keep an alert eye on the cavalry, and their hands were tightly held on their own blades. As long as the other side had a little abnormal behavior, I'm afraid they would not hesitate to pull out the blade.

This group of cavalry was naturally the soldiers of the post Qin army led by Cheng xianjue. After Ma Huan and others retreated from yeluguangyan, they immediately passed the news to Cheng xianjue, and explained that Li Yuanhe was also with another Prince of the Liao nationality. As expected by Li Yuanhe, Cheng xianjue thought twice and decided to start this evening. While the Liao soldiers were preparing for tomorrow's war, Cheng xianjue ordered all the rear Qin army teams to rush to the stables in the barracks in batches.

The first one to arrive was the team led by Ma Er Ma Zi. Ma Er Ma Zi was not polite. He just killed the Liao soldiers who were guarding the stable and completely occupied the stable. And then, the other post Qin troops also followed into the stables. At the command of Cheng xianjue, the soldiers of the post Qin army were blinded and had to find the horses.

For the later Qin Dynasty, war horses were rare. Although they had trained riding skills, they could not ride horses every day like real cavalry. On weekdays, they look at the cavalry's arrogance, but their eyes are very greedy, but now there are so many horses for them to choose, which does not make them happy. Some of the soldiers even grabbed a horse in one hand and couldn't let it go, thinking of riding two horses alone.

Without the process of foresight, these officers and men did not delay any more. At the command, all the officers and men mounted their horses and even started to make trouble in the Liao army camp. Cheng xianjue's strategy was also very correct. He divided more than 7000 Qin army officers and men into six or seven teams and dispersed them, which made the Liao army even more chaotic. Of course, before the operation, Cheng xianjue had already agreed on the way back. The whole army only attacked for two hours in the Liao army barracks. After two hours, they all withdrew to the foot of the mountain.

Although Li Yuanhe, commander-in-chief of the army, is not here, Li Yuanhe has already explained that if he is not, the command of the army will be handed over to Cheng xianjue. At the end of the two hours, the army of Qin Dynasty withdrew at the foot of the mountain. After the meeting, the latter Qin army lost less than 400 people in this sneak attack, which can be said to be a great victory. After such a great victory, the morale of the whole post Qin army has risen greatly. I'm afraid that if Cheng xianjue ordered to rush into the Liao army's barracks now, they would dare to go.