Of course, Cheng xianjue would not give such an unwise command. They have already achieved enough results in this battle tonight, which seriously damaged the morale of the Liao army. Even if Cheng xianjue ordered all the troops to withdraw into the city and join the army of the Zhou Dynasty, he would rely on the geographical location of the city to deal with the Liao army. What Cheng xianjue didn't know was that they accidentally burned the Liao army's food and grass. The results of this operation have far exceeded their imagination.

After entering the pass, Cheng xianjue completely ignored the hostile eyes of Liu Duoxian and other officers and soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty. He looked around and said to Liao Dongyuan behind him with a smile: "look, we're back in just a few days!" Although he said this to Liao Dongyuan, Cheng xianjue's eyes glanced at Li Ke, who was slowly walking down from the door.

Of course, Liao Dongyuan knows that Cheng xianjue said this because he was angry with Li Ke. He had not seen Cheng xianjue's childish behavior for many years. However, Liao Dongyuan chucked his lips and said with a smile: "that's brother Cheng! There is no place in the world where our brothers can't go

There is no doubt that such an arrogant dialogue between Cheng xianjue and Liao Dongyuan made Liu Duoxian and other officers and men of the Zhou Dynasty more and more angry. Some even showed their swords on their waists. Li Ke, who has already left the pass, smiles bitterly and shakes her head. At the same time, she stops the actions of the generals and soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty with a gesture, and says to Cheng Xianju, "you old boy! Why is it still the same as before, without any improvement? "

At the moment, Cheng xianjue threw the previous indifference out of the sky. He stared at Li Ke and called out: "you care about me! If it wasn't for us, I would not believe how long this lone army could last! "

Cheng xianjue's words are also big truth, but the problem is, this truth is very hurtful. As soon as Cheng xianjue said this, Liu Duoxian and other officers and men of the Zhou Dynasty showed their anger. Even Li Ke was a little embarrassed and said with a gloomy face: "even if you are defeated, it will not be good for the situation."

In the face of Li Ke's retort, Cheng xianjue just laughs. His eyes sweep around the generals and soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty without any further explanation. She also took a look at the appearance of the generals and men of the Zhou Dynasty around her. Li Ke was a little embarrassed. All the soldiers around him were tired, and there was no appearance of the elite troops of the state of Zhou. These days and nights of fighting have consumed too much energy of the officers and men. Cheng xianjue is right. If the Liao army continues to attack, even if Li Ke has a myriad of tricks in his chest, the officers and men can't bear it.

If you look at the soldiers of the post Qin army brought by Cheng xianjue, they are all in high spirits. In addition, they have just won a battle, which is extremely high in morale, which can not be compared with that of the Zhou army. The army of the latter Qin Dynasty is the best in the world! Li Ke can't help but hear this proverb which has been circulating in the south for more than ten years. This strong soldier created by Luo Tianhan, the war god of the post Qin state, is really extraordinary! Just by this, he Li Ke is not as good as Luo Tianhan!

Fortunately, Cheng xianjue didn't sneer any more. Instead, his face changed, but he regained his indifferent appearance. He clasped hands with Li Ke and said, "Cheng xianjue, Vice General of the state of Qin, is here to fulfill the Tianhe treaty with your army."

This is the second time that Cheng xianjue has mentioned the Tianhe treaty. After Cheng xianjue has finished, Li Ke's face has suddenly become serious. Even when he bowed to Cheng xianjue, he solemnly said, "Li Ke, general of the state of Zhou, thank you for your country's ability to fulfill the covenant and come to support us."

Originally, there was some tension in the area, but it became much more harmonious because of the two people's salute. Liu Duoxian and other generals of the state of Zhou remembered that the other side had come to help themselves. The hostility on his face was gradually dissipated, and his hand on the blade was also slowly released. All this, of course, is based on the fact that more than 300, 000 Liao troops at the foot of the mountain are eyeing each other. The two armies, which were inseparable a few days ago, have now become allies.

The Tianhe treaty was established after several Han countries in the south United to defeat the invading northern alien armies. When the treaty was signed, Zeng Qing was already the head of the state of the Zhou Dynasty. However, Zeng Xishan, Zeng Qing's father, had just died under the iron feet of the post Qin army. Zeng Qing, who was hostile to the latter Qin state, could not sign the treaty with him calmly. Therefore, Li Ke, who represented the state of Zhou in signing the treaty, was replaced by Li Ke, who had saved Zeng Qing's life.

At that time, Li Ke knew Cheng xianjue in front of her eyes. However, at that time, Cheng xianjue was much more arrogant than now. At that time, Cheng xianjue's identity was not just a little assistant general, but Cheng Jue, one of the four generals under Luo Tianhan, the former general of the Qin state!

At that time, Luo Tianhan and his post Qin army dominated the whole south, and the four tiger generals under Luo Tianhan's tent were also well-known. Chen Xuanchu, a wise general, is good at arranging troops and arraying formations. He has outstanding wisdom and is no less than those first-class advisers. Although the fierce general Xu Wei is impulsive, he is extremely brave in fighting and often takes the lead. He is the best candidate for the vanguard of Luo Tianhan's army. As for Cheng Jue, he is known as a strange general because he likes to take the edge of the sword and uses many strange weapons. He can often use unexpected tricks to reverse the defeat. Among the four tiger generals under Luo Tianhan's tent, there is a general called ghost general, but it is the most mysterious one among them. It is said that this man is wearing a ferocious ghost mask all day long. No one has seen the true face of this general except Luo Tianhan and the other three generals.Before the signing of the Tianhe treaty, Li Ke and the four tigers generals also had several fights, both of which had won or lost each other. Later, it was rumored that Li Ke and Luo Tianhan fought each other, which was actually the confrontation between Li Ke and the four tiger generals. At that time, Luo Tianhan had never played head-on with Li Ke, which has become a pity in Li Ke's heart.

As witnesses to the signing of the Tianhe treaty, both Li Ke and Cheng Jue knew what the treaty meant to the southern countries. In the face of the northern alien offensive, the Han people of the southern countries must unite together in order to repel those fierce northern alien armies. Therefore, those in power in the southern countries will never violate this covenant. Even if it was a fight between the nations at that moment, the countries would unite as soon as the armies of foreign nationalities in the North appeared.

It was for this reason that Cheng Jue dared to take the army of the latter Qin Dynasty to the city of Nao, because he knew that under such circumstances, Li Ke would never attack the latter Qin army. Even if the two armies wanted to fight, they would have to wait until the Liao army withdrew to ensure that there would be no other northern alien invasion in a short period of time.

After Cheng Jue and Li Ke give a formulaic explanation, Cheng Jue immediately changes his face, and the arrogant nature of the general returns to his face. Cheng Jue raised his head, waved his hand, and said, "NAH! We have nearly 7000 cavalry. If the Liao army dares to rush up, we just need to open the door, and our cavalry will rush down the mountain road to fight back the Liao army! "

Li Ke, however, shook her head. Obviously, she did not agree with Cheng Jue's proposal and said, "no! This kind of play is too risky! The mountain road is rugged and narrow, which is not conducive to the Liao army's siege of the city, but also to the rush of cavalry! Besides, if I am not mistaken, you cavalry are all temporary, and these horses should be captured from the Liao army camp, right? How can such a half horse cavalry kill the Liao army who is good at archery! "

"Wrong!" However, Cheng Jue directly refuted Li Ke's statement. He did not care about the killing eyes of the generals and soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty. He said proudly, "if you follow your practice, you can't defeat the Liao army completely! Even if the Liao army failed this time, the main force of the Liao army was not damaged. Sooner or later, they will come back again! Next time, you won't have such a good chance to defend the city. It's better to take advantage of this time to greatly attack the Liao army, so that they can no longer go south! "

However, Li Ke still insisted on her own opinion, shaking her head and waving her hand, she said, "you are simple. How can Liao army be defeated by your method so simply? With your cavalry in a hurry? Joke! In the past few days, our army of Zhou and Liao have fought several times. I know more about the strength of those Liao troops than you do! "

The quarrel between them became more and more fierce, and no one could persuade them. At first, the officers and men of the two armies were still worried and looked at them nervously. However, after a long time, when they saw them, they just talked, but did not do anything. They simply ignored them. Ma er pockmarked with a wry smile made a gesture to the rear Qin soldiers behind him, and then went to Liu Duoxian on the other side. Now Li Yuanhe is not in, but Cheng Jue is bent on arguing with each other again. He is the highest commander in the post Qin army. From the situation just now, ma'er pockmarked can see that Liu Duoxian was the highest ranking officer in the army of the Zhou Dynasty except Li Ke.

Ma'er pockmarked immediately said to Liu Duoxian, "this general! How should the officers and men of our army be arranged? The soldiers and soldiers have been fighting for the whole night. They need a good rest. Please arrange for us! "

At the moment, Liu Duoxian finally saw that the post Qin army was friends and not enemies for the time being. After a glance at Li Ke, who was still arguing there, Liu Duoxian also knew that Li Ke did not have the Kung Fu to manage these matters. Fortunately, Liu Duoxian was able to do these things. Even though he was holding fists with Ma Er Ma Zi, he said, "general, please follow me! I will arrange a place for your army to rest! "