Although he avoided the sweep of Lv Bu, he was hard to get the initiative. How could Lu Bu easily let go of this opportunity. Step on the gun pole of the foot forced a stare, the whole body flew into the air, hands raised Fangtian painted halberd, facing Chen Ren lying on the ground was suddenly stabbed.

At this time, Chen Ren couldn't avoid it, but he stretched out a foot and lifted it up. Just as the point of the gun of Fangtian's Halberd was about to hit his face, he pointed it on the barrel of Fangtian's halberd. Finally, he turned the direction of Fang Tian's Halberd painting slightly and deeply penetrated the ground near Chen Ren's ear.

When the halberd of Fang Tian's painting was pulled out, any one of Chen stood up and turned over. With a hook on his toe, he hooked up the steel gun which was slanting into the ground. As soon as he grasped with both hands, the tip of the gun pointed to Lv Bu, who had already landed on the ground.

There was a sigh at the foot of the mountain. It was obvious that Lu Bu had not succeeded in defeating Chen Ren, and the soldiers and generals in Xiliang could not help but feel sorry. However, the Shandao camp on the top of the mountain was still cheering, but they didn't have the slightest worry just now. In their hearts, Chen Ren would never be defeated, even if that man was Lu Bu, who was called the God of war in Bingzhou!

Looking at Lv Bu in front of him, Chen Ren couldn't help but smile. He scratched the bloodstain from his cheek, and the blood slowly flowed out of the hole. Although he had just succeeded in kicking Fangtian's Halberd askew, the small halberd on the halberd still scratched Chen Ren's cheek. The blood slowly flowed to the corner of Chen Ren's mouth. Chen Ren put out his tongue and licked it, and said with a smile, "Wenhou! Good Kung Fu

As soon as Lu Bu put out his halberd, he also said with a smile: "each other!" With these words, Lu Bu's fighting spirit rose again. Although the opportunity just won't succeed, Lv Bu was not disheartened. Now his physical condition is unexpectedly good, Lu Bu seems to feel that today's he has reached the acme of martial arts that he has always dreamed of.

Although the two men had a dangerous fight before, they both left room. The next two people were going to use their real skills. Lu Bu had learned eighteen halberd skills by accident outside the pass and practiced it all the year round. This is the martial arts he has today. But over the years, Lu Bu has never succeeded in using the 18 moves halberd method, because the 18 moves halberd method is really too difficult. However, today's Lu Bu is confident that he can finish the 18 moves. He flashed a light in his eyes and yelled: "look at the moves!" Then, the halberd in Lu Bu's hand suddenly became twisted, as if it were a whip, covering Chen Ren's surroundings.

Chen Ren of course knew that the halberd made of dark iron in Lv Bu's hand could not bend like a whip. This was just because Fang Tian drew halberds too fast, which caused the illusion. Chen Ren's steel gun is not vague, just like a poisonous snake spitting out a message. It points on the square drawing halberd around his body, making a jingling sound.

Lu Bu naturally didn't think that such a move could take Chen Ren down, take back Fang Tian Hua halberd, turn it sideways, and make a circle of Fang Tian Hua halberd, and the crescent blade on the drawing halberd would be cut down on Chen Ren's head. Chen Ren is not willing to block this move, the upper body turns backward, a somersault then hides in the past.

"Dong!" The drawing halberd fell heavily on the ground and made a loud noise. The soldiers of Shandao camp around him stretched out their heads and looked at the ground. Apart from the crack cut by the halberd, the surrounding ground was full of cracks. The soldiers smacked their tongue one by one, and they could not help admiring LV bu.

Chen Ren was not a man who was beaten up and didn't fight back. When he turned over, he killed a gun. Lu Bu quickly picked up the drawing halberd and blocked the steel gun with the small halberd. However, Chen Ren's gun was too powerful. After this attack, Lv Bu stepped back several steps.

However, Lu Bu, who was attacked and retreated by Chen Ren, became more and more brave in the war and roared again. He brought up the drawing halberd and rushed to Chen Ren again. Chen Ren is not willing to be outdone, mention the steel gun and Lv Bu fight together. This time, however, they had a close fight. The soldiers of Shandao camp could not see what they had done before. They could see countless sparks flashing around them with the sound of impact. Even the soldiers of Shandao camp nearby can't see clearly, let alone the Xiliang army at the foot of the mountain. In their eyes, Lv Bu and Chen Ren seem to blend together, and they can't tell who is right and who is wrong.

Those Xiliang generals at the foot of the mountain were worried, but they couldn't climb up the mountain to watch the battle. They were all worried. Yang Feng suddenly remembered that there was a general under his tent. Maybe he had good eyesight. Yang Feng quickly turned to Xu Huang standing behind him and asked, "Gongming! Can you tell what the war is like? "

Don't say, Yang Feng really asked the right person. Although Xu Huang said that he could not see clearly, he could barely see the truth. Looking at Chen Ren and Lu Bu's ingenious moves, he was really elated and listened to Yang Feng's questions. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he disturbed his own observation of the war, but after all, Yang Feng was his Lord, only to reply: "Wen Hou and Chen Ren were fighting together. They fought in a very good way. However, it seems that Wen Hou has fallen behind!"

"Oh?" Hearing Xu Huang's words, Dong min on the other side couldn't help but brighten his eyes and said, "this general, can you see the battle situation on that hill? Can you tell me? "

"Dare not obey orders!" Dong min was the boss of his boss. Xu Huang didn't dare to say a word. He immediately watched the war on the top of the mountain and acted as an interpreter for the generals of Xiliang.On the top of the mountain, the two men fought each other for more than an hour. Finally, under the fierce impact of their weapons, they went back respectively. Here Chen Ren's face has another hole, and the black armor on his body has become dilapidated. There is also a big hole in Chen Ren's right arm, and the blood is flowing out.

Lu Bu's hair was almost the same here. His hair was scattered behind his head, leaving only a few hairs floating on his forehead. His purple gold armor was also tattered, but there was an extra hole in Lv Bu's right leg, which was constantly bleeding out. Looking at the appearance alone, the two men were fighting each other, but they were clear that Lv Bu had suffered a great loss. Chen Ren's right arm had more holes, which only affected Chen Ren's power. However, the upper part of Lv Bu's leg could lead to the inflexibility of Lv Bu's leg, which made Lv Bu's mobility inconvenient. Especially in the face of Chen Ren's dexterous shooting, this was a fatal problem.

Lu Bu laughed miserably and said to Chen Ren, "it seems that I still lost. After all, you still want to beat me!"

Chen Ren is solemn in the face of Lv Bu. In today's world, it is estimated that this person in front of him can fight with him to this extent. What's more, Lu Bu today is fighting for the pursuit of martial arts, which inspires all the strength in his body. Facing such an opponent, Chen Ren can't help but respect him.

Lu Bu once again held the Fang Tian Hua halberd to his chest and said, "I have another move. However, since I started to practice this move, I have never succeeded. Today, I don't know why. I feel that I can succeed this time."

Chen Ren tightly grasped the steel gun in his handshake, and suddenly said with a smile: "I also feel that you can make it this time. Now you, I'm afraid there is no move that can't be made. Come on! Let me see and see! "

Lu Bu first smiles. Although the two have always been hostile, they are confidants in martial arts. If we can have a good fight with such a person, we will have no regrets in this life. Lu Bu put away his smile, and his face became dignified. Next, all his energy was focused on his hand's Fang Tian Hua Ji.

Chen Ren also has a dignified face. He knows that this move Lu Bu said is not only a move that he has not used all the time, but also the strongest one of Lv Bu. He also needs to concentrate all his energy to deal with this move.

Lu Bu's drawing halberd began to vibrate slightly. It seemed to be drawing a circle. But the next moment, the scope and frequency of the halberd shaking became more and more severe, and the hum became louder and louder. In Chen Ren's opinion, the drawing halberd was like a motor installed in the back, and it was spinning faster and faster. However, there was no motor in the Three Kingdoms period. Chen Ren also understood why Lu Bu had been unable to use such a move. It was not so easy to create such a fast speed by manpower alone.

At this time, Lv Bu was biting his lower lip tightly, and blood burst out from his teeth. This move could be described as a great burden on his arms. He could already feel the muscles of his arms begin to feel torn. At this time, the drawing halberd has become blurred, around the painting halberd, there are circles of visible vortices.

As soon as Chen looked at it, he knew that this was due to the rapid rotation of Fang Tian's drawing halberd, which stirred the air around him, and he could not help frowning. The air whirlpool can be seen to the naked eye, which shows how strong the suction is. He can't just sit back and wait for death. He immediately pulls back to the top like a catapult, and then suddenly shoots at Lv Bu.

At this time, Lv Bu's arms had reached the peak, but when he saw the small whirlpool in front of Fang Tian's drawing halberd, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes. After a big drink, he pushed out against Chen Ren's figure.


"Ah, ah!"

Two loud drinks, but there was no sound of impact. All the people watching the battle at the top and foot of the mountain were waiting for the dust and smoke around them to disperse. As the dust settled down, Chen Ren and Lu Bu stabbed each other with weapons in one hand. On the other side, Lu Bu's arms were covered with blood, but not because of Chen Ren's attack, but because of Lv Bu's overload use of that move. As for Chen Ren's steel gun, it had already pierced Lv Bu's neck.