After listening to Tuoba Haotian's question, ah Yechang didn't answer immediately. Instead, he frowned at Li Yuanhe, who was still practicing guns in the yard for a long time. Finally, he sighed and said, "I'm not as good as him!"

Tuoba Haotian seemed to have known this answer for a long time. With a smile, he nodded and said, "I think it should be the same. He was able to assassinate Yelv Guanghao in the army, and finally escaped alive. Of course, his skill is not small! Although you are known as the first master of Xia nationality, compared with him, there should be a certain gap! Only in this way, with him, our next plan should be more smooth! "

When the master said that he was inferior to others, ah Yechang was not displeased at all. Instead, he was still stiff faced and looked at Li Yuanhe's figure. He suddenly said, "young master, although this man is practicing gun, the villain's skill seems to be not fluent. This long gun should not be his handy weapon!" Although a Yechang didn't say it clearly, it means that Li Yuanhe didn't show his best Kung Fu. Of course, this is not because a Yechang hates Li Yuanhe, but to remind his master not to be careless.

However, Tuoba Haotian said with a sneer: "it's normal. He has just joined us. Naturally, he wants to stay behind. If he didn't keep such a hand, then he was not worth my persuading him! By the way, ah Yechang, you should pay more attention to these days and arrange the manpower. General Zhili has already sent the information of yeluguangya. In a short time, we can start to work! "

At that time, Li Yuanhe had already practiced a set of shooting techniques in the yard. At the end of the shooting, he hit the ground with a heavy blow. Unexpectedly, he smashed the white wax wood into two pieces. A large number of big men around him cheered one after another. The soldiers of different nationalities in the North respect the strong. Li Yuanhe has such skills, which is worthy of their respect.

"Good shot! Good shot Even after two cheers, Tuoba Haotian walked into the courtyard, clapping his hands and smiling at Li Yuanhe. The big men around him also saluted Tuoba Haotian one after another.

As a matter of fact, Li Yuanhe had already seen Tuoba Haotian and a Yechang standing at the gate of the courtyard with the light of his eyes. When he saw Tuoba Haotian come in, Li Yuanhe was not surprised. Instead, he dropped his broken gun on the ground, saluted Tuoba Haotian and said, "see you, young master!"

"Ha ha!" Tuoba Haotian was busy helping Li Yuanhe and said with a smile, "Li Zhuangshi's shooting skill is really good! Now it seems that Li Zhuangshi's injuries should be very good! Congratulations

Li Yuanhe also said in a respectful way: "this is all entrusted to the young master Hong Fu! My injury is almost good! I can serve you at any time Li Yuanhe is not a fool. Tuoba Haotian is sure to use himself when he comes here. Since he has accepted the saving grace of the other party, Li Yuanhe has long planned to serve the other party.

All of us are smart people. Tuoba Haotian just laughs and doesn't mean to hide it. Even if he waves his hand to Li Yuanhe, he makes a invitation, indicating that everyone will go to the wing room to have a detailed discussion. Li Yuanhe also made a gesture to Tuoba Haotian, and then they entered the wing room side by side. Ah Yechang immediately winked at the big men who were still in the courtyard. All the big men were scattered and surrounded the courtyard. As for ah Yechang himself, he stood directly at the door of the wing room.

After entering the wing room, Li Yuanhe sat down with Tuoba Hao. Tuoba Hao took out a roll of brocade from his arms and handed it to Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe respectfully took over the brocade shaft, and then slowly opened it to see that the brocade scroll was filled with characters, and the first line of his head was filled with four big characters: "Yelu Guangya"!

"Is this?" Li Yuanhe looked up at Tuoba Haotian with a puzzled look on his face. However, Tuoba Haotian just smiles and doesn't speak. Li Yuanhe has to continue to look down. When he looks down, Li Yuanhe knows that this is actually a detailed information about yeluguanya, the second prince of Liao nationality.

Yelu Guangya, 27 years old, was born to Queen Xiao Li. She was intelligent and obstinate when she was young. She was addicted to wine and lust every day since she was ten years old. Although yeluqing, the king of Liao nationality, repeatedly admonished him, he remained unmoved and was eventually deprived of the right to inherit the throne.

Looking at this information, Li Yuanhe's eyebrows can't help wrinkling. Behind this information, there is also about Yelv Guangya's preferences, as well as where he usually likes to go. Even what kind of girls he liked to look for when he was nostalgic for brothels, and how long he spent looking for them at a time, were recorded in detail. When Li Yuanhe saw this information, he couldn't help but sigh that these Xia people had such great energy in the capital city of Liao to find out the actions of the prince of Liao nationality so clearly.

After reading the information carefully, Li Yuanhe took a long breath of relief and looked up at Tuoba Haotian. Tuoba Haotian said with a smile, "Li Zhuangshi, according to this information, how about yeluguanya?"

Li Yuanhe shook his head, laughed and said with a trace of scorn: "this man is just a dandy. He is nothing! I have seen Yelv Guangyan and Yelu Guanghao, not to mention the genius of Yelu Guanghao. Even though he is impulsive, he is much better than this one. I really don't know why they are brothers. Why is there such a big difference? " Li Yuanhe can't help but think of the royal family of the post Qin state, Ying Zhen and his brothers. Although their brothers had a fierce fight, none of them was a fuel-efficient lamp.For Li Yuanhe's reply, Tuoba Haotian also nodded his head and said, "good! It's really nothing! Li Zhuangshi, as you can see, if the Liao people inherit the throne for yeluguangya, what will be the future of the Liao people? "

"Ha ha!" He said with a smile, "Master Li is! Wang Hao didn't break the law last time, even if he didn't live, he didn't have a law! Unless... " But at this point, Li Yuanhe suddenly stopped talking and looked at Tuoba Haotian with wide eyes, as if he understood something.

Tuoba Haotian also followed with a smile and said, "you guessed well, Li Zhuangzi! If the current situation continues, in any case, yeluguangya will not become the king of the Liao nationality! However, if we help push it behind him, the situation will be greatly different! What we have to do is to let yeluguangya be the king of the Liao nationality! As long as this happens, the future of the Liao people will be destroyed! "

Li Yuanhe did not speak, but looked down at the information in front of him, but his heart turned upside down. Li Yuanhe also recognized the method mentioned by Tuoba Haotian. Of course, he understood that the level of rulers directly affected the development of the nation. If a dandy like yeluguangya is really allowed to become the king of the Liao nationality, the Liao nationality will be swallowed up to the bone when facing the Jin, Mongolian and Xia people. And these northern alien crocodiles fighting with each other, for the Han people in the south, naturally, there is no harm. Moreover, from the personal point of view of Li Yuanhe, he had a deep blood feud with the Liao nationality, and hoped that the Liao nationality would decline, which could be regarded as revenge for his parents and relatives.

Although Tuoba Haotian still has a smile on his face, his eyes are still staring at Li Yuanhe. Although Li Yuanhe has turned to himself, it does not mean that Tuoba Haotian really believes him 100%. What's more, the person who ordered Li Yuanhe to assassinate Yelu Guanghao did not know, nor was he sure that Li Yuanhe would betray the original master. If Li Yuanhe's master is the Mongolian, Jin or other small ethnic groups, that's fine. At least these ethnic groups are happy to see the decline of the Liao nationality. Tuoba Haotian's biggest worry was that Li Yuan and his former master were members of the Liao nationality. Although there was a fierce fight among the Liao people, they certainly would not like to see the Liao people defeated like this.

Therefore, although Tuoba Haotian intended to ask Li Yuanhe to help him, he has only made a general statement so far, and has not given a detailed plan. His purpose is to observe Li Yuanhe through this method and ensure that Li Yuanhe will not become a stumbling block in this operation. To Tuoba Haotian's relief, Li Yuanhe was a little surprised at first, but from Li Yuanhe's swollen eyes, Tuoba Haotian saw more, which was surprise and approval.

After thinking for a moment, Li Yuanhe put the information in his hand on the table on one side, stood up, clasped his fist at Tuoba Haotian and said, "so please tell me. I will not fail to live up to your high expectations and help you achieve your wish."

Tuoba Haotian laughed, nodded and said, "don't worry, Li Zhuangzi. We haven't moved so fast now. At least we have to prepare for a few days! But I don't have enough staff. There must be many places for Li Zhuangshi to help! This defeat of the Liao army and Li Zhuangzi's stabbing Nalu Guanghao seriously last time have all helped me a lot! I believe that the next action will be more smooth! " Immediately, Tuoba Haotian also analyzed the current situation to Li Yuanhe.

Li Yuanhe didn't expect that his impulsive assassination would bring Tuoba Haotian so much convenience. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It's just doomed in all hell. Yelv Guanghao didn't kill you last time. I see how you can escape this time! Li Yuanhe clenched his fist and made up his mind.