With Yelv Langer taking the lead, the other city garrison soldiers who followed Yelv Langer rushed towards other big men. And the procuress saw both sides to fight, hurriedly pulled the people under him to the corner, so as not to be affected by the pond fish. However, the old lady's eyes are shining with excitement. The hundred flower building she managed so hard was smashed by these bastards. She would like to see these people slaughtered by the city garrison of Yelv Langjie, so she could give out this evil spirit!

However, the development of the matter was beyond her expectation. The battle soon ended, and the winning party was not the city garrison which had the advantage in number and equipment. Almost as soon as they met each other, these seemingly majestic city guards were beaten to the ground by big men, especially nayalu Langjie, who, though he was also big and big and was not inferior to the other side, was beaten to the ground by the big man with one blow and could not get up any more. However, obviously, these people still attach great importance to the identity of the city garrison. None of them really attacked these soldiers, but knocked them unconscious with fists and feet.

The bustard and others are staring at these murderous men in front of them. If they didn't surprise them by smashing the hundred flowers building, they were completely scared to be silly. At present, these people dare to attack the city garrison! It's really lawless! Are they not afraid of being wanted by the people of the military academy and arrested at the entrance of the vegetable market?

At this time, the woman in the sedan chair, who had been silent for a while, began to speak again, but this time her voice was even colder, with a trace of impatience: "Xiao Xian! Quickly find out the second prince. If they dare to stop him, there will be no mercy! " Finally, these three words are more and more cold, so that the procuress and others are unable to help but fight a shiver.

Seeing that the big man named Xiao Xian came over with a machete, the old lady could not keep her calm any longer. When her feet were soft, she fell to the ground. The people behind her were even worse. Some tall and big thugs were stunned by Xiao Xian's murderous eyes.

Xiao Xian didn't talk much nonsense. He walked up to the procuress in a big stride. He raised his machete in his hand and held it high over his head. He said in a cold voice: "say! Where is the second prince? "

Just by looking into the eyes of this man named Xiao Xian, the lady knew that if she didn't know again, the knife would fall down without hesitation and hit her neck accurately. The procuress didn't care whether to disturb the second prince. Tears and snot flowed down at the same time. She pointed to the back and cried, "don't kill me! Don't kill me! In the backyard! Second prince, he's in the backyard! Don't kill me

"Hum! What a shame Xiao Xian looked at the old lady with disdain. His eyes only swept the people behind her, but they were scared to death. All of them knelt down to beg for mercy. Xiao Xian didn't pay attention to these people either. He turned back to the big sedan chair and said, "master! The second prince is in the backyard

The woman in the sedan chair did not think about it, but said, "rush in!"

"Yes Xiao Xian answered, then he raised his body and waved his hand to all the people around him. Seeing this, the big men stepped forward to protect the sedan chair. Hearing that the eight sedan bearers were all together, they carried the sedan chair and walked back to the courtyard. Of course, the passageway from the hall to the backyard could not accommodate such a large sedan chair. The big men walking in front of the hall were naturally responsible for expanding the passageway. However, this technique was a little rough, and a whole wall was directly removed!

After the passage was opened, the group went straight to the back yard. The Baihua building was also worthy of being the largest brothel in the capital of Liao Dynasty. Not only was the front hall decorated luxuriously, but also the backyard was unusually large, including several courtyards. Xiao Xian looked at these courtyards and didn't know what to do for a moment. The woman in the sedan chair reacted quickly and immediately said, "send several people to these courtyards, and you will know where the second prince is."

Xiao Xian had no doubt about the master's orders. Even with a wave of his hand, several big men immediately stepped forward and broke into the courtyards. But before they went in, they all put the machetes back to their waists. After all, facing the second prince, they didn't dare to make a mistake.

After a long time, a scream was heard from one of the courtyards. Then the woman in the sedan said, "that's the yard! Go

Immediately, the rest of the people were carrying the sedan chair and directly rushed into the courtyard where the screams were made. Just like before, the small gate of the courtyard was directly demolished by several big men, and then the sedan chair bearer carried the sedan chair into the courtyard. When he got into the courtyard, Xiao Xian saw that there were more than ten soldiers of the Liao army in armor in the courtyard, and their armor was obviously much better than the previous city guards. Seeing so many people breaking into the yard, one of the Liao soldiers who seemed to be the leader immediately pulled out his machete and said in a cold voice: "who is it? How dare you be so presumptuous

As soon as Xiao Xian looked, he knew that these people were the guards and soldiers around the second prince. However, the big man, who had been sent to the courtyard before, was now clasped by several of his own soldiers. The big man who can easily solve several city garrison soldiers can not even fight back in the face of these close soldiers. But the big man was tough. Even if he was held by his own soldiers, he never said a word except for the first scream.Since the second prince's relatives are here, the second prince must be here. However, Xiao Xian didn't pay attention to the threat of the leader of the family soldier. Instead, he held his fist and said to the only room in the courtyard: "minister, commander of the pro guard army, Xiao Xian! Please see the second prince

Pro guard! Those soldiers were stunned when they heard Xiao Xian's self introduction. All the soldiers who can join the pro guard army are young children of the side branches of the Liao royal family, so as to ensure the loyalty of this army to the Liao royal family. If this person is not lying, and his surname is Xiao, and he still holds the post of commander of the pro guard army, needless to say, he must be an important member of the Xiao family of the royal family! I didn't expect that these big men in casual clothes would be the first army of the Liao people! It's no wonder that the man who was caught by himself and others is so powerful. If it wasn't for their bullying, they couldn't take him down!

The relatives and soldiers can't help but look at the room behind them. Their boss is Yelu Guangya, the second prince of Liao nationality. Although yeluguangya has been deprived of the power of the heir to the throne by the king of the Liao nationality, he is, after all, the prince of the Liao nationality! Even the people of the Royal Xiao family don't have to worry too much?

In spite of this consideration, the soldiers still changed their cool and arrogant attitude. Under the direction of the leader, they immediately released the pro guards who had just been restrained by them. The leader of the family soldiers also stepped forward, saluted Xiao Xian and said, "see commander Xiao! I don't know what commander Xiao wants to see the second prince? " The rank of the pro guards was much higher than that of their own soldiers, not to mention the identity of the royal family Xiao. Therefore, the leader of the family had a better attitude towards Xiao Xian in his words and deeds.

But this time Xiao Xian didn't answer, but the woman in the sedan chair said, "I want to see the second prince! Just tell me, is the second prince in this room? "

These soldiers had just learned that it was a young woman in the sedan chair. When they heard the voice, the leader felt that the female voice was familiar. It seemed that they had heard it before. After thinking about it carefully, his face suddenly changed. In a hurry, he knelt down to the sedan chair, and his head was directly pasted on the ground, and he cried out to the sedan: "villain, meet princess Guangmeng! Thousand years old princess! Thousand years old! Thousand years old

Seeing his boss's sudden behavior, the soldiers behind him were also full of fog. But after listening to the leader's words, they were all stupid. They knelt down in a hurry and cried out: "princess, thousand years old! Thousand years old! Thousand years old

In the high voice of the relatives and soldiers, a discordant voice suddenly appeared, and the origin of the sound was in the room behind them: "what a noise! You bastards! I've been fighting here early in the morning! The dream of Laozi is spoiled! I will cut off all your heads

Early in the morning? When Xiao Xian heard the sound, he looked strangely at the sky overhead. The afternoon sun was hanging high in the sky. Xiao Xian can't help shaking his head. Unexpectedly, the two princes are so ridiculous. Fortunately, the king has deprived him of his right to the throne. If such a person becomes the king of Liao nationality, isn't it a great misfortune of Liao nationality?

All the pro guards around Xiao Xian had the same idea at the moment. They all looked strange, and even a few of them laughed. They were all secretly complaining that the second prince, who had not yet appeared, was so ridiculous. Although those family soldiers have long thought of their own family, they can see their master's disgrace in front of so many outsiders, and their faces are not easy and hot.

At this time, the woman in the sedan chair suddenly began to shout: "second brother! This is the time. How long do you want to continue like this? Come back with me soon