As soon as the woman's voice in the sedan chair fell, the second prince's reply came out of the room: "it's the little sister who has come! What a rarity! Little sister should come to this baihualou to find the second brother! It seems that the second brother is going to treat my younger sister to have a drink After listening to the second prince's reply, the faces of Xiao Xian and other pro guards as well as the soldiers of the second prince are more and more ugly. The daughter sitting in the big sedan chair is the king's favorite daughter! She is also the second prince's sister! The second prince should talk to his sister like this. No wonder the king will deprive him of his inheritance!

Yelv Guangmeng, the Liao princess in the sedan chair, was also very angry. Although she could not see her appearance at the moment, she could tell from her voice that he was very angry at the moment. Yelv Guangmeng's voice is already with a trace of shaking, and the chill is more and more serious: "second brother! Why don't you treat my younger sister as a shameless woman in this hundred flower building? Why don't you drink with you

"Oh, dear!" Although Yelv Guangmeng's tone is not good, Yelu Guangya, the second prince in the room, still has that frivolous tone. He said faintly, "my little sister, how can you still not play a joke like before! I thought you would have a better temper after living with Jin people for so many years. I didn't expect that you would still be so boring! "

"Second prince!" Yelv Guangmeng, who was in the sedan chair, was obviously so angry that he couldn't even speak. However, a roar came from behind. Xiao Xian and others turned to see that it was the uncle of several princes and princesses who had just returned from the southern expedition. Xiao Wenge rushed into the backyard with a group of elite Liao soldiers.

As the leader of the pro Wei army and a member of the Xiao family of the royal family, Xiao Xian of course recognized the current patriarch of the Xiao family, and knew that this person would never be detrimental to Yelv Guangmeng. Even with his pro guards, he made way for Xiao Wenge. Xiao Wenge also knew the rising star in the family. When he saw that the other party was so polite, his face was much better. However, when his eyes turned to the room, his face became gloomy and he snorted coldly.

Listening to Xiao Wenge's cold hum, all the family soldiers couldn't help but tremble in their hearts and murmured in secret. How come today's big people come one after another? Similarly, Xiao Wenge is not what their little relatives and soldiers can offend. They kneel down in a hurry and worship. However, Xiao Wenge didn't have such a good temper to these soldiers, and he directly scolded them: "it's you dog slaves who instigate your master all day long, which makes him look like this! You must be damned

In the hearts of these soldiers, it's called a grudge! Their own owners eat, drink, whore and gamble are more than just a few years ago. How can we rely on them! However, how dare they argue with xiaowenge, they can only kowtow and beg for mercy, hoping to make xiaowenge calm down and don't put fire on them.

"Oh! My uncle is here, too But yeluguanya in the room still had a frivolous tone, and even there were a few women's panting sounds in his words. Obviously, this ridiculous second prince is still doing some of his favorite things at the moment. And Yelv Guangya's voice didn't stop. He continued: "since uncle is here, my nephew must let the lady of baihualou pick some beauties for my uncle and treat him well! My uncle works for the state affairs every day. I should have come here to relax! Ha ha ha ha! hold it! Uncle! You go to find the pimp and pick the beauty yourself! Nephew, nephew is busy here! Ha ha ha

Xiao Wenge's face was white with anger at the moment, and his shoulders even trembled. Even when he went south to see Yelv Guangyan and Yelv Guanghao quarreling outside the city, he was not as angry as he is now. Immediately, Xiao Wenge roared: "Guangya! When are you going to make a fool of yourself! Don't you know that the Liao people are in such a crisis? Your third brother was stabbed seriously! Your elder brother is accused in the court every day! Now that your father is in a state of anxiety, you should still be such a fool! "

At this time, Yelv Guangmeng, who was just too angry to speak, began to persuade him: "uncle! Don't be angry, don't be angry The tone of Yelv Guangmeng's speech to xiaowenge is unprecedented gentle. It can be seen that Yelv Guangmeng is not cold to everyone.

In those days, Xiao Wang said, "you have the right to inherit your father's court, and you have a little bit of consolation! But I can only blame you for being too naughty at that time. Otherwise, would your father treat you like this? What's more, you are a descendant of the Yelu family of the Liao royal family. You have a heavy responsibility to protect the royal family of the Liao nationality. Now there is a crisis in the Liao nationality. As a prince, you have the responsibility to step forward! "

After Xiao Wenge had finished a great deal of truth, he heard that Yelu Guangya in the room did not speak any more, but he thought that Yelv Guangya had been moved by himself. Even if he continued to persuade him, "Guangya! This is also an opportunity for you! If you can stand up at this time and make a contribution to the Liao nationality, it will prove that you are meritorious to our Liao nationality. At that time, your father and King will be able to restore your inheritance to the throne! With your intelligence and wisdom when you were a child, you can inherit your father's position and become the king of Liao nationalityXiao Wenge simply induced him to take advantage of the throne and tried to persuade Yelv Guangya, a prodigal son, to turn back. After saying this, Yelv Guangya still did not answer. However, Xiao Wenge was happy in his heart, and secretly said that there was hope. Maybe Yelv Guangya had been moved by his own words. When he was about to make further efforts, a sharp and high woman's cry came from the room. There was a little excitement and joy in the voice. Xiao Wenge was not a child who didn't understand human affairs. How could he not recognize the sound? His face turned dark as soon as he got better. Dare to say something about yourself here. Yelv Guangya was totally ignored and didn't listen to it at all! Meanwhile, the pro guards and soldiers nearby also looked at each other, and the two princes did too much. Xiao Wenge was the Grand Uncle of the state and an important official in the Liao Dynasty! If you don't listen to him, you still do that when he is talking. That's not adding fuel to the fire!

"Hoo Hoo! You little whore, I'm lucky I'm good at it, or I'll be unfair to you! " From the room, Yelv Guangya's frivolous voice sounded again. Obviously, he said to the beautiful woman beside him. But then the voice increased a little, but he said to Xiao Wenge outside the room: "uncle! I have never paid much attention to this throne. When my father deprived me of the throne, I didn't care! Don't come to me again for this kind of trouble! Naturally, my two good brothers will fight for the throne. Why should I join in! Come on, come on! Beauty! Let's have a second round Yelv Guangya's last words called out, and a woman's tender laughter rang out again.

At the moment, Xiao Wenge's face was no longer angry. Instead, he was completely disappointed. Perhaps, from the beginning, he did not hold much hope. Even with a long sigh, Yelu Guangmeng in the big sedan chair may have seen the disappointment on Xiao Wenge's face, and said, "uncle, don't be angry! Maybe let me try to persuade my second brother. Maybe I can change my mind! " Although Yelv Guangmeng said so, she was obviously not confident in her tone. It seems that she has no hope of persuading Yelu Guangya to change her ways.

Xiao Wenge turned his head and looked at the sedan chair with a wry smile. He shook his head and said, "well, princess, don't worry about this loser any more! It's too hard for the princess to come back from the Jin nationality yesterday. It's too hard for her to come back to this kind of filthy place again today. It's better to go back to the palace earlier and have a rest. " After that, Xiao Wenge was more and more disappointed when he looked at the sedan chair. What a pity! Yelu Guangmeng is smart and diligent, but she is a daughter. Otherwise, Yelu Guangmeng is more suitable to be the king of Liao nationality than her brothers!

Thinking of this, Xiao Wenge shook his head again. What's the meaning of doing this kind of meaningless imagination. There has been a lot of trouble in the court these days. Originally, he wanted yeluguangya to help the king suppress the uneasy atmosphere in the court hall as a prince, but he didn't expect to come back disappointed. Now only a few new doctors can be expected to cure Yelv Guanghao's listing and let Yelv Guanghao recover as soon as possible! As long as Yelu Guanghao recovers, his guilt will be reduced a lot. At that time, the king will have an excuse to let yeluguangyan get rid of his crime, and it will not be difficult to revive the Liao nationality.

Thinking of this, Xiaowen Pavilion is facing Yelu Guangmeng who came to the same goal in the big sedan chair and said: "Princess! I'm leaving first! In this filthy place, the princess's golden body is not suitable for a long time. Xiao Xian, take the princess away soon The last word of Xiao Wenge was to Xiao Xian, the commander of the pro guard army.

Of course, Xiao Xian also understood the meaning of xiaowenge, but he is now the guard of Yelv Guangmeng, and everything should be done according to Yelv Guangmeng's orders. Yelv Guangmeng sighed a long way and said, "what my uncle said is very true, Xiao Xian! Let's go Yelv Guangmeng's words, like Xiao Wenge, are full of disappointment and helplessness.