Before Yang Ren arrived at Yang's house, the soldiers of Yang's house seized Yang Bai, who was still drunk and confused, as soon as he heard that Yang Song was dead, and sent him to the generals who surrounded Yang Ren's house. Yang Ren directly used cold water to wake Yang Bai. Yang Bai was not clear about the situation at the beginning. After seeing the head of Yang Song brought by Yang Ren, Yang googlen was scared to the ground. Even if he gave out the names of all the officials who had colluded with Yang Song. Yang Ren escorts Yang Bai one by one to catch, and immediately the whole city of Hanzhong Yang Song all caught a clean.

Yang Song has been in Hanzhong for many years, and he has no idea how many accomplices there are. In the end, even the prison of Hanzhong city government office can not be detained. Only when the rest is sent to the military camp can they be cleaned up. Of course, Yang Bai is also kept in the barracks and kept under strict custody. However, it is worth mentioning that a large amount of property was seized from Yang's residence in recent years, even more than the total amount of taxes in the three years of Hanzhong. It can be seen how Yang Song searched for property.

After a whole day and night of elimination, although it was to arrest the young brothers' accomplices, but it also made the people in Hanzhong City in danger. Hanzhong City, which was not easy to recover a little anger, became desolate again.

On the third day after the city had just been cleaned up, the soldiers at the head of the city were still dozing off. Suddenly, the tired soldiers were awakened by the bursts of vibration under their feet. All the soldiers raised their heads and looked out of the city. All of them suddenly changed their faces. A soldier who seemed to be the leader of the city said to his subordinates: "hurry up! Come on! Go and tell Shijun and General Yang! Go

When the man ran down the city in a hurry, the soldiers at the head of the city turned to look out of the city again. They saw a large number of people and horses pouring out of the city. They held high two flags in the middle of the army. These two flags were seen by these soldiers not long ago. On one side, it says "jiangdongshan sword camp", while on the other side it says "dragon General Chen"!

In the wing room of the back garden of ZhangFu.

Since Zhang Lu put Yanpu on his couch, he has never moved Yanpu, and Zhang Lu has been guarding Yan Pu.

After the medical officer's timely diagnosis, Yan Pu's life was finally saved, but Yan Pu lost too much blood and needed to take a good rest. As for Yan Pu's arm, according to the medical skills of this era, it could not be preserved. For this matter, Zhang Lu still keeps Zhang Wei in prison. As for Yang Bai and other members of the Yang brothers, they were beheaded by Zhang Lu.

Yanpu woke up the next day and was relieved to learn that Zhang Lu had been saved. At this time, Zhang Lu was talking with Yan Pu about the reconstruction of Hanzhong. At this time, Yang Ren suddenly knocked on the door of the house and said, "Shijun! Not good! An enemy is coming

"Enemy!" Zhang Lu immediately stood up and looked at Yang Ren in surprise. Yan Pu, who was lying on the couch, frowned, but said weakly: "General Yang, if I have not guessed wrong, it should be the Dongwu army?"

Yang Ren looked at Yan Pu in surprise, nodded and said, "Lord Yan guessed well. It's really the Soochow army that came some time ago!"

Yan Pu sighed. He turned his head and said to Zhang Lu, "Shijun, I don't know if Shijun is willing to listen to me."

After the rebellion of the Yang brothers, Zhang Lu had complete trust in Yanpu, and immediately nodded to Yan Pu and said, "please tell me what you have! Zhang must comply

Yan Pu sat up with difficulty and directly worshipped Zhang Luyi on the couch and said, "for the sake of the people in Hanzhong and for the survival of Shijun's doctrine, my subordinates implore Shijun to open the city and surrender!"

"What!" Zhang Lu didn't make a statement yet. Yang Ren took a few steps to exclaim. Zhang Lu waved his hand to stop Yang Ren, turned his head to help Yan Pu and asked, "Sir, can you tell me why you propose to open the city and surrender?"

After just a few movements, Yan Pu, who was already very weak, turned pale. He straightened up and replied to Zhang Lu: "Shijun! This rebellion of the Yang brothers has been proved to have been directed by Dong min of Chang'an. Now, the division King's eradication of the Yang brothers has greatly offended Dong min of Chang'an. Now Qishan has fallen into the hands of Dong min. for Dong min, there is no barrier in Hanzhong. Dong min can send troops to capture Hanzhong at any time. In today's world, only Sun Jian of the eastern Wu Dynasty can compete with Dong min. only by relying on this Sun Jian can Shijun save his life! If Shijun and Dongwu fight to the end, even if they can defeat the invading Dongwu army this time, there are at least one million troops in Dongwu. I'm afraid to send troops to come. Even if Shijun is mobilizing the people in Hanzhong, he is not the opponent of Dongwu! "

Yang Ren couldn't help but ask, "Lord Yan, we had a battle with the Dongwu army before! They also beat the Dongwu army to flee! Did we not offend Soochow? Now the Dongwu army must hold a grudge against us. If we surrender, will there be any better? "

Yan Pu shook his head with a wry smile and said, "in the previous battle, it was not so much that we defeated the Dongwu army, but that the Dongwu army withdrew temporarily in order to avoid casualties. The fighting capacity of the Dongwu army is extremely strong in the world. Although the Hanzhong army and hundreds of thousands of civilians occupy an advantage in number, if the Dongwu army really wants to fight hard, it will definitely win the final victory! As for the hatred you said, if the Dongwu army withdrew from Jiangdong, I would be worried. However, the Soochow army has directly attacked us, which proves that the commander-in-chief of this army is a wise man, and that a truly intelligent man will not hold a grudge against this matter. "Zhang Lu nodded, but the expression on his face was complicated. Finally, he seemed to have made a very difficult decision. He turned to Yang Ren and said, "General Yang! You will come to the city and pass my general orders! We, Kaesong, surrender When he said the last four words, Zhang Lu was full of remorse. As a overlord, he wanted to open the city to surrender. For him, it was a great humiliation.

Although Yang Ren had some opinions, he absolutely obeyed Zhang Lu's orders. Immediately Yang Ren hugged Zhang Lu and turned to convey Zhang Lu's military orders.

Yan Pu looked at Zhang Lu happily and said, "thank you very much."

Zhang Lu quickly helped Yanpu to lie down and let him lie down. He said with a smile, "I believe what you said now. Even if I can't be an official this time, I'll be a rich man with my husband."

Outside the city gate, Chen Ren, Gan Ning, Lu Meng and He Qi had stopped outside Hanzhong city with 30000 mountain swords, but Chen Ren did not stop the advance of Shandao camp. Gan Ning and other three people all looked at Chen Ren strangely. They didn't know what medicine Chen Ren sold in the gourd.

Chen Ren said with a smile: "don't worry. Since the city of Hanzhong has found us, there is no difference between us a moment earlier and a moment later. However, I have a premonition that we will easily win in the capture of Hanzhong this time."

"Easy?" Gan Ning said with a smile, "Zici! Don't forget that you were driven away from here a few days ago! You expect them to surrender this time? Whoa ha ha ha ha

Just as Ganning looked up to the sky and laughed, a loud noise suddenly stopped Ganning's laughter. Ganning turned his head and looked at it, and saw that the gate of Hanzhong City was slowly opening. Gan Ning's smile suddenly turned into a look of surprise. He looked at the crowd coming out of the gate with disbelief. It was obvious that it was not the team that came out of the city to meet the enemy.

It was Yang Ren, a general of Hanzhong, who led the team out of the city. With a group of soldiers on foot and no weapons in their hands, they went straight to the front of Chen Ren's army. Looking at Chen Ren riding on dark clouds and snowing, he had a meeting outside Hanzhong City. He knew that he was the commander-in-chief of the Soochow army. He bit his teeth and bowed down to Chen Ren with humiliation and said, "Hanzhong Zhonglang will send Yang Ren to the city in accordance with the order of Hanzhong prefect Zhang Lu."

It was certain that Hanzhong city had really surrendered. Gan Ning had nothing to say. Although he wanted to seize the Hanzhong general in front of him, he asked why he had surrendered without even fighting. However, as a general of Soochow, Gan Ning finally knew his identity and resisted the desire without opening his mouth.

Chen Ren is facing Gan Ning is very proud of a smile, turned over and dismounted, went to Yang Ren in front of his hands, he will help Yang Ren up. He said to Yang Ren: "Zhang Shijun can understand the great righteousness and think about the hundreds of thousands of people in Hanzhong City. That's really great!"

Since Chen Ren just raised his strength, Yang Ren was surprised by Chen Ren's strength. He looked at Chen Ren's figure and then looked at the two flags behind him. Yang Ren subconsciously recalled some hearsay he had heard before. He looked at Chen Ren in surprise and asked, "this general, but Chen Ren, the Dragon general known as the first general in the world?"

Chen Ren said with a smile: "I am Chen Ren! However, this dragon general is not worthy of being called the first general in the world After that Gan Ning actually turned up white eyes, dare not be? You've embroidered the brand of dragon general on your own flag. There's nothing you can't do.

Yang Ren suddenly had a cold sweat on his forehead. Before that, he still wanted to defend according to the city, but he didn't expect that the opponent was Chen Ren, the Dragon general! Considering Chen Ren's past achievements, Yang Ren can't help but shiver. No wonder that he was able to kill Yang ang, who has always been famous for his bravery, with one shot on that day. Yang Ren quickly worshipped Chen Ren and said, "it turns out that Chen Dadu governor! I've heard a lot about you at the end of the day! Please forgive me

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Chen Ren looked up at the sky and said with a laugh: "the general is joking. The day before yesterday, each is his own master. What is the fault of the general! Now the general joins Zhang Shijun to join Marquis Wu, and Chen is his colleague. In the future, he will ask the general to take care of him. "