Before Chen Ren, Chen Ren was the restaurant where Chen Ren and sun's subordinates had conflicts. At this time, this restaurant has been opened successfully. Maybe it is the reason why the restaurant's food and drink are really good. The restaurant's business has been particularly good. However, Chen Ren's surprise at this time was not that the restaurant's business was good, but that he saw an acquaintance at the door of the restaurant.

"Pine!" Chen Ren yelled. The young man standing at the door of the restaurant helping to receive customers in and out of the restaurant was not he song, Chen Ren's little apprentice!

When he heard someone calling him, he song looked up subconsciously. However, he saw Chen renzheng standing at the corner of the street on the dark cloud of the horse riding on the snow. He Song immediately turned red.

"Brother he? What's the matter? " From inside the restaurant came a clear woman's voice. A young woman came out of the restaurant and asked he song. He Songyi saw the woman come out, his face was even more red, but he didn't know what to say. The young woman followed He Song's eyes and saw Chen Ren at the corner of the street.

As soon as the young woman turned her head, Chen Ren recognized it. Wasn't it the Lei family that sun Xuan intended to touch that day? Leishi, of course, couldn't forget Chen Ren, a life-saving benefactor, and immediately his pretty face showed a happy expression. Shaking his slender arm towards Chen Ren, he called to Chen Ren: "my Lord! My Lord

Chen Ren drove the horse to the restaurant with a smile. He turned over and got off the horse and went to the Leishi and he songshen. Leishi said to Chen Ren, "thank you very much for your help."

Chen Ren immediately reached out and stopped him. At the same time, taking advantage of Leishi's inattention, he song's face turned red. After supporting Leishi, Chen Ren said to Leishi with a smile: "Miss Lei, you have a good business here."

Lei's smile is very brilliant, said to Chen Ren: "this is also thanks to the help of Lord Chen and Marquis Wu, let our small shop in Jianye be able to open smoothly! My Lord, it's already noon. I'm sure you haven't eaten yet. Come in and have a meal

Chen Ren shook his hand and said, "I have something important to go to Wu Hou's house, so I won't have dinner here." Finish saying, toward He Song hook finger, turn to walk to the side of the mount. The sweat of He Song's head made a gesture with Leishi to let Leishi go first, and then immediately followed Chen Ren.

Chen Ren said with a smile to He Song: "boy! It's very fast! I say you can't see people these days

He Songtong blushed and whispered: "teacher, I'm not, I'm ... "

" what's not true! " Chen Ren interrupted He Song's words directly and said with a smile: "boy, this girl Lei is a good girl. You can see from the incident of sun Bi before. Although Miss Lei was born as a businessman, she is very self-conscious. You should cherish it well!"

As soon as he song saw that Chen Ren had recognized him, he had no choice but to go back to his house to get a betrothal gift. He also knew that it was impossible to hide from his teacher who was like a ghost. He only blushed and bowed his head and acquiesced.

Chen Ren patted he song on the shoulder with a smile and said, "OK! I really want to go to Hou's residence. I will not delay here. Remember, when I think it's OK, I will discuss it with you or your teachers. At that time, our family must prepare a rich betrothal gift for you! " He song's grandfather passed away a few years ago. He song has been following Chen Ren all these years. For Chen Ren, he song is both a student and a younger brother. Therefore, although Chen Ren's mouth is joking with he song, Chen Ren hopes he song can get happiness in his heart.

He song was too shy to speak at this time. Chen Ren directly turned over and said to he song, "OK! I'm leaving! I think Miss Lei is very busy! Go and help Saying, also ignore he song, laugh directly, turn horse head to walk.

Chen Ren was in a good mood after he song's incident. He swept away the depressed mood before, as if the whole person had relaxed a lot. When he arrived at the gate of the Marquis house, he turned over and dismounted and gave the reins of the horse to the guard at the door. These guards have been replaced by the old soldiers who have been carefully selected. They are also familiar with Chen Ren. Even if they salute Chen Ren and help him lead the horses to the side of the stable, there are specially assigned personnel to guard the horses of visitors.

Chen Ren went directly into the Hou's house and came to the Council hall after seven turns and eight turns. At this time, the assembly hall had been restored to its original cleanliness and solemnity. Both sides were also filled with civil and military officials of Dongwu in Jianye. When he saw Chen Ren coming, all the civil and military officials stood up and saluted Chen Ren. It can be seen that after the last incident of sun Bi, Chen Ren's reputation in the eyes of these Soochow officials has been improved once again. Even those newly elected officials have recognized Chen Ren's identity as the highest official of Soochow from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, Sun Jian, the Marquis of Wu, did not come out yet. After Chen Ren gave a salute to the crowd, he went straight in and came to his seat. He knew that since he entered the government, someone had informed Sun Jian that he had arrived. It would not be long before Sun Jian arrived.

Chen Ren's seat was still the first on his left hand, and Xun Yu was sitting beside him. Looking at Chen Ren's smile, he could not help feeling a little strange. Since the incident happened, although big Wu apologized to Chen Ren and others in person, and Sun Jian also punished him afterwards, Chen Ren was still holding his breath. So these days, apart from facing his wife and children, he has been keeping a stiff face on others, but today I don't know why I have become so happy?Anyway, Sun Jian didn't arrive, so Xun Yu leaned on Chen Ren's ear and asked. Chen Ren also whispered about what he song had just done. Xunzi also watched he song grow up. Naturally, he was so happy that he chuckled a few times, which made the ordinary officials sitting there puzzled. They didn't know what ideas the two highest status people were thinking. However, Chen Ren and Xun Yu did not worry about what these people were thinking. Xun Yu was still advising Chen Ren on when to propose a marriage, when to move the wedding banquet, and even to discuss the name of He Song's future children. Xunzi now has several sons. To him, he song is more like his younger generation.

"Oh! Zici! Wen Ruo! What are you talking about Sun Jian's still hearty laughter rang out, and the crowd turned to see that Sun Jian was bringing Sun Quan and Xu Chu through the back door of the conference hall. Along with Chen Ren and Xun Yu, they all got up and saluted Sun Jian.

Sun Jian looked at Chen Ren and Xun Yu with a smile, which also contained a trace of reassurance. Since the night when he returned to Jianye, he learned the whole story from Da Wu. Sun Jian was both angry and worried. Anger is anger. Sun and Xiao Wu are so presumptuous. They are worried that Chen Ren and others will separate Sun Jian and even leave him. Chen Ren in particular, others may not know, but Sun Jian's heart is like a mirror. Today, Dongwu has become the most powerful force in the world, and his Sun Jian can become the most powerful vassal in the world, all of which are inseparable from Chen Ren. Moreover, the important generals and counsellors in Soochow are all closely related to Chen Ren. If Chen Ren leaves, he will definitely affect other important officials.

Far from it, Sun Jian's think tanks, Xunzi and Guojia, were Chen Ren's good friends; Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu were Chen Ren's nephews; although Cheng Yu did not seem to have any contact with Chen Ren, Cheng Yu was found by Chen Ren. Pang Tong, a good friend of Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu, was Chen Ren's younger generation. Chen Ren played a central role in this think tank. If anything happened to Chen Ren, the think tank representing the operation axis of Soochow would collapse in an instant.

The most important thing is that Chen Ren has no ambition. Sun Jian has tied Chen Ren firmly to sun's family over the past few years. Before going to war, Sun Jian even wanted to marry his only daughter to Chen Ren's eldest son. I didn't expect that he had just left for a little more than a year. His wife and nephew almost destroyed his achievements for so many years. How can he not be angry. If Sun Jian's counsellors did not dissuade him one by one, Sun Jian would have killed sun Bi and Xiao Wu. These days Chen Ren has always been a stiff face, so that Sun Jian is also worried every day. Today, seeing Chen Ren restore his old smile, of course, is full of surprise.

"Ha ha!" Chen Ren said with a smile, "my Lord, there's no big deal. It's just some family affairs."

Sun Jian nodded and did not ask more questions, as long as Chen Ren was in a good mood. When he got to his seat, Sun Jian sat down directly and motioned to all the ministers who were still standing to sit down. Sun Jianqing cleared his throat and said to the crowd, "today you are called to come here for the next action of our eastern Wu, which is to pacify Yizhou and unify the south! I don't know what you can do with it? "

"Lord!" The first speaker, however, was Tai Shici, who was transferred back to Jianye city as governor. He clasped his fist at Sun Jian and said, "Liu Zhang in Yizhou is cowardly! Yizhou soldiers and horses are no more than chicken and dog generation! At the end of the war, the general would like to raise a great master to capture Yizhou and capture Liu Zhang alive! " I dare to tell you that Tai Shici has never been addicted to fighting in Jiangdong new army before. How long has he been back? He has to rush out.

Sitting opposite Tai Shici, Zhuge Liang got up in no hurry and said to Sun Jian, "Lord! Although general Tai Shi is right, there are many brave generals in Yizhou. I heard that Yan Yan, an old general in Bashu, was nearly fifty years old, but he was still as brave as General Huang in Jingzhou! Therefore, my subordinates think that sending troops can win, but there will also be some damage. It is better to persuade Liu Zhang to surrender! With the power of the Lord and the cowardice of Liu Zhang, Yizhou will surely surrender! "