Listening to Zhuge Liang's advice, Chen Ren frowned, but in his heart he did not agree with Zhuge Liang's idea. How exclusive the local forces in Yizhou were can be seen from the historical situation when Liu Bei entered Shu. What's more, Sun Jian's attitude towards local aristocratic families is well known. Although Liu Zhang is weak in temperament, it is those Yizhou aristocratic families who are the real masters of Yizhou. I'm afraid Sun Jian's persuasion to surrender will not be recognized by the representatives of those great aristocratic families.

Obviously, Chen was not the only one who saw this. Not long after Zhuge Liang finished speaking, one of them immediately got up to speak with his hands in his hand. It was Xun you, Xun's nephew, who was five years older than him, who had only recently worked under Sun Jian's tent. Although Xun you and Xun Yu came from the same family, Xun you learned strategy and was good at layout. Although Xunzi had been an official for many years before, the Xunzi family had never moved to Jiangdong. The reason is that the Xunzi family had some scruples about Sun Jian's actions of attacking big aristocratic families. However, after years of observation, the Xunzi family decided that Sun Jian did not simply treat all the great aristocratic families. According to the low-key style of Xun family, he would not be attacked by Sun Jian at all. Moreover, Sun Jian now has a vague momentum to dominate the world. If it is later, I am afraid that the Xunzi family will not be used by Sun Jian any more. Therefore, in the year before last, the Xunzi family all moved to Jiangdong, and sent many Xunzi's children to serve in Dongwu, which also added to the embarrassment of the lack of grassroots officials in Jiangdong.

Perhaps because of the same great aristocratic families, Xun you had a very clear grasp of the mentality of those great aristocratic families in Yizhou, which were somewhat different from those of the Xun family. They were eager for the right to control the monarch. In particular, Yizhou's Huang, Wang, Pang and Li's four families are in charge of Yizhou's military and political power, and they will not be able to hand over their power so easily.

In the end, those who thought that they would not be able to come to the world would not be convinced by Xunzhou

"Hum!" Sun Jian said coldly, naturally not against Xun you, but obviously to those Yizhou aristocratic families in Xun you's words. "If these Yizhou aristocratic families really dare to resist their own Jiangdong lions, I will certainly destroy their whole family!" Sun Jian is not talking about it. From the cold air in Sun Jian's eyes, we can see that if those Yizhou aristocratic families really want to resist Sun Jian's army, they are afraid that Sun Jian will really destroy them. Aren't the zhangjias, Xu's and Yu's in Jiangdong are examples.

Chen Ren sighed in secret again. It seems that Sun Jian is more inclined to attack Yizhou directly, which may inevitably lead to confrontation with Zhang Ren. This is not what Chen Ren hoped for. However, in the face of Yizhou, we all know that Yizhou General Zhang Ren is Chen Ren's second senior brother, so Chen Ren is really inconvenient to speak. It's a pity that Guo Jia has not come back from Hangu pass again. Xun Jian is not good at this kind of strategy. Is it really necessary to compete with Zhang Ren in the battlefield?

"My Lord! There is a word from my subordinate All of a sudden, a scholar in his twenties and thirties got up and bowed his hand to Sun Jian. Chen Ren, however, had a good eye for him. No wonder Chen Ren didn't recognize it. Nowadays, Sun Jian's reputation has increased dramatically every day. Many people come to Sun Jian every day. Sun Jian gives all the tasks of recruiting and investigating to the people below. However, every time he recruits a talent, he brings him to meet him. I'm afraid even Sun Jian doesn't always remember these new officials, let alone Chen Ren.

He looked kind, not a counselor, but a businessman. Fortunately, Sun Jian still recognized the man and asked with a smile, "Zi Jing, what's your opinion? You may as well say it and listen to it."

Zi Jing? Chen Ren was suddenly stunned. This is certainly not a name, but a brand name. Moreover, this brand name was also very famous in the Three Kingdoms period. Is this scholar who looks like a merchant is that famous wise man?

With a kind smile on his face, he arched his hand at Sun Jian and said, "my Lord, my subordinates think that Yizhou should not be attacked by force! The people of Bashu have always been xenophobic, and the people are fierce. Although it is said that the Lord can not be accepted by the Yizhou aristocratic family, if the Lord attacks Yizhou by force, it will certainly arouse the disgust of Bashu people. Even if the Lord seizes Yizhou in the future, it is not suitable for him to rule! "

As soon as this man spoke, Chen Ren immediately affirmed that he must be the famous wise man in history. Although he had only a few words, he clearly broke through the mystery. In history, both Liu Bei and later Deng AI and Zhong Hui chose to attack Yizhou, but at the last step, they still did not give up persuading them to surrender. But the fact is that if Liu Zhang didn't come down when Liu Bei entered Sichuan, it would not be good news for Liu Bei. Chengdu City is high and thick, and the grain is abundant. Even if he stayed there for a year or two, there would be no problem. Although Liu Bei succeeded in tricking Jingzhou, Sun Quan in the East and Cao Cao and Zhang Lu in the north. If the battle became a long-term siege, Liu Bei would still have to return to Jingzhou temporarily. And later Deng AI was the same. Even if he successfully bypassed many barriers, as long as Liu Chan refused to surrender, Jiang Wei only needed to separate out an army. Then Deng AI was afraid that he would die without a burial place.

Although Sun Jian does not have such concerns, and the military strength of Soochow can support him to take Yizhou, the final loss will definitely exceed Sun Jian's estimation.

Sun Jian was not the impulsive governor of Changsha at that time. After listening to the scholar's advice, he also thought slowly. Then he nodded and looked at the scholar and said, "in this case, can Zijing have any way to capture Yizhou?"Taking advantage of Sun Jian's thinking, Chen Ren asked in a low voice, with his head toward Xun Yu beside him: "Wen Ruo, this scholar has extraordinary views. Do you know who he is?" Although Chen Ren has confirmed the scholar's identity in his heart, it is better to confirm it with Xun Yu.

Xunzi nodded and agreed with Chen Ren's evaluation of the scholar. He also replied in a low voice: "this man is from Dongcheng in linhuai. He has some assets in his family, but he is generous in nature. His surname is Lu, his name is Su, and his name is Zijing. He just joined Jianye last month. The Lord appointed him a meritorious officer in Jianye. However, it seems that his official position is still a talent

It was Lu Su! Chen renqiang suppressed the surprise in his heart. This is one of the rare talents in the era of the Three Kingdoms! When Zhou Yu came, he didn't recommend Lu Su as recorded in history. Chen Ren couldn't grasp Zhou Yu to ask. After a long time, Chen Ren forgot Lu su. I didn't expect that Lu Su was sent to the door today. How can't Chen Ren be happy!

In fact, Zhou Yu's fate has changed greatly from the original history. In the original history, Zhou Yu met Lu Su by chance after he followed sun CE to fight in the world. He borrowed food from Lu Su because of Zhou Yu's shortage of military food at that time. Therefore, he had contact with Lu su. However, after Zhou Yu joined Sun Jian, it was smooth sailing. He wanted soldiers and grain. How could Zhou Yu go to Lu Su to borrow food. Therefore, Zhou Yu has never seen Lu Su at all. Maybe he has just heard of Lu Zijing, a good justice and wealth distributor in Dongcheng. How could he recommend him to Sun Jian?

While Chen Ren and Xunzi were talking, Lu Su had already thought about Sun Jian's problems and raised his head to Sun Jian and said, "Lord! My subordinates think that today's Yizhou is full of powerful people, but they are not united. Moreover, Liu Zhang, the leader of Yizhou, is weak and can not control these powerful Yizhou. The Lord might as well follow the original method of rectifying the Jiangdong aristocratic family. He secretly contacted some local forces in Yizhou for internal aid, and then Chen soldiers put pressure on the other side at the border of Yizhou. However, the internal and external operation at the same time, without spending a soldier, Yizhou can be turned upside down! In this way, Yizhou must be in a mess, and no longer be able to resist the Lord's master. Then the Lord will send someone to persuade him to surrender, and Yizhou will have it! "

As soon as Lu Su's idea was said, everyone was lost in thought. Sun Jian's think tanks, including Sun Jian, were thinking about the feasibility of Lu Su's method. However, Chen Ren secretly exclaimed that Lu Su's current method was not exactly the method used by Liu Bei to enter Sichuan in history? It was with the help of Zhang song, Fazheng, Mengda and other officials that Liu Bei succeeded in winning the first chance in attacking Yizhou. If it had not been for a mistake made by Zhang song, which revealed their relationship with Liu Bei, I am afraid that Liu Bei and others would not have to pay a single soldier to take Yizhou.

Xu Shu pondered for a while and said, "this adult's strategy is indeed a good one, but this Yizhou family has no good feelings for Dongwu. How can we make them willing to be used by Dongwu?"

Lu Su seemed to have guessed that Xu Shu would ask this question. Without thinking, he replied: "the local forces in Yizhou mentioned by his subordinates do not refer to those Yizhou aristocratic families, but those who come from poor families but work in Yizhou. In fact, it has to be said that Liu Yan, the former leader of Yizhou, was indeed a hero of a generation. Although he was dead, he left too much property to Liu Zhang. If it was not for Liu Zhang's weak temperament that he couldn't use it, Yizhou would have become a thorn behind the eastern Wu Dynasty. When Liu Yan was in charge of Yizhou, although he attracted most of the Yizhou aristocratic families, he also promoted a large number of poor children, who did not take care of their own family interests as those of Yizhou aristocratic families. Many of them are real talents, but Liu Zhang can't use them! In recent years, Liu Zhang was gradually controlled by the Yizhou aristocratic family. These poor children were also very disappointed with Liu Zhang. If the Lord could contact him secretly at this time, with his great talent and foresight, he would be loyal to these people and help him seize Yizhou! "