In a flash, it has been half a year since Li Yuanhe returned to Biancheng. During this period, Li Yuanhe was directly promoted by Ying Zhen, the head of the state of Qin, to be a servant and Assistant General of the Ministry of war because of his achievements in repelling the Liao army and assassinating Yelu Guanghao and Yelu Guangya. His rank was promoted from the original fourth grade to the second grade, becoming the best among the young officials of the post Qin state It is unique in the post Qin state. Of course, the high-level officials of the post Qin State and Li Yuanhe knew clearly that the reason why Li Yuanhe was promoted so quickly was that there was no lack of compensation for Li Yuanhe because of Yan tiechun's affairs.

Although it's a happy event for Li Yuanhe, there's another thing more worthy of his joy for Li Yuanhe, that is, Gu lianniang has successfully given birth to a pair of twins! On the day of Gu lianniang's birth, the whole Biancheng was celebrating Li Yuanhe's birth. It was really a great event for Bian Cheng. Almost all the officials in the Imperial Court went to Li's house, even the head of the state, Ying Zhen, and even other heads of state and powerful officials sent gifts. Li Yuanhe was famous all over the world!

After a month or two of rest, Li Yuanhe also began to integrate into the normal work, every day to go to the camp director. Li Yuanhe was a military general. Although he was also a servant of the military department, he could not do this kind of civilian work. However, the current Secretary of the Ministry of war is the Wang family. With the relationship between Li Yuanhe and the Wang family, the boss will not be difficult for Li Yuanhe. Therefore, Li Yuanhe's stay in the military camp is much longer than that in the official residence.

It is worth mentioning that Ying Zhen ascended the throne and became the head of the state of Qin. Of course, the officials under him should be well adjusted. After Bian Cheng's change, most of the official posts in the imperial court were vacant. Therefore, Ying Zhen had to refer all his cronies who had been with him when he was the prince to some important positions, and then boldly employed those new people and poor children.

Wang Yang, the head of the Wang family, was promoted to the rank of general, commanding the army of the state of Qin, and became the first person in the army of the state of Qin. Zhou fan was promoted to Nayan, in charge of Menxia Province, Kong De was promoted to inner history order and in charge of Zhongshu province. Ouyangming, who was previously transferred to Jingnan City, was transferred back to shangshuling and in charge of Shangshusheng. These four people actually constitute the core of the post Qin state. Of course, the central axis of this core is Ying Zhen, the leader of the post Qin state!

In addition, Wang Lei, the son of Wang Yang, was not promoted as fast as Li Yuanhe, but he was also appointed general of Zhenjun. His rank was from the second grade, only one and a half steps lower than Li Yuanhe. And Wang Ye, Wang Qiong and other Wangs have been promoted one after another. It can be said that the Wang family has benefited the most.

As for the Kong Family allied with the Wang family, Kong Decheng was the internal history order of Zhongshu Province, which itself was the existence of a top official in the imperial court. As Konde's nephew, he was also the sworn brother of Li Yuanhe, a red man in the imperial court. Kong Ling was promoted to be the servant of the imperial court and became the right and left hand of Kong de. it can be said that the Zhongshu province has become the bag of the Kong family.

On the surface, the royal family had a great reputation in the dynasty, and the Kong family was the alliance of the Wang family. After that, the state of Qin was about to become a talk Hall of the Wang family. But on the other side, Zhou fan, who had always been at odds with the Wang family, also had the power that was not inferior to that of the Wang family! Ouyang Ming, who is in charge of the province of Shangshu, the largest institution among the three provinces, also maintains the relationship between Zhou fan and Ouyang Ming. When they unite, their power will never be much less than that of the Wang family and the Kong family.

As for the officials under him who were divided into two factions, Ying Zhen, as the Lord of the state of Qin, turned a blind eye to it. As long as the normal implementation of Ying Zhen's power was not affected, Ying Zhen did not care about the struggle between the two factions. Perhaps it is precisely because of the acquiescence of win that the struggle between the two parties has turned directly from the dark to the bright.

Although Li Yuanhe had been branded as the Wang family and the Kong family for a long time, he did not participate in the struggle between the two groups. He went deep into his daily briefing and stayed at home in addition to his own work. Of course, no one knows that Li Yuanhe is not idle at home. Instead, he studies the three rare books that Mrs. Luo gave him day and night.

After returning to Biancheng, he planned to train a cavalry according to the method in "cavalry essentials", but Li Yuanhe canceled the idea. Li Yuanhe only memorized the content of cavalry essentials in his heart, but he did not put it into practice. Li Yuanhe did not even tell anyone about the content of cavalry essentials, even Kong Ling, the most trustworthy sworn brother, was no exception. However, with a carrier pigeon flying from the far north to Biancheng, Li Yuanhe's quiet life for half a year has finally come to an end.

"General!" Standing at the door of his study, Zhao Yong bowed his head to Li Yuanhe, who was reading at his desk. "Just now your majesty sent someone to invite the general into the palace. He said that there was something important to discuss! The carriage for the general has stopped outside the mansion

"Oh! I see! " Li Yuanhe didn't even raise his head, but waved his hand. Until he finished reading this page, Li Yuanhe slowly put down the book in his hand. Showing his increasingly mature face, Li Yuanhe also began to grow a two-way moustache in the past six months, which made him look more stable.

After a look at Zhao Yong, who has been guarding the door of the house, Li Yuanhe smiles. He reaches out and touches his beard. He turns to look at the sky outside the window, squints his eyes, but sighs a long way. It seems that the comfortable days of this period are gone forever, and the world will be in chaos again!Like Li Yuanhe, there were also important officials and generals in the imperial court who were summoned by Ying Zhen. By the time Li Yuanhe arrived at the imperial study, many people had arrived early. When he saw Uncle Li's room, he said, "I'll see you in front of you."

Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling are brothers, so Kong Ling's uncle is also Li Yuanhe's uncle. Hearing Li Yuanhe's voice, Kong De slowly opened his eyes, looked at Li Yuanhe, and with a smile, nodded and then closed his eyes. Li Yuanhe didn't care. He also laughed and then turned to salute the others.

Although Li Yuanhe has been keeping a low profile for more than half a year, no one dares to underestimate Li Yuanhe. People's abilities are there. Now it's a troubled time. As long as a war is launched, Li Yuanhe will surely be used as a winner. Therefore, when meeting Li Yuanhe, whether from the Wang family or from the Zhou fan faction, they all warmly greet each other. Even Ouyang Ming, who is the Secretary of the state, is also very enthusiastic when he meets Li Yuanhe.

"Your Majesty is here!"

With the distinctive shrill voice of the Chamberlain, the people who were still chatting enthusiastically in the room were immediately divided into two columns and stood in proper order. Ying Zhen, wearing a Dragon Robe, came in from the back of the imperial study. The people immediately fell on their knees and worshipped Ying Ying Zhen: "long live my emperor! hooray! Long live

"All right! You'll be flat Ying Zhen walked to the Dragon chair and sat down. Then he said faintly. Yingzhen, the supreme ruler of the post Qin state, has been fully adapted to his new identity in the past half a year. Now, he has the momentum of a superior person between his actions and actions.

Thank you After singing, they all stood up in unison, but their heads were still low. No one dared to raise their heads to see win's real face. This is the respect for the emperor as a minister, even Wang Yang, Zhou fan and others are no exception.

"All right After seeing all the people sitting down, Ying Zhen said, "I believe you all know that in your heart. This time I urge you to enter the palace. Naturally, I have something important to discuss with you! I will not come to you so much. This morning, I sent a message in the stronghold of Liaojing city! "

Hearing Ying Zhen's words, everyone was shocked. All the important officials of the post Qin state were present. Naturally, they knew that many spies had been planted in the north by the post Qin state. Half a year ago, Li Yuanhe was able to escape back from the capital city of Liao, thanks to the help of those spies who were stationed in the capital. The role of these spies is to keep an eye on the movements of the northern alien groups. Now, Ying Zhen says that the spies in the capital city of Liao have news returns, which makes these important officials secretly guess what kind of important news it is. Is it that the Liao people once again set out to go south?

Thinking of this possibility, people could not help but feel uneasy. Although Li Yuanhe successfully forced the Liao army back half a year ago, everyone was very clear that the battle did not actually hurt the root of the Liao army. However, if the Liao army went south again this time, it would be more careful. It was almost impossible to succeed with Li Yuan and the last time.

But everyone guessed that it was the time when the Liao people sent troops, but Li Yuanhe had other ideas in his heart. He narrowed his eyes and calculated the possibility in his heart, but he was silent. However, Ying Zhen, who was high above, interrupted everyone's guess and said, "you don't have to guess any more. It's not the news that the Liao army intends to go south."

Listening to Yingzhen's words, everyone except Li Yuanhe was stunned. However, Li Yuanhe's face was a little pale. He raised his head and looked at the sadness on Ying Zhen's face. His heart trembled. Suddenly, he remembered the mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth. He sighed, but he didn't look away that day!

As if to confirm Li Yuanhe's conjecture, Ying Zhen's face began to grow gloomy and said, "according to the news from the capital of Liao, yeluguangya, the second prince of the Liao nationality, had taken up the army to usurp the throne 13 days ago! He took over the control of the Liao army, killed the Liao king yeluqing and his brother Yelu Guangyan, and officially became the king of the Liao nationality! Now, the Liao people have changed their masters! "