Listen to win really, everyone except Li Yuanhe is stunned. This has been known for a long time! Why are you so worried about winning? However, Kong De, Wang Yang, Zhou fan and Ouyang Ming soon showed a trace of clear expression. Such great changes have taken place within the Liao nationality. In a short period of time, it is impossible to be able to go south any more. Without the threat of the Liao army, the Tianhe treaty would have no binding force.

They remember clearly that half a year ago, before the Liao army moved southward, the post Qin state was besieged by four neighboring countries. If it was not for the Liao army's southward movement that attracted the attention of all countries, I'm afraid that the situation of the latter Qin state is also critical! Now that there is no restriction of the Tianhe treaty, it is impossible to guarantee that the four countries will not invade again!

When Ying Zhen saw the expressions of the four Kongde people, he knew that they had guessed their mind. Other people also gradually responded. He immediately sighed and said, "without the restriction of the Liao army, although the later Qin Dynasty has gained temporary cultivation during this period, it is difficult to resist the invasion of the four kingdoms! Therefore, I would like to call on all of you today to see if you can come up with a good idea! "

As soon as Ying Zhen's voice fell, Wang Lei stood up directly and said, "your majesty! What else to discuss! As long as the four countries dare to come, the last general is willing to lead the iron armour of our rear Qin army and drive them all out of the territory of our country! " Although Li Yuanhe has the highest position among the young officials in the middle of the imperial court, Wang Lei is still the leader of the youth group in the central court by virtue of his status as the eldest son of the Wang family.

As for Wang Lei's request, Ying Zhen just laughed and said, "I knew for a long time that General Wang Lei was brave. If the four countries really attacked, I would entrust the safety of the post Qin state to all the generals!" At this point, Yingzhen doesn't want to say more. Although Wang Lei's words sound very morale boosting, they are not the answers that Yingzhen wants to get.

Nayan Zhou fan, who is in charge of the province under the gate, glances at Wang Lei. A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then he stepped out to fight against Yingzhen and said, "your majesty! Although Wang Lei's suggestion is encouraging, it does not really solve the current problem! Although the state of the latter Qin Dynasty has been pacified, there are four princes in southern Xinjiang who refuse to submit to his majesty. Most of the officials in the court are inexperienced. Once they go to war with the four countries, they are afraid that there will be many problems in all aspects! " Although Zhou fan's words didn't make it clear, the meaning could not be more obvious. He said that Wang Lei was an impulsive Wufu!

The conflict between the Wang family and Zhou fan has not been for a long time. Zhou fan didn't give Wang Lei face, in fact, he was photographing Wang Yang's old face in front of his face. Wang Lei looks at Zhou fan angrily. If it wasn't for winning, he would have rushed forward and beat the old man down. Wang Yang's face flashed a trace of anger at the moment, both sides can fight, but this cut the face of his Wang family, but Wang Yang, the old fox, can't help it.

Ouyang Ming, standing beside Zhou fan, took a look at Zhou fan, who was complacent and shook his head in secret. Although Zhou fan was clever, he did not know how to advance or retreat. He was just making a fuss at ordinary times. At this time, he did not forget to fight with the Wang family. This is not to make his majesty embarrassed! Now Ouyang Ming doesn't know whether it was right or wrong to decide to join hands with Zhou fan!

As expected, Ouyang Ming didn't expect that Ying Zhen saw that at such a time, people from the two factions did not forget to fight, which made Ying really angry. Even though he snorted coldly, he said, "according to Lord Zhou's opinion, how should we deal with the attack of the four kingdoms?"

Both Kong De and Ouyang Ming knew that Ying Zhen's words already had a trace of anger, but Zhou fan didn't hear that. Instead, he was more and more proud of Ying Zhen's consideration of himself. Even if he bowed his hands and said, "your majesty! I think it is better to disintegrate the alliance among the four countries before facing the attack of the four countries! The first is the state of Yan. Yu ruochai, the head of Yan state, was born as a merchant and was greedy by nature! The reason why Yan took part in it was because the states of Zhou and Shu promised him many benefits! As long as we can follow the example of the first world war three years ago and buy Yan with money, then Yan will not attack but break through this road! "

After Zhou fan finished his suggestion to Yan state, he stopped, but looked up at Ying Zhen. Ying Zhen did not make any evaluation, but said faintly, "Lord Zhou, continue to speak. This is only a solution to the problem of Yan state. Are there any other three countries?"

Zhou fan immediately continued to reply: "among the other three countries, the strength of Dachang state is the most threatening, but it is also the best to do it! The junction of Dachang state and China's later Qin state is Jiangcheng under the command of the fourth prince! Your majesty might as well write a letter with the fourth prince to make him defend the city. Although the fourth Prince refuses to submit to his majesty, the river city is the only foundation of his life. Of course, he will not give it to the state of Dachang easily. At that time, his majesty will be able to sit down and watch the battle between the fourth Prince and the state of Dachang. No matter who wins or loses, he will only be his majesty! "

Ying Zhen's face slowed down. He was obviously satisfied with Zhou fan's plan. The fourth Prince Yingqi hid in Jiangcheng with his army, which was always Yingzhen's trouble. Zhou fan's method not only solved the army of Dachang state, but also weakened the strength of winning it. It can be said that it is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Zhou fan continued: "the last thing your majesty needs to worry about is the army of Shu! The state of Shu was too far away from the state of Qin, and the state of Dachang was also separated from it. If it had been three years ago, the army of Shu could have borrowed from Dachang. But now, there is not only Dachang, but also a Danube city between Shu and China's later Qin! The Yan Family of Danube city has a lot of appeal among the southern barbarians. It is not so easy for the army of Shu to pass through Danube city! After the three armies were solved, only the army of Dazhou was left. Although Li Ke was a great talent, the army of Dazhou could not fight with the army of Qin Dynasty except for the thousands of green front riders. It was so easy to deal with the army of Dazhou! "When Zhou fan finished his last sentence, he took a look at Li Yuanhe, who was on the opposite side. Of course, the meaning was very clear. After the Qin army's strength is so much stronger than the Zhou state, but half a year ago Li Yuanhe still lost the city of Nao. Zhou fan is showing clear provocation! Who makes you Li Yuanhe an important member of the Wang family! Man Dynasty Civil and military, I'm afraid only Zhou fan dare to be so unscrupulous to calculate the red man in Yingzhen's eyes!

At the moment, Li Yuanhe, who was provoked by Zhou fan, did not listen to Zhou fan's words at all. However, Li Yuanhe was worried about Xiao Yuesheng and others who were far away in the capital city of Liao. The news about Yelv Guangya's usurpation of the throne just now made Li Yuanhe have a bad premonition. In the original plan of the capital city of Liao, Li Yuanhe and Tuoba Haotian should have made yeluqing's eldest and third sons unable to inherit the throne at all. In the end, yeluguangya, the black son of his family, could inherit the throne. But the news that Ying Zhen said was that Yelu Guangya usurped the throne!

One is inheritance and the other is usurping the throne. The meanings of these two words are quite different! According to the emperor of Liao Dynasty, he was introduced to the emperor by the emperor of Liao Dynasty. And such a strong king would be usurped by a dandy son? Now Li Yuanhe is more and more worried that his speculation these days will really become a fact.

Seeing Li Yuanhe's brow locked all the time, Ying Zhen raised his eyebrows. Instead of commenting on the series of suggestions Zhou Fan Gang had just said, he turned to Li Yuanhe and asked, "General Li! What do you think of it? "

However, Li Yuanhe did not hear Ying Zhen's cry at all. At the moment, he was still thinking. Fortunately, Wang Qiong, who had a good relationship with him, was standing behind him. Wang Qiong immediately pulled Li Yuanhe's backside in a very covert way. Li Yuanhe was so made by Wang Qiong, which was just a reaction. When he saw Yingzhen and all the people in the imperial study, they all looked at themselves. Li Yuanhe couldn't help sweating. He could guess that it was Ying Zhen who had just asked himself a question, but he didn't hear anything at all!

Of course, Li Yuanhe didn't arrive twice, so he said to Ying that he had just lost his mind. That's a big crime of disrespect! When Li Yuanhe was so anxious that he didn't know what to do, Zhou fan on the opposite side sneered and said, "General Li is a young talent valued by his majesty. Should he be like General Wang Lei, who knows how to fight and kill?"

Zhou Fan said this, but completely angered Wang Lei. Wang Lei took a step and said angrily, "Lord Zhou! What do you mean by that? Wang Lei only knows how to fight and kill. That's right! Can always compare some people, know hiding behind calculate, what buy, what kill two birds with one stone, are some on the table things! It's a joke

Wang Lei's anger has completely ignited the flames of war between the two factions. There are Wang's children on the side of the Wang family, and there are also many people in Zhou fan's side. Many officials from poor families are headed by Zhou fan. When they see Wang Lei so reckless, they all come out to denounce Wang Lei. Wang Lei is so hot tempered that he is not willing to give up. Even with a group of young Wang's children, he quarrels with the officials of Zhou fan's faction. However, thanks to this, Li Yuanhe quickly turned his head and asked Wang Qiong behind him in a hurry to find out what he missed and didn't hear. At the same time, Li Yuanhe's mind is also constantly calculating, how to answer the question of Yingzhen later.