The development of the war was just as Cheng Hu expected. After taking the city of Lu easily, the vanguard army successively won two cities of Yan state. Although it was not as bloodless as winning Lucheng, it did not cause much damage to the vanguard army. Later, the sudden disaster of the Qin army also surprised the high-level of Yan state. On the one hand, Yu ruocai, the head of the state of Yan, mobilized domestic troops to resist the invasion of the Qin army after the Qin Dynasty. On the other hand, he was actively contacting Yan's allies, hoping that they could help them.

However, Yu ruochai's reply was so cool that his heart was cold. Although the state of Yan relied heavily on Shu state, it was still led by three brothers, Yingbei, a general of Shu state. However, it is a long way from Shu to Yan. It is impossible to catch up without half a month. Moreover, the messenger of Shu also said hello to Yu ruochai. Even if the army of Shu arrived in time, I'm afraid it would be impossible to pass the Danube pass for a while. Therefore, there is no need to count on Shu for the time being.

As for the state of Dachang, after being asked for help by the state of Yan, Miao Fu, a general of Dachang state, personally led the army of Dachang state to the post Qin State and wanted to surround the Wei Dynasty to save Zhao. Miao Fu had a good idea, but he never thought that the army of Dachang state had not stepped out of the border of Dachang state, but was attacked by the army won by the fourth Prince of the state of Qin. Miao Fu never expected that he would suddenly send out troops and be caught unprepared. The Dachang army was defeated directly, and Miao Fu was seriously injured.

In the end, Yu ruochai's hope could only be placed on the state of Zhou, but in the end, he received a reply from the state of Zhou, saying that there were many mysterious enemies in the state. In order to protect the local security of Dazhou state, Li Ke, a general, had to lead his troops back to China, and could not help Yan.

After getting these news, Yu ruocai was hopeless. Finally, he could only rely on the army of Yan state to resist the invasion of Qin army. If you want to do business, Yu ruochai can be regarded as a talent. However, if you want to start marching and fighting, Yu ruochai is not as good as his general. Under the deterrence of the post Qin army, Yu ruochai made a very stupid decision, that is, he gave up the territory of Yan state except Tianyang City, and mobilized the remaining 15000 troops of Yan state to Tianyang city.

In this way, most of Yan's territory was easily seized by the post Qin army. However, the 15000 strong army that Yu ruochai mobilized from all over the Yan state was surrounded by more than 5000 vanguard troops led by Cheng Hu, who did not dare to leave Tianyang city. Cheng Hu is not a rude man either. Naturally, he would not attack the garrison far beyond his own side with 5000 men. So he surrounded Tianyang city and waited for the army led by Li Yuanhe to come.

Although this plan was put forward by Li Yuanhe himself, Li Yuanhe did not expect that the plan went so smoothly. At the moment, he mentioned that the army rushed to Tianyang City, and at the same time sent many teams to take over the cities of Yan state which Yu ruochai had abandoned.

At the same time, in order to wipe out the mysterious army, Li Ke stationed in Helu city with 10000 men and horses, waiting for the emergence of the mysterious army. Li Ke did not expect that the mysterious army he was waiting for was stationed in a valley about 100 li away from Helu city.

In the valley, under the cover of dense woods at the mouth of the valley, the army set up a camp in the valley. In the commander's tent, two soldiers in black armor were pointing to a map and discussing something. If Li Ke was in the army tent at the moment, one of the two generals could be recognized at a glance. It was his old acquaintance, Cheng Jue, one of the four tiger generals under Luo Tianhan! The other general standing beside Cheng Jue is Yang Bai, one of the four tiger generals under Luo Tianhan!

"Now that Li Ke is stationed in Helu City, we'd better not act rashly." Yang Bai is still that indifferent expression, pointing to the location of Helu city on the map, "this Helu city is located in the center of the state of Dazhou, which can be said to be a town guarding the whole state of Zhou. No matter where we act in the state of Dazhou, Li Ke can arrive in the shortest time!"

At this time, Cheng Jue is no longer the indifferent appearance in front of Li Yuanhe. He laughs and says in a loud voice: "it doesn't matter! No problem! Anyway, our goal is to contain Li Ke and his army here! As long as Li Ke and his army don't move, we won't move. When Li Yuan and his army have solved Yan state, they will come to clean up Li Ke with us! "

Yang Bai is not as optimistic as Cheng Jue. He frowns tightly and shakes his head and says, "I'm afraid it's not so simple! You can see the problem, Li Ke can not see it! He is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to wait for death! So Li Ke did not know that if Yan was destroyed, the next bad luck would be the state of Zhou! I guess that if Li Ke was really forced to rush, he might be desperate to attack the state of Qin after Qin, or go south to help Yan! "

Cheng Jue looked down at the situation of the state of Zhou on the map, nodded his head and agreed with Yang Bai. However, he soon laughed again and said, "it's OK! don't worry! Li Ke now has less than 10000 troops. Even if he went south to rescue Yan state, he was definitely not the opponent of Li Yuan and that boy. As for his return to the city to gather troops to attack Qin, then let him fight! The safety of the post Qin State has nothing to do with us! "Cheng absolutely does not care about the speech, Yang Bai even nodded to agree, just continue to look at the map silent. But Cheng Jue turned his head and looked at Yang Bai and suddenly asked, "but I didn't think of it! You should come out of the mountain again, and still join the account of Li Yuan and this boy! I'm still surprised to think of it now

Yang Bai raised his head and gave Cheng Jue a white look, but he said faintly: "I am totally looking at the face of the old lady and will choose to come out again! And after my observation of this period of time, although Li Yuanhe is still a little young, but in time, it will not be much worse than Marshal! I have faith in him! "

The general in Yang Bai's mouth is naturally Luo Tianhan, a former general of the post Qin state, who he followed at that time. Even to Li Yuanhe and even to Yingzhen, Yang Bai and Cheng Jue have little respect for each other, but speaking of Luo Tianhan, they still maintain a high degree of respect.

Hearing Yang Bai mention Luo Tianhan, he was still cheerful, and Cheng Jie was silent. However, the silence only lasted for a moment. Cheng Jue patted his forehead, and then he laughed and said in a loud voice, "zhiniang thief! I just can't pretend to be such a dead face when I'm with you! I can't believe I've been wearing a dead face for ten years for a bet

Hearing Cheng Jue's words, Yang Bai's eyes finally showed a trace of smile, but still with a straight face, calmly said: "this has nothing to do with me! It was you who wanted to gamble with me. If you lose, you should learn from me for ten years! I didn't force you to do everything! And since then, I haven't forced you to fulfill your bets! It's all up to you

"Go!" Cheng Jue, however, seemed to spat and said, "let's admit defeat! What kind of person am I? How can I do that kind of crap thing when I lose! However, it is not useless to learn from your dead face these years. At least my temperament is much better, at least not as impulsive as before! If I had known this effect, I should have asked Lao Xu to learn from him! "

The old Xu in Cheng's crevasse refers to Xu Wei, who was called the four tiger generals under Luo Tianhan's tent with them at the beginning. Only three years ago, Xu Wei died under the city wall of southern Beijing. Yang Bai ignored Cheng Jue's nonsense. Instead, he buried himself on the map, carefully looked up every detail on the map, and tried to find out the scheme Li Ke might use.

"Li Ke has never been dangerous in his life! If he takes action, I'm afraid it will be a sure situation, so we must deal with it carefully! " Yang Bai looked at it for a long time, but still could not see any way. Finally, he raised his head and gave a long sigh of relief.

"Yes Cheng decided to nod, and no longer said those irrelevant things, "Li Ke, this old boy, is not simple. We all suffered from his losses in those years! However, the place where we are now is still safe for the time being. I don't think Li Ke would have thought that we were hiding under his nose! "

Yang Bai said faintly: "in fact, this is mainly because Li Ke doesn't know I'm here! As a strange general, you are good at winning by surprise, but you are far less bold than I am in terms of military action and dangerous moves! At present, there are at least 40000 people in Dazhou, but we only have 3000 people. Li Ke may think that we are hiding at the border, but she will never think that we will be so bold! However, this is not enough. I just thought about it. If we don't do anything about it, I'm afraid Li Ke will lead his troops to the south. Although it will not threaten the army, it will also cause them some troubles. And then our mission will be a failure! "

For Yang Bai speaking of himself as inferior to him, Cheng Jue's face showed a trace of unconvinced, but still refrained from speaking. After listening to Yang Bai's words, Cheng Jue's eyes lit up and said, "old ghost! Do you mean let's have another one? " With that, an excited light flashed in Cheng Jue's eyes. He knew that he was an old comrade in arms. He could not match Chen Xuanchu, an old friend of the two men. However, Yang Bai could often come up with some sinister and extreme moves to win the battle.