In the central area of helucheng and naocheng, the capital of the state of the Zhou Dynasty, there was a small town called Leshan, which was originally an unknown town. The residents in the small town also lived a plain life every day. But today, this unknown town is lively, all because of the sudden appearance of the black armour army outside Leshan City!

Leshan City is just a small city with a population of less than 100000, and there are only less than 1000 garrisons in the city. Six months ago, the Zhou army mobilized troops from all over the country to attack the state of Qin. Now, there are only about 300 soldiers in Leshan City. However, the black armored army outside the city was full of 2000 people, which scared the city guards of Leshan City.

At the moment, Cheng Jue, who was leading the soldiers outside Leshan City to attack the city, took a look at the smoke rising slowly at the head of Leshan City. He laughed and said, "I can't believe that Li Ke moved here the wolf smoke which was used by the Qin Empire to defend against the Northern alien Tribes! But it's good! I don't have to worry about how to transfer Li Ke's army out! "

At that moment, Cheng Jue pulled out the big knife from his waist, pointed to the front, and said to the left and right rear Qin soldiers: "brothers! Kill

Without too much encouragement, for the post Qin army, the morale was always kept high. At the command of Cheng Jue, all the officers and men roared and carried the weapons in their hands. Under the leadership of Cheng Jue, they attacked Leshan City. Seeing that the army outside the city began to attack, the city guard of Leshan City turned around and ran, not to mention organizing defense. With the leader of the superior, the soldiers of Zhou Dynasty who did not have much fighting spirit scattered in a crowd. Cheng Jue led the post Qin army to seize Leshan City easily.

After seizing Leshan City, Cheng Jue was strict with the military discipline. Instead of letting his soldiers harass the people in the city, he ordered the soldiers to rob the grain and some important supplies in the official warehouse of Leshan City. Those who could not take it were simply a fire. After finishing all this, Cheng Jue ran away with the rear Qin army.

The news of Leshan City being robbed reached Helu City three days later. Soon, a large Zhou army set out from Helu city and headed for Leshan City. On the hill not far from Helu City, a man dressed like a woodcutter was lying on the top of the hill, gazing at the disappearance of the Zhou army on the horizon. Then he got up and drove quickly to the jungle beside the hill.

Rushed to the middle of the jungle, the man just made a few inexplicable gestures to the surrounding trees. Soon, a soldier in black armor jumped down from the nearby tree and whispered to the man: "how about it? Any news? "

The man nodded, clasped his fist at the black armored soldier and said, "take me to see the general quickly! The enemy has begun to move! "

The other side all said so, and the black armour soldier didn't talk nonsense. Instead, he whispered to the seemingly empty trees on the left and right: "you're all here. I'll take him to see the general, and I'll be back soon." After that, the black armour soldier nodded to the man and took him to the depths of the jungle.

Soon, the two men went to the battalion commander hidden in the deep forest. After they had confessed their identities, they went straight into the commander-in-chief's tent, but sitting directly above the tent was a general with a mask of green face and tusks. Li Ke be startled at this time, as like as two peas in the old age. Needless to say, this war general with ghost face is Yang Bai, who is as famous as Cheng Jue!

Yang Bai looked at the two people who came in through the hole in the mask and said in a cold voice, "how about it? Did the enemy ever move? "

Even when they knelt down to Yang Bai, the woodcutter dressed as a scout of the Qin army said in a deep voice: "report back to the general! Everything is just like the general's plan. The Zhou army has just set out from Helu city and marched toward the East. It should be to deal with general Cheng! Only when my subordinates looked at the banner of the big Zhou army, they were carrying the flag of "Liu" instead of Li Ke's banner! "

Yang Bai was not surprised at all. He nodded and said, "that's right! If Li Ke was so easily transferred by me, I'm afraid it would not deserve the title of God of war! "Liu" flag? It should be Liu Duoxian, the general under Li Ke! If this man goes to deal with Cheng Jue, I don't have to worry about Cheng Jue! order! Let's go! Let's plan for the next step! "

The three thousand soldiers and generals brought by Yang Bai and Cheng Jue are the three thousand iron armour trained by Li Yuanhe himself. After returning from the north, Li Yuanhe trained well in accordance with the records in the art of war of Ying in the past six months. Today, these 3000 generals can be regarded as the elite of the post Qin army. As soon as Yang Bai's military order was issued, thousands of soldiers in the jungle gathered at the fastest speed.

However, Yang Bai still shook his head when he looked at the ready-made post Qin army. At that time, the ghost army led by him was all cavalry, and the action was extremely flexible, which could be regarded as a ghost coming out of nowhere. At present, although the fighting quality of the more than 1000 post Qin troops is high, they are infantry after all, and their mobility is still much worse!

However, Yang Bai can't be too demanding now. After all, their mission is too dangerous. Even if Li Yuanhe had that idea, others would not agree to give Yang Bai the only cavalry in the post Qin army. Li Yuanhe has done his best to have these elite officers and men. At that moment, Yang Bai called in a deep voice, and the whole army marched toward the West.Yang Bai's plan was to use his and Cheng Jue's command ability to separate troops and hold Li Ke, so that Li Ke could not be distracted from the war in Yan state. Of course, if Li Ke resolutely leads his troops to Yan state for support, then Yang Bai and Cheng will never mind making a fuss in Dazhou!

Yang Bai is good at playing different from Cheng, so his goal is not the cities. As early as before, Yang Bai had sent scouts to investigate clearly. On the western border of Dazhou state, 30000 troops led by General Xu Yanqiao were stationed to guard against the invasion of the former Tang state. However, the grain and forage of the 30000 army had to be transported from all parts of the state of Dazhou to helucheng, and then to the place where Xu Yanqiao's army was located. In this way, it can not only ensure that no one will enrich his own pockets and confiscate the food and grass of the front-line army, but also control the lifeline of Xu Yanqiao's 30000 army at all times. After all, the leader of the state of the Zhou Dynasty did not trust Xu Yanqiao as much as he did Li Ke, so it is necessary to guard against it.

In this way, it gave Yang Bai a chance. His goal was to transport grain from helucheng to the western border every month. If the food and grass were robbed, I'm afraid Li Ke could not sit still no matter how calm she was! As long as Li Ke is kept in the state of Zhou, I believe it will be easy for Li Yuanhe to clean up the state of Yan!

At the same time, outside Tianyang, the capital of Yan state, the vanguard army led by Cheng Hu finally arrived at Li Yuanhe's main force. After tens of thousands of soldiers of the Qin army entered the camp which had been settled for a long time. Chenghu and Zhao brothers also stood at the gate of the camp to welcome Li Yuanhe and other major army generals.

Li Yuanhe saw the three generals standing at the gate of the camp early. Even when he was clapping his horse, he said to them with a laugh: "ha ha ha ha! You three are bold enough this time! Only 5000 people dare to surround each other's 15000 people! Well done! In this battle of Yan, you three should remember the first merit! "

Zhao brothers listen to Li Yuanhe's praise, when even if it is high head, a face of complacency. In contrast, Cheng Hu will appear more calm and steady. He bowed his head to Li Yuan and said, "the general is so praised! The success this time is all due to luck. My subordinates can't be praised like the general! " Although he said so, if you look carefully, you can still see some smile and complacency from Cheng Hu's face. Obviously, Cheng Hu is also quite proud of his achievements.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Li Yuan and ha ha laughed, pointing to Cheng Hu and scolding: "you, you! Who is not easy to learn? Why do you learn from Yang Bai's dead face! If you have done something, you have done it! Are you afraid I won't report it to you? okay! When the army has a good rest tonight, we will attack tomorrow! Strive to win the Tianyang city in the shortest time! I heard that Yu ruochai collected many good things in his palace. I can't wait to have a good look at it! "

Li Yuanhe's words made Cheng Hu, including Cheng Hu, roar with laughter from all the generals around him. The success of the battle of Yan Kingdom has far exceeded the previous plan. No one thought that Yan was so vulnerable, especially Yu ruochai, the leader of Yan state, even chose to abandon other cities and defend the capital of the state in the face of a large army! If not, Li Yuanhe's army would have to spend a lot of time trying to capture the other cities of Yan state one by one. As a result, the time would be really tight if it was delayed.

It's good that Yu ruochai's foolishness not only won Li Yuanhe the most precious time, but also trapped himself in Tianyang city. Now Tianyang city is surrounded by all sides. Even if yu ruocai wants to escape, he can't escape. As long as Tianyang city is broken, Yu ruocai will surely be captured by Li Yuanhe's army. Then Yan state will be destroyed!

Originally, Li Yuanhe's plan did not have such a big harvest. The most important thing was to cripple the army of Yan state, so that the Yan parliament would not run to the border of the state of Qin from time to time. Now the state of Yan is destroyed in one breath. This can be regarded as the real expansion of the territory! When the time comes to stay in the history, just think about it, it will make people excited!