During the fierce battle between Li Yuanhe and wanyang, at the South Gate of Tianyang City, Chenghu and Zhao's brothers were leading 10000 soldiers of the Qin army to attack the south gate. However, Chenghu's attack plan was quite different from that of Li Yuanhe. Under the command of Chenghu, the Qin army formed a square array of soldiers and slowly approached the south gate.

However, when the post Qin army's array reached a distance from the gate, Cheng Hu suddenly raised a hand and stopped the army from advancing. This time, the Zhao brothers who followed Cheng Hu were obedient. They didn't make any noise. Chenghu smiles, but he said to the Zhao brothers on his own initiative: "you don't have to worry! You'll have a big fight later

With the words of Cheng Hu, the Zhao brothers are all laughing. Cheng Hu turned his head and looked at the high "Zhou" flag on the head of the city. He raised his mouth slightly. First he cleared his throat, then he suddenly yelled at the direction of the city: "Zhoudong! You son of a rat with no asshole! Dare to go out of the city and fight with me

After the voice of Cheng Hu, the originally murderous city became silent. Everyone looked at Cheng Hu as if he were looking at a monster. However, Cheng Hu was like a man who had nothing to do. The old God was sitting on the horse's back. After a long time, Gao Ma Da, a famous general on the head of the city, was choked red. Waiting for a pair of leopard eyes, he pointed to Cheng Hu outside the city and roared: "where are you from, little bunny! How dare you! Look at my grandfather. I'll cut you into mud when I'm out of town

"No! General When Zhou Dong mentioned that his long handled sword was about to go down to the head of the city to fight against him, several adjuncts around him rushed to persuade Zhou Dong, "this is obviously the general's provocation! The general must not be fooled! Your majesty has handed over the south gate to the general. The general has the heavy responsibility of Garrisoning the gate. How can he leave easily

"What nonsense!" Zhou Dong's double ring leopard's eyes were originally big, but now they glared so angrily that they were even more frightening. Seeing that several deputy generals did not dare to look up at him at all, Zhou Dong yelled at him and said, "now the enemy has mounted on Laozi's head! Do you want me to be a turtle? How can Zhou Dong be afraid of a nobody? Get out of my way! When I cut down all the enemy generals, will they not retreat without fighting? "

Although Zhou Dong said so, but the several vice generals just hesitated for a moment, or refused to let go. I'm kidding. It's the post Qin army that conquers the southern countries! If it was so easy to be repulsed, how could the army of Yan be forced into this Tianyang city in such a short time. Of course, the adjutants did not dare to say these words, but only tried to persuade them: "general! The general's martial arts are naturally not afraid of anyone's challenge, but if the other side is just deceiving the general to go out, the result is that after the general goes out, they will attack in groups! Although the general is brave, but after all, there is only one person. There will be a time when there will be few and outnumbered! General Wan Wang, think twice! "

Zhou Dong didn't think about what these vice generals said before. They were stunned. They thought that there was some truth in this. What if the post Qin troops outside the city didn't follow the rules? When Zhou Dong hesitated, Cheng Hu outside the city suddenly called out: "Zhou Dong! If you dare not come out, it doesn't matter! But in the future, you'd better not wear this armor, or put on a set of women's clothes! Because you are a motherless girl

Suddenly, the soldiers and soldiers of the two armies on and off the city listened, and they were all in a cold sweat. It's too poisonous for Cheng Hu to speak. If Dong can bear it all this week, it's really practicing the turtle shell skill. Sure enough, Zhou Dong, who was still hesitant, was completely angry. Even when he reached out and pushed the Deputy generals in front of him, he rushed down the city. At the moment, the Deputy generals were pale and looked at each other with a bitter smile. At least, Zhou Dongcheng's deputy couldn't change his mind.

Outside the city, Cheng Hu had to shout again, but when he saw the gate creak, he opened it. Zhou Dong, with a group of Yan soldiers, filed out from the gate. Zhao brothers at the moment are a bit silly, this tiger so scolded two, the other side to scold out, this is too strong some?

Zhao Yong immediately said to Cheng Hu, "brother Cheng! Why don't we order to rush forward now and kill Zhou Dong's rude man! Isn't the South Gate going to break through without attack? "

Cheng Hu was a little surprised. He took a look at Zhao Yong. He didn't expect that the Zhao brothers, who always advocated fighting and killing, had come up with such an idea at the moment. However, Cheng Hu shook his head, denied Zhao Yong's idea, and said, "there is no need for such trouble! The Yan army has been frightened by the momentum of our army, and has no fighting spirit at all! So the focus of this war is still on Zhou Dong! As long as you take Zhou Dong, the south gate will be much easier to fight! If we rush up blindly, we may scare Zhou Dong back! Although Zhou Dong was impulsive, he was definitely not a fool. If he was scared back this time, it would not be so easy to cheat him out next time! "

After that, Cheng Hu looked at the Zhao brothers and said with a smile, "so, the next battle depends on you two! Be sure to take Zhou Dong down! Whether we can win the first prize of breaking the city depends on your performanceThe two brothers looked at each other and showed a high sense of war. Zhao Meng immediately hugged Cheng Hu and said, "brother Cheng! Don't worry! There's no need for my big brother! I can take that guy down by myself After saying that, Zhao Meng ran forward and rushed out. Zhao Yong saw that he was willing to fall behind his brother and immediately followed him.

Looking at the two brothers of Zhao family rushed out, Cheng Hu just smile, but did not worry about Zhao brothers at all. Although Zhou Dong was a little famous, his skill would not be too high. Although Zhao Xun's brothers have been fighting together for more than two years, they have become more powerful than the ordinary soldiers.

Although Zhao Meng just said that he was on his own, but Zhao Yong was watching by the side, presumably Zhao Yong would not look at Zhao Meng out of any danger. What Cheng Hu has to consider now is how to prevent Zhou Dong from escaping after the defeat in the war. Thinking about this problem, Cheng Hu's eyes flashed a flash of light. He called a soldier behind him and said a few words in his ear. Then he asked the soldiers to act according to their own orders.

In front of him, Zhao Meng rushed directly to the front of Zhou Dong's military array. He pointed at Zhou Dong and others with his big knife in his hand and said, "which is Zhou Dong? Come out and die

Cheng Hu had already been scolded by Cheng Hu, but now he saw Zhao Meng rush to his face in such a arrogant way. Even if Zhou dongdang was so angry that he clapped his horse, he rushed to Zhao Meng. The crash of the long handled sword in his hand was to chop Zhao Meng head-on.

Zhao Meng would not be afraid of him. Even if he was carrying a broadsword, he met him. The big knife in his hand did not have any flowers. He cleverly chopped on the blade of the long handled broadsword. All of a sudden, the two knives collide together, making a crisp sound, and countless sparks burst out from the edge of the double knives. After this move, the two swords bounced back to the back at the same time. In the first round, they fought a tie!

Zhao Meng immediately turned around, twisted his upper body, and slashed at the waist of Zhou Dong with a knife. The sound of the blade breaking through the air was very loud. When Zhou Dong saw it, he was not willing to show his weakness. Even when he raised the long handle, he blocked the opponent's broadsword, and then he hit Zhao Meng's head again with a backhand knife. It seemed that he was determined to open Zhao Meng's head.

Zhao Meng's broadsword was stopped by Zhou Dong, and he couldn't get back to block Zhou Dong's attack. However, Zhao Meng didn't have no way. He turned over from the side of the horse's back. At the same time, Zhao Meng's hand holding the big knife was suddenly released, and his other foot kicked at the handle at the same time. The sword was kicked directly by Zhao Meng and flew towards Zhou Dong's front door.

Zhou Dong was startled by the sudden knife. He quickly deflected his head to the side, which narrowly avoided the knife. However, the blade left a bloodstain on Zhoudong's cheek. Almost, Zhou Dong's ear was about to be cut off by this knife. On the contrary, Zhao Meng lost his saber and fell off his horse. He lost the battle. However, Zhao Meng just turned around the horse's stomach, but he turned over the horse's back again from the other side, and there was a big knife in his hand.

It turns out that when Zhao Meng followed Li Yuanhe to raid the Liao army barracks last time, he cut down several knives, which were taken from the Liao soldiers temporarily. It's just that the machetes used by the Liao soldiers were not easy to use. Therefore, he developed a habit later, that is, he put several broadswords on his saddle in case of unexpected need. Today, it is just in use.

Zhao Yong, who was behind Zhao Meng, knew that Zhao Meng had this preparation. So after seeing Zhao Meng lose his weapon, it was the old God who was there. He also saw that Zhou Dong's ability was similar to that of their brothers. Even if Zhao Meng couldn't take him down, he would not easily lose to the other party. So Zhao Yong simply waited in the back. When Zhao Meng couldn't support him, he would help again!