Under the city wall, Zhao Meng and Zhou Dong are fighting each other, and their skills are not much different. They are fighting each other. Although Zhou Dong was a little more powerful than Zhao Meng, Zhou Dong seldom went out to battle after he followed Yu ruochai. Most of them were protecting Yu ruochai as a guard general. Zhao Meng has experienced so many battles of life and death since he joined the army with Li Yuanhe three years ago. His fighting experience is much better than that of Zhou Dong. So he is going to fight hard, but Zhou Dong can't get much advantage.

Zhao Meng and Zhou Dong had a hot fight there, but they made the adjuncts who followed Zhou Dong out with terror. Originally, they didn't want to come out, but if there was no Zhou Dong, they would not be able to defend the south gate. They might as well follow Zhou Dong out and rescue them at any time.

However, looking at the other side, it seems that they really intend to have a one-on-one fight with Zhou Dong. Even the general who came after him just stayed there and watched, and did not mean to join hands. Seeing this, the aides were relieved. Seeing that Zhou Dong and the enemy generals could not do anything for a while, one of them turned his mind and made an idea.

The deputy general took advantage of the other party's inattention, and secretly drew back. However, he asked the Yan soldiers behind him for an iron bow and arrow. With the body of several colleagues in front of him as a cover, he bent his bow and took an arrow, but he aimed at the enemy general who was fighting with Zhou Dong. However, a grim smile appeared on his face. He could already foresee that if he shot the enemy general, he would not have made great achievements! At the thought of countless rewards, the pair will be excited, even if it is a release, the arrow will be shot.

With the sound of the arrow shooting out of the sky, Zhao Yong, who had been sitting behind him, immediately found the arrow that had been shot out of the air. He angrily exclaimed, "how dare a thief shoot a cold arrow!" Immediately, Zhao Yong was ready to rescue Zhao Meng.

And with Zhao Yong's prompt, Zhao Meng also found the cold arrow of the sneak attack, and now he was also frightened out of a cold sweat. Zhao Meng immediately turned to be a flank, but faced with Zhou Dong's broadsword in front of him. Zhao Meng had to throw out his weapon again. However, his body did not keep balance, so he fell off his horse after a somersault.

At this time, Zhao Dong was so angry that he didn't want to throw his arrows at you! Don't you think I can't kill him alone! Asshole

Seeing that Zhou Dong didn't take advantage of others' danger, Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng were both in a daze for a while. However, Zhao Yong quickly arrived at Zhao Meng's side and bent over to pull Zhao Meng up. Although Zhao Meng fell off his horse, he was not hurt. Even when he pulled out his spare broadsword from his saddle and climbed onto the horse again, he was angry on his face and said, "shameless villain!"

was so scolded by Zhao Meng, Zhou Dong was also unable to get Lao Tzu a red face. But he occupied the reason. He could not speak and refute. Even when he was angry and angry, he brought up the sword and chopped it to Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng two people. He cut and shouted, "Lao Tzu is winning the same for two of you."

"Hum!" Zhao Yong snorted coldly. He just shrunk back to avoid Zhou Dong's knife. However, Zhao Meng was not polite to him. He was so infuriated by the sneak attack. Even if he drank a lot, he fought with Zhou Dong, and the two fought together. But Zhao Yong took a few steps back, hesitating whether to join the battle group.

Suddenly from behind came Cheng Hu's cry: "Zhao Yong! Look! The general's side has already attacked the head of the city

Zhao Yong was busy looking to the East. Sure enough, the east wall of Tianyang city began to emit thick smoke. Although he could not see what was going on there, he thought that the fire must have spread to the head of the city. Zhao Yong of course understood the meaning of Cheng Hu's words. If he delayed further, he was afraid that the first achievement of the broken city would not come to them. Immediately, Zhao Yong bit his teeth and rushed into the battle group with his broadsword, and launched an attack against Zhou Dong with Zhao Meng.

"Don't deceive the less with more!" Seeing Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng besieging Zhou Dong, the several aides were startled and roared forward. Although Zhou Dong had just said that he would take one enemy and two enemies, he could see from a glance that Zhou Dong was definitely not the opponent of the two enemies and generals. He yelled and clapped his horse to help Zhou Dong.

At this moment, the tiger's mouth is tilted slightly! At that time, Cheng Hu pulled out his big knife from his waist and cried out: "all the troops are attacking! Take the gate

With Cheng Hu's voice, all the officers and men of the Qin army behind Cheng Hu all put up their weapons and rushed to the gate with Cheng Hu. At the same time, on the left and right sides of the gate, countless black armored soldiers suddenly appeared, surrounded by the Yan army at the gate together with the army behind Cheng Hu. It turned out that when Zhao Yong and Zhao rushed to fight against Zhou Dong, Cheng Hu had specially arranged for his officers to take two men and horses around the left and right walls respectively. The Yan troops on the head of the city were all attracted by the rivalry between Zhou Dong and Zhao's brothers, and they didn't find this strange situation at all.

Now those Yan army's deputy generals take the initiative to launch the attack. Cheng Hu sees that both the left and right sides of the army are already in place. Naturally, they also launched the attack in accordance with the situation. In this way, even if we can't wipe out all the Deputy generals and Yan soldiers, we can at least surround Zhou Dong. As long as you take Zhou Dong, the south gate is naturally captured!Seeing this situation, those vice generals and Yan soldiers were scared to death. They could not care to save Zhou Dong. They turned around and ran to the gate of the city. As for Zhou Dong, even if he wanted to escape at the moment, he could be entangled by Zhao brothers. Even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't escape. Originally, a Zhao Meng was no inferior to him. Now, with a Zhao Yong and a deep understanding between the Zhao brothers, it is not the effect of one plus one if they join hands.

In the twinkling of an eye, Zhou Dong changed from equal share to one-sided hard support, and this situation did not last long. We saw Zhao Meng cut off the sword, forcing Zhou Dong to lift the knife block, but Zhao Yong took the opportunity to cut off Zhou Dong's arm. As soon as Zhou Dong was in pain, his whole body leaned to the side. Zhao Meng didn't feel soft at all. He cut off Zhou Dong's head with a knife. Even if Zhou Dong was dying, his eyes were staring at him. It can be said that he was dying with his eyes closed!

A knife cut Zhou Dong, that Zhao Meng but can't help but a Leng, immediately is annoyed to pat the forehead, said: "bad! He killed this guy in a hurry! I don't know if the general wants to live! "

Zhao Yong, however, vigorously waved a knife, looked at the attack of the Qin army around him and said with a smile: "it doesn't matter! This week, Dong is very loyal to Yu ruochai and can't surrender! Even if you kill him, it doesn't make any difference. The general won't say anything more! Let's rush into the city with the army After all, the Yanjun soldiers who had not yet had time to escape into the city gate unconsciously looked back and saw Zhou Dong's head cut off. At the moment, his face was pale with fear. If he lost his weapons, he fled to the gate of the city. He also called out: "general Zhou is dead! General Zhou is dead! "

Those soldiers of Yan army gave Cheng Hu a big help. The soldiers of Yan army at the south gate and the head of the city lost their fighting spirit completely, just like they were infected. They all left their weapons and began to flee. How could they care to close the gate! When Cheng Hu saw it, he couldn't let go of this opportunity. When he mentioned the troops, he rushed into the gate of the city. Even if there were still some Yan soldiers who fought in a desperate position, they couldn't resist the fierce soldiers of the Qin army.

This south gate is taken down!

After the capture of the gate, Cheng Hu didn't rush into the city. Instead, he set out to control the gate completely. However, he remembered that Li Yuanhe's task was not to let Yu ruochai escape in disorder! As long as the gate is completely controlled, Yu ruochai, no matter how cunning, will never escape from the south gate.

And just when Chenghu had just finished the gate, Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng came to the gate of the city and said, "brother Cheng! Dong has been cut off by our brother this week After that, Zhao Meng was to pass Zhou Dong's bloody head to Cheng Hu.

At any rate, Cheng Hu has also experienced a lot of tragic scenes. Otherwise, Zhao Meng's action will scare many people to death. Cheng Hu had already known that Zhou Dong had been beheaded before, so he was not very surprised. He just gave a smile and said, "you should take this head. When you ask the general for credit, there is also a certificate, isn't it?"

Ha ha, a smile, that Zhao Meng also did not mind that the head seeps flustered, is to hang the head on the saddle directly. Zhao Yong asked anxiously, "brother Cheng! Is this the first time we've got the broken city? " Zhao Yong finally decided to join hands with Zhao Meng to kill Zhou Dong. It was also in order to win the first prize of this broken city. Now the city is broken. Of course, he cares about this matter. Not only he, but also Zhao Meng also looks up at Cheng Hu expectantly.

Cheng Hu turned his head and looked at the east gate of Tianyang city. Then he said, "it's hard to say. But I don't think the battle has ended. I think the general hasn't completely broken the gate yet! Since even the general has not broken the gate, the other two gates should not be so fast! It seems that we have got the first merit of this broken city At the same time, Cheng Hu's face also showed joy. After all, it was a great achievement. As a general, what attracted them more than achievements!