Lao Qi is good at fighting with four hands. He may still be invincible in the face of two assassins in black. However, he can't cope with the two assassins in black. On the other hand, Dong Huang and Lao Jiu are the assassins in black. Now both sides are fighting for patience. If either side fails to endure, the only one who meets them is death.

But now it seems that the black assassin on Lao Jiu's side who made Emei stab a bit untenable. Although Lao Jiu's skill is not as good as that of Lao Qi, he is also a member of Dong Zhuo's and Dong min's family masters. Lao Jiu's spear in his hand stabbed the assassin in black like thunder. The assassin in black had no time to block him with the Emei stab in his hand. He only flashed over his body, but did not completely dodge. The sharp head of the gun made a big cut in his arm.

The assassin in black was frightened by Lao Jiu's shot and was in a cold sweat. He even stepped back several steps and directly stepped out of the carriage. He roared at several people who were fighting with Lao Qi not far behind: "hurry up! I can't carry it! "

When the assassin in black who made the sword heard it, he was also worried. However, the seven in front of him also heard the cry of the assassin in black. The ghost knife in his hand made him more stable, but he didn't give them any chance to take advantage of.

Seeing that Lao Qi once again escaped the killing of the three men, the assassin in black of the sword could not wait any longer. He took up the sword in his hand, gave a big drink, and flew to Lao Qi, who had just forced back the assassin in black with axe. This kind of joint attack technique has been handled much more. Lao Qi also seems to be able to handle it. He turns around and holds up the ghost head knife to block the sword.

All of a sudden, Lao Qi, who had just blocked his sword back, felt a slight stabbing pain in his stomach, as if bitten by a mosquito. Then he felt a numbness in his stomach, and the numbness extended to his whole body very quickly.

"You Old seven looked at the assassin who made the sword in surprise, but saw that there was a blade on the black boot on the other side's foot, and there was a little blood stain on the front end of the blade. Lao Qi immediately understood that the other side was resisting his long sword when he ejected the blade and ordered it on his stomach. The wound on his stomach was numb and itchy now, and the blade was obviously smeared with poison.

"Ah Seven in the other side of the Yin move, that is angry, he would raise the ghost knife to kill the villain who plotted against himself, but helpless toxin has spread all over the body, seven can't even move a finger now.

How could the assassin in black, who made the axe behind him, let go of such a good opportunity. He held up his axe and rushed to the back of Lao Qi and chopped him down. If old seven is not poisoned now, the other party's simple moves can't hurt him in any case, but now he can't move. He can only feel the axe cut into his shoulder and cut his body. Pitiful this martial arts high-level loyal old soldier, so died in the other side's plot.

The assassin in black who made the sword said to the two companions, "let's go and help the boss deal with Dong Huang now!"

The assassin in black of the axe wiped the blood of old seven on his face and asked, "a liar! Why don't you help him? "

Yan Laoqian glared at him and did not speak. He ran directly to Dong Huang and stabbed with his sword. The whip's companion was still confused and immediately explained: "you pig head! I don't know. He San was only a temporary member of us, not a member of our gang. No matter whether he is alive or dead, if we lose one of them, we will lose one cent. " Then, regardless of whether the other side understood or not, he whipped up his whip and rushed to Dong Huang to help.

The assassin in black who made the axe was not a fool. When his companion said this, he didn't understand. Some of the gangsters were merciless. He immediately raised the axe and killed Dong Huang.

As for Lao Jiu, he San was forced back by a shot, but he saw with his own eyes that Lao Qi was split into two sections by the opponent's axe, and his eyes became red. He raised his spear and quickly stabbed the enemy in front of him. He Santou had been defeated by Lao Jiu, but now how can he stand up to Lao Jiu's hateful move? He was stabbed with several transparent holes in his body, his whole body was bleeding like a stream, and he knelt down directly on the ground. How could Lao Jiu let him go? The spear in his hand stabbed he San tou's throat like a poisonous snake spitting out a message. He San tou was killed directly.

Lao Jiu pulls out his spear from he Santou's body and looks up to see that Dong Huang has been besieged by the other side. In fact, Dong Huang's skill is similar to that of Lao Qi. Now that four people from the other side come to attack him, how can he stand up? In this moment, Dong Huang's body has been decorated with colors.

"Master!" As soon as Lao Jiu saw that Dong Huang was caught in the arm by the silver hook on the long whip, he immediately called out and raised his spear to support Dong Huang.

Dong Huang grabs the whip with one hand, and directly drinks. He pulls the assassin who makes the whip. He lets the other people's daggers stab him in the back. The big knife in his hand looks directly at the head of the whip assassin, and immediately cuts the opponent in two. Turning his head to Lao Jiu, he said angrily, "don't come here! Take the lady with you

Hearing Dong Huang's order, Lao Jiu stopped subconsciously, but he refused to go. He called out again, "master!"Dong Huang is now a bloody man. He turns around and forces back the enemy behind him. He yells again: "go! Obey orders! Come on

Lao Jiu had no choice but to turn around and jump into the carriage. At this time, Dong Bai, who had been hiding in the carriage, also ran out of the carriage. The white gauze mask on his head was also removed, showing a beautiful face, but his eyes were already a little red and swollen. Lao Jiu stops Dong Bai in a hurry and doesn't let her rush in. Dong Bai is no match for Lao Jiu in terms of strength. He has to cry and cry in a hoarse voice: "uncle! Uncle With tears in his eyes, Lao Jiu forced Dong Bai into the carriage, closed the door, pulled the reins, and rushed directly to the official road.

However, those assassins here are helpless. They just let Dong Huang kill one person. Now there are only three of them left, but they can't stop Dong Huang and Lao Jiu at the same time. Comparing the value of the two, the assassins have to give priority to Dong Huang, and release Lao Jiu and Dong Bai.

Seeing the carriage go further and further, a smile suddenly appeared on Dong Huang's bloody and ferocious face. In his eyes, it seemed that the little girl with a pigtail appeared in his eyes, and he was also crying with milk: "uncle! Uncle

At this moment, Dong Huang suddenly raised infinite strength from his chest again, drank at the remaining three assassins, held up his big knife in his hand, and rushed up again.

On the official road less than 80 Li to the south of Lingbi City, a group of five Knights was speeding towards Lingbi city. The first one was not others, but the second official disciple of Chen Ren, Sun Jian's third son Sun Yi!

It's been nearly nine years since Sun Yi officially joined Chen Ren's family to learn how to shoot. Now Sun Yi has grown up into a big boy. In appearance, he inherits the fine blood of Sun Jian and the great Wu family. He is more beautiful than the little white faced sun CE. It's just that Sun Yi has been studying gun art all these years. He has no heart to talk about love. However, he worries the Wu family to death. In this way, Sun Yi's martial arts skills can be said to be improved by leaps and bounds. In addition, his senior brother he song is now married and has children. Now Sun Yi is vaguely the first master of the younger generation in Jianye city. Sun Yi, however, worked hard to get to Xuzhou from Jianye City, for nothing else but to bring back his troublesome younger brother Chen Yang and his nephew Lu Xun, who was abducted and run away by Chen Yang.

Speaking of it, since Chen Ren found that Chen Yang broke the vase and ran away with Lu Xun, Chen Ren immediately guessed that his precious son must have gone to Xuzhou. Originally, I didn't intend to take care of him. Anyway, there was Bao Bao watching in Xuzhou. The two little kids couldn't make any trouble. Besides, Chen Yang is 15 or 16 years old. It's time to go out and have a look.

However, a few days later, Chen Ren changed his mind by intelligence from the snake ministry. According to the secret report of the snake department, several northern killers sneaked into Xuzhou. Although he didn't know the other party's intention, Chen Ren sent Sun Yi out and asked him to catch Chen Yang, the troublemaker, back. Don't let anything happen to him.

Sun Yi can't help but get a headache when he thinks of his younger brother. Chen Yang's ability to make trouble is too strong. No wonder his second brother, Sun Quan, is so scared that he won't go back to Jianye. He has to stay in Changsha. Sun Yi doesn't know whether he can get Chen Yang back this time. If he can't, he will take Lu Xun back first, and then watch Chen Yang himself. Don't let those killers hurt Chen Yang. After arriving in Pengcheng, it is also a way for Bao Bao to take Chen Yang back.

Sun Yi was trying to find a way out. A knight behind him suddenly called out: "third young master! Look ahead

Hearing the cry of the knight, Sun Yi raised his head and saw a carriage lying on the official road not far ahead. Beside the carriage, four men were fighting, while a woman in white was cowering behind the overturned carriage, looking at the men in horror.

But the four men who are fighting are three men in black with various weapons in their hands, attacking a strong man with a long gun. In the face of the siege of the other three people, although the strong man has been all over the body, but still has a certain degree of retreat, quite a knack for shooting.