However, after all, the strong man was one against three, and some were outnumbered. After a while, he added a few more wounds to his body. Although he didn't know who the other party was, Sun Yi admired the strong man's courage of being outnumbered. He immediately swung his horse whip, accelerated the speed of his mount and drove to the other side.

Maybe they heard the sound of the horse's hooves. The three men in black were going to kill him by taking advantage of the buoyancy at the foot of the strong man. However, he raised his head and looked at Sun Yi. When he saw such a group of people coming, he couldn't help but change his face.

Although the horse on which Sun Yi sits is not as good as Chen Ren's dark clouds and snow treading, it is also a top-quality BMW. With the stupefied efforts of the three men in black, Sun Yi has already arrived at the carriage. At the pull of the reins, the horse's hooves rose high. Sun Yi glances at the woman hiding behind the carriage. Although the woman's appearance is very beautiful, Sun Yi, who is devoted to martial arts, has no interest at all. Sun Yi took out a long gun from the horse's back, pointed at the four people in front of him and said, "who are you? Why are you fighting here

The three men in black looked at each other. The man in black with the dagger winked at the one who made the axe. Then he and the man in black with the sword jumped at the strong man again. The strong man's legs began to tremble because he lost too much blood. The man in black, who made the axe, took the axe and killed Sun Yi.

Sun Yi's mouth was slightly tinged with a sneer, and his eyes were even more cold. He watched the man in black jump into the air with an axe in his hand, and cut Sun Yi's head with his axe high. He saw Sun Yi with one hand on the horse's back. The whole man turned into a silver light and shot at the man in black in the air. The next moment, there was a shower of blood in the air. Sun Yi fell steadily between the two men in black and the strong man in front. Then, the man in black who made the axe fell from the air and hit the ground directly. His eyes were wide open, and there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes. The axe in his hand had been thrown aside. His hands were dead covering his throat, but he could not cover the blood flowing out of his mouth.

Second kill!

All the people present, even the woman, stared at the silver armored general in front of him. At this time, four of Sun Yi's subordinates have already caught up with him. Without sun Yi's command, they have already surrounded the place. The two men in Black feel bad and want to escape.

"My Lord! We're all in the business of the river and the lake. Please don't interfere The man in black with the dagger immediately saw that the young general was extremely powerful. Even the four knights were not inferior to the strong man. They could not be defeated by their skills.

"Hum! What's going on in the world? " Sun Yicai doesn't believe the ghost story of the man in black. The armor he wears is the style of the regular army of the eastern Wu Kingdom. The man in black can't be unaware of it. Seeing Sun Yi appear, I dare to fight him. It can be seen that the man in black and the strong man are absolutely nothing in the world! I'm afraid that I saw people from the army before and wanted to kill people. But when I saw that I was so powerful, I changed my mouth! Sun Yi stared at the two men in black and asked, "which way are you from? What business are you doing here?"

The two men in black were stunned. Of course, they could understand that it was slang in the lake and the problem was that they didn't understand what it meant. The people in this era are not as prosperous as those in the later song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the chivalrous people in various regions are only limited to their own areas. These two men in black are indeed chivalrous men in the world, but they have been in Jizhou all year round. How can they understand Sun Yi's slang in other areas? If they answer wrong, they will be exposed immediately?

Sun Yi stares at the two men and waits for their answers. No matter how the other person answers, Sun Yi will immediately know where the men in black came from. This is not Sun Yi in Mongolia, and this skill is not taught by his master Chen Ren. What's more, his uncle Wang Yue, Chen Ren's martial uncle, taught him. In addition to being a swordsman teacher of the Han Dynasty, Wang Yue also has another identity, that is, the Ranger with the highest martial arts skills in the world!

Wang Yue left Xianmen and wandered in the world after he failed in the martial arts contest with Tong Yuan. With his superb martial arts, Wang Yue broke out a well-known reputation. The underworld in all parts of the world was once led by Wang Yue. However, Wang Yue was determined to become an official, so he did not become the first Wulin alliance leader in Chinese history.

Nevertheless, Wang Yue in contact with Rangers around the process, but also know the slang and incision. A few years ago, Wang Yue finally abandoned his previous suspicion and came to Jianye to find Tong Yuan. He happened to meet Sun Yi, who was seeking advice from Tong Yuan. However, Wang Yue got along with this diligent little apprentice. After a few days of contact, he not only instructed Sun Yi in martial arts, but also told him about his journey to the world. By the way, he also taught Sun Yi these slang and incisions.

Looking at the two people who didn't answer, Sun Yi's heart had a bottom. His eyes flashed with cold light. He drank and asked, "where do you come from? What's your intention to come to Dongwu? It's not true! "

Sun Yi suddenly nods at Sun Yi's two men, one of whom is a dagger.Sun Yi sneers coldly. Although this makes the Dagger's skill much better than that of the axe holder just now, it's too much worse to compare with him! Sun Yi didn't even bother to mention the gun. Seeing a flaw, Sun Yi flew straight up and kicked the man in black in the abdomen from bottom to top, and kicked him into the air. The man in black vomited a mouthful of blood in the air, and could not hold the dagger in his hand. When he turned his head, he saw that the companion who had agreed to follow him had disappeared. But the man in black who used the sword turned to a knight, forced him away with a sword and ran outside.

The man in black fell heavily on the ground, looking at the figure of his companion, his eyes were full of hate. How could he not understand that his companion used him as a victim in exchange for his chance to escape. Sun Yi doesn't worry at all when he sees the man in black who makes the sword escape. Seeing the dagger fall in the air, Sun Yi flies up again and kicks it accurately. The dagger, like a long eye, quickly stabbed at the man in black who had run seven or eight feet away.

The man in black screamed, and the dagger hit his vest accurately. The man in black fell to the ground immediately, and there was no movement after a convulsion. But the owner of the dagger was lying on the ground looking at it. After a glimmer of pleasure in his eyes, his head was crooked and he did not get angry.

The strong man behind Sun Yi died when he saw his opponent's Kung Fu for a while. The whole man relaxed, his legs softened and he fell to the ground. The woman who had been hiding behind the carriage immediately ran to the strong man and called: "nine! Nine! What's the matter with you? "

Sun Yi turns his head and sees a trace of pity in his eyes. It is obvious that the strong man was seriously injured and consumed too much before. He was just holding on with his spirit. Now there is no hope of salvation. Sure enough, the strong man's face became more and more pale. He looked up at the woman who had already hit pear blossom with rain and said, "little, miss, old nine, old nine is useless, no, no, can't continue, continue to protect miss! Please take care of it, miss After finishing the last two words, the strong man's head was crooked, and finally he was out of breath.

The woman threw herself on the strong man and began to cry. Sun Yi frowned, but it's a little difficult to do now. How to deal with this woman? Sun Yi didn't bring any more people around this time. If one or two people were assigned to take care of this woman, Sun Yi's task would not be completed.

With a sigh, Sun Yi frowned and said to the woman, "this girl, please be patient! I don't know if the girl has any relatives? I can ask my men to send the girl

The woman cried for a long time, and finally stopped crying. She slowly raised her head and showed her beautiful face, but her eyes were swollen like walnuts, which made people feel sad. The woman said helplessly: "the little girl has no family, and Jiu is the last servant of the little girl. Now she has no one to rely on in this world." Speaking of this, the woman also wanted to be sad, but she couldn't help crying. Fortunately, she was only crying silently this time. Otherwise, the cry would drive Sun Yi crazy.

It can only be said that now Sun Yi is a martial arts maniac. His four subordinates have been dazzled by the beautiful appearance of the woman, and even one of them is still drooling with his mouth open. But now Sun Yi has only one idea: trouble! It's a big problem that he can't finish his task well! Fortunately, Sun Yi has been taught by Chen Ren since childhood, but he has not been able to do that kind of thing.

Sun Yi sighed again and said to the woman, "girl! We have something to go to Pengcheng this time. If the girl doesn't mind, we'd better go to Pengcheng with us. And I have some friends in Pengcheng. I'll ask my friends to arrange a place for the girl. I wonder if she would like to go or not? " In Sun Yi's opinion, this is already the best solution. Anyway, there is not much distance from Pengcheng, so it will not take much time to take this woman with her. When she arrives in Pengcheng, she will be handed over to Bao Bao Bao to solve the problem.

The woman had no other way, but said to Sun Yi Yifu, "I'll follow the arrangement of the military master!"