CH 4

Name:Thriller Tour Group Author:
Ch4 - As long as I kneel fast enough

“Don’t fall behind.”

After putting on his raincoat, Wei Xun took the lead in getting out of the bus and took on the role of a tour guide.

He was indifferent to the supplementary rules that allowed him to obtain points quickly.

Although tour guides couldn’t kill people on their own initiative, there were many ways to cause tourists to “accidentally” die during this dangerous tour. Wei Xun recalled that when Lin Xi collapsed, he had said, “III-9 will slaughter everyone in the tour group.” 

The death of the tourists would certainly be something good for the tour guide, as the supplementary rules applied to anyone who was a tour guide.

However, the easier something was to obtain, the more likely it was to be a poisonous bait filled with malice. Wei Xun remembered the words of ***, the customer service crew member with a nice-sounding voice:

[Please be sure to protect the tourists]

If Wei Xun had to be honest, he was puzzled. Why should the tour guide protect the tourists? Then, who would protect the tour guide?

There were several tourists, but he was the only tour guide. What if the tourists killed him? Was there no tour guide protection rule implemented by this damned Travel Services?

Tour guides were too pitiful!

Seven men and a woman stood under the dense rain, watching the bus leave.

They were at the foot of a large green mountain, where the thin rain had formed a vast white mist. The path wound up, and with a mere glance, one wouldn’t be able to see its end. The lead-gray sky was covered with thick clouds, and its appearance would cause one to feel breathless. 

Everyone felt this way until the bright red tour guide flag was raised, and the strong and bright color dispersed the gloominess.

[Tour Guide’s Flag (Silver-rank Five-stars): The bright red guide flag allows tourists to quickly identify their tour guide. An experienced tour guide can lead his tourists to gather as a tour group under any circumstances.]

“Let’s depart.”

The tourists immediately stood according to the order of their family units and followed Wei Xun honestly. No one rushed into the mountains like a fool. 

The depressed tour guide Wei Xun looked at the time. It was 3:30 in the afternoon.

They had to arrive at the destination before six o’clock, so they had two and a half hours to climb up the mountains. That should be ample time.

An hour later, the group, dressed in colorful disposable raincoats, was still struggling not far from the foot of the mountain.

At most, they had only climbed up a quarter of the distance. 

“There are many mountains in Xiangxi. Right now, we are climbing Wuluo mountain, the third peak of Lianhua mountain. Look, doesn’t this mountain look like a big Wuluo? It is said that after crossing Wuluo mountain, we will reach the mysterious and primitive cordoned-off village. The villagers have guarded the tomb of the previous generations of Tusi kings for generations. Therefore, Cordoned-off Village is also called “Tomb Village”—–”

[Tour Guide’s Mic (Silver-rank Five-stars): An improvised tour guide’s mic so tourists can hear what the tour guide says at any time. An experienced tour guide would not say anything incorrect with it]

With the blessing of the Tour Guide’s Mic, Wei Xun’s voice became steadier and clearer. This allowed him to not make a fool out of himself and act as a very professional tour guide!

Everything was fine, except that his walking pace was getting increasingly slower. 

Wei Xun was still wearing a pair of soft-soled indoor shoes, which had been soaked in the cold, muddy water on the mountain road. It was difficult for him to bear with it, but it was also challenging to walk on the mossy and rainy mountain road.

Lbkfnfg, la kjrc’a atf rjwf obg atf abeglrar. Ktfs kfgf jii kfjglcu kjafgqgbbo milwylcu rtbfr jcv tbivlcu bcab milwylcu ralmxr. Ktfs bkcfv atf wbra relajyif fdelqwfca obg agjnfilcu jcv milwylcu. Zbgfbnfg, atflg qtsrlmji ragfcuat kjr jirb reqfglbg ab tlr. Snfc Olc Wl, ktb rffwfv ab yf atf kfjxfra, kjr ygfjatlcu nfgs rwbbatis, jcv tf yjgfis qjcafv jr tf milwyfv atf wbecajlc.

However, Wei Xun was now so weak that he wanted to gasp for breath!

Although he was able to run and move now, his illness had not been cured. His internal organs failing had made Wei Xun weaker than ordinary people. Climbing on rainy days was too much for him. 

Wei Xun tried to advance at a faster pace. However, a strange feeling soon arose in his heart, and the countdown to death also decreased rapidly——It was not uniform but changed according to Wei Xun’s physical condition.

The worse his situation, the faster the countdown to death.

Based on the current climbing speed of the tourists, after arriving at the destination, Wei Xun’s countdown to death and physical condition would have fallen to a dangerous level. It may even be difficult for him to stand.

Wei Xun had to slow down. 

All seemed tranquil as the rain fell in the mountains, but in fact, danger lurked around every corner. Wei Xun could feel that his brooch had been heating up since he entered the mountain, and now, the brooch was getting increasingly hot.

[Tour Guide’s Brooch (Silver-rank Five-stars): Additional function——”Having faith in science”]

[By having faith in science, you can keep your tour group from facing the danger brought about by the supernatural——but at the extreme end of science is metaphysics. When the brooch gets hotter, maybe you should start to believe something else]

Tour Guide’s Flag, Tour Guide’s Mic, and Tour Guide’s Brooch were all exclusive items to a tour guide, and the level of these props were the same rank as III-9. Tour Guide’s Brooch was the proof of the contract between the tour guide and the Travel Services. In different types of tours, the random additional functions of the brooch would be different. 

The additional function of “having faith in science” indicated that they would be facing a lot of threats from supernatural beings in this tour, and the dangers wouldn’t be far from them. Wei Xun feared that his sudden decrease in physical strength was also related to his constant use of the brooch.

Wei Xun couldn’t allow himself to fall into the situation of losing his strength during a dangerous level tour, especially when facing tourists he couldn’t distinguish as friends or enemies.

What should he do next?

Wei Xun thought, should he choose to take the shorter but more dangerous mountain road? 


After the group got off the bus, the livestream began.

After Wei Xun wore the temporary title of “III-9,” his livestream also showed his identity as [Tour Guide III-9, Intoxicating Xiangxi, six days five nights tour live in Xiangxi].

There were many more people than he expected that had been selected by the Travel Services. Even though III-9 was just a Silver-rank Five-star tour guide, his special title and style still attracted many fans. 

When everyone saw that III-9 was livestreaming, the audience quickly swarmed into his room. Soon, the number of viewers in III-9’s room was about 2000, and because 100 viewers would convert to 1 point for him, the livestream brought Wei Xun 20 points.

[Ol’perverts, let’s gather here!]

[Welcome to III-9’s harem! Let’s take a look at the men and women on this tour…… Uh, everyone is so ugly. Only Lin Xi’s looks are barely passable.]

[I’ll be blunt. When will he start to distribute pornographic content? Hurry up. After he’s done distributing it, I’ll head to II-49’s livestream!] 

[What? A rank II tour guide is actually opening up their livestream? If so, who would stay to watch III-9’s livestream? Brothers, let’s charge over there!]

[Don’t blindly rush there, brothers. Look at the title before you decide. If I have to say, the quality of III-9’s tour is not necessarily worse than that of II-49!]

[Damn, this tour is part of the Intoxicating Xiangxi series tours? And it’s even a tour that emphasizes folklore??]

[What the fuck, the tour guides who chose Intoxicating Xiangxi previously were at least Gold-ranked tour guides!] 

[I’ve made a profit, made a profit! Gold-ranked tour guides don’t like to open their livestreams. Instead, after their tours end, they’ll edit it into a vlog and even charge money for it. This time, we can actually watch it for free!]

[This III-9 is so strong. For him to walk so slowly, it’s definitely because he’s facing great pressure!]

[But the tour guide is III-9… Hehe, I’m afraid that the tourists won’t last three days before the entire tour group’s extinguished.]

[I’ll bet that III-9 will kill everyone in the tour group within two days. I just feel pity for III-9’s tourists.] 

At Wuluo mountain, the rain got heavier and heavier.

The thin disposable raincoat couldn’t block all of the heavy rain, and Wei Xun was completely soaked. His unhealthy body began to shiver, and the rate at which the countdown to death was decreasing has reached 1.5 times the normal rate.

Because of this, Wei Xun couldn’t help but move slower and slower.

Why hadn’t the tourists protested yet? 

Wei Xun felt that it was very strange for them to not protest. With his current speed, they couldn’t reach their destination within the specified time. However, no one—absolutely no one at all—put forward any protests to Wei Xun!

He was prepared to be a thorn in their sides, but none of the tourists actually treated him as a thorn in their sides. Wei Xun occasionally turned back and found that the tourists were all looking around. The slower Wei Xun walked, the more nervous they became.

Gradually, the people who were stronger walked at the front, while the weaker ones walked closer to the rear. It was as though there was a “safety zone” around Wei Xun when they were nearer to Wei Xun’s position.

Lin Xi, who was the most “well-liked” by Wei Xun, was close behind Wei Xun, holding a knife as he glanced all around him. It seemed that there were some horrible monsters hidden in the dense green forest. 

It was truly not peaceful when they ascended the mountain road. Tour Guide’s Brooch was heating up the entire time, but this road was the safest way up the mountain!

There was another path that would allow them to reach the destination faster, but it was also more narrow and steep, and it could only accommodate one person horizontally.

Wei Xun had a premonition that if he chose that path, the power of Tour Guide’s Brooch would no longer be able to encapsulate the entire tour group, and the tour group would really suffer casualties.

It was cloudy in the forest, and the branches and leaves had been soaked with a rich dark green hue by the rain. It seemed that there was something behind the branches, spying on the tour group maliciously. 

With the Intoxicating Xiangxi series tours as a gimmick, III-9’s livestream attracted a larger audience.

[Intoxicating Xiangxi series tours? Wuluo Mountains, Little Dragon Farmstead? I have never heard of these scenic spots. Has a tour guide previously led a tour here?]

[No, the tours in the Intoxicating Xiangxi series tours are almost never repeated. This is estimated to be a new one]

[What the fuck, this is a rank III tour guide?? Someone of the III rank dared to lead a tour group to do an Intoxicating Xiangxi tour? They aren’t afraid that the whole tour group will be extinguished?!] 

[No, no, haven’t you noticed that there had been no casualties in this tour group until now? It’s incredible! This is the Intoxicating Xiangxi series, not an ordinary Xiangxi tour!]

[Yes! The neighboring livesteam’s II-49 is also livestreaming a tour from the Intoxicating Xiangxi series tours. In the first half an hour, someone had already died!]

[There should be an extremely small amount of time left in his countdown to death. He should probably have only a month left. If it was not for this, he wouldn’t be so strong in the tour]

[Sob, sob, sob, it’s rare to have a tour guide who is so considerate of tourists. This is a great tour guide. However, if you go on like this, you won’t even be able to get to the first scenic spot, will you] 

[……?? The best tour guide? III-9? Huh?]

[Why are there so many novices here? III-9 is not a good person. He is a slaughterer guide! He’s the only one who’s called a madman in the “III” rank. Just wait. Just slowly wait and see.]

[Hehe, some tourists will start dying because of an accident soon]

After another half an hour, the tour group had completed less than half of the trip. There was only an hour left now. Finally, the tourists began to worry. 

All of a sudden, the tour group became restless, and a man who was initially at the back of the tour group had managed to squeeze to the front moments ago.

Feeling someone approaching, Wei Xun stopped and turned to look at him.

Wei Xun remembered him. His name was Shi Tao. He had a blue title and had the lowest rank in the tour group.

[Athlete (Blue Title): As a former athlete, you have excellent physical strength and recovery ability!] 

Shi Tao was very strong. He had lean muscles, but they didn’t appear too cumbersome. His physical strength was good, but he lacked an arm and was disabled.


Wei Xun looked at him calmly with a smile, but in fact, he held onto a dagger secretly.

Even if Shi Tao was disabled, his size, muscles, and physique were not comparable to Lin Xi’s. Conservatively speaking, Shi Tao could kill three Wei Xun’s with one blow. 

Shi Tao stared at Wei Xun with gritted teeth and a fierce expression. His remaining right hand was clenched into a fist, and his muscles were tense. The other tourists watched the scene collectively, and no one spoke. For a moment, there was only the sound of rain.

What was Shi Tao going to do?

From the beginning to end, Wei Xun had always been on guard and never regarded the tourists as his companions. If he was a tourist, he would never want to hand his fate over to a stranger.

Wei Xun was born rebellious, so he would try his best to control the tour guide. 

Whether it was Tour Guide’s Brooch, Flag, or Mic, they would still work as long as the tour guide didn’t die. In fact, the tourists could control the tour guide, threatening and ordering him around, couldn’t they?

However, Wei Xun will never wait for his death or allow himself to fall into a position where he could be slaughtered by others. His body seemed relaxed, but in fact, his muscles were taut. As long as Shi Tao or the others had the intention to take action, he would——

“Please, please allow me to carry you!”

Shi Tao rushed to Wei Xun and knelt, causing a pool of muddy water to splash up. His voice was extremely loud. 

For a moment, Shi Tao’s voice echoed in the forest, and Wei Xun was stunned.

Seeing that he didn’t agree immediately, Shi Tao buried his head lower, almost pressing it into the muddy water, and quickly repeated his words. This time, he didn’t stutter, and he spoke fast and loudly.

“Please allow me to carry you!”

The author has something to say: 

Wei Xun: You guys probably can’t imagine that my countdown to death is only a day!

Shi Tao: As long as I kneel fast enough, I will not be the first to die!

The audience / the tourists: Damn it, it’s a miscalculation!

T/N: If you guys didn’t see the discord announcement, TOUR will be posted on every tues and thurs